Create Stunning Landing Pages in Minutes with Professionally Designed Templates

published on 11 October 2023


Creating high-converting landing pages is crucial for lead generation, but designing and building custom pages from scratch can be complex and time consuming. According to HubSpot Research, the average landing page conversion rate is only 2.35%. Using professionally designed landing page templates provides an easy shortcut to getting a polished, visually appealing page up and running quickly. Pre-built templates created by designers allow you to skip straight to customizing the content and layout to suit your specific business needs. With the right template, you can create a stunning landing page optimized for lead capture in just minutes without any coding required.

In this guide, we’ll cover the benefits of using landing page templates, how to select the right template for your goals, optimizing and customizing your chosen template, integrating forms and analytics, and best practices for optimizing landing page performance. Follow these steps to leverage the power of templates to build beautiful, effective landing pages that convert site visitors into business leads and customers.

Choosing the Right Landing Page Template

With dozens of templates to choose from, selecting the right one for your business is key to creating a high-converting page. Consider these factors when browsing template options:

  • Industry or niche - Look for templates designed for your specific industry or niche, which will have suitable images, color schemes, and messaging tailored to your audience. For example, financial services templates will look much different than templates for yoga studios.

  • Conversion goal - Some templates are optimized for leads, others for webinar signups or ecommerce sales. Choose a template aligned with your conversion goal.

  • Responsiveness - Ensure the template is fully responsive and mobile-friendly by checking how it looks on mobile preview. Mobile optimization is critical, with over 60% of traffic now coming from smartphones.

  • Design quality - Look for modern, minimalist templates with sufficient whitespace, eye-catching images, and an intuitive layout. High-quality design increases conversion rates.

  • Customization options - Check that you can easily edit all text sections and images within the template to suit your needs. More customization flexibility is better.

The template library on Unicorn Platform offers over 100 professionally designed templates filtered by industry, conversion goal, and layout. Browse the templates to find an eye-catching, effective template tailored to your startup or SaaS business needs.

Templates for Specific Industries

Industry-specific templates allow you to create landing pages aligned with visitor expectations. Different niches have unique design aesthetics and visual styles. For example:

  • SaaS templates emphasize cloud graphics, modern and minimalist design, vibrant gradient colors, and stock photos of business teams.

  • Ecommerce templates feature shopping imagery, dollar signs, photos of shoppers, and calls to action like "Add to Cart" buttons.

  • Finance templates use stock photos of coins or finance professionals, blue and green color schemes, and clear value propositions related to loans or investments.

Niche-specific design elements make landing pages more effective at capturing leads within target industries. Unicorn Platform offers tailored templates for over 10 major startup niches to boost relevance.

Conversion-Focused Templates

Beyond industry-specific design, some templates optimize layout and content for specific conversion goals such as:

  • Lead generation - Emphasize forms above the fold, minimal steps to convert, and clear value propositions.

  • Webinar registration - Highlight registration buttons/forms prominently and provide compelling reasons to attend the webinar.

  • Free trial signup - Focus on the conversion path to starting a free trial with strong calls to action.

Conversion-centric templates remove distractions and drive visitors to convert through strategic design and messaging. Unicorn Platform provides templates optimized for any conversion goal to turn visitors into leads and customers.

Customizing Your Template

The key benefit of templates is the ability to fully customize the content and design for your brand. Here are some ways you can modify your selected template:

  • Switch out sample text and images with your own branded content
  • Add, remove, or rearrange any sections as needed
  • Modify colors, fonts, and design elements to match your brand style
  • Embed calls-to-action, forms, videos, widgets, and other elements
  • Preview changes in real-time and publish when ready

The drag-and-drop editor in Unicorn Platform makes template customization simple even without coding skills. Let's explore some specific ways you can adapt templates to create unique landing pages.

Editing Text Content

Modifying the text throughout your template is crucial for creating a page tailored to your business. When editing text:

  • Revise headings, paragraphs, testimonials, and other text elements to align with your brand voice.

  • Optimize important keywords related to your offering to boost SEO.

  • Break up lengthy sections into shorter paragraphs for improved readability on mobile screens.

  • Add custom HTML or text widgets anywhere to insert content modules.

Unicorn Platform's text editor simplifies updating text styles, formatting, colors, and more. Easily transform the sample text to reflect your unique brand and messaging.

Updating Images and Media

The sample images in templates act as placeholders for your own branded visual content. To make the template your own:

  • Upload photos of your team, workspace, products, and users to replace generic stock imagery.

  • Add your logo in the header and any icons or graphical elements throughout the page.

  • Insert engaging video or animated content to capture visitor attention.

  • Use image galleries or sliders to showcase visuals in an eye-catching way.

With Unicorn Platform's image manager, you can effortlessly upload any image or media and insert them anywhere on the page with optimal compression and performance.

Modifying Design Elements

Tweaking the design of your template allows you to match the look and feel of your existing brand aesthetic. You can easily:

  • Change colors, fonts, and styles to maintain consistent branding.

  • Resize sections, columns, or elements to create your preferred page layout.

  • Insert new design elements like shape dividers, feature boxes, or testimonials.

  • Edit custom CSS code without limitations for advanced customizations.

Unicorn Platform gives you full control over design while still maintaining a user-friendly editing experience. Modify any design aspect of templates without writing code.

Integrating Forms and Analytics

To maximize conversions, you'll need to add lead capture forms and analytics tracking to your landing page. Forms convert visitors into leads by collecting emails, phone numbers, or other info in exchange for an offer. Analytics allow you to optimize conversion rates over time by understanding visitor interactions.

Connecting Forms for Lead Capture

Adding forms to your landing page template enables capturing visitor information for lead generation.

  • Use forms for email signup, content downloads, contact requests, or other conversion events.

  • Easily integrate forms from Wufoo, MailChimp, Google Forms, or a custom provider.

  • Set up autoresponder emails and notifications to respond to conversions instantly.

  • Place forms prominently above the fold and near conversion points.

Unicorn Platform seamlessly integrates any form provider so you can instantly convert visitors into high-quality leads.

Installing Analytics Tracking

Visitor analytics tools like Google Analytics allow you to monitor engagement and continuously improve landing page performance.

  • Enable basic tracking to monitor overall traffic volumes, sources, etc.

  • Use events tracking to see how visitors interact with buttons, links, media, and other elements.

  • Install heatmaps to analyze on-page scroll patterns and clicks.

  • Leverage analytics insights to optimize page layout, text, offers over time.

Unicorn Platform supports integrating any analytics platform through custom code injection for full visibility into visitor interactions and conversions. Focus on bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rate as key metrics.

Optimizing and Promoting Your Page

To maximize results, you'll need to optimize your landing page for speed and conversions while also driving traffic through promotions.

Performance Tuning and Testing

Fast page speed and mobile optimization are critical for landing page success. Be sure to:

  • Minify code, compress images, and implement CDN caching to accelerate load times. Aim for under 2 second page load speed.

  • Test pages speed on mobile devices and check PageSpeed Insights for issues.

  • Continuously A/B test versions of landing pages to improve conversion rates.

Unicorn Platform optimizes code and resources automatically while also making it easy to run A/B or multivariate landing page tests.

Promoting Through Social Media

Driving qualified traffic to your new landing page is key. Promote your page through social channels:

  • Design custom social share graphics tailored for each network like Facebook/Instagram ads or LinkedIn posts.

  • Optimize page metadata for better visibility and click-through rates.

  • Add Open Graph and Twitter Card tags for social media embedding.

  • Share your landing page through your startup's social accounts and paid ads.

Unicorn Platform supports one-click social sharing optimization to boost social engagement.


Professionally designed landing page templates provide a shortcut to creating beautiful, effective pages optimized for lead capture. Choosing the right template, customizing it fully, and promoting it effectively lets you build high-converting landing pages that attract and convert visitors into customers for your startup or SaaS business. Unicorn Platform's large template library, intuitive editor, and built-in integrations streamline landing page creation for non-developers.

If you're looking for an easy way to create stunning, optimized landing pages in minutes, check out Unicorn Platform's template library to experience the benefits firsthand. Their professionally designed templates, drag-and-drop editor, and startup-focused features make it simple for any business to build landing pages that maximize conversions.

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