Create a Stunning Landing Page for Your Website in Minutes

published on 24 October 2023

<a name="introduction"></a>

Introduction to Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

An effective landing page is crucial for successfully acquiring users and driving growth for startups and SaaS businesses. However, building a high-converting landing page from scratch can be a major challenge without coding expertise. This guide will walk through how you can quickly and easily create stunning, optimized landing pages tailored to your business in minutes using Unicorn Platform's intuitive drag-and-drop builder.

Unicorn Platform removes the complexity from building landing pages with its AI-powered editor. Over 500 startups have used Unicorn Platform to create beautiful landing pages that convert. The platform offers 100+ mobile-friendly templates, easy customization, built-in speed optimization, forms and element integration, and more.

We'll explore choosing the right template, optimizing page content, adding forms and elements, improvement testing, driving traffic, and other tips for creating high-performing landing pages for your website. Let's dive in!

<a name="benefits-of-unicorn-platform"></a>

Benefits of Using Unicorn Platform

  • 100+ customizable, mobile-friendly templates for any industry and goal

  • Drag and drop editor simplifies building pages visually - no coding required

  • Optimize pages for speed with built-in image compression and minification

  • Connect lead capture forms, calls-to-action, live chat, and other elements

  • A/B test different page variations to improve conversion rate

For example, the yoga studio Peace of Mind used Unicorn Platform to create a lead generation landing page and saw a 2x increase in free trial signups in just 1 month.

<a name="choosing-template"></a>

Choosing the Right Landing Page Template

Selecting a template that structurally matches your goal is key. Browse Unicorn Platform's categorized template library for layouts tailored to different industries and conversion objectives.

Some examples include:

  • Lead generation - ebook, webinar, newsletter opt-in pages

  • SaaS / app promotion - highlight benefits of using your software

  • Event / conference - increase registrations for virtual or live events

  • Case study showcase - feature customer success stories

  • Pricing / comparison - show value vs competitors

Look for templates with simple, minimalist designs focused on conversions over flashy visuals. Pick a responsive layout matching your brand style that you can customize further.

<a name="customizing-content"></a>

Customizing Your Landing Page Content

Once your template is selected, tailor the content to your business goals and audience interests. Unicorn Platform's drag-and-drop editor simplifies updating text, fonts, colors, images, and other elements on your landing page.

Follow these tips for optimizing your copy:

  • Highlight benefits and address pain points - Focus on how you help customers.

  • Include social proof - Build trust with testimonials and customer logos.

  • Clear, action-driven CTA - "Start My Free Trial" instead of "Learn More".

  • Lead capture forms - Email signup, contact forms, surveys to collect leads.

  • Concise copy - Avoid dense blocks of text. Use bullet points.

  • Relevant keywords - Optimize for SEO without over-stuffing.

  • Effective headlines - Use formulas like "How to [achieve result] in [short time]"

For example, Unicorn CRM increased free trial signups by 12% by testing different benefit-focused headline and subheading combinations on its landing page.

<a name="integrating-elements"></a>

Integrating Forms and Other Elements

Forms, calls-to-action, live chat, video, and other elements can be easily added to boost engagement and conversions.

Connect your landing page to leading form and CRM tools like:

  • Mailchimp
  • HubSpot
  • Intercom

This allows you to seamlessly capture visitor data and automatically trigger workflows.

Other key elements to test are social proof like testimonials, urgency signals such as countdown timers, and chatbots for answering questions.

<a name="types-of-elements"></a>

Most Effective Forms and Elements

  • Email signup forms
  • Contact request forms
  • Survey or questionnaire forms
  • Customer testimonials
  • Countdown timers
  • Live chat widgets
  • Embedded video
  • Pricing tables
  • FAQ schema markup

<a name="optimization-and-testing"></a>

Optimizing and Testing Your Landing Page

Run A/B tests with Unicorn Platform to refine your landing page for higher conversions. Try different headlines, layouts, images, calls-to-action, and page speed optimizations to see what resonates best with your audience.

Here are a few quick wins for improving conversions:

  • Page speed - Reduce load times by optimizing images and minifying code

  • Copy and CTAs - Tweak language to drive more clicks

  • Social proof - Make testimonials and security badges more visible

  • Simplify forms - Only include essential fields

  • Mobile optimization - Ensure your CTA button is visible above the fold

For example, a Unicorn Platform customer optimized their page speed which reduced load times from 6 sec to under 2 sec, and increased conversion rate by 8%.

<a name="promoting-landing-page"></a>

Promoting Your Landing Page

Now that your high-converting landing page is ready, it's time to drive targeted traffic. Promote through existing channels like email, social media, and website banners.

To boost organic reach, optimize your page for relevant keyword searches like "copywriting services", "SaaS founders community", etc. Include keywords naturally in headers, text, URLs.

Other proven strategies include:

  • Paid ads on Google, Facebook, targeting your personas
  • Guest posting on niche industry blogs
  • Influencer marketing on Youtube, Twitter, etc.
  • Retargeting visitors through ads and email

Protip: Analyze your traffic sources and double down on channels bringing the most conversions. Remove sources with low ROI.

For example, a Unicorn Platform customer drove a 32% increase in overall landing page conversions by reallocating budget to their top-performing Facebook and Google ads.

<a name="conclusion"></a>

Summary and Conclusion

Optimized landing pages are invaluable for capturing more leads and driving growth for startups and SaaS businesses. As covered in this guide, platforms like Unicorn Platform make it easy to create beautiful, effective landing pages in minutes without coding.

By following the steps around choosing a high-converting template, customizing content for your brand and audience, integrating forms and other elements, rigorously testing page variations, and driving targeted traffic, you can maximize conversions on your landing pages for your website.

Ready to boost your lead generation and grow your business with a stellar landing page? <b><a href="">Check out Unicorn Platform's easy drag and drop landing page builder today!</a></b>

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