Simple landing page design: How startups can build quickly

published on 19 October 2023

Introduction to Simple Landing Page Design for Startups

Creating an effective yet simple landing page is crucial for startups with limited resources. The goal is to quickly guide visitors to convert through clear messaging, minimal distractions, and a seamless user experience flow. Simplicity enables startups to build landing pages faster, reduce clutter that distracts from core value propositions, and focus visitor attention on key conversion actions.

This article will explore proven techniques startups can utilize to design clean, conversion-optimized landing pages without complex coding. We’ll cover choosing the right builder for simplicity, structuring pages for clarity, writing compelling content, highlighting calls-to-action, and testing to maximize results. Follow these tips to create simple yet high-converting landing pages that turn your startup dreams into reality.

Choosing the Right Landing Page Builder

With many landing page builders available, it’s important to pick one optimized for simplicity and ease of use. Prioritize drag and drop editors that don’t require coding skills. Platforms like Unicorn, Instapage, Leadpages, GetResponse, and ConvertKit make it easy to customize templates, integrate tools, and publish pages.

Prioritizing Simplicity and Ease of Use

Choose a builder with an intuitive editor focused on usability, like Unicorn's easy drag-and-drop experience. The learning curve should be minimal so you can build quickly without coding expertise. Leverage pre-made templates to modify instead of starting from scratch. Look for templates that allow you to easily customize sections, content, images, colors, and fonts to match your brand identity.

For example, Unicorn provides over 100 templates across niches that can be edited visually. Popular SaaS companies like Slack and Mailchimp use simple yet bold templates that demonstrate effective landing page design.

Evaluating Customization Options

Customization enables simple tweaks without complex coding. Look for modifying templates, images, colors, fonts, and content. Unicorn provides customizable sections, styling settings, and integrations with forms, payment, analytics, etc. Exporting HTML is ideal for further customization.

For example, Unicorn allows changing fonts, colors, and content by section. You can mix and match elements from different templates for flexibility.

Assessing Publishing and Hosting

Publishing and hosting affect landing page simplicity. Seek one-click publishing to a custom domain vs manual upload and changes. Built-in hosting with CDN makes management easier. Unicorn publishes pages to your domain and handles hosting and speed optimization automatically.

For example, Unicorn pages load fast thanks to built-in CDN and optimization. Pages publish instantly with one click, no FTP needed.

Optimizing Page Structure and Layout

A well-planned page structure minimizes clutter and clearly guides visitors. Place key info first, use negative space strategically, and craft a logical content flow.

Planning Sections and Content Flow

Map an effective flow starting with a hero section for headlines and visuals. Include only essential sections to keep the focus. Use layout to guide visitors down the page in a coherent narrative.

For example, leading with an eye-catching headline and hero image quickly engages visitors. Follow with sections that logically build on each other to tell a story.

Using Negative Space and Minimalism

Negative space isolates sections and reduces clutter. Be selective with text, images, and elements to hone in on the core message. Use minimalism to focus attention and create clean designs.

Companies like InVision and Mailchimp use generous negative space and minimalist layouts on their landing pages to declutter interfaces and emphasize value.

Organizing Information Hierarchically

Prioritize and arrange information in order of importance. Maintain clear visual hierarchy through fonts, colors, and white space. Group related info into focused sections for simplicity.

Make key information larger and bolder. Break text into short paragraphs for quick scanning. Use white space between elements to define relationships.

Crafting Compelling Content

Persuasive yet scannable copy is crucial. Focus on customer needs and pain points. Use concise paragraphs, benefit-driven language, and strategic visuals aligned with your brand.

Hooking Visitors With Strong Headlines

Headlines should capture attention by tapping into audience desires and problems. Use emotional hooks but keep them short and descriptive. Include keywords naturally where appropriate.

For example, "Build Your Website in Minutes, Not Months" uses time as an emotional hook. "Get More Customers with AI-Powered Chat" taps into desires.

Crafting Scannable, Benefit-Focused Copy

Write short, scannable paragraphs and bullets focused on solutions for customers. Avoid hype in favor of persuasive language conveying concrete benefits. Align tone with brand identity.

Use power words like "discover", "easy", "instant". Focus on "you" and "your". Use numbers to quantify benefits.

Strategic Use of Visuals and Multimedia

Relevant visuals quickly communicate messages and emotions. Photos should represent customers and feelings. Videos engage and educate. Graphics reinforce branding. Use visual hierarchy to emphasize CTAs.

For example, include customer photos as social proof. Use infographics to convey data visually. Ensure visuals align with brand style.

Optimizing Conversion with Clear CTAs

Calls-to-action guide visitors to convert. Place them strategically, highlight them through design, and use actionable language focused on benefits.

Strategic Placement for Guiding Visitors

Map logical CTA placement to lead visitors through conversions. Balance visibility with avoiding overwhelm. Place primary CTAs near natural exit points. Position CTAs near related content.

For example, put a demo sign-up CTA after your product overview section. Include CTAs in sidebars to capture attention.

Design and Messaging for High Visibility

Make CTAs stand out through color, size, and negative space. Use emotional, benefit-driven language that speaks directly to customers. Reinforce with other elements on the page.

Try contrasting colors, larger font sizes, and buttons vs text links. Phrase CTAs around desires like "Get Started Now".

Reducing Clutter and Choice Overload

Avoid generic, low-value CTAs. Use one primary CTA per page. Focus on quality over quantity and remove unnecessary navigation.

Stick to one main CTA like "Start Free Trial" and remove secondary CTAs. Hide non-essential navigation menus and links.

Validating and Optimizing Through Testing

Continually test and optimize landing pages. Use analytics to identify weak points, A/B test elements, and refine based on data insights.

Leveraging Analytics for Insights

Track visitor behaviors through analytics to see drop off points, conversions, and flow. Monitor metrics over time to gauge performance. Tools like Google Analytics provide key data.

A/B Testing Landing Page Elements

A/B test headlines, copy, visuals, page structure, CTAs, and more. Optimize based on data from experiments. Focus on continuous improvement.

For example, test different CTA button colors, headlines, images, and offers. Evaluate based on conversions.

Tuning and Refining Over Time

Tweak underperforming elements. Refine pages based on data insights. Monitor metrics and iterate as business evolves. Revisit tests regularly.

Use analytics and testing to guide an ongoing process of refinement and optimization. Improve weak points continually.

Conclusion and Summary

Simplifying landing page design is crucial for resource-constrained startups. Follow the strategies here—choose a flexible builder, structure for clarity, write persuasive copy, highlight CTAs, and optimize through testing. Unicorn’s easy drag-and-drop editor enables startups to quickly build customizable, high-converting landing pages without coding. Focus your efforts on selling, not complicated design. Simplicity, modularity, and strategic testing are the keys to startup landing page success.

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