Best Agency Websites

published on 13 November 2023


Building an effective agency website is crucial for leaving a great first impression and showcasing your services in the best light. With the right design, content, and functionality, your website can captivate visitors, convey expertise, and convert leads into happy customers.

In this post, we'll explore what makes a stellar agency website by analyzing real-world examples and trends. We'll look at key elements like visual design, user experience, content strategy, and functionality. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive overview of best practices to implement when designing or revising your own agency website to drive more traffic, leads, and sales.

Visual Design

A modern, aesthetically pleasing visual design is essential for making a great first impression. While trends come and go, the fundamentals remain the same:

  • Achieve visual harmony by balancing colors, fonts, layouts, animations and other elements. Avoid clutter or confusion.
  • Review competitors for inspiration, but aim for a unique style aligned with your brand identity. For example, take a cue from DesignStudio’s bold colors and typography that captures their creative essence.
  • Minimalist, bold colors, and illustrated elements are popular and effective styles. AJ&Smart uses vibrant colors and illustrations that align with their energetic brand.
  • Ensure site-wide responsive design and seamless mobile experience. Test on all devices.


The homepage is the first touchpoint, so optimize it for maximum impact:

  • Hero images/video and clear value proposition capture attention. Check out MetaLab’s impressive full-screen hero.
  • Prominently showcase services and credentials like client logos. MOON’s homepage proudly displays their work.
  • Call-to-actions and contact info should be visible above the fold. Ensure your USP is seen immediately.
  • Use responsive design for flawless experience across devices. Mobile optimization is non-negotiable.

Inner Pages

While inner pages naturally vary, maintain consistent branding and navigation:

  • Reuse header, footer, color schemes for consistent experience. Branding should be coherent.
  • Tailor content and visuals for each service or specialty page. Align with buyer needs.
  • Strengthen credibility by highlighting team bios and credentials. Introduce your experts like Born does.
  • Tell your story through case studies and past work with project details. INNOVATION does this beautifully.
  • Retain responsive design for mobile optimization. Don't make mobile an afterthought.


A blog shows your expertise and personality. Best practices include:

  • Update regularly with useful, relevant articles. Valuable content builds trust.
  • Author bios and headshots add personality. Help visitors get to know you.
  • Mix text, images, stats, etc. for maximum engagement. Cater to different learning styles.
  • Enable social sharing and internal linking for amplification. Make content easily shareable.
  • Maintain responsive design for readability across devices. Optimize blog layout for all screens.

User Experience

Beyond aesthetics, ensure your site delivers an intuitive, seamless user journey:

  • Use simple, consistent navigation menus and taxonomies. Facilitate easy browsing.
  • Minimize clicks to reach key information and contact options. Don't hide the important stuff.
  • Strive for speedy load times, lag-free interactions and transitions. Slow sites frustrate users.
  • Embrace mobile-first, fully responsive philosophy. Mobile responsiveness is a must.


Strategically placed and designed CTAs guide visitors to convert:

  • Place crucial CTAs like "Contact Us" above the fold and in sidebars. Make them visible.
  • Clearly communicate next steps like scheduling a consultation. Spell out the action.
  • Offer micro-conversions like newsletter signups, content offers. Collect visitor data.
  • Make them stand out with contrasting colors and sizes. Use emphasis wisely.
  • Add urgency or personalization when appropriate. Trigger emotion or relevance.

Lead Generation

Make it easy for prospects to engage further:

  • Use lead capture forms to gather contact info and details. Reduce friction to convert.
  • Offer content upgrades or discounts in exchange for emails or names. Entice with value.
  • Social media follow buttons continue relationships. Extend reach.
  • Instant chatbots or live chat allow real-time dialogue. Enable conversations.
  • Ensure forms are mobile-responsive to prevent drop-offs. Optimize for any device.

On-site search makes navigation easier:

  • Incorporate predictive search bar prominently. Anticipate needs proactively.
  • Optimize architecture and metadata for discoverability. Facilitate indexing.
  • Provide filters and autocomplete for more accurate results. Refine and guide.
  • Analyze search analytics to identify user intent. Understand needs.
  • Enable voice search for hands-free queries. Cater to preferences.

Content Strategy

Share expertise through tailored, valuable content:

  • Blog regularly about relevant industry topics and trends. Establish thought leadership.
  • Showcase unique perspectives. Differentiate your voice.
  • Mix blogs, case studies, testimonials, FAQs, etc. Diversify content types.
  • Maintain consistent tone and messaging across all content. Strengthen brand voice.
  • Optimize content for SEO through metadata, keywords, etc. Drive organic traffic.


A blog attracts and nurtures potential customers:

  • Post regularly about trends, tips, breaking news. Provide ongoing value.
  • Establish subject matter experts with author bios. Build authority.
  • Back up opinions with stats, facts, examples for credibility. Earn trust.
  • Optimize article length and topics for engagement and SEO. Balance depth and variety.
  • Promote posts on social media for increased reach. Amplify through networks.

Case Studies

Success stories and testimonials build trust:

  • Spotlight clients and projects with measurable results. Demonstrate ROI.
  • Detail challenges, solutions, outcomes. Showcase problem-solving skills.
  • Link to relevant services or offerings. Connect the dots.
  • Use compelling headlines, visuals and layouts for skimming. Cater to scanning behavior.
  • Repurpose case studies across website, blog, social. Maximise assets.

About Us Page

The About Us page tells your story:

  • Emphasize history, values, differentiators. Share your origin story.
  • Introduce leadership team, experts, talent. Put faces to your brand.
  • Feature awards, media recognition, achievements. Flaunt credentials.
  • Convey brand personality through tone and visuals. Let your essence shine.
  • Build trust by showcasing expertise and credibility. Highlight strengths.


Beyond content, ensure seamless technical performance:

  • Prioritize features that enhance user experience. Align with user needs.
  • Offer intuitive navigation, sitemaps, site search. Make self-service easy.
  • Incorporate chatbots or instant messaging for better support. Enable quick assistance.
  • Minimize popups, notifications and other clutter. Avoid distracting visitors.
  • Focus on site speed, security, mobile optimization. Cover the web vitals.


Fast page speeds improve engagement and SEO:

  • Compress images, minify code, reduce server requests. Streamline loading.
  • Implement caching and CDNs for faster content delivery. Accelerate speed.
  • Regularly monitor and improve site speed and web vitals. Stay on top of metrics.
  • Optimize code to eliminate bloat and bottlenecks. Keep it lean.


Integrations provide a seamless experience:

  • Connect marketing, analytics, sales tools through APIs. Unify systems.
  • Embed lead gen forms, social sharing, live chat features. Bring value add-ons onboard.
  • Enable appointment scheduling, ecommerce, other 3rd party add-ons. Expand capabilities.
  • Use Zapier for easy connections between various apps and services. Automate workflows.


Security features maintain visitor trust:

  • Use HTTPS and SSL certificates for encryption. Enable safe data transfer.
  • Implement captcha and other spam prevention measures. Deter bots.
  • Conduct regular malware scans and fix vulnerabilities. Identify and address risks.
  • Enable 2FA and limit access to sensitive information. Restrict unauthorized access.
  • Visibly convey security efforts like HTTPS, SSL, etc. Display trust badges.


Crafting a stellar agency website requires meticulously addressing design, content, functionality and more. By analyzing the examples and best practices we've covered, you can gain valuable insights to create a site that converts visitors into impressed clients. A polished website that captures your essence is one of the best investments you can make to build your brand. Approach it as an ongoing effort, continually testing and refining over time. With a thoughtful strategy and consistent optimization, your website can become an invaluable business growth engine.

Ready to take your agency website to the next level? Unicorn Platform offers an intuitive website and landing page builder tailored for agencies and SaaS startups. With their templates, integrations and easy customization, you can quickly launch a high-converting site that captures leads and delights visitors. Learn more about how Unicorn Platform can help power your agency website.

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