Build Your Banking Landing Page in Minutes

updated on 19 August 2024

As a business owner in the banking industry, your website is your most powerful marketing tool. It's the first impression you make and shapes how people view your brand. Creating an effective yet easy to navigate landing page is key to converting visitors into customers. However, building a custom landing page requires technical skills and resources you may not have access to with your small team.

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder for creating professional landing pages. Within minutes, you can design an effective landing page to capture leads and improve conversion rates.

Unicorn Platform offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, requiring no coding experience. Simply select a pre-designed template to get started and then customize it to match your brand. You have full control over:

  • Page layout (e.g. hero image, key features section, customer testimonials, contact form, etc.)
  • Content (e.g. images, text, videos, etc.)
  • Styling (e.g. colors, fonts, spacing, etc.)
  • Functionality (e.g. contact forms, social sharing buttons, etc.)

With Unicorn Platform, you can build responsive landing pages that display beautifully across devices. Your pages will load quickly, thanks to optimized page speed, and you'll have access to detailed analytics to gain insight into visitor behavior and make data-driven optimizations.

While building your landing page, take advantage of the collaboration features to get feedback and approval from stakeholders. Once published, easily make updates anytime to keep your landing page fresh and engaging.

If you're looking to build a landing page for a loan service, check out Unicorn Platform's guide on building loan landing pages for tips and tricks on creating a high-converting page.

For startups, SaaS companies, and mobile apps looking to capture more leads, Unicorn Platform is an easy, affordable solution for creating high-converting landing pages. Sign up today for a free 14-day trial and start building your landing page in minutes. Increase traffic, capture more leads, and boost conversions with a professional landing page from Unicorn Platform.

Why Use Unicorn Platform for Your Banking Landing Page?

As a banking institution, your landing page is the first impression for many potential customers. Using a dedicated landing page builder like Unicorn Platform allows you to create a professional, trustworthy page in minutes without any coding required.

  • Unicorn Platform offers pre-designed templates specifically for banking to get you started. Choose from options like “Modern Banking,” “Digital Wallet,” or “Online Banking” and customize the colors, images, and content to match your brand.
  • The intuitive drag and drop editor makes it easy to add necessary sections like an eye-catching hero image, client testimonials, service offerings, contact form, and more. You have full control over the layout and design.
  • Embed interactive elements to engage visitors. Add features like an online chatbot, mortgage calculator, or account comparison tool. These tools build credibility and encourage people to take action.
  • Optimize for conversions with built-in A/B testing. Create multiple versions of your page and see which one leads to the most signups or consultations. Make data-driven decisions to improve results.
  • Get found on search engines like Google with SEO best practices built-in. The platform generates an optimized page title, meta description, header tags, and alt image attributes automatically.
  • Stay compliant with all legal requirements for banking institutions. Pages follow accessibility standards and include necessary disclosures and privacy policies.

With an easy-to-use landing page builder like Unicorn Platform, you can create a high-converting banking landing page and start attracting new customers right away. The simple yet powerful features give you everything you need to build trust and showcase your services to the modern banking consumer.

Key Features of Unicorn Platform

Intuitive Drag and Drop Builder

The Unicorn Platform features an intuitive drag and drop website builder that allows you to easily create customized landing pages without any coding required.

Simply drag and drop pre-made sections like:

  1. Hero headers
  2. Feature sections
  3. Pricing tables
  4. FAQ accordions
  5. Customer testimonials
  6. Contact forms

into your page layout. Each section comes with professionally designed templates to choose from. You can also fully customize the styling of colors, fonts, spacing and more to match your brand.

Mobile Responsive

Unicorn Platform landing pages are built to be responsive so they render beautifully across all devices. You don't need to worry about optimizing for mobile - the platform does it for you. Your landing page will work seamlessly on:

  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Laptops
  • Desktops

So you can reach your audience and convert customers wherever they are.

Integrations & Analytics

Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular third-party services to enhance your landing pages. Some options include:

  • Email marketing services like Mailchimp to capture lead data
  • Live chat tools such as Intercom and Drift to engage visitors
  • Google Analytics to track key metrics like page views, conversion rates, and more
  • Zapier to connect Unicorn Platform with over 1,000 other apps

See detailed reports on how your landing page is performing and make data-driven optimizations to increase conversions.

Round-the-Clock Support

Unicorn Platform offers 24/7 customer support via live chat and email. Our support team is staffed by real people and average response time is under 15 minutes. Whether you have a quick question about using the platform or need urgent help fixing a technical issue, we've got your back at any time of day or night.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an easy yet powerful landing page builder with essential features for creating high-converting lead capture pages. With beautiful templates, seamless mobile responsiveness, useful integrations, and dedicated support, Unicorn Platform gives you everything you need to build a bank landing page in minutes.

Gallery of Stunning Examples for Landing Page Bank

Gallery of Examples

When creating a landing page for a bank, it is helpful to view examples from other successful companies for inspiration and ideas. The following galleries provide stunning examples of landing pages in the banking industry:

Minimal and Professional

  • American Express - Clean layout with image of familiar blue card, concise copy and clear call-to-action buttons.
  • Chase Bank - Minimal design focuses on bold typography, single hero image and three column layout for quick navigation to key products.

Informative and Helpful

  • Ally Bank - Opening graphic reinforces brand positioning around “straight talk” and “clear value”. Body copy is highly scannable with section headers, bulleted lists and short paragraphs. Sidebar provides helpful quick links.
  • HSBC - Longer page utilizes progress bar at top to indicate scroll position. Sections feature statistics, testimonials, FAQs and strong calls-to-action to open an account or apply for a mortgage.

An effective bank landing page should build trust and convey the key services and products offered to potential and existing customers. Reviewing the landing pages of established banks can provide useful examples of content, layouts and messaging that resonate with audiences. You may choose to emulate certain elements or use them as a point of differentiation for your own unique brand. The options for creating a stunning landing page for your bank are vast. With an engaging design, compelling copy and clear call-to-action, you will be well on your way to converting more visitors into customers.

How to Create Your Banking Landing Page in 3 Easy Steps

Choose a Template

Unicorn Platform offers professionally designed templates to get you started. Select a template that aligns with your brand and the overall look you want for your landing page. Some options for a banking landing page include:

  • Clean Banking Template: A minimal, modern template with lots of white space. Great for conveying a sleek, high-tech image.
  • Trusted Bank Template: A more traditional template with navy colors and serif fonts. Conveys a stable, trustworthy brand.
  • Online Bank Template: A template with geometric shapes, gradients and sans-serif fonts. Perfect for an innovative digital-first bank.

Add Your Content

Once you've selected a template, it's time to add your own content. This includes:

  • Your company logo and brand colors: Upload your logo and set your brand colors to match your website. This helps make your landing page look cohesive with the rest of your digital presence.
  • Hero image: Select an eye-catching photo to serve as the main focal point at the top of your page. This could be an image of people, technology or finance. Include a brief headline and subhead to capture the visitor's attention.
  • Section headings: Add headings like "Why Choose Us?" or "Our Services" to highlight the main benefits and offerings you want to convey to visitors.
  • Descriptive copy: Write a few sentences or short paragraphs explaining what makes your bank unique. Mention things like your rates, fees, digital tools, security features or financial expertise. Use an enthusiastic yet professional tone.
  • Call-to-action button: Add a prominent button linking to your services, rates or account opening page. The CTA should invite the visitor to take the next step, such as "Open an Account" or "Learn More".

Preview and Launch

Once you've added all your content, preview how the landing page looks on both desktop and mobile devices. Make any final tweaks to the content or design to optimize the experience. Then, launch your landing page and start driving targeted traffic to it through social media, search engine optimization, advertising or email marketing campaigns. Monitor how visitors interact with your landing page and look for ways to improve conversions over time.

Customize Your Banking Landing Page Design
Customize Your Banking Landing Page Design

Customize Your Banking Landing Page Design

To customize the design of your banking landing page, follow these steps:

Choose a Template

Select a template from the template gallery that suits your brand and the purpose of your landing page. The templates are professionally designed and optimized for lead generation and conversions. You can then customize the template to match your brand.

Set Your Brand Colors

Use the color picker to choose your brand's primary and secondary colors. These will be applied to elements like buttons, icons, typography and more. You can also enter the HEX or RGB color codes if you have them.

Add Your Logo

Upload your company logo to prominently display your brand on the landing page. You can adjust the size and placement of the logo as needed.

Choose Fonts

Select fonts that reflect your brand personality. You can choose from Google Fonts and custom font uploads. Headings and body text have separate font options.

Add Images

strategically placed images help convey your key messages and create an emotional connection with visitors. You can upload images from your desktop or choose free stock photos. Place images above the fold, alongside content blocks, or as the page background.

  • Add social proof like customer reviews, testimonials or case studies.
  • Include customer logos or badges to build trust.
  • Add explainer videos or graphics to help educate visitors.
  • Use large, high-quality photos of your product for the hero section.

Preview and Publish

Preview how your landing page will appear on desktop and mobile devices. Make any final changes before publishing your page. You can then start driving traffic to your new landing page through marketing campaigns, social media, content creation and more.

With some simple customization, you can create a professional banking landing page to start generating more leads and customers. The easy-to-use builder requires no coding skills to design an effective landing page.

Add Relevant Content to Your Banking Landing Page

To make your banking landing page as effective as possible, you need to include relevant and compelling content. Here are some recommendations:

Highlight Your Value Proposition

Explain how your banking services and products benefit your customers and set you apart from competitors. Focus on key differentiators like low fees, high interest rates, innovative digital tools, 24/7 customer service, etc. Use persuasive language to convey the value.

List Your Services

  • Checking/savings accounts: Emphasize any standout features like no minimum balance, ATM fee rebates, etc.
  • Loans: Detail the types of loans you offer like personal loans, business loans, mortgages, auto loans, etc. and their main benefits.
  • Online/mobile banking: Promote conveniences such as bill pay, money transfers, mobile check deposit, budgeting tools, etc.
  • Investments: Discuss investment options like CDs, IRAs, money market accounts, etc.

Build Trust and Credibility

To establish your company as a reputable institution that consumers can rely on, incorporate:

  1. Customer reviews and testimonials: Feature authentic reviews from current satisfied clients.
  2. Awards and recognition: Mention any awards or certifications you have received for outstanding service, technology, workplace culture, etc.
  3. Company history and mission: Briefly share how long you have been in business and your overarching goals. This helps demonstrate your stability and commitment to customers.

Lead Generation

The primary goal of your landing page is to generate leads, so be sure to include strong calls-to-action (CTAs) like:

  • Open an account: Make this button prominent on your page and link it to your account opening form.
  • Contact us: For visitors who want to speak to a banking expert, provide your phone number, live chat option, and email.
  • Learn more: If you have additional products or an About Us page, create a CTA linking to that content.

An effective banking landing page incorporates the key elements that will resonate most with your target customers and motivate them to take action. Focusing on value, services, credibility and lead generation will help build a page that achieves results.

Integrate Your Banking Landing Page With Marketing Automation

To maximize the effectiveness of your banking landing page, integrate it with marketing automation software. This allows you to capture leads and nurture them through targeted email campaigns.

Connect Your Form to an Email List

Once a visitor submits your landing page form, their information should be automatically added to your email list in your marketing automation platform. From there, you can send a welcome email to confirm their signup and begin an automated email nurturing campaign.

Set Up Lead Scoring and Nurturing

  • Assign values to form fields and actions to determine how “hot” a lead is. For example, someone who provides a phone number may be more ready to contact you than someone who only enters their email.
  • Create email nurturing campaigns for different scores. High-scoring leads may receive content on how your services can benefit them right away. Lower-scoring leads may need more education and relationship-building first.
  • Track how leads engage with your emails to determine if their score needs to be adjusted up or down. Look for opens, click-throughs, time spent reading, etc.

Integrate With Your CRM

Syncing your marketing automation platform and customer relationship management (CRM) system allows lead data to flow between the two seamlessly. This provides your sales team with a full view of each lead’s interactions and ensures no leads fall through the cracks.

  • Leads that reach a certain score threshold can be automatically passed to sales for outreach.
  • Sales can see the full history of email opens, clicks, and page views for each lead to have a more relevant conversation.
  • Closed-lost leads can be re-added to nurturing campaigns to continue the relationship.

Analyze and Optimize

Review key metrics like form completion rate, lead score distribution, and sales qualified lead (SQL) rate to see how your landing page and marketing automation campaigns are performing. Make changes to improve engagement and lead quality over time. With regular optimization, your banking landing page can become a powerful lead generation tool.

Frequently Asked Questions About Building a Banking Landing Page
Frequently Asked Questions About Building a Banking Landing Page

Frequently Asked Questions About Building a Banking Landing Page

Building an effective banking landing page involves asking yourself some key questions about your goals and target audience. By considering the following frequently asked questions, you can design a landing page that converts visitors into customers.

What is the purpose of my banking landing page?

The purpose of your landing page is to generate leads or sales for your banking products and services. Consider whether you want visitors to sign up for a newsletter, schedule a consultation, or open a new account. Your page should have a clear call-to-action that matches your purpose.

Who is my target audience?

Think about the type of customers you want to attract, including their age range, income level, location, and financial needs. Your content and visuals should appeal to your specific target audience. Focus on benefits that would motivate them, like 24/7 account access, low fees, high APYs, or personalized service.

What information should I include?

You need to cover the key details about your banking solutions while keeping your page concise. Explain your products and services, features, benefits, rates, terms and conditions, and security measures. Use bulleted lists, graphics, videos and testimonials to convey information in an engaging way. Mention any promotions or discounts you currently offer to encourage conversions.

How can I optimize my landing page?

Optimize your banking landing page for maximum impact by:

  • Choosing an attention-grabbing headline and visuals
  • Using a clear page layout with ample white space
  • Placing your call-to-action prominently on the page
  • Including social proof like customer reviews and ratings
  • Ensuring fast page load times by compressing images and removing clutter
  • Testing different versions of your page to see which one has the highest conversion rate

How do I drive traffic to my landing page?

Once your landing page is set up, drive targeted traffic to it through social media ads, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, referral programs, and search engine optimization. Be sure to track your traffic sources to determine which methods are most effective. Continuously optimizing your landing page and traffic generation efforts will result in the highest conversion rates over time.


In today's digital age, creating an effective landing page is crucial for any banking business to succeed. As you have seen, with Unicorn Platform's drag and drop website builder, you can easily create a professional banking landing page in a matter of minutes without any coding required. The variety of modern templates, elements, and features allow you to showcase your banking products and services in an engaging way. You now have the power to build your banking landing page and start converting more visitors into customers to grow your business. The only question left is - what are you waiting for? Get started with Unicorn Platform today.

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Built on Unicorn Platform