Beginner's Guide to Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

published on 09 October 2023

Introduction to Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

A landing page is a standalone web page that encourages visitors to take a specific action, like signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product. Optimized landing pages are essential for converting website traffic into leads and sales. This guide will walk you through the key steps for designing effective landing pages, even if you don't have coding skills.

By the end, you'll have the knowledge to create high-converting landing pages that drive results for your business. We'll reference examples and templates from Unicorn Platform, an intuitive landing page builder made for startups. With its drag and drop editor, anyone can quickly build beautiful, mobile-friendly landing pages.

Understanding Your Audience

The first step in creating an optimized landing page is getting to know your target audience inside and out. You need to understand your audience's:

  • Demographics - Age, gender, location, income level, education, interests, etc.
  • Goals & Pain Points - What motivates them and what challenges do they face?
  • Content Preferences - What kind of information do they respond to best?
  • Product Usage - How would they specifically use your product or service?

Here are some tips for gaining audience insights:

  • Create buyer personas - Fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data. Include details like age, gender, location, role, goals, challenges, motivations, and objections. Develop 1-2 paragraph backstories.
  • Survey existing users - This provides direct insights into what resonates with those already converted. Ask specific questions about their challenges, goals, and preferences.
  • Run small focus groups - Have real conversations with a sample of your target audience. Ask them to review page examples and provide feedback.
  • Analyze your website analytics - This can uncover visitor demographics, behavior flow, and conversion funnels.
  • Review social media analytics - The data can reveal audience interests, engagement, and conversations.

Defining Your Audience's Goal

You need to be crystal clear on the specific action you want visitors to take. This could be:

  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Making a purchase
  • Downloading a guide
  • Subscribing to a newsletter

Test different calls-to-action (CTAs) to see which resonates most. For example, a startup may test "Start Your Free Trial" vs "Get Started Today".

Unicorn Platform's built-in A/B testing makes it easy to try out different CTAs.

Crafting Audience-Focused Copy

Use language that directly speaks to your audience. Mirror the words and phrases they use to describe their challenges and goals.

Your copy should focus on addressing their pain points and desired outcomes. Make sure to answer common questions and objections directly. For example, for a booking platform, address concerns about ease of use and safety.

Review top landing pages in your industry for inspiration on language that converts. Take note of the specific types of words and messaging used.

Designing an Effective Layout

A strategic page layout guides visitors through your landing page in the desired order. Follow these tips:

  • Use a minimalist design to avoid clutter. Stick to key sections like headline, hero image, brief copy, CTA and form.
  • Make sure the page flows logically. Group related elements together in clear sections.
  • Emphasize the CTA through size, contrasting color, placement above the fold.
  • Use photos and graphics that resonate with your audience. Show them using your product.
  • Leverage professionally designed templates like Unicorn Platform's options.

Crafting a Strong Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it count!

  • Use keywords your audience searches for related to their problem. Research these in Google and Google Trends.
  • Focus on the benefit your offer provides. Speak to their desires.
  • Test different headlines to see which performs best. Try different positioning on page too.

For example, a CRM tool may test "Get More Leads" vs "Double Your Sales Conversions".

Using Effective Visuals

Images, graphics, and video help engage your audience.

  • Choose visuals that connect to your copy and reinforce your message. Show product being used.
  • Select high quality, relevant images that align to your brand style. Use authentic stock photos.
  • Leverage Unicorn Platform's library of free stock photos. Search for audience-relevant images.
  • Test static graphics vs videos. Certain audiences prefer video walkthroughs.
  • Try different visuals to see which resonate most with your audience. Track engagement metrics.

Optimizing Conversion Rates

There are several techniques for improving landing page conversion rates:

  • Fast page speed - This increases engagement and conversions. Keep page size minimal.
  • Mobile optimization - Most traffic is now from mobile devices. Ensure buttons and text are easy to tap and read.
  • Clear CTAs - Prominent, eye-catching call-to-action buttons. Place above the fold.
  • Unicorn Platform handles speed optimization and mobile responsiveness for you.

Streamlining Lead Capture Forms

To reduce form abandonment:

  • Only ask for essential info like name, email, phone number. Remove optional fields.
  • Minimize form fields to make it easy and fast to complete. Stick to 3-5 fields maximum.
  • Offer an incentive like a discount or free guide for filling it out. Mention it above the form.
  • Try top, bottom, left, and right form placement. Stick with the highest converting position.

Unicorn Platform's form widgets make it easy to customize forms.

Leveraging Social Proof

Social proof like testimonials increases trust and conversions:

  • Prominently display customer stories and reviews.Highlight key points like "increased sales".
  • Source authentic testimonials from satisfied customers. Get detailed anecdotes.
  • Add social proof easily with Unicorn Platform's testimonial component.
  • Rotate different testimonials to address common concerns like "easy to use".

Testing and Refining Your Landing Page

Continually test and optimize your landing page for higher conversions:

  • Use analytics to identify areas for improvement. Track user flow and conversions.
  • Conduct user surveys to gain feedback. Ask about ease of use, relevance and motivation.
  • A/B test different page elements like headlines, copy, layouts, templates, and visuals.
  • Make incremental changes and monitor conversion rates closely. Don't change too much at once.

Unicorn Platform lets you easily create and compare page variants.

Key Takeaways for Designing High-Converting Landing Pages

  • Know your audience inside and out through detailed buyer personas and market research.
  • Craft an effective layout, headline, and visuals tailored specifically to your audience.
  • Optimize conversion rates with strategic placement of CTAs, streamlined forms, and social proof.
  • Continually A/B test elements like copy, headlines, visuals, and page templates.
  • Use Unicorn Platform's intuitive editor to simplify landing page creation and optimization for startups.

With these tips, you can design high-converting, audience-focused landing pages, even if you don't have coding skills. Focus on truly understanding your audience, crafting compelling copy, optimizing conversions, and continually testing. Leverage tools like Unicorn Platform to quickly build beautiful, mobile-friendly landing pages that drive results.

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