Create Landing Pages With No Code

published on 07 October 2023

Introduction: Overview of Creating Landing Pages with No Code

A landing page is the first page visitors see when coming to your website, so it's crucial to make a good first impression. Well-designed landing pages can increase conversions and achieve business goals like getting more email subscribers, generating sales leads, promoting webinars or selling products directly. However, building landing pages from scratch is difficult without coding skills, leading to frustration. No-code landing page builders like Unicorn Platform empower anyone to create beautiful, functional landing pages through drag-and-drop editors and pre-made templates.

This guide will explore the top no-code landing page builders to help you find the right one for your business goals and audience. We'll cover what makes an effective landing page, the benefits of using a no-code builder, do a feature comparison of the top options, and provide tips on optimizing your pages. With the right platform, anyone can create high-converting landing pages that capture leads and drive results.

What Makes a Good Landing Page?

An effective landing page has several key elements:

  • Clear, concise copywriting focused on a single goal or CTA: Avoid clutter and keep copy short and focused. Guide visitors towards one desired action like downloading an ebook, signing up for a free trial, or making a purchase.
  • Relevant visuals like photos, graphics, and videos tailored to your brand: Images should reinforce your message and appeal to your target audience. Keep visuals consistent with your overall brand style.
  • Minimal distractions - no cluttered navigation or unnecessary elements: Remove anything irrelevant to your CTA. Limit choices and avoid outside links.
  • Prominent calls-to-action for desired visitor actions like subscribing or purchasing: CTAs should use high-contrast buttons and action-focused language.
  • Mobile responsiveness for optimal experience on any device: Layout should adapt for smaller screens. Content should reflow, buttons and links should be tappable.
  • Fast page load speeds for good user experience and SEO: Optimize images, minimize HTTP requests, and enable compression. Slow load times lead to high bounce rates.

Benefits of Using a No-Code Landing Page Builder

No-code landing page builders like Unicorn Platform offer many advantages:

  • Save time and skip learning complex web development skills: Anyone can build landing pages without coding expertise. Drag-and-drop editors are intuitive.
  • Easy drag-and-drop editor makes building and customizing landing pages intuitive: Easily add elements like text, images, forms, etc. Rearrange or style sections to fit your goals.
  • Pre-designed templates provide starting points tailored to different goals: Browse professionally designed templates for lead gen, sales, webinars, etc.
  • Built-in integrations with email marketing, payment, and other platforms: Connect your landing pages to marketing tools with just a few clicks.
  • Automated testing and optimization features improve conversions over time: A/B test elements, track visitor behavior, and data informs optimization.
  • Access to stock photos, icons, fonts make great design accessible: Creating beautiful pages is achievable without designer skills.
  • Collaboration features let you work with team members or clients easily: Streamline feedback and approval processes.

Top 5 No-Code Landing Page Builders Compared

Let's compare some top no-code landing page builder options to fit different use cases and budgets:

Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform offers an intuitive drag-and-drop editor with mobile responsive templates optimized for startups and SaaS. Key features include:

  • Library of conversion-focused templates like coming soon, launch, webinar, lead gen, and more
  • Popup, sticky bar, and slide-in lead capture forms
  • Integrations with CRMs, email, analytics, payments, and webinar platforms
  • A/B testing capabilities
  • Team collaboration features
  • 14-day free trial


Leadpages provides a drag-and-drop editor with a broad template selection including webinar, ecommerce, and more:

  • Robust integrations with marketing and payment platforms
  • Real-time visitor analytics
  • A/B testing
  • Team collaboration plans
  • 14-day free trial, paid plans from $25/month


Instapage offers an intuitive visual editor with many templates for different conversion goals:

  • Integration marketplace connects to analytics, email, webinar tools
  • Real-time page performance analytics
  • A/B testing with heatmaps
  • Team workflow features
  • 14-day free trial, paid plans start at $149/month


Landingi enables customizing templates visually with sections, images, colors:

  • Integrates with email marketing, webinar, payment platforms
  • Real-time visitor analytics
  • A/B testing
  • Team plans available
  • 14-day free trial, paid plans from $29/month


Pagewiz offers a beginner-friendly drag-and-drop landing page editor:

  • Library of pre-built templates and images
  • Integrates with some marketing platforms
  • Real-time analytics
  • No free trial, paid plans from $10/month

While features and prices vary, all these landing page builders offer intuitive drag-and-drop editing and pre-made templates to fit different use cases. Evaluate them closely based on your needs.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Landing Page Builder

When selecting a landing page builder, keep these important factors in mind:

Your budget and willingness to pay monthly vs one-time fees

Pricing models differ. Some charge monthly with discounted annual plans, while others are one-time purchases. Free plans are limited. Evaluate costs closely based on expected usage and traffic.

Required core features based on your goals like forms, analytics, etc

Determine must-have features like lead gen forms, heatmaps, integrations, etc. based on your specific goals. Missing key capabilities could limit success. Prioritize accordingly.

Template designs - evaluate if they fit your brand and industry

Browse template libraries to find designs suited to your niche - modern, elegant, bold, minimal, etc. Mismatched templates can turn off visitors.

Integrations needed with other platforms you use - email, payments, webinars

If using other marketing tools, pick a builder that integrates with them to streamline workflows. Manual workarounds waste time.

Ease of use for you and your team's skill levels

Ensure the editor is intuitive for team members. Some offer more advanced functionality with a learning curve. Match to capabilities.

Learning resources like documentation, tutorials, and support options

Look for detailed help documentation, blogs, videos, and customer support channels. Insufficient resources could slow you down.

Scalability needs as your business grows over time

Pick a builder that can grow with your needs. Some have enterprise-level plans to scale up. Future proof your choice.

Top Features to Look For

These top features make landing page builders valuable:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop editor requiring no coding
  • Mobile responsiveness across devices
  • Library of professionally designed templates
  • Lead capture forms, chatbots, popups
  • Built-in analytics and A/B testing
  • Integrations with marketing, sales, payment tools
  • Collaboration capabilities
  • Customer support options

Questions to Ask Yourself

Consider these questions when choosing a landing page builder:

  • What are my landing page goals - generate leads or directly sell?
  • Who is my target audience and what design style appeals to them?
  • What level of technical skill do I and my team have?
  • What is my budget for startup and ongoing monthly costs?
  • What email marketing, payment, or webinar platforms do I need to integrate with?
  • Will I need to collaborate with others on landing pages?

Thinking through these elements will help you make the right platform choice.

Optimizing and Improving Your Landing Pages

Once you've built your landing pages, optimization is key to driving better results over time:

  • Conduct user testing to identify any points of friction
  • Use heatmaps and scrollmaps to see how visitors interact with pages
  • A/B test different elements like headlines, CTAs, and layouts
  • Analyze conversion metrics over time to identify successes and areas to improve
  • Update copy, visuals, and offers regularly to keep content fresh
  • Monitor page speed and mobile experience for continuous optimization
  • Place lead gen forms above the fold to increase visibility
  • Highlight form fields and make call-to-actions prominent

Design Tips for High Converting Landing Pages

Apply these design best practices to boost conversions:

  • Focus page on a single goal and call-to-action
  • Use headlines and subheads to guide visitors down the page
  • Limit distractions and avoid clutter
  • Highlight benefits specific to your target audience
  • Include social proof like testimonials, logos, or press mentions
  • Use contrasting colors to make key elements stand out
  • Use directional arrows or lines to draw attention
  • Break up long copy with relevant images

Lead Capture Form Best Practices

Optimize lead capture forms for higher conversion rates:

  • Only ask for essential info like emails, names, companies
  • Offer a compelling incentive like a discount or content preview
  • Keep forms short with 3-5 fields maximum
  • Allow inline form sign-up without leaving the page
  • Don't make sign up mandatory to access other content
  • Use microcopy to provide guidance and reassurance

Continuously test and optimize your landing pages to maximize results.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

  • No-code landing page builders like Unicorn Platform empower anyone to create optimized pages through drag-and-drop editors and templates.

  • Conduct thorough research to find the platform best suited to your budget, features, and goals.

  • Leverage built-in analytics and A/B testing to continuously improve conversions over time.

  • Focus on creating a seamless user experience from design to copywriting to load speeds.

  • Update landing pages frequently with new offers, content, and optimization insights.

  • A compelling, conversion-focused landing page is crucial to succeed with today's short attention spans.

With the right no-code landing page builder, you can create high-quality pages tailored to your business goals. Test different options like Unicorn Platform to determine the best fit. Continuously optimize using data-driven insights. Crafting an excellent landing page experience is essential for capturing more leads and driving results.

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