Unicorn Platform: Drag and Drop Web Design for NonProfits

updated on 06 March 2024

As an organization looking to share your mission and message, an eye-catching yet simple website is crucial. However, custom web design can be costly and time-consuming, especially for nonprofits with limited resources. You need an intuitive solution to create a professional online presence yourself without technical skills.

Unicorn Platform provides nonprofit organizations an easy-to-use website builder to design and launch a website in minutes. With a simple drag and drop interface, stunning templates, and built-in blogging and ecommerce features, you have everything at your fingertips to craft a website that brings your cause to life. Let your story shine through with a custom domain, gallery, events calendar, donation forms, and more. Unicorn Platform puts the power of web design in your hands so you can focus on what really matters - your mission. Discover how easy and affordable it can be to spread your message and make a difference.

Looking for a free web designing tool for nonprofits? Check out our article on Unicorn Platform to learn more about our affordable and intuitive website builder.

Unicorn Platform: A Simple Yet Powerful Website Builder

As a nonprofit, your website is one of your most important tools for communicating your mission and connecting with supporters. Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop website builder specifically designed for nonprofits and causes. With no coding required, you can easily create a professional and impactful website to help spread your message.

Unicorn Platform offers nonprofit-specific themes and sections to showcase your mission, events, news, team, and calls-to-action. Easily add images, videos, blog posts, donation forms, email sign-up boxes, and more. Our customizable themes provide a polished look that you can tailor to match your brand.

Creating your site is simple. Just drag and drop the elements you want, then edit the text and upload your media. You have full control over the layout, styling, and content. And if you get stuck, our support team is always here to help.

If you want to learn more about how Unicorn Platform can make nonprofit website development easy, check out our article on Unicorn Platform Makes Nonprofit Website Development Easy.  

A few of the key features for nonprofits include:

  • Donation forms to securely accept one-time and recurring gifts from your supporters. Integrates with major payment processors.
  • Email marketing to stay in touch with your donors and volunteers. Create email sign-up forms for your site and send professional newsletters and appeals.
  • Events management to promote your fundraising events, volunteer opportunities, and community outreach programs. Sell tickets, collect RSVPs, and provide all the details for attendees.
  • Blog to share stories about the people and communities you serve, report on progress, and spread awareness of your cause. Engaging content will keep visitors coming back to your site.
  • SEO optimization to help your site rank higher in search engines like Google. We follow best practices for nonprofits to increase traffic and visibility.

With an easy to use platform and nonprofit-focused features, Unicorn Platform gives you everything you need to build a compelling website for your organization. Best of all, we offer substantial discounts for registered charities and nonprofits.

Create Beautiful Non-Profit Websites Design Without Code

As a nonprofit, your website is the face of your organization and crucial for communicating your mission, promoting events, and generating donations. However, building an attractive website requires technical skills and resources that many nonprofits lack.

Unicorn Platform provides an easy solution. Our drag and drop website builder allows you to create a custom nonprofit website design without code.

  • Select a template. Choose from dozens of mobile-responsive templates tailored for nonprofits. Templates feature bold imagery, prominent calls-to-action, and spaces to highlight your cause and events.
  • Add your content. Drag and drop sections like hero banners, photo galleries, blog posts, and contact forms. Add your nonprofit’s name, logo, mission statement, events calendar, donation links, and social media profiles.
  • Customize the design. Change fonts, colors, and layouts with a few clicks. Rearrange sections and columns to best showcase your messaging. Add your own images and graphics or choose from our library of free stock photos.
  • Set up donations. Easily configure online giving forms to accept one-time and recurring donations via credit card or ACH bank transfer using our integration with leading payment processors.
  • Launch your site. Once complete, publish your nonprofit website with a single click. Your mobile-friendly site will be live within minutes.
  • Get support. Our support team is here to assist you with any questions you have in building or modifying your nonprofit website. We want you to have an easy, frustration-free experience designing a website you can be proud of.

With Unicorn Platform, nonprofit organizations of any size can create a custom website to spread their message, rally support, and collect donations—all without writing a single line of code. Build your nonprofit website today and start making a bigger impact.

Customize Your Site With Easy Drag and Drop
Customize Your Site With Easy Drag and Drop

Customize Your Site With Easy Drag and Drop

Customize the Look and Feel

Unicorn Platform’s simple drag and drop interface makes customizing your nonprofit’s website design easy. With no technical skills required, you have full control over the look and feel of your site.

Choose a Theme

Select from a variety of pre-made themes to get started. Themes include options for causes like environment, education, health, community, and more. You can also start from scratch with a blank theme.

Once you select a theme, you can fully customize:

  • Colors: Pick from our color palette or enter your own custom hex codes. Change backgrounds, headlines, links, buttons and more.
  • Fonts: We offer a variety of high-quality web fonts to choose from. Select different fonts for headings, content, links, etc.
  • Layout: Adjust column structure, add sections, move widgets around, and control padding/spacing with an intuitive drag and drop interface.

Add Your Content

Add pages, blog posts, photos, videos, donate/event buttons and whatever else you need. You have complete flexibility.

  • Pages: Add an about page, services page, contact page and any others you need. Include text, images, videos, and more.
  • Blog: Share updates, stories, events, and news. Post written content, photos, videos or livestream to your blog.
  • Media: Upload images, photo galleries, videos, audio clips and documents. Embed external media from sources like YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps and SoundCloud.
  • Buttons & Links: Add custom links and action buttons for donations, events, volunteering, social media and more.

Review and Launch

Once your site is built, review how it looks on both desktop and mobile devices. Make any final changes needed, then launch your website to share your mission with the world! You have full control to update the content and design anytime.

Unicorn Platform gives nonprofits an easy yet powerful way to build a professional web presence at an affordable cost. Take advantage of simple drag and drop tools to customize the entire look and feel of your site without needing technical experience. Share your cause with supporters and start making a bigger impact.

Web Design For Nonprofits: Showcase Your Mission and Vision

Showcase Your Mission and Vision

As a nonprofit, your website is the face of your organization and a vital tool for spreading your mission. An attractive, user-friendly design will draw more visitors and keep them engaged. It should highlight what you do, who benefits, and how to get involved.

Focus on clean layouts and simple navigation. A cluttered site with too many options can confuse visitors and obscure your key messages. Group related content and calls-to-action together, using buttons and links to guide the user through topics. For example, have sections for “Our Mission,” “Programs We Offer,” “Success Stories,” “How You Can Help,” and “Contact Us.”

Incorporate visual media like photos and videos. Images of people you serve and the impact of your work will inspire empathy and connections. Videos discussing your mission or programs in more depth will capture interest. However, do not overload the page, and ensure any media loads quickly.

Share your vision and values prominently. Explain the societal need you aim to address and your overarching goals. Discuss how people’s time, donations, and voices can contribute to positive change. Highlight specific accomplishments and the differences you have made so far. Transparency and a compelling story will motivate others to join your efforts.

A well-designed website raises awareness for your cause and makes it easy for visitors to get involved. By focusing on your mission, keeping content concise, utilizing visual media judiciously, and providing clear calls-to-action, you can craft an impactful digital presence for your nonprofit. Supporters will better understand why your work matters and how they can help.

Share Stories and Updates With an Integrated Blog
Share Stories and Updates With an Integrated Blog

Share Stories and Updates With an Integrated Blog

As a nonprofit organization, sharing updates and stories with your supporters and community is key to building engagement and trust. The Unicorn Platform makes this simple with an integrated blogging feature.

Easy to Set Up

To get started, just click the “Blog” item in your Unicorn Platform dashboard menu. From there, you can create posts, categories to organize them, and add images or videos to bring your stories to life. There’s no coding required - just use the visual editor to format your content, embed media, and make your posts look professional.

Share Updates, Events, and More

Use your blog to share organizational updates, highlight events, recognize volunteers and donors, report on your impact, and spread awareness of your cause. Posts are automatically added to your website’s blog page, and the most recent three posts also appear on your homepage. You can customize where posts appear on your site at any time.

Build Your Audience and Following

As you publish valuable and engaging content, more people will follow your blog and share your posts on social media. Unicorn Platform makes it easy for readers to subscribe to your blog updates via email or RSS feed. You can also add social sharing buttons to every post so visitors can spread the word on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Analyze Performance and Make Data-Driven Decisions

The Unicorn Platform provides analytics for your blog so you can see how many visitors and pageviews each post receives, how people find your content, and which posts resonate most with your audience. Use these insights to guide your content strategy and determine what types of stories and updates your supporters find most compelling or useful. Make data-driven decisions to improve audience growth and engagement over time.

By regularly sharing stories and updates on your Unicorn Platform blog, you'll build meaningful connections with your community, spread awareness of your cause, and gain valuable data to help strengthen your content and outreach efforts. The simple yet powerful blogging tools make it easy for nonprofits of any size to start building an engaged following.

Raise More Funds With Donation Pages and Memberships

To maximize fundraising, Unicorn Platform offers simple donation pages and paid membership options. Creating an easy way for supporters to contribute financially is key to the success of any non-profit organization.

Donation Pages

Set up a dedicated donation page on your website to make it simple for people to give one-time or recurring gifts. Offer multiple suggested donation amounts to choose from, or allow donors to enter a custom amount. Provide details on how funds will be used to inspire people to give generously.

  • Share stories of people or programs that have benefited from past donations. Put a human face on how gifts make a difference.
  • Offer special incentives or rewards at higher funding levels, e.g. a mention on social media or a small branded gift.
  • Accept donations through secure payment processors like Stripe or PayPal so contributors feel confident giving online.
  • Thank all donors publicly on your site and through a personal email or letter. Let them know the impact of their generosity. Gratitude cultivates future support.

Paid Memberships

For committed supporters, paid memberships or subscriptions are an excellent way to provide ongoing funding. In exchange for an annual fee, members receive benefits like exclusive content, event access, or merchandise.

  1. Determine appropriate membership levels and fees based on the value of benefits offered. Aim for 3-5 levels ranging from $25-$500 per year or more for larger nonprofits.
  2. Promote memberships on your website, in email newsletters, and at events. Explain the important role member dues play in your organization’s budget.
  3. Offer a trial period at a lower cost or free to allow people to try before committing to a full membership.
  4. Provide value and engagement to members through a members-only area on your site, a monthly newsletter, live streams, or other interactive experiences.
  5. Give members ways to spread your mission by offering referral programs or social sharing badges and rewards.

With some planning and promotion, donation pages and paid memberships can become reliable sources of income for your nonprofit. By making giving and member participation simple and meaningful, you’ll build a base of dedicated supporters to help sustain your important work.

Promote Events and Causes Through Your Website

Promoting events and causes through your website is an important way to engage your audience and spread awareness about your nonprofit’s mission.

Highlight Upcoming Events

Create a dedicated “Events” page on your site to list any fundraising campaigns, volunteer opportunities, educational workshops, or other events your organization has scheduled. Provide all relevant details for each event including:

  • Date and time
  • Location (virtual or in-person)
  • Ticket prices or suggested donations
  • Event description and schedule
  • Registration or RSVP link

Promote your events page on your homepage and in your site navigation to make visitors aware of the opportunities to get involved. You can also feature individual events on your homepage in the weeks leading up to the event date to generate excitement.

Share Your Mission and Current Initiatives

Use your website to educate visitors about the causes and communities your nonprofit supports. Explain your mission statement and values in an “About Us” page. Highlight any current programs, partnerships, research, or advocacy work on your homepage and in blog posts. Share stories of people you have helped through your initiatives. This shows supporters the impact of their donations and volunteer time.

Make it Easy to Donate

Include prominent “Donate” buttons on your website that link to a page where visitors can quickly make one-time or recurring donations. Explain exactly how funds will be used and the benefits to your community. Offer opportunities for people to donate their time by volunteering. Make the process simple by allowing them to sign up directly on your site.

Spread Awareness on Social Media

Promote your events, causes, and donation opportunities on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Share photos, stories, news updates and calls-to-action to spread awareness and drive people to your website. Build relationships with your followers by engaging with them in comments and through direct messaging. Social media is a highly effective way to reach new audiences and turn supporters into donors or volunteers.

In summary, your nonprofit website should make it easy for people to discover, understand and support your important work. Highlighting events and causes, sharing your mission, enabling donations, and promoting on social media are all effective strategies for engagement and building a dedicated community of supporters.

Get Found Online With Built-in SEO Features

To help nonprofit organizations establish an online presence and get discovered by donors and volunteers, Unicorn Platform includes built-in SEO (search engine optimization) features. 

SEO helps improve your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google. The higher your ranking, the more people will find your site. Unicorn Platform makes SEO easy with:

  • Keyword-rich page titles and meta descriptions: The page titles and descriptions that appear in search results are automatically populated based on your page content. You can easily modify these to include important keywords and key phrases to attract more clicks.
  • Optimized page URLs: The URLs for your pages and blog posts will contain keywords, which signals to search engines what the content is about. For example, “unicornplatform.com/donate” is optimized for the keyword “donate.”
  • Alt text for images: The alternative text (alt text) for images on your site will also contain keywords. Alt text helps search engines understand your images, and it's read aloud for visually impaired users.
  • Internal linking: Links between the pages on your own website, called internal links, pass "link juice" to help search engines discover and rank your content. Unicorn Platform automatically adds internal links where relevant.
  • Mobile-friendly design: Unicorn Platform builds fully responsive websites optimized for all devices. Since Google favors mobile-friendly sites in its rankings, your nonprofit will benefit from higher search visibility.
  • Blog integration: The integrated blog tool allows you to publish new keyword-rich content on your site regularly. Fresh, high-quality content is one of the top ranking factors according to Google. Regular blogging, such as once a week or twice a month, will significantly boost your SEO.

By taking advantage of these built-in features, your nonprofit can establish a professional web presence, spread your mission, and connect with more people who want to support you. Optimizing for search isn't difficult with Unicorn Platform, and the benefits to your organization can be huge.

FAQs: How Unicorn Platform Helps With Web Design For Nonprofits

How can Unicorn Platform help nonprofit organizations with web design?

Unicorn Platform offers an easy-to-use drag and drop website builder specifically tailored to the needs of nonprofit organizations. With no coding skills required, nonprofit staff and volunteers can create a professional, mobile-friendly website to help promote their mission and engage supporters.

Affordable and Accessible

Unicorn Platform is offered at an affordable monthly rate, with discounted and free options for qualifying nonprofits. The intuitive, user-friendly interface allows people of all technical abilities to build an attractive website, eliminating the need for expensive web developers.

Pre-designed Nonprofit Templates

Unicorn Platform provides nonprofit-specific templates to get you started, with options for donation pages, event registration, volunteer signups, and more. Easily customize the styling, images, and content to match your nonprofit's branding and messaging.

Integrated Donation Processing

Accept one-time and recurring donations directly on your website using our integrated payment processing partner. Donors can quickly and securely donate via credit/debit card or bank account. Nonprofits receive donations in 1-2 business days.

Advanced Features for Growth

As your needs expand, take advantage of more advanced features like email marketing, membership management, online course hosting, and an integrated CRM to organize your contacts and communications. Our goal is to provide an all-in-one solution for your nonprofit's digital presence and fundraising needs.

Expert Support and Guidance

Our dedicated nonprofit success team is here to provide guidance and support every step of the way. From website setup and design recommendations to fundraising strategy and marketing tips, we aim to be your partner in making the biggest impact possible. Our team has years of experience helping nonprofits thrive online.

Unicorn Platform is dedicated to empowering nonprofit organizations through simple yet powerful technology solutions. We hope to make web design, digital marketing, and fundraising more accessible so you can focus on what really matters: your mission and community. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions!


As a nonprofit, your time and budget are limited. You want to focus on your mission and programs, not struggling with technical web design. Unicorn Platform allows you to quickly and easily build a professional website to tell your story, raise funds, and spread your message.With an intuitive drag and drop interface and designer-made templates, you can launch your nonprofit's website in minutes. No coding skills required. Your site will be responsive, accessible, and SEO-optimized so you can reach more people. Let Unicorn Platform handle the web design so you can get back to changing the world. A professional website for a fraction of the cost. Join over 10,000 nonprofits using Unicorn Platform and see why it's the top choice for affordable nonprofit web design.

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