Meetup and Calendar Landing Pages Without the Hassle

published on 30 June 2023

As an entrepreneur or business owner, you know that a professional website and online presence are essential. However, building custom landing pages for your product or service often requires technical skills and time you simply don't have. With Unicorn Platform, a no-code website and blog builder, you can now create stylish yet simple landing pages for your meetups, events, or product launches in minutes without hassle.

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder that allows you to create professional landing pages without any technical skills.

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is a no-code drag and drop website and blog builder. It provides curated templates for startups, SaaS companies, and mobile apps to build landing pages, coming soon pages, about us pages, and blogs in minutes.

Some of the key features of Unicorn Platform include:

  • Over 100 Mobile-Optimized Templates: Choose from professionally designed templates for landing pages, about us pages, blogs, and more. The templates are fully customizable to match your brand.
  • Drag and Drop Editor: The intuitive drag and drop editor makes it easy to customize pages. Simply drag, drop and edit text, images, buttons, icons, and other elements. No coding required.
  • Integrations: Unicorn Platform integrates with popular third-party services like Mailchimp, Google Analytics, Hotjar and Zapier. Easily connect your landing pages to email marketing, analytics, and more.
  • Collaboration: Invite your team members to collaborate on pages. Unicorn Platform supports real-time collaboration so you can build better websites faster together.
  • Custom Domains and SSL: Use your own custom domain and add an SSL certificate to make your landing pages secure and professional.
  • Analytics: Gain insights into how people are engaging with your landing pages. Unicorn Platform's built-in analytics provide metrics like page views, conversion rates, and traffic sources.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use no-code website builder for creating high-converting landing pages, blogs, and more. The drag and drop editor, curated templates, and integrations provide everything you need to build landing experiences that drive results.

Meetup Landing Pages Made Simple
Meetup Landing Pages Made Simple

Meetup Landing Pages Made Simple

As an event organizer, creating an effective meetup landing page is essential for promoting your event and attracting attendees. With Unicorn Platform’s simple drag and drop builder, designing a high-converting meetup landing page has never been easier. If you're also looking to build a landing page for your event speakers, check out our article on how to build your event speaker landing page in minutes with Unicorn Platform.

To get started, select a visually compelling template from our designer-made options. With one click, you’ll have a professional foundation to build upon. Next, upload an eye-catching hero image to serve as your page header. Be sure to choose a photo that aligns with your event’s theme and purpose.

Below your header image, include details about your meetup:

  • Event name: Select a title that is descriptive yet concise, containing your most important keywords.
  • Date and time: Clearly state when and where your event will be held. Include the full date, start and end times, and venue location.
  • Description: Briefly describe your meetup, including the topic or activity, who should attend, and what attendees can expect. Aim for 2 to 3 short paragraphs.
  • Agenda: Outline the schedule and flow of events for your attendees. Use numbered or bulleted lists for easy reading.
  • Registration: Add a call-to-action button for people to register and secure their spot. Link directly to your ticketing or RSVP page.

To drive high traffic and conversions, be sure to optimize your page for search engines and share your landing page on social media. Meetup landing pages built with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive, so your attendees can register and get excited about your event on any device.

Creating an amazing meetup landing page in just a few clicks? That’s the power of Unicorn Platform. Let us help you spread the word about your event and exceed your attendance goals.

How to Create a Meetup Landing Page in Minutes

Creating a meetup landing page allows you to promote your local events and build your community. With Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop website builder, you can design an eye-catching meetup landing page in just a few minutes without any coding required.

Choose a Template

Select a pre-made template that suits your needs. Options include:

  • Meetup Landing Page: A simple template highlighting an event with images, details, and a signup form.
  • Event Calendar: Display your upcoming events in a stylish calendar layout. Visitors can click each event for more info.
  • Hybrid: Combine a hero header with an event calendar for the best of both worlds.

Add Your Content

  • Event images: Upload photos to make your page visually engaging.
  • Event titles and descriptions: Provide key details about each meetup like date, time, location, and topic.
  • Signup form: Add a contact form so visitors can register for your events.
  • Location and directions: Include the physical address and a map to help people find the event space.

Customize the Design

  • Fonts: Select easy-to-read fonts for headings and body text. Sans serif fonts work well for meetup pages.
  • Colors: Choose a color palette that aligns with your brand. Make buttons and links stand out by using complementary accent colors.
  • Layout: Adjust column sizes, add spacers, rearrange sections, and more using the drag and drop editor.
  • Mobile-friendly: Check how your page looks on phones and tablets and make any necessary responsive design changes.

Preview and Launch

Preview your meetup landing page to ensure all content and design elements are displaying properly. Make any final tweaks needed, then launch your page. Start promoting your next event and watch the registrations roll in.

With Unicorn Platform, creating a professional meetup landing page or event calendar is simple. Our intuitive drag and drop website builder allows you to design a page tailored to your needs in minutes without requiring any technical skills. Get started today and start building your community!

Customize Your Meetup Landing Page

To customize your Meetup landing page, there are several options available to help you stand out and make a great first impression.

Select a Pre-Designed Theme

Unicorn Platform offers professionally designed themes tailored for Meetup landing pages. Choose from modern, minimalistic themes or more traditional styles. Each theme comes with pre-selected fonts, images, and color schemes to give your page a cohesive look and feel with no design experience required.

Add Your Own Branding

Want your landing page to reflect your brand? Easily add your company logo, brand colors, and custom fonts using the style editor. Change the default text, images, icons and more to align with your brand guidelines. A consistent brand experience builds familiarity and trust with your audience.

Highlight Your Meetup Details

Make key details about your Meetup group prominent on the page. Add images, descriptions, dates, times, locations, and any other important information. Use eye-catching headers, bulleted lists, and callout boxes to draw attention to must-have details at a glance. Keep your content concise while highlighting the benefits and value to members.

Integrate Social Proof

Build credibility by incorporating social proof on your landing page. Add photos of your actual Meetup members and events. Share reviews and testimonials from happy members. Mention your member count and how long you’ve been organizing Meetups. People are more likely to join a group with an established history and enthusiastic members.

Lead With A Strong Call-to-Action

Your goal is to get people to sign up for your Meetup, so make that easy by including a prominent call-to-action like “Join this Meetup.” Place your CTA button at the top of the page where viewers first see it, and reiterate it again at the bottom to prompt visitors to take action before leaving. A compelling CTA with a benefit-focused message works best.

Following these best practices will allow you to create an optimized Meetup landing page without requiring any technical skills. A professional yet personalized page that highlights what makes your group unique will help you start building your member base right away. If you're looking for a drag-and-drop landing page builder specifically for event pages, check out Unicorn Platform's drag-and-drop landing page builder for concerts and festivals.

Integrate Your Meetup Landing Page With Apps

To maximize the utility of your Meetup landing page, integrate it with various apps and services. Connecting your page to other platforms expands its functionality and provides a more seamless user experience.

Calendar Integration

Sync your Meetup page with popular calendar apps like Google Calendar, Outlook, and iCal. This allows attendees to easily add your events to their own schedules and receive reminders about upcoming meetups. Provide the link or embed code for your calendar on your landing page so visitors can subscribe with a single click.

Email Marketing Platforms

Link your Meetup page to email services such as Mailchimp, Drip or ActiveCampaign. Capture attendee emails through signup forms on your landing page and then send updates, reminders, and promotional messages about your meetups. Email marketing helps ensure high turnout and engagement.

Social Media

Promote your Meetup landing page on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Share details about your upcoming events, post photos and videos from previous meetups, and engage with your followers. Include social media links and share buttons on your landing page so people can easily follow you and spread the word about your group.

Live Streaming

If you live stream your meetups, embed your streaming links and video players directly into your landing page. This allows remote attendees and those unable to make it in person to still participate and watch presentations or discussions. Popular services for live streaming meetups include YouTube, Facebook Live, and Twitch.

Payment Processing

For paid meetups, integrate payment platforms to collect registration or membership fees. Services such as Stripe, PayPal, and Square make it easy to accept payments on your landing page. Choose a provider, create an account, and obtain the embed codes to add checkout forms and “buy now” buttons to your page.

Integrating your Meetup landing page with various apps and services provides practical functionality for organizers and an optimal experience for attendees. With the right integrations in place, your meetup group is sure to thrive.

Calendar Landing Pages Simplified

Keep Your Audience in Mind

When creating a calendar landing page, first consider your target audience and what would be most useful for them. A page for a local community center should highlight event dates and times, while a page for a productivity app may focus more on task organization features.

Choose an Intuitive Layout

Select a layout that is easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye. A simple grid or list view works well for most calendars. Group events logically by date, category, or location. Leave plenty of white space and use clear section headings to make information scannable.

Provide Essential Details

For each event, include the basics: title, date, time, location, and a short description. Mention if registration or tickets are required. Use eye-catching images to give visitors a sense of what to expect. However, avoid cluttering the page with too many photos or other multimedia that could distract from the key event information.

Add Useful Features (Optional)

Consider incorporating additional features to improve the user experience:

  1. A search bar so visitors can quickly find specific events by keyword.
  2. Filtering options to sort events by date, category, or other attributes. This makes it easy for users to find events that match their interests.
  3. An "Add to My Calendar" button for each event so visitors can easily save event details and get reminder notifications. Syncing with major calendar apps like Google Calendar and iCal is best.
  4. A sitemap or menu linking to subpages for each event category. This helps with navigation and search engine optimization.
  5. Social sharing buttons so people can spread the word about your events on networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  6. An email signup form for a newsletter to keep attendees up to date on the latest event announcements and schedule changes.

With an intuitive layout, essential details, and useful features, you'll have a calendar landing page that effectively engages your target audience and encourages event participation. Spend time refining and optimizing your page, and you'll soon have visitors signing up and spreading the word about your organization.

Design a Stylish Calendar Landing Page

Designing Your Calendar Landing Page

When creating a landing page for your calendar app or service, an attractive yet simple design is key. Carefully consider the following elements to design an effective page:

The hero image at the top of the page should capture the essence of your calendar service and set the right tone. For example, you might show a desk calendar, scheduling interface or mobile calendar app. Keep text on the image minimal.

Your headline and subheadline briefly convey your key message and value proposition, such as:

  • “The only calendar you'll ever need.”
  • “Schedule meetings, share events and never miss an appointment again.”

Use visuals

  • Include screenshots of your calendar interface or mobile app so visitors can see exactly what your product looks like and how it works.
  • Add icons representing key features like event creation, reminders, sharing and more. Icons make the page more visually compelling and easier to scan.

Highlight key features and benefits

Describe the most significant features, functions and advantages of using your calendar service. For example:

  1. Seamlessly syncs across all your devices.
  2. Set up recurring events and reminders.
  3. Share calendars and events with colleagues or friends.
  4. Integrates with other productivity apps like email, file sharing and project management tools.

Add a call to action

  • Your primary CTA should invite the visitor to sign up for a free trial or demo of your calendar service.
  • Place the CTA prominently at the bottom of the page, centered with ample padding around it.
  • For example, “Start your free 30-day trial today!”

Following these guidelines will help you design an attractive yet simple calendar landing page that effectively conveys your key message, highlights the most significant benefits of your service and compels visitors to take action. Keep your page clean and focused, use visuals strategically and write concise yet compelling copy. The result will be a stylish landing page that drives more signups and moves visitors through your conversion funnel.

Share Your Calendar Landing Page
Share Your Calendar Landing Page

Share Your Calendar Landing Page

Once you’ve created your calendar landing page, it’s time to share it with your audience. There are several effective ways to promote your new page:

Email Marketing

If you have an email list, send an email announcing your new calendar landing page. Explain the benefits and value to your subscribers. Provide a prominent link for them to check it out. Email is a direct line of communication to your most engaged users.

Social Media

Post updates on your social media profiles like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn linking to your calendar landing page. Mention the key features and benefits. Share eye-catching images and videos. Ask your followers to share and help spread the word. Social media is ideal for increasing traffic, raising brand awareness, and gaining backlinks.

Partners and Affiliates

Reach out to strategic partners and affiliates in your industry to let them know about your new page. Explain how it could benefit their audience as well. Ask if they would be willing to share or link to your page. Partners and affiliates are a great way to tap into new target markets and gain quality referrals.

Search Engine Optimization

Optimize your calendar landing page for search engines by including important keywords in the page title, headers, content, image alt text, and meta description. The higher your page ranks in search results, the more visibility and traffic it will receive. Focus on terms your target audience would likely search for.

Pay Per Click Ads

Run pay per click ads on platforms like Google Ads to promote your calendar landing page. Choose keywords that your audience searches for to display your ads. Pay per click is an affordable way to reach new potential users and increase qualified traffic. You only pay when someone actually clicks your ad.

Promoting your new calendar landing page through multiple channels will help you achieve the maximum exposure and engagement. Measure the results of your efforts and make adjustments to your strategy as needed to optimize for the best returns. With consistent promotion, your page can become a lead and conversion machine.

Landing Page FAQs: Common Questions About Unicorn Platform Answered

How does Unicorn Platform work?

Unicorn Platform is an AI-powered website builder that allows you to create landing pages and full websites without any technical skills required. You can simply drag and drop components onto the page and edit the content within each component.

What kind of websites and landing pages can I build?

You can build a wide range of websites and landing pages with Unicorn Platform:

  • Landing pages: Meetup, event, and calendar pages to capture leads and build your email list
  • Basic company websites: About us, services, contact, and blog pages
  • Ecommerce stores: Product, cart, and checkout pages to sell your goods and services
  • Mobile app landing pages: Coming soon and pre-launch pages to build hype around your app

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform has a free forever plan so you can build your first landing page or website at no cost. We also offer affordable paid plans with more features:

  1. Maker: $8/month.
  2. Startup: $18/month.
  3. Business: $28/month.

You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your plan at any time. We offer monthly and annual billing with discounts for paying annually upfront.

Do I need coding skills to use Unicorn Platform?

No, Unicorn Platform is completely code-free. You do not need any technical skills or programming knowledge to build a beautiful website. Our intuitive drag and drop builder lets you add sections, columns, images, text, buttons, and more without writing a single line of code. We take care of all the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for you.

Can I connect Unicorn Platform to my custom domain?

Yes, you can easily connect Unicorn Platform to your own domain name. Just purchase a domain name and set the DNS records to point to Unicorn Platform. You can then build your website right on your own domain. We offer free domain name privacy and security to keep your site and visitors safe.

Do you offer any integrations?

Unicorn Platform offers seamless integrations with popular third-party services like Stripe, Mailchimp, Zapier, and more. You can accept payments, build your email list, automate workflows, and connect the tools you already use. New integrations are being added regularly based on customer requests and needs.


In conclusion, building landing pages for your product or service has never been easier.With Unicorn Platform's simple yet powerful drag and drop builder, you have everything you need at your fingertips to create stunning landing pages in minutes.Whether you're looking to quickly launch a meetup page to garner interest in your local event or want to showcase an online calendar to highlight your scheduling tool, Unicorn Platform provides the templates and customization options to make it happen.Stop wasting time learning complex coding languages or paying expensive web developers.With an intuitive interface and pre-made blocks, you can build and deploy an effective landing page yourself in virtually no time at all.Unicorn Platform provides the platform so you can get back to focusing on growing your business.

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