Ecommerce Landing Page Best Practices

published on 13 November 2023


Ecommerce landing pages are essential for driving conversions and sales for online businesses. Unlike regular website pages, landing pages have a singular focus on getting visitors to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. By optimizing an ecommerce landing page properly, businesses can dramatically increase conversions and revenue.

In this post, we'll cover best practices and tips for creating high-converting ecommerce landing pages that turn visitors into customers. We'll explore how to define goals, craft compelling copy, reduce friction, and technically optimize your landing page for conversions. With the right strategy and tools, you can create an ecommerce landing page that captures leads and boosts your bottom line.

Conduct Thorough Audience Research

The first step in maximizing your ecommerce landing page's effectiveness is gaining a clear understanding of who you are targeting. There are several tactics you can use:

  • Personas: Create fictional personas that represent your target segments. Include details like demographics, behaviors, interests, and pain points.

  • Surveys: Survey existing customers to gain insights into their preferences and motivations.

  • Analytics: Review site analytics to identify visitor demographics, traffic sources, and high-converting landing pages.

  • Keyword Research: Use keyword tools to find terms potential customers are searching for.

  • Social Listening: Monitor social media conversations to understand challenges and desires of your audience.

Conducting comprehensive audience research enables you to tailor your page's messaging and offer to resonate with your target customer.

Set Specific, Measurable Goals

Clearly define your goals and key performance indicators for the page. Having concrete metrics to optimize for is crucial. Some examples:

  • Increase conversion rate from 4% to 7%
  • Grow email list by 500 new subscribers
  • Generate 30% more leads month-over-month

What action do you want visitors to take - make a purchase, subscribe to your email list, download an ebook? Setting measurable goals will inform your design and optimization decisions.

Determine and Highlight Your Unique Value Proposition

Determine your unique value proposition and highlight your differentiators. Why should customers buy from you versus competitors? Whether it's price, quality, service, or selection, ensure your key brand benefits are front and center through your:

  • Messaging
  • Images
  • Testimonials
  • Product/Service Details

For example, if fast shipping is your competitive advantage, feature it prominently in the headline/visuals and reinforce throughout the page copy.

Craft an Impactful Headline and Subheading

Your headline and subheading are the first things visitors see, so they need to capture attention. Use emotional keywords and power words targeted to your audience like "free," "new," "easy," "guaranteed" or "risk-free." Here are some examples of power words to incorporate:

  • Instantly
  • Unlimited
  • Proven
  • Bargain
  • Hurry
  • Authentic

Keep headlines short, descriptive, and scannable.

The subheading should reinforce the headline's promise and set expectations. For example, "Free Two-Day Shipping" or "30% Off Your First Order." Test variations to determine the best combo.

Structure the Page for Simplicity

Less is more when it comes to ecommerce landing page design. Use minimalist layouts with plenty of white space and avoid clutter. Organize page elements logically into clear sections so visitors can easily find what they need.

Keep page length short by sticking to one conversion goal per page. Place your unique value proposition and call-to-action above the fold so they are visible without scrolling. Remove any distractions to keep the focus on your primary CTA.

Optimizing Content

Your content should convince visitors to convert by addressing their pain points and presenting your ecommerce business as the solution. Use simple, scannable formatting like bullet points, numbered lists, and descriptive headers.

Optimizing your content for SEO can help drive qualified traffic to your landing page. Include relevant keywords, meta descriptions, alt text, and schema markup. However, be careful not to over-optimize at the expense of readability.

Provide specific details on promotional offers, products, pricing, and any lead magnets or giveaways you are featuring to entice visitors. Help them understand the value received by converting.

Use Impactful Original Visuals

Relevant visuals make your landing page stand out while reinforcing your value proposition. Use high-quality original photographs of real people happily using your products or services, which feel more authentic than generic stock photos.

Infographics, charts, or illustrations can help communicate benefits clearly. Animated GIFs can capture attention, but use them sparingly. Optimize images by compressing file sizes for faster load times.

Build Trust and Credibility

Increase conversion rates by establishing credibility and trust with your audience. Display security badges like Norton, McAfee, or TRUSTe. Highlight positive customer reviews, testimonials, and expert endorsements.

Link to established media features and partnerships. Be transparent about pricing, shipping, returns, and other policies. Providing contact information reassures visitors you are a legitimate business.

Reduce Friction in the Conversion Process

Remove any roadblocks in the conversion process. Minimize required form fields and use smart defaults. Offer guest checkout options to eliminate mandatory account creation.

Use progress bars and micro-copy to guide visitors through each step. Highlight secure checkout on payment pages. Clear navigation and wayfinding reduces confusion and bounce rates.

Optimize Technical Elements

A fast, mobile-friendly landing page is critical for converting visitors. Use Cloudflare and optimized hosting for speed and security. Ensure your page responsively adapts to any device size.

Leverage popups or slide-in forms to capture abandoning visitors. Implement schema markup for rich search snippets. Integrate your landing page with marketing and analytics platforms using APIs or tags.

Continuously Test and Iterate

Continuously test and refine your landing page to boost conversions. A/B test elements like headlines, copy, designs, offers, and CTAs. Analyze clickmaps and scrollmaps to see behavior patterns. Study your conversion funnel to identify and eliminate drop-off points.

Use analytics insights to guide incremental changes over time. There is always room for improvement - keep testing, analyzing data, and optimizing.

Key Landing Page Platforms

Choosing the right platform can simplify landing page creation and optimization. Here are top options from easy drag-and-drop builders to advanced frameworks:

  • Wix: Extremely user-friendly drag-and-drop editor with great templates and integration options. Limited customizability compared to advanced platforms.

  • Squarespace: Beautiful templates and intuitive design tools. Seamless ecommerce integration. Fewer tests and analytics capabilities than some competitors.

  • Unbounce: User-friendly with robust A/B testing and conversion analytics. Custom CSS and integrations available for advanced customization. Expensive for high volumes.

  • Elementor: Free WordPress landing page builder plugin with massive template library. Highly customizable and integrated. Requires WordPress setup and hosting.

  • Instapage: Robust functionality tailored for marketers. Integrates with marketing platforms and fast load speeds. Steeper learning curve.


Creating high-converting ecommerce landing pages requires clearly defining your audience, highlighting your unique value proposition, reducing friction, and relentlessly testing and optimizing. By focusing on understanding your customers, conveying credibility, and providing a smooth conversion process, you can compel visitors to convert. With the right platform, templates, and data-driven optimization strategy, you can turn more shoppers into buyers.

The key takeaways are:

  • Conduct thorough audience research using personas, surveys, analytics, keyword research and more
  • Set concrete goals and metrics for your landing page
  • Determine and feature your unique value proposition prominently
  • Craft compelling headlines and subheads using power words
  • Design for simplicity with a singular conversion focus
  • Build trust with certifications, testimonials, policies, contact info
  • Reduce friction in the conversion process wherever possible
  • Continuously test and optimize using clickmaps, heatmaps and other data

Ready to create a high-converting landing page? The intuitive drag-and-drop editor on Unicorn Platform makes it easy to customize professional templates, images, and content optimized for conversions. Give it a try today!

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