Page builders enable startups to craft landing pages in minutes

published on 25 October 2023


Landing pages are essential tools for startups and SaaS companies looking to drive conversions and acquire customers online. Well-designed landing pages with clear messaging, effective calls-to-action, and optimized forms can significantly improve conversion rates compared to sending traffic to a generic website homepage.

For example, Instapage reports that optimized landing pages have over 20% higher conversion rates on average. With the right landing page strategy, startups can capture more leads, registrations, and sales from their traffic.

However, building custom landing pages typically requires technical skills like coding HTML and CSS. This can be a major roadblock for non-technical founders who need to get pages up and running quickly on a startup budget and schedule.

This is where intuitive page builders come in. Page builders empower startups to rapidly create customized, high-converting landing pages through drag-and-drop editors - no coding required.

With page builders, startups can quickly:

  • Build landing pages optimized for conversions without relying on developers
  • Leverage pre-made templates as a starting point, then customize entirely
  • Connect forms, chatbots, analytics, and other tools through integrations
  • Collaborate with team members to iterate on pages
  • Launch mobile-friendly landing pages for all devices
  • Track performance and run A/B tests to further optimize

For early-stage startups, page builders provide an easy way to craft landing pages that drive growth and ROI. The ability to quickly iterate and test landing page variations is invaluable.

This article will explore the top page builders for startups, key benefits, use cases, features to evaluate, and best practices for maximizing performance. Read on to learn how startups can harness intuitive page builders to create high-converting landing pages in just minutes.

Top Page Builders for Startups

Many user-friendly page builders on the market are designed specifically with startups and growth-focused businesses in mind. When evaluating options, consider elements like:

  • Intuitive editing experience - Critical for non-technical users. Look for drag-and-drop builders and WYSIWYG editors.
  • Design templates - Pre-built templates help expedite initial design while still enabling customization.
  • Integrations - Connecting forms, analytics, chat, payments and other tools is essential.
  • Collaboration features - Enables teams to work together on landing pages.
  • Performance - Page speed, mobile optimization, SEO factors, etc.

Here are 10 top-rated page builders optimized for startups:

Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform specializes in helping startups build landing pages through an intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Benefits include:

  • 100+ templates for industries like SaaS, crypto, agencies
  • Lead capture forms, live chat, Google Analytics integration
  • Built-in team collaboration tools
  • Custom code support for advanced customization
  • HTML export to move pages once outgrown


Landingi is a dedicated landing page builder with advanced optimization features like heatmaps, A/B testing, and popups.


Leadpages offers a large library of templates and easy integration with email marketing, webinars, and payment platforms.


Instapage is known for powerful analytics and A/B testing capabilities to optimize landing page performance.


GetResponse provides landing page builder together with email marketing, webinars, and marketing automation.


Pagewiz enables collaborators, version control, and handoff to developers.


Carrd is a popular low-cost, minimalist landing page builder with fast setup.


Shuffle is a lightweight landing page builder with a free plan and chrome extension for easy access.


Strikingly builds mobile-optimized landing pages integrated with online store capabilities.


Launchaco provides tailored landing page and website bundles for startups.

Top Landing Page Use Cases

Startups leverage landing pages for diverse applications including:

  • Lead generation - Capture contacts through opt-in forms. Unbounce reports lead gen landing pages have over 600% more leads than home pages.
  • Webinar registration - Promote events and collect signups. Landing pages can increase webinar registrations up to 55%.
  • Product launch - Drive interest for new product releases.
  • Email list building - Grow newsletter subscriptions.
  • Sales pages - Highlight offerings and pricing.
  • Coming soon pages - Build hype pre-launch.
  • SaaS signup - Convert free users to paid plans.
  • Online course promotion - Get course registrations.
  • Affiliate/referral pages - Recruit program partners.
  • Case studies & testimonials - Demonstrate credibility.

Key Features of Page Builders

When evaluating page builders, look for these key capabilities:

  • Drag and drop editing - Visually build and modify pages through an intuitive editor.
  • Mobile optimization - Pages are automatically tailored for all devices.
  • Design templates - Professionally designed layouts to customize.
  • Integrations - Connect forms, chat, analytics, payments and other tools. For example, integrate Typeform surveys or Calendly scheduling.
  • Dynamic content - Customize experience for each visitor based on attributes like location, company, interests.
  • Collaboration - Enable teams to jointly work on pages. Leverage built-in version control.
  • Version control - Track changes over time for iterative improvement.
  • Custom code - Modify HTML/CSS for advanced customization beyond the editor.
  • SEO optimization - Improve search visibility through metadata, URLs, speed.
  • A/B testing - Test variations to raise conversions.
  • Animation - Make pages interactive and engaging.
  • Heatmaps - Understand user on-page behavior. Identify points of dropoff.

Design Considerations

Elements of effective landing page design include:

  • Clear value proposition - Explain key benefits upfront.
  • Prominent CTA buttons - Lead visitors to convert using contrasting colors and sizes.
  • Minimalist layouts - Avoid distractions and focus on the CTA.
  • Relevant visuals - Use screenshots, photos, etc to highlight benefits.
  • Credibility elements - Build trust with testimonials, security badges.
  • Benefit-focused copy - Emphasize value over features.
  • Clear navigation - Allow easy access to key sections.
  • Mobile optimization - Ensure pages render well on mobile. Use large tap targets.
  • Fast load speeds - Improve conversion rates by optimizing images and code.
  • On-branding - Maintain consistent visual identity.

For example, this landing page from Webflow uses many best practices like a strong headline, benefit-focused copy, contrasting CTA button, customer logos, and clean mobile-friendly design.

Key Benefits of Page Builders for Startups

Leveraging an intuitive page builder offers numerous benefits for resource-constrained startups including:

  • Rapid development - Create tailored landing pages in hours/days rather than weeks. Launch and iterate faster.
  • Ease of use - No coding needed enabling usage by non-technical founders.
  • Cost savings - Far more affordable than hiring developers and designers. Page builders are 50-90% cheaper than custom development according to BuildFire.
  • Agile iteration - Make changes and launch new pages instantly. Experiment with variations.
  • No maintenance - Hosted online so no web server upkeep required.
  • Best practices - Templates incorporate effective landing page design practices out of the box.
  • Mobile ready - Responsiveness across devices built-in. No extra mobile work needed.
  • Design flexibility - Fully customize templates or start from scratch.
  • Team collaboration - Cross-functional teams can jointly iterate on pages.
  • Marketing integration - Connect forms, analytics, chatbots, automation.
  • Revenue generation - Add payments, ecommerce, subscriptions.
  • Performance optimization - A/B test and experiment to maximize conversions. Unbounce increased conversions 300% with A/B testing.

For startups focused on iterating quickly and driving growth, page builders enable moving fast while also creating high-quality, effective landing pages. The ability to quickly test different page versions and continuously optimize performance is extremely valuable.

How to Select the Right Page Builder

With many page builder options available, focus on these key elements when evaluating providers:

  • Feature set - Templates, integrations, collaboration tools, analytics, etc.
  • Ease of use - Intuitive even for non-technical users.
  • Scalability - Can the platform handle significant traffic volumes?
  • Pricing - Flexible plans suitable for early stage startups.
  • Mobile optimization - Pages adapted for all devices.
  • Page speed - Fast load times improve conversions.
  • Examples - Review sample landing pages from real users.
  • Support - Robust customer service channels.
  • Turnkey solutions - Handling hosting simplifies operations.
  • Open ecosystems - Ability to connect other tools.
  • Roadmap - Does the long-term vision align with startup needs?

Prioritizing an intuitive editor, design templates, built-in mobile responsiveness, performance, and affordable pricing will help startups identify the ideal page builder to create landing pages tailored to their specific goals and audience.

Unicorn Platform is an excellent option to consider for startups, providing a drag-and-drop editor, mobile-friendly templates, and easy integration with marketing tools - learn more here.


In summary, intuitive page builders provide an invaluable service for startups by making it fast and easy to build customized, high-converting landing pages without coding expertise.

Leveraging drag-and-drop editors, templates, and integrated features like forms and analytics, startups can quickly craft landing pages that capture leads and drive growth. Choosing a page builder that scales along with startup needs and offers robust features while maintaining ease of use is key.

Well-designed landing pages are crucial for startups to cost-effectively acquire customers online. By empowering any team member to rapidly build tailored landing pages, page builders equip startups to continually test, iterate, and refine pages that maximize conversions and ROI. For startups focused on moving fast, page builders are an essential tool for efficiently crafting high-performance landing pages that deliver results.

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