Drag, Drop and Done - The Easiest Website Builder for Beginners

published on 14 October 2023

Building a website from scratch can be an intimidating endeavor, especially for those without coding skills. Thankfully, intuitive drag-and-drop website builders have made creating professional online presences easy for complete beginners. With their visual editors, pre-made templates, and built-in management tools, platforms like Unicorn Platform provide immense value to non-technical users. For startups and small businesses, they enable building stunning sites at an affordable cost.

The Ease of Drag-and-Drop Website Builders for Beginners

Drag-and-drop website builders like Wix, Squarespace, and Unicorn Platform have become extremely popular among beginners looking to create their first website. These intuitive platforms remove the need for any coding or design skills and allow complete novices to put together professional-looking sites through pre-made templates.

Some key benefits of using a drag-and-drop website builder include:

  • No need to code - the drag-and-drop modules handle all the HTML/CSS.
  • Edit text, images, videos just by clicking on elements to customize.
  • Easy to rearrange sections or add new ones as your site evolves.
  • See changes live without needing to preview.
  • Wide selection of templates for blogs, stores, portfolios, etc.
  • Professionally designed templates ensure your site looks great.
  • Customize colors, fonts, and design within templates easily.
  • Built-in tools for hosting, SEO optimization, payments, email marketing, lead capture.
  • Affordable compared to hiring a web developer, perfect for bootstrapped startups.

These builders are fantastic for small businesses, online stores, portfolios, and blogs. For startups and SaaS companies, specifically, Unicorn Platform's templates and components tailored to their needs makes website building even simpler.

Intuitive Visual Editors

The intuitive drag-and-drop editors are what really set these website builders apart for beginners. Rather than typing out code, you simply drag and arrange modules visually to build your site.

Some key features of the visual editors:

  • Drag-and-drop sections, text boxes, images, buttons, widgets onto your page.
  • Click any text or image to edit right within the page.
  • Reorganize sections by dragging them around.
  • Add new sections for features like galleries, menus, etc.
  • See changes live without needing to preview in a separate tab.
  • No web design expertise required making it perfect for beginners.

This visual approach allows complete beginners to build professional looking pages. You have full creative control to customize any element simply by clicking on it.

Professionally Designed Templates

The templates offered by leading website builders allow you to skip over the hardest part - coming up with a great design. Each template was crafted by professional designers to ensure a polished, visually appealing look.

Some key benefits of templates:

  • Choose from hundreds of templates for different site types like blogs, stores, portfolios.
  • Tailored templates for specific niches like restaurants, weddings, etc.
  • Designed by professionals to look clean, modern, and visually appealing.
  • Easily customize colors, fonts, and other design elements.
  • Add new sections or remove existing ones to fit your needs.
  • No need to build a site design completely from scratch.
  • Unicorn Platform offers templates optimized specifically for startups and SaaS.

With high-quality templates taking care of the design work, you can focus on customizing the content to match your brand.

Built-in Site Management Tools

Beyond easy site building, these website builders also provide integrated tools to handle hosting, SEO optimization, payments, email marketing, and more - everything you need to manage a professional site.

Some of the key built-in tools include:

  • Hosting and custom domain registration.
  • SEO options like meta tag editing and alt text generation.
  • Built-in analytics to track visitors and engagement.
  • Accept payments through integrations like Stripe.
  • Email marketing and lead capture integrations.
  • Social media linkage and embed capabilities.
  • Media galleries, blogs, tables, and other turnkey features.
  • Unicorn Platform offers startup-specific components like viral loops, special offers, and founder bios.

Handling all these complex site management tasks would normally require a lot of extra tools and work. But the built-in capabilities make running a professional site much simpler for beginners.

Suits Startups and Small Businesses

For bootstrapped startups and small businesses, a website builder offers an affordable way to create a polished online presence. Compared to hiring a web developer and designer, these platforms provide immense value and capability at a fraction of the cost.

Some reasons they work well for startups and small businesses:

  • Very affordable compared to hiring a web development agency.
  • Easy for non-technical founders to run their own site.
  • Quickly create landing pages, online stores, blogs, portfolios.
  • Display your services, products, content, visuals.
  • Built-in ecommerce and lead capture capabilities.
  • Unicorn Platform's templates and components target startups specifically.

For solopreneurs and small teams handling their own marketing, these website builders make it possible to put together a professional site on a lean budget.

Unicorn Platform - The Ideal Website Builder for Startups

As a platform designed specifically with startups and SaaS companies in mind, Unicorn Platform provides the ideal blend of power and simplicity for lean founders.

Some of the key benefits it offers:

  • Templates and layouts optimized for startups and SaaS sites.
  • Components like testimonials, viral loops, SEO modules tailored to startups.
  • Integrations with CRMs, payment systems, analytics to support business goals.
  • Easy customization and branding while maintaining visual polish.
  • Code export to retain flexibility as you scale development.
  • Affordable pricing scaled for early-stage companies. Significant cost savings over hiring developers.

Startups like CompanyName have used Unicorn Platform to quickly launch sites that capture leads and convert visitors into customers on a startup budget. The intuitive editor made it easy for non-technical founders to customize their platform while benefiting from the purpose-built templates and components.

For any startup looking to establish their brand online in a professional way without breaking the bank, Unicorn Platform simplifies the website building process considerably.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Drag-and-drop website builders have made it possible for complete beginners to create amazing-looking sites on their own without any coding skills. Their intuitive visual editors, professionally designed templates, and built-in management tools provide immense value for non-technical users. For startups and small businesses, they enable building a polished online presence at an affordable cost.

Some key takeaways:

  • Drag-and-drop modules allow easy site building through a visual interface.
  • Professionally designed templates provide instant visual appeal.
  • Built-in tools handle hosting, SEO, payments, email marketing, etc.
  • Perfect for startups and small businesses on a budget.
  • Options like Unicorn Platform catered specifically to startups.

So if you're a first-time founder or small business owner looking to create your own website, turn to these user-friendly builders for an easy, affordable solution. With just a few drags, drops, and clicks, you can put together a stunning site to grow your brand and business online.

To see for yourself how easy it is, try Unicorn Platform today with a free trial and start creating your startup website.

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