How to Launch a Waitlist and Build Hype for Your Product

published on 03 August 2023

You can use a waitlist to strategically generate interest and excitement before the full launch of your innovative new product. By offering a preview and collecting signups, you'll have an engaged customer base eager to become users from day one. If you're looking for an easy and efficient way to build a waitlist, check out Unicorn Platform's drag and drop builder, which allows you to create a stunning landing page in a snap.

Why You Should Launch a Waitlist

Launching a waitlist for your product is one of the best ways to start building hype and demand before launch. A waitlist signifies to potential customers that your product will be in high demand and scarce upon release. It also allows you to capture contact information from interested parties so you can market to them directly.

Build Anticipation

A waitlist builds anticipation for your upcoming product by showing people they may have to wait to gain access. This taps into the psychological principle of scarcity - when something seems rare or limited in availability, people tend to want it more. The fear of missing out on your new product will drive many to sign up to be notified as soon as it's released.

Capture Contact Info

A waitlist also allows you to capture email addresses and other contact information from interested potential customers. You now have a list of people who have expressed interest in your product that you can directly market and sell to upon launch. Send a series of emails building up excitement for the product release, and be sure to offer a special deal or incentive just for waitlist members.

Gage Demand

The number of people who sign up for your waitlist helps determine the potential demand for your product. If you have over a thousand people eagerly waiting to gain access, you know you may need to ramp up supply and bandwidth to meet the demand. On the other hand, a lackluster response to your waitlist could indicate you need to improve your marketing and promotion before an official product launch.

In summary, launching a waitlist ahead of releasing a new product is a proven strategy to build hype, capture customer information, gage demand, and ultimately drive more sales upon launch. The psychological effects of scarcity and fear of missing out, combined with the ability to directly market to interested potential customers, make a waitlist one of the most valuable tools for any product launch campaign.

How to Set Up Your Landing Page on Unicorn Platform
How to Set Up Your Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

How to Set Up Your Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

To launch a successful waitlist campaign and generate hype for your new product, you'll need an effective landing page. Unicorn Platform makes it easy to build a customized landing page to capture emails and build excitement.

Set Up Your Page

Start by selecting a template from the “Waitlist” category. These are designed specifically for showcasing an upcoming product and feature eye-catching styles, an email capture form, and social sharing buttons.

Next, customize the template by adding images of your product, an explainer video, customer testimonials, or any other relevant content. Keep your message clear and concise, focusing on the key features and benefits. You want visitors to understand exactly what your product does and why they should sign up to be the first to access it.

Be sure to include social sharing buttons so people can help spread the word about your upcoming launch on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Building buzz on social media is key to a successful waitlist campaign.

Offer an Incentive

Give people an incentive to sign up for your waitlist. This could be early access to your product, a discounted price for the first customers, or additional resources like an ebook or video course. The more value you provide, the more eager people will be to sign up.

A well-designed landing page, social sharing features, and a compelling incentive offer are the ingredients for an effective waitlist campaign. Capture those emails, build the hype, and get ready for a successful product launch! Following these steps will have you well on your way to gaining your first customers and establishing your new business.

Waitlist Marketing Strategy with Unicorn Platform AI

To build excitement for your product and capture interested users, consider launching a waitlist. A waitlist allows potential customers to sign up to receive updates about your product and be among the first to access it once it’s released. Using Unicorn Platform, you can easily create an email signup form to build your waitlist and execute your wailtist marketing strategy.

Creating waitlist on Unicorn Platform

Design a simple landing page focused solely on your waitlist. Explain what your product is and your vision for it. Share details about any key features or benefits to entice signups. Be authentic and help people understand why you’re passionate about building it.

On the page, include an email signup form with fields for a first name and email address. You may also want to ask how people heard about you or what interests them most about your product. Unicorn Platform’s form builder makes creating waitlist easy.

Offer an Incentive (Optional)

To encourage more signups, consider offering an incentive for people who join the waitlist. For example, you may offer waitlist members early access, a discount, or a special bonus when your product launches. Be creative but make sure any incentives you offer are feasible and within your budget.

Promote Your Waitlist

Drive traffic to your landing page through social media, content creation, advertising, word-of-mouth, and any other channels you use to reach your target audience. Share updates on your product’s progress to keep people engaged. As you get closer to launch, increase promotion to build final hype.

Follow Up with Waitlist Members

Stay in regular contact with everyone who signs up by sending personalized update emails. Share details on new features you’re building, milestones you’ve achieved, and your anticipated product release timeline. Ask for input and feedback to improve your product. Waitlist members will appreciate your transparency and feel invested in your success.

When your product is ready to launch, send a final email announcing its availability. Your waitlist members will likely be some of your very first customers, helping you gain valuable traction and testimonials to further propel your growth.

Designing an Eye-Catching Landing Page
Designing an Eye-Catching Landing Page

Designing an Eye-Catching Landing Page

A well-designed landing page is essential for converting visitors into subscribers and building hype for your product launch. Here are some tips for creating an eye-catching landing page:

Choose a Clean, Minimal Design

A simple, uncluttered design helps focus attention on your key messaging and call-to-action. Use plenty of white space and limit the number of fonts and colors you use. A minimal, modern design also gives a polished, professional impression.

Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing people see, so make it count. Aim for a benefit-driven headline that speaks to your target audience. For a waitlist, consider something like “Be the First to Gain Access to Unicorn Platform”. Use an emotive, exciting tone to build anticipation.

Share Product Details and Key Benefits

Briefly describe your product or service and highlight the main benefits and key features. Use bullet points or numbered lists to make this information easy to read and skim. Mention any competitive advantages or unique selling propositions to show why people should sign up.

Include High-Quality Visuals

Visuals like product images, graphics, and video help bring your landing page to life and give visitors a sense of what your product looks like and how it works. For a waitlist, show mockups or prototypes to give a preview of what’s to come. Ensure any visuals load quickly and look professionally designed.

Offer an Incentive to Sign Up

To encourage signups for your waitlist, consider offering an incentive like early access, a discount, or special bonus when your product launches. For example, you could offer the first 100 subscribers 50% off for the first month. Incentives give people a reason to provide their email address right away.

Place a Prominent Call-to-Action

Your call-to-action, like “Join the Waitlist” or “Be the First to Know”, should be the focal point of your page. Use a contrasting color and larger font to make it stand out. Place the CTA above the fold so visitors see it as soon as they land on the page. Keep your CTA concise and action-oriented.

An attractive, benefit-focused landing page with a strong incentive and call-to-action is the perfect way to launch your waitlist and build hype for your upcoming product release. Place your CTA prominently on the page and in your marketing campaigns to start collecting signups right away.

Offering an Incentive for Signups

Offering an incentive for signups is key to building hype and demand for your product. When people sign up for your waitlist, provide them something of value in return to make it worthwhile for them. This could be:

Early Access

Giving waitlist signups early access to your product or service is a great incentive. Let them know they will be among the first to experience your offering before anyone else. The exclusivity and anticipation will make people eager to sign up.


Offering a discount, coupon code or special promotion for waitlist members is another incentive that works well. For example, “Sign up for our waitlist and receive 50% off your first purchase.” This tactic motivates people to sign up to lock in the savings. Be sure to clearly state the details and terms of your discount to avoid confusion.

Free Trials

A free trial of your product or service is an appealing incentive for waitlist signups. For SaaS companies, a free 1-month or 3-month trial is common. The trial allows people to experience the value of your offering firsthand. Many will convert to paying customers if you deliver on your promises. Offer the free trial to begin as soon as the product launches for waitlist members.

Exclusive Content

For information products like online courses, exclusive content is an excellent incentive. You might offer waitlist members early access to video tutorials, workbooks, cheat sheets or other resources to preview your content. Let them know the content will only be available to paying members after the official launch. The exclusive sneak peek will make people eager to sign up.


For some types of products and brands, offering gifts, swag or other physical merchandise can be an appealing signup incentive. Things like t-shirts, water bottles, notebooks, or gift cards with your logo make great gifts. Keep the gifts relatively low cost but high quality. Let people know the gifts are limited to the first people who sign up to encourage fast action.

In summary, the key to an effective waitlist incentive is providing real value to your potential customers. An incentive gives people a reason to sign up and builds anticipation for your launch. Choose an incentive that aligns with your product, target audience and business goals. With the right incentive, you'll have customers lining up to experience what you have to offer as soon as you launch!

Driving Traffic to Your Landing Page

To drive traffic to your landing page and build hype for your waitlist launch, focus on a few key strategies.

Search Engine Optimization

Optimize your landing page for search engines like Google. Include important keywords in your page title, URL, headings, and content. Keywords should be relevant to your product and what people may search for. For example, use phrases like “waitlist builder,” “coming soon page,” or “product launch landing page.”

Guest Posting

Write guest posts on relevant industry blogs, podcasts, and websites. At the end of each post, include a call-to-action linking to your landing page. Mention your waitlist in the post and build excitement about your upcoming launch. Guest posting establishes you as an authority, drives referral traffic, and builds hype.

Influencer Outreach

Identify influencers in your industry and reach out to them about your waitlist. Offer to provide them early access to your product in exchange for an honest review and promotion to their audience. Influencers have a dedicated following, so their recommendation and coverage of your waitlist can significantly increase signups.

Social Media Marketing

Promote your waitlist on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Create social media posts announcing your waitlist, share updates on your progress, and post teasers about your product. Engage with your followers by replying to their comments and messages. Run social media contests and giveaways to increase shares and visibility.

Email Marketing

If you have an existing email list, send dedicated email campaigns promoting your waitlist. Share details about your product and encourage subscribers to sign up for early access. For new email signups, offer an incentive like a discount or special perk for joining the waitlist. Email is a direct line of communication to your customers and one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your landing page.

By focusing on organic and paid strategies to increase visibility and drive targeted traffic to your landing page, you can successfully launch your waitlist and build momentum for your product release. A well-executed pre-launch campaign will result in an eager audience ready to sign up and engage with your new product.

Promoting Your Waitlist on Social Media

Promoting your waitlist on social media is an effective way to build hype and increase signups. Focus on the major platforms where your target customers spend their time.


On Facebook, create an ad campaign to promote your waitlist. Use eye-catching images and concise ad copy highlighting the key benefits of your product. Target your ads to your ideal customers based on factors like age, interests, behaviors, and more. Engage with people who comment on your ads and post by replying to their questions and joining the conversation.

Also, post organically on your business page about your waitlist. Share blog posts, images, or videos discussing how your product solves customer problems. Ask people to sign up for the waitlist in the caption and comments. Respond to all comments and questions on your posts in a friendly, helpful manner.


Instagram is ideal for sharing visually engaging content about your waitlist. Post infographics, product shots, behind-the-scenes photos, or short video clips. Explain in the caption how people can join the waitlist to get early access. Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility. Engage with your followers by replying to their comments and direct messages.

Run an Instagram story ad promoting your waitlist. Stories ads allow you to use creative formats like images, video, and carousels to capture attention. Drive people to swipe up and join the waitlist.


Tweet about your waitlist and product, using hashtags to extend your reach. Keep tweets under 140 characters, focusing on key benefits and a strong call-to-action to join the waitlist. Build hype by tweeting about product milestones and updates. Engage with people who reply to or retweet you by starting a genuine conversation.

Promoting your waitlist across multiple social platforms will allow you to reach more potential customers, build excitement, and drive more signups. An active social presence where you provide value, engage with your audience, and share authentic updates about product progress will help convert followers into waitlist members and eventual customers.

Following Up With People Who Sign Up

Once people sign up for your waitlist, it’s important to follow up and build excitement for your upcoming product launch. Staying in regular contact with those who have expressed interest in your offering helps to keep them engaged and converts more of them into customers once your product becomes available.

Send an Initial Thank You

Promptly send an email thanking people for signing up for your waitlist. Let them know you appreciate their interest in your company and product. Provide an overview of what they can expect while waiting for launch, such as product updates, blog posts, or an invite to join your beta test group. Be sure to include your social media links so people can connect with you on other channels.

Share Product Updates and Content

Post regular updates about your product’s progress to keep people excited. Share details on new features, improvements, and milestones as you get closer to launch. Also publish helpful content related to your product like blog posts, videos, and guides. This demonstrates your expertise in your industry and builds trust in your brand. Email your waitlist members to notify them whenever you publish new content.

Extend Beta Test Invitations

If you plan to beta test your product before the official launch, invite select members from your waitlist to participate. Let them be among the first to try out your offering and provide valuable feedback. Their input can help you make final tweaks and improvements to ensure the best experience for all your customers at launch. Beta testers will also become your biggest fans and advocates, helping to spread the word about your product.

One Week Before Launch

Send a final email update the week before your product becomes available. Build excitement by sharing all the details about your offering and letting people know the exact launch date. Consider offering a special discount or bonus for those who sign up within the first few days of launch. This helps motivate people on your waitlist to become customers and supports a successful product debut.

With regular communication and opportunities for input and access, the members of your waitlist will be eager to start using your product at launch. Their early adoption and word-of-mouth marketing can help your new offering gain traction quickly. Staying in touch with your waitlist is worth the effort for a successful product launch.

Launching to Your Waitlist Members FAQs: How to Keep the Momentum Going

Once your waitlist members gain access to your product or service, it’s important to maintain their enthusiasm and keep them engaged. Here are some tips to continue building momentum:

Send a Welcome Email

As soon as members are granted access from the waitlist, send a welcome email. Thank them for their patience and excitement about your offering. Provide an overview of next steps to get started and reiterate the benefits and value. Let them know you’re available to answer any questions.

Provide an Easy Onboarding Experience

Ensure your members have a seamless transition from the waitlist to becoming an active user or customer. Provide resources like video tutorials, documentation, or live chat support to help them get started. Make the onboarding process as simple as possible so they can dive in and experience the value right away.

Share Updates and New Features

Keep your members in the loop with regular updates about new features, improvements, milestones, and more. Send email newsletters, in-app notifications or blog posts to spread the news. People like to be part of something innovative and fast-growing, so sharing signs of progress will keep them engaged.

Offer Incentives and Rewards

Offer special rewards and incentives just for members who joined from your waitlist. This could include discounts, bonus features, swag or other gifts. Not only will this make them feel like VIPs, but it also encourages them to continue using your product and spread the word to others.

Solicit Feedback

Ask for honest feedback about your members’ experiences, both positive and constructive. Send out surveys and actually read through the responses. Let people know their input is valued and make changes based on suggestions. Members will appreciate that you’re committed to continuous improvement, and you’ll gain valuable insights into improving your product or service.

Keeping your initial waitlist members happy and engaged is key to building a strong, loyal customer base. Put in the effort to make them feel like founding users and maintain that momentum to fuel your growth. Their support and word-of-mouth marketing can lead the way to new members and future success.


As you've seen, launching a waitlist for your new product is one of the best ways to build hype and gain early traction. By creating a simple landing page using a tool like Unicorn Platform, you can start collecting emails and gaging interest right away. Make sure to highlight the key features and benefits to draw people in. Keep your messaging positive and exciting. Offer an incentive like early access or a discount to encourage signups.

Once your waitlist is live, spread the word on social media, email marketing, and through your network. Build that initial buzz to get people eager to join. Engage with everyone who signs up by sending updates and teasers about your progress. When you do launch, your waitlist members will be your first customers and biggest champions. They'll help propel your product to new heights through word-of-mouth marketing and reviews.

A waitlist strategy done right can set you up for success. It allows you to validate your idea, gain valuable feedback, and hit the ground running at launch. By following the steps we've outlined, you'll be poised to build a waitlist that delivers results and powers your product to new heights. The hype and buzz you generate will give you momentum that carries far into the future.

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