Craft an Amazing Podcast Marketing Landing Page With This Simple Builder

published on 25 July 2023

As a podcaster, you know the importance of an effective landing page to capture new listeners and subscribers. However, creating an attractive yet high-converting landing page is no easy feat and requires both design and technical skills that you may lack. Fortunately, tools have emerged to make the process simple for even non-designers. With an easy-to-use drag and drop builder like Unicorn Platform, you can quickly craft an amazing podcast marketing landing page to grow your audience and impact.

In just a few clicks, you can choose from professionally-designed templates tailored for podcasting and customize the copy, images, colors, and more to match your unique brand. Embed your latest episodes, include strong calls-to-action to subscribe on major platforms, and optimize your page for high conversions. While your focus remains on producing high-quality episodes, Unicorn Platform handles the landing page, allowing you to connect with more listeners than ever before. The end result is a stunning hub for your podcast that captures attention and fuels growth.

If you're also looking to create video marketing landing pages, check out our article on the simplest way to build video marketing landing pages for more tips and tricks.

Why You Need a Dedicated Podcast Marketing Landing

A dedicated podcast marketing landing page is essential to promoting your show and growing your audience. Here are a few reasons why you need one:

You need a place to send traffic from your marketing efforts. Whether promoting your show on social media, pitching to be a guest on other podcasts, or running ads, you need a landing page to direct people to learn more about your podcast.

If you're wondering how to quickly create an effective marketing landing page for your podcast, you can find valuable insights in our article about the fastest way to build marketing landing pages that convert.

It allows you to build your email list. A landing page with an email opt-in form makes it easy for visitors to sign up to receive updates from you, which helps build your audience. Offer an incentive like a free episode download or bonus content in exchange for their email address.

You can share details about your podcast. Use your landing page to give visitors an overview of your podcast topic, format, hosts, and more. Share a few episodes so new listeners can get a taste of your content. This helps set the right expectations about your show.

It improves your search ranking. Having a dedicated page for your podcast helps search engines index your show, making you more findable for relevant search queries. Be sure to optimize the page for search with a title, meta description, and headers that include your podcast name and topic.

A custom landing page looks professional. Using a basic website builder to create a custom landing page for your podcast gives a professional impression to new visitors. It shows you're serious about promoting and building your show. Generic social media profiles alone do not have the same effect.

In summary, a dedicated podcast marketing landing page is a must-have for promoting your show, building your email list, improving searchability, and appearing professional to new listeners. With the right builder and a little time, you can craft an amazing landing page to help grow your podcast audience.  

Choose a Template on Unicorn Platform to Get Started Fast

To create an effective podcast marketing landing page, choose a template on Unicorn Platform that is optimized for lead generation and conversion. The "Podcast Launch" and "Podcast Download" templates are ideal for promoting a new or existing podcast.

Select a template to get started. Then, customize the page by adding visuals that match your podcast's brand, such as your logo and podcast cover art. Include social proof like reviews and ratings to build trust with visitors.

You'll want to prominently feature an opt-in like a newsletter signup, free resource, or contest to capture leads. Explain the benefits and value to encourage signups. For example, "Sign up below to get the first chapter of my new book for FREE!" or "Enter your email for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card!"

Next, focus on your call-to-action buttons, such as "Subscribe Now" or "Download Episode." Place them prominently above the fold and reiterate the action you want visitors to take, e.g. "Subscribe to the podcast to get new episodes delivered to your inbox each week!"

Include a brief podcast description and details on the topics or stories covered. Mention noteworthy guests or milestones to build credibility. For example, "The podcast has featured interviews with leaders like [name 1], [name 2] and [name 3] and reached over [x] downloads."

Finally, incorporate social sharing buttons so visitors can spread the word about your podcast on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The more people share your page, the greater your visibility and reach.

With an eye-catching design, clear call-to-action, social proof, and sharing capabilities, your Unicorn Platform podcast landing page will turn listeners into loyal fans and subscribers in no time. Success is within your reach!

Add Your Podcast Artwork and Logo
Add Your Podcast Artwork and Logo

Add Your Podcast Artwork and Logo

To give your podcast marketing landing page a professional look, you’ll want to include eye-catching yet simple artwork. The Unicorn Platform makes it easy to add images, logos, and more.

Add Your Podcast Logo

Upload your podcast logo to use on your landing page. Having your logo prominently displayed helps build brand recognition and gives your page a polished appearance.

Include Cover Art

Add cover art for your podcast episodes. Episode cover art should have a consistent style and include the episode number or title. Displaying your cover art on the landing page gives visitors a preview of your podcast and may encourage them to start listening.

Feature a Hero Image

Select an evocative hero image to serve as the focal point of your landing page. Your hero image should capture the essence or theme of your podcast. Place your logo and a brief tagline or call to action over the top of the image. The hero image is one of the first things visitors will notice, so choose wisely.

Additional Images

Include additional images to break up sections of text or highlight key points. Images of you, your guests, or related to your podcast topic are good options. Be sure any additional images maintain a consistent style with your logo, cover art, and hero image.

Alt Text

For accessibility and search engine optimization, be sure to add alt text descriptions to all images. The alt text should briefly describe the image or its purpose on the page. For logos, the alt text can simply be your podcast name.

Following these best practices for adding visual elements to your podcast marketing landing page will give it a professional, polished appearance. Visitors will have a positive first impression, clearly understand your brand, and feel compelled to start listening to your podcast. Consistency and cohesion across all visual aspects of your landing page are key to an impactful user experience.

Share the Story Behind Your Podcast Marketing Landing

To craft an amazing podcast marketing landing page, you must share the story behind your podcast. People connect with stories, not just facts. Explain how you came up with the idea for your podcast, why you're passionate about the topic, and what listeners can gain from tuning in.

Share Your Podcast's Origin Story

Discuss the journey that led you to create your podcast. For example, did you have a life experience that inspired you to start the podcast? Are you an expert in your field hoping to share knowledge with others? Help visitors understand why this podcast is meaningful to you. Your authenticity and enthusiasm will shine through.

Highlight Your Podcast's Mission and Purpose

Clearly state what your podcast aims to achieve and the value it provides to listeners. For example, do you educate, entertain, inspire or motivate? Specify the goals, lessons, or takeaways listeners can expect from each episode. Visitors should come away with a solid understanding of your podcast's purpose and mission.

Introduce the Hosts and Any Guests

Share details about yourself, any co-hosts and frequent guests. Describe relevant experience, qualifications, and credentials to build authority and trust. Mention awards or recognition to strengthen your credibility. Photos of the hosts and guests also help to make a personal connection with visitors.

Discuss Show Topics and Episodes

Give an overview of your show topics, themes and types of discussions or episodes. For example, do you do interviews, solo shows or panel discussions? Share episode titles and descriptions for at least 3-5 of your most popular shows. This helps demonstrate the variety and depth of content your podcast offers. Visitors get a sense of what they can expect to listen to and may find some episodes of particular interest.

Offer a Strong Call to Action

Once visitors understand your podcast and connect with your story, issue a clear call to action. For example, invite them to subscribe to your podcast, follow you on social media, or sign up for your email list to receive updates and exclusive content. Make it easy for visitors to take the next step to become loyal listeners and fans.

Include Social Proof and Testimonials

Social proof and testimonials from real users or customers are powerful ways to build trust and credibility on your podcast marketing landing page.

Including reviews, ratings, and testimonials from your listeners demonstrates your value and authority. Quotes from fans discussing how your podcast has helped or inspired them are highly persuasive. Be sure to gather reviews from various channels like your podcast host site, social media, and email lists. Curate a selection of the most compelling ones to feature prominently on your page.

For example:

Testimonials from Your Community

“Jane’s podcast has completely changed the way I think about marketing. Her actionable tips and insights are invaluable for anyone looking to grow their business.” - John Doe, eCommerce Entrepreneur

“As a new podcaster, Jane’s show has been an incredible resource. Her interviews with industry leaders have inspired me and given me the knowledge I need to start my own podcast.” - Mary Smith, The Productivity Podcast Host

In addition to testimonials, include data and metrics that demonstrate your expertise and authority. For example, mention:

  • Your number of downloads, listeners, and subscribers. The more, the better.
  • Any notable guests you’ve hosted. High-profile guests add credibility.
  • Awards or accolades you’ve received. Even being featured in roundups by other industry influencers counts.
  • Your experience and credentials. Briefly highlight your background and qualifications.

Using social proof and testimonials is a proven way to build trust and convince visitors your podcast is worth their time. Curate the most powerful examples of how you’ve helped and inspired your community to make a compelling case for why people should subscribe and listen. Combined with your experience and expertise, these elements will give your podcast the credibility it needs to attract new fans.

Add a Call-to-Action Button
Add a Call-to-Action Button

Add a Call-to-Action Button

Once you have designed your landing page and added all the necessary content to capture your ideal podcast listener, it’s time to add a call-to-action (CTA) button. A CTA button prompts visitors to take the next step in the conversion funnel, such as subscribing to your podcast or joining your email list.

To add a CTA button in Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Design Your Button

Select a button from the elements menu or use the button designer to create your own custom button. Choose a size, color, and shape that stands out and matches your brand. For the text, use an action-oriented phrase like “Subscribe Now,” “Join the List,” or “Download Episode.”

Link Your Button

In the link field, enter the URL where you want to send visitors who click the button. This could be your podcast host website to subscribe, a lead capture form, or a content offer like a checklist or resource. Make sure the link opens in a new tab so visitors can easily return to your landing page.

Place Strategically

Position your CTA button prominently on the page, such as center page below the header, in the sidebar, or at the bottom of your content sections. Wherever you place the button, make sure it’s highly visible and one of the first things visitors see when the page loads. Multiple CTA buttons, such as one at the top and one at the bottom of the page, can also be effective.

Test and Optimize

Once your landing page is live, closely monitor how visitors interact with your CTA button using analytics. Look at metrics like click-through rate to see how compelling your button text and design are. Make changes as needed to the button size, color, text, or position on the page to maximize clicks. Even small tweaks can lead to significant improvements in conversions.

An eye-catching CTA button with a strong call to action is key to turning your podcast marketing landing page visitors into subscribers and loyal listeners. Place it strategically, test different options, and continue optimizing to get the most from this important conversion element.

Offer a Lead Magnet or Freebie (Optional)

Offering a lead magnet or freebie on your podcast marketing landing page is optional but can be an effective way to capture visitor emails and convert more listeners. A lead magnet is an ethical bribe, something valuable you give away for free in exchange for someone’s contact information. For a podcast, this could be:

  • A free preview episode from your show. Give listeners a taste of what to expect and they’ll likely subscribe to hear more.
  • Bonus content like an interview, Q&A, or behind-the-scenes footage. Exclusive extras your listeners can only get by signing up.
  • A free resource like a checklist, workbook, or cheat sheet. For example, “The 10 Best Podcast Equipment Upgrades” or “How to Book Amazing Guests: A Step-by-Step Guide.”
  • Entry into a contest or giveaway. Offer the chance to win a prize related to your show’s topic or niche. For a movie review podcast, give away tickets to an upcoming blockbuster. For a business podcast, offer a career coaching session.

To create your lead magnet:

  1. Determine what free offer would most resonate with and benefit your target listeners. Think about their needs, interests, and what they’re hoping to get out of your show.
  2. Choose a lead magnet format. An ebook, video course, resource guide, and contest are all great options. Keep the scope small enough to be a legitimate freebie but valuable enough to capture emails.
  3. Promote your lead magnet prominently on your landing page. Explain exactly what it is and what’s in it for listeners. Let them know they'll receive access immediately after subscribing.
  4. Deliver on your promise. As soon as someone enters their email, send them the lead magnet right away. If it's a contest, announce the winner on your show. Follow through to build goodwill and trust.
  5. Nurture your new email subscribers with more great content. Engage them to become podcast listeners and loyal fans.

A well-designed lead magnet or freebie on your podcast marketing landing page, when implemented properly, can be an impactful way to grow your show's audience and turn casual visitors into dedicated fans. Give your listeners an irresistible offer they can't refuse.

How to Build Podcast Marketing Landing Page With Unicorn Platform

To build an effective podcast marketing landing page with Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Choose a template. Unicorn Platform offers professionally designed templates for podcast marketing landing pages. Select a template that matches your podcast’s brand and theme. You can then customize the template by adding your logo, color scheme, fonts, and more.

Add an attention-grabbing headline. Your headline should capture the viewer’s attention and highlight the key benefit or most interesting part of your podcast. For example, “Discover the Secrets of the World’s Most Successful Entrepreneurs” or “True Stories of Survival from the Edge of the Wilderness.”

Describe your podcast. Use 2-3 paragraphs to describe your podcast concept, topics covered, host bios, release schedule, and anything else that would convince a new listener to subscribe. Mention any notable guests or episodes. Keep this section concise while highlighting what makes your podcast unique.

Include podcast episodes. Embed your podcast episodes directly on the page so visitors can listen to samples. Choose 3-5 of your most engaging or popular episodes. This allows potential listeners to get a feel for your show’s content, format, and production quality before subscribing.

Add social proof. Feature reviews, ratings, or testimonials from current listeners. Mention any notable publications, websites, or podcasts that have recommended your show. This social proof builds trust and credibility, reassuring visitors that your podcast is worth their time.

Add a call-to-action. The primary goal of your landing page is to get visitors to subscribe to your podcast. Include a bold call-to-action like “Subscribe Now on Apple Podcasts” or “Follow Us on Spotify.” Make sure your podcast is available on all major podcast platforms so visitors can easily subscribe on their service of choice.

Keep optimizing. Track how visitors interact with your landing page using analytics tools. Look for any content that gets little engagement and make changes to improve it. Monitor your podcast's subscription and download numbers to see if any changes to the landing page result in increased growth. Make continuous optimizations to maximize the effectiveness of your page.

With an eye-catching yet concise landing page, social proof from current listeners, and a clear call-to-action, you can start building your podcast's audience and turning more visitors into dedicated subscribers. Unicorn Platform makes the process simple, allowing you to create a professional page and start growing your show.


As you've seen, creating an eye-catching podcast marketing landing page is easier than ever with Unicorn Platform. Their simple yet powerful drag and drop builder gives you all the tools you need to craft a professional page that will convert your listeners into customers. With beautiful templates, an intuitive interface, and powerful marketing features built right in, Unicorn Platform streamlines the process so you can spend less time designing and more time growing your audience. If you're ready to take your podcast to the next level, sign up for a free Unicorn Platform account today. In just a few minutes you'll have a stunning landing page that captures new leads and boosts your sales.

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