See How Easy It Is to Build Landing Pages That Convert

published on 06 October 2023

Introduction: The Power of High-Converting Landing Pages

Landing pages are a crucial element of any effective online marketing strategy. Studies show that optimized landing pages can increase conversion rates by over 200% compared to sending traffic directly to a website's home page. Despite this, many businesses fail to dedicate enough time and resources into crafting dedicated landing pages that convert.

Without high-quality landing pages, companies miss out on countless leads and sales opportunities. Visitors arrive at poorly designed pages, get confused by cluttered layouts, and quickly hit the back button. This results in astronomical bounce rates topping 50-60% or higher.

Fortunately, a new generation of user-friendly landing page builders like Unicorn Platform has made creating customized, high-converting landing pages simple and straightforward even for non-technical users. With an intuitive drag and drop editor, anyone can quickly build landing pages that capture leads and drive conversions without any coding required.

Landing page platforms like Unicorn Platform provide hundreds of professionally designed templates optimized for conversions across various industries and niches. Users can easily customize colors, fonts, content blocks and more to match their brand. Powerful built-in integrations with email services, payment processors and CRMs enable creating fully functional landing pages tailored for lead gen, sales, webinars and more.

With the right landing page design software, small businesses and startups can level the playing field and create stunning landing pages that rival Fortune 500 companies. Read on to learn what makes an effective landing page and how to build your own using the best tools available today.

Choosing the Best Landing Page Builder

With so many landing page builder options to choose from, it can be tricky to identify which one best fits your needs. The ideal landing page creator should make it effortless for anyone to build conversion-focused pages quickly, but also offer advanced functionality for growth and sales. Here are the key features to look for:

Key Features to Look For

  • Drag and drop editor - Look for an intuitive visual editor that allows landing page design via simple drag and drop, with no coding needed. This makes it easy for anyone to customize pages.

  • Mobile responsiveness - Landing pages must look stunning and function flawlessly on all devices. Ensure the builder uses responsive design to adapt pages for any screen size.

  • Design templates - Professionally designed templates allow you to create high-converting pages in minutes by customizing versus starting from a blank canvas.

  • Built-in integrations - Look for seamless integrations with email services, payment processors, analytics and more to add powerful functionality without coding.

  • Custom domain support - You should be able to use your own domain name to brand your landing pages versus using a subdomain on the software company's website.

  • No coding required - An ideal landing page builder won't require any coding knowledge or skills to create beautiful, functional landing pages.

Top Landing Page Builders Compared

With hundreds of landing page builders out there, it can be hard to identify which one is right for your needs. Here is an overview of some of the top options:

  • Unicorn Platform - Designed specifically for startups, Unicorn Platform makes it easy for anyone to build landing pages with drag and drop editing and mobile responsiveness. It offers numerous templates and supports custom code for advanced customization.

  • Leadpages - One of the most popular landing page builders, Leadpages offers a wide array of templates and integrations with other software. But the interface can be complex for beginners.

  • Instapage - Instapage excels at advanced landing page optimization with robust A/B testing capabilities, heatmaps and more. But it lacks ecommerce functionality.

  • GetResponse - GetResponse offers basic pre-made landing page templates along with email marketing and automation tools. But designing fully custom landing pages requires coding skills.

  • Wishpond - Wishpond is very beginner-friendly with a simple editor, but offers limited design templates and customization capabilities versus other options.

The best landing page builder for your business will depend on your budget, use case, and in-house skills and resources. Prioritize an intuitive drag and drop editor, mobile responsiveness, and a library of conversion-optimized templates.

Crafting Landing Pages That Convert

Once you have selected a landing page builder, the next step is actually designing pages that maximize conversions. An effective landing page typically includes these core elements:

Elements of High Converting Landing Pages

  • Benefit-driven headline - Focus on what visitors will gain versus features. For example, "Schedule More Clients With Automated Appointment Reminders" versus "Introducing Automated Appointment Reminders".

  • Relevant hero image/video - Include a compelling visual that establishes relevance to your offer and engages visitors immediately. Stock photos should be avoided.

  • Minimalist layout - Remove clutter and distractions. Use negative space, clear navigation, and a simple, logical layout focused solely on motivating the desired action.

  • Strong value proposition - Clearly explain how you solve a problem or deliver value, and why visitors should choose you over alternatives. Build trust and credibility.

  • Limited choices - Don't overwhelm visitors with too many offers or navigation links. Present one highly relevant offer and make the desired action obvious.

  • Mobile optimization - If a page isn't responsive, visitors will bounce. Ensure your landing page layout adapts seamlessly for smartphones and tablets.

Optimizing Landing Pages for Your Goals

Beyond the core elements above, landing pages should also be tailored for your specific marketing objectives:

  • Email signup - Use exit-intent popups and offer high-value lead magnets in exchange for an email address.

  • Promotions - Incorporate scarcity and urgency with time-sensitive discounts or limited-time offers to drive action.

  • Credibility - Sprinkling social proof elements like customer testimonials, case studies, and security badges can increase conversions.

  • Lead gen - Reduce form friction by limiting fields and offer lead magnets. Add value before asking visitors to convert.

  • Calls-to-action - Place your CTAs strategically above the fold and use action-oriented button copy like "Start My Free Trial".

A/B test different versions of landing pages to gain insight into what resonates best with your audience and maximize conversions.

Conclusion: Start Building Your Landing Pages Today

If your website isn't converting visitors into leads and sales, poor landing page design is likely a major bottleneck. With a user-friendly landing page builder like Unicorn Platform, any startup or small business can create high-converting landing pages that capture more leads and move visitors through the sales funnel.

Focus on crafting landing pages tailored to your target customer that clearly communicate your value proposition. Guide visitors to complete one specific, desired action through minimalist design, strategic layout, and benefit-focused copy and imagery. Continuously test and tweak landing pages to improve conversions over time.

Stop losing opportunities due to poor website user experience. Join the hundreds of startups growing their business with Unicorn Platform's landing page builder and design experience. Get started today to start crafting landing pages that convert.

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