Travel Web Design Company Made Easy With Unicorn Platform

published on 21 July 2023

As a travel company looking to establish an online presence, finding an intuitive website builder tailored to your industry's needs is essential. With Unicorn Platform, a leading drag and drop website builder, you can create a professional travel website in minutes without any coding required. Their simple yet powerful landing page builder provides stunning templates, layouts, and designs specifically crafted for travel companies. By selecting a pre-made block or starting from scratch, you have full creative control to showcase visually stunning images, share your story, highlight amenities, build customer trust, and ultimately drive more bookings. For travel companies seeking an easy, affordable, and beautiful website creation experience, Unicorn Platform is the premier solution to get your travel website up and running in no time.

For more information on how to build your dream tour and travel website design with Unicorn Platform, check out their article on building your dream tour and travel website design.

Why Choose Unicorn Platform for Your Travel Website?

As a travel website design company, choosing the right website builder is crucial. Unicorn Platform offers many benefits for travel industry professionals looking to establish an online presence.

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive drag and drop website builder with built-in features ideal for travel websites. You do not need any coding experience to create a professional site. With Unicorn, you can easily add elements like:

  • Image galleries to showcase destinations and properties.
  • An interactive map to display locations and travel routes.
  • A blog to share travel stories, tips, and news with visitors.
  • A booking system to accept reservations and payments.
  • Social media integration to increase brand awareness on networks like Facebook and Instagram.

Unicorn Platform also provides SEO tools to help your travel website rank higher in search engines like Google. By optimizing page titles, URL structures, image alt text, and content, you can increase organic traffic to your site. Unicorn’s analytics give you insights into how visitors interact with your pages so you can refine the user experience.

With industry-specific features and an easy to use interface, Unicorn Platform is an ideal website builder for travel industry professionals ready to establish an online presence. By focusing on stunning visuals, an intuitive user experience, and built-in marketing tools, Unicorn can help travel website design companies craft a destination that inspires and converts visitors. Give your brand the platform it deserves with Unicorn.

Unicorn Platform's Drag and Drop Interface: Simple Yet Powerful

As a business owner in the travel industry, having an attractive yet user-friendly website is key to success. Unicorn Platform's drag and drop interface makes building a professional travel website simple for even non-technical users.

Unicorn Platform offers a variety of modern templates specifically tailored for travel companies. With just a few clicks, you can choose a template and customize it to match your brand. Change colors, upload logos, add images, and rearrange layouts with the intuitive drag and drop builder.

The platform also provides elements like:

  • Image galleries to showcase exciting destinations.
  • Testimonial sections to build trust.
  • Call-to-action buttons to capture leads.
  • Blog pages to share travel tips and news.
  • And more.

Creating pages is just as easy. Add an about us page, services page, contact page, and any others you need. You have full control over content and design.

For those wanting advanced customization, Unicorn Platform also offers code editing capabilities. You can tweak HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to achieve a completely unique look and feel.

Unicorn Platform handles the technical aspects so you can focus on your business. With a few hours of work, you'll have a professional, polished travel website to help you reach new customers. And if you get stuck, Unicorn Platform offers helpful documentation and 24/7 customer support to guide you through the process.

Your dream of an stunning yet affordable travel web design company is now an easy reality with Unicorn Platform. Sign up for a free trial today and see how simple travel website development can be.

Beautiful Pre-Made Templates for Travel Web Design Company

To build an attractive travel website, Unicorn Platform offers beautifully designed templates to choose from.

Elegant and Minimalist Templates

Unicorn Platform provides minimalist templates with clean layouts and typography that are perfect for a travel web design company. These templates allow images of destinations and travel experiences to shine through. They have a sophisticated and upscale feel ideal for promoting luxury travel brands.

Vibrant and Colorful Templates

For a fun, adventurous vibe, select one of the colorful pre-made templates. These templates incorporate bright colors and geometric shapes that capture the excitement of exploring new places. They are perfect for adventure travel companies promoting active getaways. The bold and vivid designs attract thrill-seeking clients.

Templates for Every Niche

Whether you specialize in family vacations, romantic getaways, eco-friendly travel or culinary tours, Unicorn Platform has templates tailored to your needs. Preview the collection of pre-made templates to find an option that matches your brand and appeals to your target customers. With drag and drop capabilities, you can easily customize the template by rearranging sections, adding or removing elements, and changing colors to suit your preferences.

Using a pre-made template as a starting point saves you time in the development process. You do not have to design the layout and visuals from scratch. Simply choose a template you like, customize it to your requirements and you will have a professional travel website ready to launch in no time. With Unicorn Platform, building an attractive site for your travel web design company has never been easier. Focus on what really matters - helping your customers discover the world one magical travel experience at a time.

Engaging Travel Content Blocks to Create an Impressive Website
Engaging Travel Content Blocks to Create an Impressive Website

Engaging Travel Content Blocks to Create an Impressive Website

Engaging Headers

To create an impressive travel website, use engaging headers for each section. For example:

Breathtaking Destinations

Highlight some of the awe-inspiring places your customers can visit. Include enticing photos of each location.

Thrilling Activities

Promote some of the exciting excursions and adventures available at each destination. Photos of people participating in the activities will pique interest.

Luxurious Accommodations

Showcase some of the lavish hotels, resorts or other lodgings where your customers can stay during their travels. Rooms with scenic views or upscale amenities are ideal for photos.

Delectable Cuisine

Share photos and descriptions of some of the delicious local or regional dishes your customers can sample. Photos of the food, and even restaurant settings, will capture attention.

Transport Options

Provide details on the various transport available to get your customers to and from their desired destinations and activities. Options could include rental cars, shuttle services, ferries or private drivers.


An FAQ section will address many of the common questions your potential customers may have about traveling to various destinations. Be sure to provide helpful and thorough answers to each question.

Using a mix of engaging headers, vibrant photos, and compelling descriptions for each section of your travel website will create an impressive experience for your visitors and encourage them to book their next adventure with your company.

Additional Tips

Here are a few other tips to make your travel website effective:

  • Mobile-friendly design: Ensure your website displays properly on mobile devices since many people travel with smartphones and tablets.
  • Social proof: Include reviews and testimonials from happy customers highlighting their experiences. Build credibility and social proof.
  • Strong CTAs: Have a clear call-to-action like “Book Now” or “Learn More” on each page so visitors know exactly how they can take the next step.
  • SEO optimized: Use relevant keywords, internal links, alt text on images and fast page load times to rank higher in search engines like Google. More traffic will come to your site.
  • Blog integration: A blog is a great way to provide additional content and value to your visitors. Write posts about travel tips, new destinations or seasonal specials. Link to your blog from the main website.
  • Sign-up form: Offer an email signup form so visitors can subscribe to receive newsletters, special offers and other updates from your company. Staying in touch will keep them engaged.

Showcase Your Amazing Travel Photos

Showcase Your Amazing Travel Photos

As a travel website design company, featuring stunning photography from destinations around the world is key to capturing the interest of visitors and conveying the spirit of adventure. High-quality images allow potential customers to visualize what an experience with your company might entail.

Create an Inspiring Gallery

A gallery page on your website dedicated to travel photos is an ideal way to showcase your stunning visuals. Include a diverse array of images depicting landscapes, city scenes, activities, cuisine, and culture from places you organize tours. For the photos, consider using:

  • Action shots of people engaged in experiences you offer like hiking, boating or tasting local foods.
  • Panoramic vistas of breathtaking natural wonders or city skylines.
  • Close-up details capturing the essence of a place like architectural details, native plants or market wares.
  • A compelling mix of portrait and landscape orientations.

An esthetically pleasing layout with white space will make the gallery easy to navigate. Provide captions with location details and photo credits to give proper attribution.

Optimize Photos for Search Engines

To increase the visibility of your photo gallery, use semantic search optimization techniques. Include relevant keywords in:

  1. Photo file names - Name files with destination name, subject and descriptive terms.
  2. Alt text - The alternative text attribute allows you to describe the image content for search engines and users with visual impairments.
  3. Captions - Photo captions should include keywords, location names and a brief description.
  4. Page URL - Use keywords in the page URL for the photo gallery.

Share on Social Media

Promote your inspiring travel photos on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Post photos from your gallery, behind-the-scenes shots from tours and reposts of customer photos. Engage with users by liking and commenting on their travel images as well. A strong social media presence, especially on highly visual platforms, will raise brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.

With a stunning photo gallery and smart search and social strategies, you can showcase your amazing travel photos to attract new customers seeking unforgettable experiences around the globe. Visitors will be eager to learn more about your company and the destinations you feature.

Increase Conversions With Unicorn Platform's Booking Forms
Increase Conversions With Unicorn Platform's Booking Forms

Increase Conversions With Unicorn Platform's Booking Forms

Enhance Customer Experience

To provide the best customer experience, implement Unicorn Platform’s booking forms on your travel website. The built-in forms allow customers to easily book hotels, flights, tours, and other travel services directly through your site.

Streamline the Booking Process

Unicorn Platform’s booking forms simplify the reservation process for your customers. Rather than redirecting them to a third-party site, customers can book their entire trip in one place. This seamless experience leaves a positive impression and inspires brand loyalty.

Increase Conversion Rates

When customers book travel through your website, it demonstrates your value as a one-stop resource. Offering booking forms on-site can increase conversion rates by up to 30% according to recent studies. Visitors appreciate the convenience and are more inclined to complete their purchase.

Collect Customer Data

The booking information customers provide in the forms is valuable data you can use to better understand their needs and preferences. Their details, like destination interests and travel dates, help you create tailored marketing campaigns to inspire their next trip. You can also use the data to anticipate busy seasons and ensure you have the proper resources to provide optimal service.

Provide Mobile-Friendly Experience

Over 50% of travel bookings now happen on mobile devices. Unicorn Platform’s booking forms are fully responsive so customers can easily book on any screen size. The mobile-friendly interface provides an optimal experience for visitors using smartphones and tablets.

Unicorn Platform aims to simplify web design for startups and small businesses. The user-friendly platform, equipped with features like booking forms, helps companies enhance their digital presence and connect with customers. By offering an intuitive booking experience, you can provide value to visitors, increase conversions, gain data, and keep up with mobile trends. Overall, Unicorn Platform’s booking forms are a strategic solution for modern travel website development.

Built-in Blog to Share Travel Inspiration and News

Unicorn Platform comes with a built-in blog tool to help share travel stories, inspiration, tips and news with your audience. Creating an engaging blog is key to building a loyal following and increasing traffic to your travel web design company's website.

Easy to Set Up and Customize

Setting up your blog is simple. You can choose from sleek templates to match your brand and tweak fonts, colors and layout. Add your own logo and featured images to make it uniquely you. Customizing your blog to align with your brand helps strengthen your identity and connect with readers.

Write and Share Engaging Content

A successful blog features content that is helpful, inspiring or thought-provoking to readers. Share travel guides, stories from exotic places, packing tips, cultural insights or trending news. Post at least once a week to stay top of mind with followers. You can write posts yourself or invite guest contributors. Engaging, high-quality content will keep readers coming back.

Build Your Email List

Include an email signup form prominently on your blog so visitors can subscribe to get the latest posts delivered to their inbox. Building an email list allows you to stay in touch with readers even when they're not on your site. You can also promote new travel offerings, deals and other updates to subscribers.

  • Share blog posts on social media to increase traffic. Link to your latest post on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Optimize posts for search engines by including relevant keywords, internal links and meta descriptions. Higher rankings on Google will drive more organic traffic.
  • Track views, comments, shares and other analytics to see what content resonates most with your audience. Adjust your editorial calendar to focus on popular topics and themes.

A blog is a key part of an effective content marketing strategy for a travel web design company. Unicorn Platform makes it easy to start blogging, customize your site and build an audience. Consistently publishing engaging and useful content will establish you as an authority, build trust and loyalty and ultimately drive more bookings and sales.

24/7 Customer Support for Your Travel Website Questions

Around-the-Clock Help When You Need It

As a travel web design company, providing helpful and timely customer support is crucial. Unicorn Platform offers 24/7 live chat and email support for any questions you may have about building or managing your travel website.

Live Chat Support

For quick questions or issues needing an immediate response, use the live chat feature. Friendly support agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you. They can walk you through any part of the web design and development process, from choosing a template to setting up your booking engine. The agents are well-versed in best practices for travel web design and can provide helpful tips for improving your site.

Email Ticket Support

For less urgent matters or more complex questions, you can submit a support ticket via email. Support agents aim to respond to all tickets within 24 business hours. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible in your email to allow the agents to fully understand your question or issue. They may ask follow-up questions to clarify details before providing a resolution. Email support is ideal if you want to share screenshots, links or other media to better illustrate your needs.

  • The 24/7 live chat and email support offered by Unicorn Platform provide peace of mind that help is always available for your travel web design company.
  • Highly trained support agents have expertise in travel website development and design.
  • Support is offered for questions ranging from basic to advanced to meet the needs of users at any skill level.
  • Quick response times and helpful, friendly agents make it easy to get the answers and assistance you need right away.
  • Ongoing support helps ensure your travel website continues running smoothly after the initial build.

With round-the-clock customer support, Unicorn Platform is the ideal solution for your travel web design company. Their expert agents will guide you through the entire process of building an attractive, user-friendly travel website to attract more visitors and increase bookings.

FAQs: Commonly Asked Questions About Using Unicorn Platform for a Travel Web Design Company

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is a simple yet powerful drag and drop website builder. It allows you to create beautiful, responsive websites and landing pages without coding. Unicorn Platform is perfect for travel web design companies looking for an easy way to build their clients’ websites.

How easy is Unicorn Platform to use?

Unicorn Platform is extremely intuitive and easy to use. You don’t need any technical skills to build a great looking website. Simply choose from the stylish sections and blocks, drag and drop them onto your page, then customize the content. You have full flexibility and control over the design using the visual editor. With Unicorn Platform, you can have a website up and running in no time.

What types of websites can I build with Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is ideal for building:

  • Travel and tourism websites to showcase destinations and services
  • Hotel and accommodation websites to attract more bookings
  • Tour and activity websites to promote excursions and experiences
  • Simple business websites to establish an online presence

You have access to sections and blocks specifically tailored for the travel industry like featured destinations, video galleries, reviews, maps, and more. The minimal and modern templates are also perfect for travel brands.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform has affordable monthly and annual subscription plans to suit any budget. Pricing starts at $8/month for an annual subscription. All plans include unlimited websites, hosting, daily backups, and 24/7 support. There are no additional costs or transaction fees. Unicorn Platform offers a 14-day free trial so you can try it risk-free.

Do you offer any tutorials or support?

Yes, Unicorn Platform provides helpful resources to get you started:

  • Extensive online documentation with step-by-step guides
  • Video tutorials covering all aspects of building a website
  • 24/7 live chat support for any questions you may have
  • An active Facebook community for connecting with other users

We’re here to help you have the best experience using Unicorn Platform. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance.


In summary, Unicorn Platform offers an innovative solution for travel companies looking to establish an online presence. With its simple yet powerful drag and drop interface, stunning templates, and built-in features like online booking and payment processing, you have everything you need to create an eye-catching, high-converting website. By handling the technical aspects of building and managing a site, Unicorn Platform allows you to focus on what really matters: crafting unique travel experiences for your customers. If you're ready to take your travel business to the next level, look no further than Unicorn Platform. With their affordable, user-friendly service, you'll be up and running in no time. The only question left is where your new website will take you.

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Built on Unicorn Platform