The Best Free SaaS Landing Page Builder: Unicorn Platform

published on 18 July 2023

You need a simple yet powerful landing page builder to showcase your startup or product in the best possible light. As an entrepreneur focused on growth, you don't have time to learn complex web design skills or spend hours coding to create an impactful landing page. You need an intuitive solution that can be implemented quickly without compromising on quality.

Unicorn Platform is the free landing page builder that delivers just that. With its drag and drop interface, you can create a professional landing page in minutes that is optimized to convert visitors into customers. Choose from sleek templates or start from scratch using the page elements and styling options. Embed video, add eye-catching images, and include persuasive copy to engage your visitors. Integrate with your marketing and analytics tools to gain key insights into how people are interacting with your page.

For startups and SaaS companies focused on rapid growth, Unicorn Platform is the ideal no-code solution to build a landing page that makes a stellar first impression. With no hidden fees or limitations, this is one free resource you can rely on to take your business to the next level.

If you're an iOS developer looking to create a landing page, check out our article on how to build your iOS development landing page in minutes. You'll be able to create a stunning landing page for your app without needing any coding skills.

Why You Need a Landing Page

As a SaaS business, having an optimized landing page is crucial for converting visitors into customers. Here are a few reasons why you need a dedicated landing page:

  • Focus the message. A landing page allows you to craft a focused marketing message tailored to your target audience. You can clearly articulate your product or service's key benefits and value propositions without distractions.
  • Generate more leads. An effective landing page, optimized for search engine ranking and conversion, will generate more quality leads for your business. By providing visitors with a clear call-to-action, like a free trial sign-up, you can capture contact information and move leads through your sales funnel.
  • Improve conversion rates. A landing page designed specifically for a marketing campaign or promotion has a singular goal: to convert visitors into leads or customers. By removing navigation and focusing the page on one conversion goal, you can significantly improve your conversion rates.
  • Track performance. Using a landing page builder tool with built-in analytics, you can see how your landing page is performing and optimize based on data. Track metrics like page views, bounce rates, conversion rates, and more to continually improve your results over time.
  • Lower cost per acquisition. The more optimized your landing page, the lower your cost per lead or customer acquisition will be. Improving conversion rates and generating more high-quality leads from your marketing efforts will maximize your return on investment.

In summary, a dedicated landing page is a must-have for any SaaS business looking to scale growth. By focusing your messaging, improving conversion rates, generating more leads, and tracking performance, you can significantly impact your bottom line. The best part? Many landing page builders today are inexpensive or even free to use. So there's little reason not to get started.

Introducing Unicorn Platform: The Best Free SaaS Landing Page Builder

Unicorn Platform is the best free SaaS landing page builder available today. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create high-converting landing pages, even if you have no technical skills.

  • No Coding Required: Unicorn Platform is 100% no-code. You don’t need any technical or design experience to build beautiful landing pages. Just drag and drop the elements you want, customize them, and publish.
  • Mobile-Responsive: All landing pages built with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Your pages will look great on any screen size.
  • Customizable Templates: Unicorn Platform provides professionally designed templates to get you started. You can also build custom landing pages from scratch. Either way, you have full control over colors, fonts, images, and content.
  • Integrations: Easily connect your landing pages to email marketing services, payment gateways, and more. Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular third-party services.
  • Analytics: Gain insight into how your landing pages are performing with built-in analytics. See page views, conversion rates, and find opportunities for optimization.
  • Affordable Pricing: Unicorn Platform is free to use and always will be. Upgrade to a paid plan for additional features like custom domains, form builders, and collaboration tools for your team.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use yet powerful landing page builder with all the features you need to create high-converting lead generation pages for your SaaS business. Give the free version a try and see the results for yourself.

Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder: No Coding Skills Required
Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder: No Coding Skills Required

Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder: No Coding Skills Required

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop landing page builder requires no coding skills to create a custom landing page.

Easy to Use Interface

The intuitive interface makes it simple to build a landing page from scratch. Just drag and drop the elements you want onto your page. Add images, videos, call-to-action buttons, contact forms, countdown timers, pricing tables, and more with a few clicks. Rearrange and style everything directly on the page.

Mobile-Friendly Designs

Landing pages created with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive and mobile-friendly. They automatically adapt to any screen size so your page looks great on all devices. You don’t need to build a separate mobile version of your landing page.

Customizable Templates

Unicorn Platform offers beautifully designed templates to get you started. Choose from templates for SaaS, mobile apps, online courses, and more. Customize the template by changing colors, fonts, and layouts or building your landing page from scratch. Save your customized templates to reuse and repurpose for future landing pages.


Unicorn Platform integrates with your favorite tools to enhance your landing pages. Connect to your email service provider to capture leads from your landing page. Use the Zapier integration to trigger actions in other apps. Embed video, audio, and other media from platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud.

A/B Testing

Create multiple variations of your landing page and use the A/B testing feature to determine which version performs better. Make changes to elements like headlines, images, calls-to-action, and see how visitors respond. Unicorn Platform tracks key metrics like page views, time on page, and conversion rates so you can optimize your landing page for the best results.

With an easy to use drag and drop builder, mobile-friendly designs, customizable templates, useful integrations, and A/B testing, Unicorn Platform is a simple yet powerful landing page creation tool for SaaS and other online businesses. Build high-converting landing pages to attract and engage more leads without technical skills.

100+ Pre-Made Landing Page Templates

When choosing a landing page builder for your SaaS, the availability of pre-made templates is an important consideration. Unicorn Platform offers over 100 mobile-responsive landing page templates to choose from, allowing you to launch your page quickly.

Diverse Selection

Unicorn Platform provides landing page templates for a wide range of uses, including:

  • Product landing pages to showcase your SaaS app or service
  • Services landing pages to promote your consulting or agency offerings
  • Pricing pages to highlight your packages and plans
  • About us pages to share your brand story
  • Contact pages to allow visitors to get in touch

With this diverse selection, you can find an appropriate template for any standard landing page need.

Customizable and Adaptable

While the templates provide an excellent starting point, you have full control to customize the content and styling to match your brand. You can:

  • Change page sections, layouts, columns, and more using the drag and drop builder
  • Modify text, images, colors, fonts, and add your logo
  • Adjust form fields, actions, and integrations
  • Preview and make changes on the go right from your mobile device

Unicorn Platform’s simple yet robust customization options allow you to adapt each template to your unique needs and preferences.

Regular Updates

The Unicorn Platform team frequently adds new landing page templates, sections, and elements to choose from. They stay on top of the latest design trends and innovations in order to provide you with options that will make your landing page look modern and professional.

With a large selection of diverse, customizable templates and ongoing updates, Unicorn Platform allows you to create an engaging landing page for your SaaS in no time. Focus on what really matters — promoting your product and growing your customer base. Let Unicorn Platform handle the rest.

Customize Everything: Colors, Fonts, Images, and More

Customize the Look and Feel

With Unicorn Platform, you have full control over the visual design of your landing pages. You can customize:

  • Color Palette: Choose from a variety of premade color schemes or create your own using the color picker. Select colors for backgrounds, buttons, text, links, etc.
  • Typography: Pick from Google Fonts for your headings and body text. Adjust size, line height, and letter spacing.
  • Images: Upload your own images or choose from thousands of free stock photos. Place images in the background, in sections, or use them to break up your content.
  • Sections: Add, remove, or reorganize sections like hero banners, feature lists, testimonials, and more. Each section comes with styling options to match your brand.
  • Page Layout: Choose between a variety of pre-made page templates or build your own layout from scratch using the drag and drop builder.

Integrate Your Tools

Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular SaaS tools to help you get the most out of your landing pages:

  • Email marketing: Connect your mailing list providers like Mailchimp, Drip or ActiveCampaign to capture leads from your landing pages.
  • Analytics: Link tools such as Google Analytics, Mixpanel or Amplitude to gain insights into how visitors interact with your landing pages. Track page views, conversion rates, traffic sources and more.
  • Social sharing: Enable sharing buttons for networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn so visitors can spread the word about your product or service.
  • Custom code: For advanced customization, you have the option to add custom HTML, JavaScript and CSS code to your landing pages.
  • Zapier integration: Unicorn Platform works with Zapier so you can connect with thousands of other apps to automate your marketing workflows.

Unicorn Platform provides a simple yet powerful landing page builder with the flexibility to create customized pages that match your brand and marketing objectives. The ability to thoroughly tailor and integrate with other software means you have a comprehensive solution to convert more leads and drive the success of your SaaS business.

Cheap Landing Page Software: Email, Analytics, CRM, and More
Cheap Landing Page Software: Email, Analytics, CRM, and More

Cheap Landing Page Software: Email, Analytics, CRM, and More

To fully leverage Unicorn Platform as a landing page builder, take advantage of the integrated tools for email marketing, analytics, and CRM. These features allow you to not only create high-converting landing pages but also track their performance and build lasting customer relationships.

Email Marketing

Unicorn Platform seamlessly integrates with major email service providers like Mailchimp, Drip, and ActiveCampaign. You can easily connect your email list to instantly start collecting leads from your landing pages. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to stay in touch with your customers and promote your product or service.


Understanding how your visitors interact with your landing pages is key to optimization and improving conversion rates. Unicorn Platform offers built-in analytics that provide insights into page views, unique visitors, bounce rates, and more. You can see how long visitors spend on each page, what content they engage with, and where they navigate to. These analytics empower you to make data-driven changes to your landing pages.


Unicorn Platform integrates with popular customer relationship management (CRM) software such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho. A CRM helps you manage all your company's relationships and interactions with leads and customers in one place. When a visitor submits a form on your landing page, their information is automatically logged in your CRM. You'll have a complete record of every lead and can nurture them with targeted content and offers, increasing the chance of conversion.

Using the tools for email, analytics, and CRM together with Unicorn Platform provides a seamless system to build, launch, optimize, and scale high-performance landing pages. For a low-cost SaaS solution, Unicorn Platform offers a robust set of features to grow your business. Sign up for a free 14-day trial to experience how easy it is to create custom landing pages and turn more visitors into customers.

A/B Testing to Optimize Your Landing Pages

To optimize your landing pages and convert more visitors into customers or signups, you should conduct A/B testing. This involves creating multiple versions of the same page to see which one performs better.

Run an A/B test with Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform allows you to easily set up A/B tests for your landing pages. You can test different:

  • Headlines
  • Page layouts
  • Content sections
  • Images
  • Call-to-action (CTA) buttons

To start an A/B test:

  1. Create two versions of the same landing page. For example, Version A could have a headline and image at the top, with the CTA button in the middle. Version B could have the image and CTA at the top, with the headline in the middle.
  2. Determine the goal of your test, such as which version gets more email signups or purchases.
  3. Choose the percentage of traffic to direct to each page variation, such as 50% to each version. Unicorn Platform will automatically split traffic between the two pages based on your settings.
  4. Run the test for at least a week to get a good sample size. The version that performs better against your goal "wins" the test.
  5. End the test and direct 100% of traffic to the winning landing page variation. Monitor performance to ensure it continues meeting your goals.
  6. You can then create new A/B tests to further optimize your landing page. Even small changes can lead to significant improvements, so continue testing on a regular basis.

A/B testing is a proven way for SaaS companies and startups to enhance conversion rates and gain valuable customer insight. By optimizing your landing pages, you can attract more high-quality leads and turn casual visitors into long-term customers. Conducting regular split tests will help you stay ahead of the competition and build a successful business.

Get Leads and Grow Your Email List

To grow your email list and generate more leads with Unicorn Platform’s landing page builder, simply add a signup form. You’ll be capturing valuable customer information in no time.

Add an Email Opt-In Form

Include an email signup form on your landing page to start building your mailing list. Unicorn Platform offers pre-made forms you can customize or build your own from scratch. Offer an incentive like a coupon, ebook, or newsletter to encourage visitors to sign up.

Promote Your Landing Page

Drive targeted traffic to your landing page through social media marketing, content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), and advertising. Share your page on platforms where your audience spends time, such as LinkedIn or Twitter. Publish blog posts and link to your landing page. Optimize your page for search engines like Google to rank higher in results and get found. Consider running ad campaigns to raise awareness of your offering.

Provide Value and Build Trust

Focus your landing page content on how you can help and add value to your visitors. Explain your product or service in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. Share customer stories and testimonials to build credibility. Being transparent and personable will make people more inclined to sign up for your email list or make a purchase.

Offer an Incentive

Give visitors an incentive to provide their email address, such as a coupon, guide, resource, or loyalty program. For example, offer 20% off their first purchase or a free ebook on getting started with your product. Incentives make people much more willing to share their information and join your mailing list.

Nurture Your Leads

Stay in touch with people who sign up by sending a welcome email and periodic newsletters to build familiarity and trust. Share helpful content, product updates, promotions, and more. Nurturing leads helps convert them into paying customers over time through consistent outreach and valuable information.

With some optimization and outreach, Unicorn Platform’s simple landing page builder can help you gain more email subscribers and generate high-quality leads for your business. Focus on providing value, trust, and incentives to visitors, then stay in contact with nurturing campaigns. Your mailing list and customer base will grow in no time.

FAQs: Your Questions About Unicorn Platform Answered

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is a simple yet powerful drag and drop website builder. It offers a intuitive editor to help you create landing pages, product pages, and entire websites with no coding required.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform has a free plan that allows you to create an unlimited number of pages and websites. Paid plans start at $8/month and include additional features like custom domains, analytics, and email marketing integrations.

What can I build with Unicorn Platform?

With Unicorn Platform, you can build a wide range of sites without any technical skills:

  • Landing pages to capture leads
  • Product pages to showcase what you offer
  • Full websites for your business or side project
  • Blogs to share knowledge and build an audience
  • And more! The possibilities are endless.

What templates and themes does Unicorn Platform offer?

Unicorn Platform includes over 100 templates for landing pages, home pages, contact pages, and more. The templates are professionally designed and optimized for conversion. You can also start from scratch and build your own template or modify an existing one.

How do I get started with Unicorn Platform?

Getting started with Unicorn Platform is simple:

  1. Sign up for a free account at
  2. Choose a template or start from scratch
  3. Add your content with the drag and drop editor
  4. Customize the design, colors, fonts, and more
  5. Connect a custom domain (optional, paid plans only)
  6. Publish your site and start driving traffic!

Unicorn Platform makes it easy for anyone to build a great looking website. With no technical skills required, you can create landing pages, product pages, full websites, and blogs with professional templates, an intuitive editor, and built-in tools for SEO, email marketing, and analytics. Start your free trial today at!


In conclusion, Unicorn Platform offers an ideal solution for startups and SaaS companies looking to quickly build high-converting landing pages. With its intuitive drag and drop interface, pre-made templates, and powerful integrations, you can create a professional landing page in minutes without any coding required. For resource-strapped new companies, the free forever plan provides all the functionality needed to launch a new product or service. As your business grows, Unicorn Platform scales with premium plans offering more advanced features. If you're looking for an easy, affordable way to create landing pages that turn visitors into customers, Unicorn Platform should be at the top of your list. Start your free trial today and see how Unicorn Platform can transform your landing page efforts.

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Built on Unicorn Platform