How to Quickly Build the Best Makeup Website Designs With Unicorn Platform

published on 13 July 2023

As an entrepreneur in the beauty industry, you know how important it is to establish a professional digital presence. Your website is the face of your brand and the key to connecting with new customers. However, building an attractive yet high-converting makeup website design requires technical skills and resources that you may not have access too. The solution is Unicorn Platform, which offers a simple and user-friendly drag-and-drop builder to create stunning landing pages for your beauty brand. And if you're also looking to create a website for your agency, check out our article on Unicorn Platform: The Simplest Way to Create Beautiful Agency Websites.

Why You Need a Custom Website for Your Makeup Brand

As an emerging makeup brand, having your own custom website is crucial for building credibility and reaching new customers. Here are a few reasons why you need a professional website:

  • Establish your brand identity. A custom website allows you to showcase your brand's unique style, voice, and personality. You can feature high-quality product photos, blogs, and other content that align with your brand vision.
  • Improve your search engine optimization. An optimized website, with strategic page titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content will rank higher in search engines like Google, allowing more people to discover your brand. Using related terms like "cosmetics", "beauty products" and "makeup essentials" throughout your website copy will boost your SEO.
  • Provide an amazing user experience. A well-designed website, with an intuitive interface, clear navigation, and engaging content will keep visitors interested and convert them into customers. Ensure all pages load quickly and work well on mobile devices, as many customers shop on their phones.
  • Build trust and authority. An professional, high-quality website signals to customers that you are a reputable brand. Include information about your company history, team, mission and product details. Highlight any media coverage or awards you have received.
  • Sell your products online. A custom website gives you an opportunity to sell makeup and other products through an integrated ecommerce store. Offer promotions, discounts and email signup incentives to boost sales.
  • Stay connected with customers. Build an email list to send newsletters, product updates and special offers to your customers. Engage with them on social media and encourage UGC like reviews, photos and videos on your website. Loyal, long-term customers will be key to your success.

In summary, investing in a well-designed custom website is one of the best ways for a new makeup brand to establish credibility, improve visibility, provide value to customers and drive more sales. With the right strategy and technical tools, you can build an amazing website without needing advanced coding skills. Focus on your brand vision and let an intuitive website builder handle the rest!

How to Choose the Best Website Builder for Best Makeup Website Designs

To build the best makeup website designs, selecting an intuitive website builder is key. When choosing a platform, consider the following factors:

  • Ease of use. Look for a drag and drop builder that is easy to navigate without coding skills. A platform like Unicorn Platform allows you to quickly create beautiful pages by simply dragging and dropping elements onto your page.
  • Mobile-friendly themes. With more and more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, it is crucial to choose a builder with responsive themes that automatically adjust to mobile screens. Unicorn Platform offers stunning makeup website themes optimized for mobile.
  • Integrated ecommerce. If you plan to sell makeup products on your site, choose a builder with built-in ecommerce functionality. Unicorn Platform seamlessly integrates with payment gateways so you can start selling right away.
  • Customization options. Select a website builder that provides full customization of fonts, colors, layouts, and more so you can create a unique brand experience. Unicorn Platform’s advanced customization features give you complete control over your site’s design.
  • Affordability. Consider your budget and choose an affordable website builder. Unicorn Platform’s basic plan starts at an unbeatable $0/month so you can build your dream makeup website without breaking the bank.
  • SEO-friendly. For high search rankings, pick a builder that automatically optimizes your pages for search engines like Google. Unicorn Platform’s semantic markup and meta tag features help your makeup website pages rank at the top of search results.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to crafting a stunning makeup website in no time. Selecting a user-friendly website builder is the first step to creating your ideal online space.

Unicorn Platform: The Simple Yet Powerful Website Builder for Makeup Design Online
Unicorn Platform: The Simple Yet Powerful Website Builder for Makeup Design Online

Unicorn Platform: The Simple Yet Powerful Website Builder for Makeup Design Online

A Simple Yet Powerful Website Builder

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder designed specifically for creating professional makeup design websites. With an intuitive drag and drop interface and hundreds of customizable templates, Unicorn Platform makes it simple to build a beautiful website for your makeup artistry business.

Effortless Design

Select from beautiful templates catered to makeup artists and customize it to match your unique style. Easily add your logo, choose complementary colors and fonts, and rearrange sections with a simple drag and drop. No coding skills required.

Showcase Your Work

Unicorn Platform offers built-in portfolio and gallery options so you can prominently feature photos of your latest makeup looks and client transformations. Share eye-catching images of bridal makeup, special occasion makeup, or any other services you offer. Adding new projects to your online portfolio is quick and painless.

Book Clients with Ease

The booking and scheduling tools in Unicorn Platform make it simple for new and returning clients to book appointments with you. Offer one-time or recurring booking options, set your availability, and take deposits – all within your website. Your clients will appreciate the convenient booking experience.

Start Your Free Trial

To experience Unicorn Platform’s simple yet powerful website builder for yourself, start a 14-day free trial. No credit card required. In just a few clicks, you’ll have a customized website showcasing your makeup artistry skills and booking new clients. Unicorn Platform is the easiest way to create a professional website for your makeup business.

Drag and Drop Makeup Design Online: No Coding Skills Required

With the Unicorn Platform, you can quickly build professional makeup website designs without any coding skills. Their drag and drop website builder allows you to easily create custom pages and blog posts for your makeup brand or studio.

Simple Styling Options

The Unicorn Platform provides an array of ready-made templates, color schemes, and design elements to choose from. You can select a template that matches your brand’s visual style and then customize it as needed. Change the color scheme, upload your logo, choose custom fonts, and add photos with just a few clicks.

Intuitive Page Builder

The page builder tool is extremely intuitive to use. You simply drag and drop the elements you want onto your page. Add text boxes, images, buttons, social media icons, contact forms, and more. Rearrange or resize elements by dragging them around the page. There are no complex menus or options to navigate.

Integrated E-Commerce

If you sell makeup products or services, the Unicorn Platform has robust e-commerce functionality built right in. You can easily add an online store, manage products, accept payments, and track orders. Their e-commerce tools are designed for small businesses and are very budget-friendly.

24/7 Support

The Unicorn Platform team provides helpful support resources and assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you get stuck while building your website or have any technical issues, you can reach their support team through live chat, email, or phone for fast answers and solutions.

With simple yet powerful features, an easy to use page builder, built-in e-commerce, and dedicated support, the Unicorn Platform is an ideal solution for makeup brands and studios to quickly build stunning, professional website designs without advanced web skills or big budgets. You can create the perfect online home for your business in just a few hours using their intuitive drag and drop tools.

Pre-Built Templates for Makeup Websites to Get You Started Fast

When building a makeup website, using pre-built templates can help you get started quickly. Unicorn Platform offers stylish templates specifically designed for makeup brands and online stores.

Elegant Minimal Template

This clean, minimal template focuses on high-quality photos of your products. Its simple yet sophisticated design lets your products shine through as the hero. The muted color palette and ample white space give it an upscale feel perfect for premium makeup brands.

Vibrant Colorful Template

If you want a bolder look for your makeup website, the Vibrant Colorful template is a great choice. Bright accent colors and geometric shapes create visual interest while still keeping the layout orderly and balanced. This energetic template suits fun, youthful makeup brands well.

Gallery Grid Template

For showcasing a robust product line, the Gallery Grid template offers an eye-catching mosaic of images in a neat grid formation. Clicking on any image opens a slideshow view, allowing customers to browse photos in more detail. The gallery-style layout works excellently for makeup brands with an extensive range of products.

  • Easily change fonts, colors, and layout using the style editor
  • Add pages like About, Contact, and FAQ in just a few clicks
  • Embed video tutorials, reviews, and makeup tips to engage visitors
  • Integrate blogs, email signups, and social sharing buttons

Using a pre-built template provides a solid foundation so you can launch your makeup website quickly. You can then continue customizing and optimizing the design over time to best reflect your unique brand. Focus on what you do best—creating amazing makeup products—and let Unicorn Platform handle the website design for you. The sleek, professional templates require no coding and minimal effort to set up, so you can build your dream makeup website faster than applying a full face of contour.

Add Videos, Images and Makeup Product Galleries With Ease
Add Videos, Images and Makeup Product Galleries With Ease

Add Videos, Images and Makeup Product Galleries With Ease

To showcase your makeup products and help customers visualize how they can use them, adding visual media to your website is essential. The Unicorn Platform makes this simple with its built-in features.

Add Product Images and Galleries

Upload high-quality images of each product to give customers a detailed view. Group similar products into image galleries to allow easy browsing of your offerings. Adding zoom functionality lets customers closely examine products.

Embed Video Tutorials and Reviews

Video is an engaging way to demonstrate how to use products. Film makeup tutorial and product review videos, then embed them directly into your website. Videos build trust in your brand and products. Consider collaborating with influencers to create video reviews and tutorials featuring your products.

Optimize Media for Search Engines

Give each image and video a descriptive file name, title, caption and alt text to improve search engine optimization (SEO). The alt text and captions should describe the content and mention the product shown. Use target keywords in the file names, titles, captions and alt text.

Make Media Easy to Find

Place images, galleries and videos prominently on your homepage and product pages. Add media sections to your navigation menu and internal site search to make content easy to locate.

Using high-quality visual media in the ways described above helps you create an informative, engaging website. Your customers will appreciate being able to see swatches, tutorials and reviews, which builds trust in your brand and boosts sales. Carefully optimizing your media for SEO also helps drive more organic traffic to your site. The drag and drop interface of the Unicorn Platform simplifies adding all these components to build the best makeup website designs.

Include Makeup Tutorials and Blog Posts to Engage Your Audience

To build engagement and establish your makeup website as an authority in the industry, incorporate makeup tutorials, blog posts, and other content.

Include Video Tutorials

  • Creating video makeup tutorials is an effective way to demonstrate your skills and connect with your audience. Keep videos short, between 2 to 5 minutes in length, and focused on a single makeup look or technique.
  • Film high-quality videos with good lighting and clear shots of the makeup application process. Provide a list of all products used so viewers can easily recreate the looks.
  • Upload videos to your website as well as video platforms like YouTube to increase visibility. Embed YouTube videos directly on your website.

Publish Regular Blog Posts

  • A blog is essential for SEO, building your email list, and positioning yourself as a source of valuable information. Aim for 2 to 3 makeup or beauty-related posts per week, around 500 to 800 words each.
  • Cover topics like makeup trends, product reviews, makeup tips for beginners, beauty industry news, and interviews with other makeup artists. Use an engaging and friendly tone to connect with readers.
  • Include high-quality images in each post and optimize posts for search engines by including relevant keywords, internal links, and meta descriptions. Promote new posts on social media to drive traffic to your site.
  • Build an email list by offering a free makeup resource or checklist in exchange for subscribers' email addresses. Email your list regularly with blog post updates, promotions, and other content.

Additional Content

  • Create makeup inspiration galleries with high-quality images of different makeup looks. Allow readers to browse looks by category like "smoky eye," "festival," or " bridal."
  • Develop free makeup resources like product buying guides, makeup brushes cheat sheets, and seasonal makeup trend reports. Capture email addresses in exchange for access to resources.
  • Share content from other respected makeup artists and sources. This positions you as an authority who stays on the cutting edge of industry news and trends. Always link back to the original source.

By frequently publishing useful and engaging content, you'll build a loyal audience, increase your visibility, and establish credibility as a source for all things makeup related. Stay consistent and continue improving your content over time based on reader feedback and analytics.

Promote Your Makeup Courses and Services

Promote Your Makeup Courses and Services

To increase enrollment in your makeup courses and drive sales of your makeup services, you need to actively promote them on your website. Some effective strategies include:

  • Offer free introductory lessons or consultations. Allowing potential students and clients to experience your skills and teaching methods risk-free is an excellent way to demonstrate value. They can see firsthand the quality of your courses and services, making them more inclined to sign up or book an appointment.
  • Highlight student testimonials and reviews. Share glowing reviews and comments from past students raving about their experiences. Prospective students will appreciate hearing directly from others who have taken your courses. You might feature a “Student Spotlight” on your website to make the reviews more personal.
  • Post before and after photos. For makeup services like bridal styling or special occasion makeup, share photos of your clients’ transformations. The dramatic differences you are able to achieve will visually convey your talent and expertise. You might also get written testimonials from clients to accompany the photos.
  • Stay active on social media. Maintain an active presence on platforms like Instagram and Facebook to raise visibility and keep your audience engaged. Post photos of your latest makeup looks, share tips and tricks, promote any sales or course offerings, and engage with your followers by liking and commenting on their posts. An active social media presence, especially on visual platforms, is key to building your credibility and keeping your brand at the top of people's minds.
  • Offer package deals and discounts. Running special promotions like bundled course packages, discounts for signing up with a friend, or loyalty programs for return students and clients is an excellent incentive. People love to save money, so packaging your offerings at a lower price point for a limited time will spur many to take action.

By implementing some of these strategies, you can boost interest in your makeup courses and services, increase bookings and enrollments, and ultimately, grow your business. With a well-designed website and some smart digital marketing techniques, you'll be educating and glamorizing clients in no time.

Best Makeup Website Designs FAQs: Using Unicorn Platform

What is the Unicorn Platform?

The Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder that allows you to quickly create professional makeup website designs without any coding experience required. With its simple drag and drop interface, the platform makes building a makeup website straightforward for beginners and experts alike.

What can I create with the Unicorn Platform?

The Unicorn Platform offers a wide range of useful features to build the best makeup website designs:

  • Elegant templates: Choose from beautiful pre-made templates for makeup websites, blogs and landing pages. Customize templates with your own photos, brand colors and fonts.
  • Blog builder: Add a blog to your makeup website to share makeup tips, product reviews and behind-the-scenes content with your customers. The blog builder allows you to create blog posts with images, videos, galleries and more.
  • E-commerce: Sell your makeup products directly on your website. The platform integrates with payment processors so you can accept payments, manage shipping and track inventory.
  • Forms: Create custom contact forms, email signup forms, product request forms or booking forms for your makeup services. Forms allow you to connect with customers and gain valuable information.
  • SEO tools: Take advantage of built-in SEO features like meta title and description customization, alt image attributes and internal linking to help your makeup website rank higher in search engines.

Do I need any technical skills?

No, the Unicorn Platform is completely code-free. You don’t need any technical skills, programming knowledge or design experience to build a beautiful makeup website. The platform features an intuitive drag and drop interface, pre-made templates and elements that you can simply customize to your needs. Whether you’re tech-savvy or not, the Unicorn Platform makes it possible for anyone to create a professional makeup website.

In summary, the Unicorn Platform offers an easy website builder with useful features and elegant templates to help you create the best makeup website designs. With no technical skills required, the platform is ideal for makeup artists, salons, brands and influencers who want a simple solution for establishing an online presence.


In summary, if you want to quickly build a stunning makeup website without any coding skills, Unicorn Platform is the perfect solution. Their powerful yet easy to use drag and drop builder allows you to create custom pages and blog posts in minutes. With beautiful templates, fonts, and color options tailored for the cosmetics industry, your website will stand out from the competition. Once your site is live, Unicorn Platform provides marketing tools to help drive more traffic and increase conversions. For makeup artists and brands looking to establish an impressive online presence, Unicorn Platform is the secret weapon to build the best makeup website designs. Sign up for a free trial today to experience how simple and fun building your dream website can be.

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Built on Unicorn Platform