Landing Page Success with Google Sites - A Beginner's Guide

published on 10 October 2023


With digital marketing growing exponentially, landing pages have become essential for effectively generating leads and driving conversions for businesses and brands. However, coding and building custom landing pages can be difficult without web development skills.

That's where free and easy to use website builders like Google Sites come in handy! But for even greater customization options, integrations and optimization capabilities, tools like Unicorn Platform are designed specifically for creating high-converting landing pages.

Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop landing page builder with beautiful templates and powerful optimization features tailored for startups and SaaS companies.

Google Sites is still a great starting point for beginners looking to quickly put together landing pages. The key benefits of Google Sites include:

  • Simple drag and drop editor - No coding required!

  • Mobile responsive templates - Pages look great on all devices

  • Tight integration with other Google services - Easy to connect Google Analytics, Forms, Maps, etc.

  • 100% free to use - You can build unlimited pages

  • Quick setup - Get your first page live in just a few minutes

A landing page is a standalone web page focused on a single call-to-action, like getting visitors to sign up, make a purchase, or download a content offer. By guiding visitors through a conversion funnel, landing pages are indispensable for generating leads, sales, and signups.

This guide will provide tips and advice to help you get started building effective landing pages with Google Sites. We'll cover choosing templates, optimizing conversions, and promoting your pages.

Choosing the Right Template

Google Sites offers a variety of templates to choose from when creating a new landing page. Let's explore the template options and how to select the best one for your goals:

Pros of templates:

  • Provides starting structure and basic page elements

  • Much faster than building from scratch

  • Look professional with just a few edits

Cons of templates:

  • Limited customization compared to a blank page

  • May include unnecessary sections or elements

  • Branding and messaging is generic

For landing pages, I recommend using a simple template focused on lead generation, contact forms, or service promotion. Avoid templates with lots of sections and complex page structures. It's easier to start basic and add elements vs removing unnecessary clutter.

Here are some top templates for landing pages to consider:

  • Lead Gen Template
  • Contact Us Template
  • Services Template

You can customize any template using Google Sites simple drag and drop editor:

  • Change colors, fonts, images
  • Modify text, headers, paragraphs
  • Add/delete sections as needed

Unicorn Platform provides professionally designed, conversion-optimized landing page templates to give you a head start.

Lead Generation Template

The Lead Gen template provides all the key elements you need:

  • Headline and subheadline
  • Email signup form
  • Testimonials
  • Call-to-action buttons

To adapt this template for your business:

  • Customize the headline and messaging for your offer
  • Update the supporting images and graphics
  • Add your brand colors and logo
  • Include social proof like testimonials
  • Add an FAQ section to address visitor questions

Contact Us Template

The Contact Us template makes it easy to start capturing leads:

  • Contact form integration
  • Business info and map
  • Image and video areas

To optimize this template:

  • Tailor the text and messaging for your brand
  • Connect the form to collect lead data
  • Add trust-building images, videos, logos
  • Include links to social media profiles

Services Template

The Services template provides the foundation to promote your offerings:

  • Sections for features, pricing, captions
  • Image and video grids
  • Testimonial slider

For best results:

  • Customize the headings and text
  • Add graphics and icons for each feature
  • Show detailed pricing tables
  • Ensure clear calls-to-action

Unicorn Platform provides conversion-focused templates designed specifically for high-converting landing pages.

Optimizing Conversion Elements

Beyond the template, you need to optimize key page elements to maximize conversions:

  • Effective headline and hero imagery
  • Strong value proposition
  • Social proof and trust symbols
  • Prominent calls-to-action
  • Lead capture forms

Unicorn Platform has built-in A/B testing to effortlessly identify the highest converting landing page variants.

By A/B testing variations, you can improve page conversions over time.

Clear Call-To-Action

Calls-to-action (CTAs) should be clear and visually distinct through size, color, placement, etc.

Tips for effective CTAs:

  • Limit to 1-2 CTAs per page
  • Locate CTAs above the fold
  • A/B test button copy - 'Get Started' vs 'Sign Up Now'
  • Make buttons contrast well against background

For example, your CTA could say "Try Unicorn Platform for Free" with a prominent button leading to your signup page.

Email Opt-In Form

Collecting lead emails is vital for landing page success:

  • Offer discounts or content in exchange for emails
  • Keep fields brief - name, email, company
  • Ensure opt-in process complies with anti-spam laws
  • Place email forms prominently above the fold

Testimonials & Social Proof

Testimonials and social proof elements increase visitor trust and confidence in your offer:

  • Curate authentic customer reviews and testimonials
  • Show logos of recognizable brands that are customers
  • Display press mentions and media coverage
  • Add social media follower counts

Unicorn Platform provides turnkey integrations to showcase social proof across your landing pages.

Promoting Your Landing Pages

Now that your landing page is complete, here are proven tactics to drive traffic:

  • Content marketing and backlink building
  • Search engine optimization
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Retargeting campaigns
  • Email marketing

Unicorn Platform makes it easy to connect your landing pages to turnkey traffic campaigns.

Search Engine Optimization

To boost search visibility:

  • Research relevant keywords and topics
  • Optimize page speed and mobile experience
  • Create keyword-optimized page titles and metadata
  • Build backlinks and earned mentions
  • Produce long-form content to support topic authority

Paid ads like Google Ads can direct qualified traffic to your landing pages:

  • Test ads and landing page variants
  • Leverage interest and lookalike audiences
  • Retarget visitors who don't initially convert
  • Monitor costs and optimize for positive ROI

Email Marketing

Promote your landing page offers through:

  • Lead magnets and gated content
  • Drip campaigns and nurturing sequences
  • A/B testing subject lines for higher open rates
  • Personalized content to boost clicks

Unicorn Platform integrates your landing pages with email and advertising tools for simplified promotion.


Google Sites provides an easy starting point for creating landing pages. With the right template, customization and promotion, you can start generating more leads for your business without coding.

Key steps we covered include:

  • Choosing simple conversion-focused templates
  • Optimizing headlines, forms, CTAs, and social proof elements
  • Driving traffic through SEO, ads, email, and other tactics

For more advanced options like built-in A/B testing, turnkey integrations, and professionally designed templates, explore Unicorn Platform's landing page builder tailored for high-converting lead generation.

Try out Google Sites today and build your first landing page to supercharge your lead generation! Then level up to Unicorn Platform when you're ready for more powerful optimization.

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