Easy Conference & Seminar Landing Page Builder

published on 30 June 2023

As an event organizer, you know that an eye-catching landing page is essential to promote your conference or seminar. You want an easy way to create a custom page that conveys the right message to attendees and gets them excited to register and attend. However, you likely don’t have the budget for expensive web design services or the technical skills to code a landing page from scratch.

What Is Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder?

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive drag and drop website builder designed specifically for creating professional conference and seminar landing pages. The no-code platform makes it easy for anyone to build a custom landing page in just a few minutes without any coding skills required.

Unicorn Platform offers simple yet powerful features for building high-converting landing pages. You have access to:

  • A library of pre-designed landing page templates tailored for conferences, seminars, and events. Select a template and customize it or start from scratch.
  • An easy to use drag and drop builder. Add sections like hero banners, countdown timers, venue maps, schedules, sponsor logos, calls-to-action and more by simply dragging elements onto the page.
  • Professionally designed elements. Choose from a variety of widgets, images, icons, and font options to create an elegant landing page.
  • Mobile-friendly responsive design. Pages automatically adapt to mobile devices so your landing page looks great on any screen size.
  • Integrations with email services and payment gateways. Connect your landing page to Mailchimp, Drip, PayPal, Stripe and more.
  • Analytics to track views, registrations, and conversions. See how your landing page is performing and make data-driven optimizations.

With a simple, code-free platform and powerful features, Unicorn Platform makes building high-quality landing pages for your conference or seminar an easy, enjoyable process. Create your custom landing page today and start promoting your event.

Check out our blog post on creating Meetup and Calendar Landing Pages Without the Hassle for more information.

Why Use Unicorn Platform for Your Conference Landing Page?

Using Unicorn Platform to build your conference or seminar landing page offers several benefits:

  • Easy to set up. With a simple drag and drop interface, you can have a professional landing page up and running in minutes without any coding required. Just choose a template, add your content, images, and branding, and you're done.
  • Mobile-friendly. All Unicorn Platform templates are fully responsive, ensuring your landing page looks great and functions flawlessly on any device. This is crucial, as many attendees will be viewing and registering for your event on their smartphones or tablets.
  • Integrated payments. Accept registrations and payments right on your landing page. Unicorn Platform integrates with popular payment gateways like Stripe so you can easily collect registration fees or ticket sales.
  • Lead generation. Easily capture leads and build your mailing list by offering an incentive like a free ebook or video in exchange for an email signup. Unicorn Platform's forms and email marketing integrations make it simple to convert visitors into subscribers and promote your event.
  • Custom branding. Match your landing page to your brand with customizable colors, fonts, logos, and more. You can even add custom CSS or HTML code if you want full design control.
  • Analytics. Gain valuable insights into how people are engaging with your landing page. See visitor stats, find out where traffic is coming from, see which calls-to-action are most effective, and more. Use this data to optimize your landing page and improve results.

In summary, Unicorn Platform provides an easy yet powerful way to create a landing page for your conference or seminar that looks professional, engages visitors, and gets results. Why not give it a try for your next event?

How to Build an Effective Conference Landing Page

To build an effective conference landing page, follow these key steps:

Determine Your Goals

First, establish the goals and objectives for your conference landing page. Do you want to generate leads, drive registrations, or simply inform visitors? Outline 2-3 specific goals to guide your page content and design.

Choose an Engaging Design

Select a simple yet professional design that is easy to navigate and complements your conference brand. Include:

  • Eye-catching header image to capture interest
  • Brief conference description with key details (date, location, speakers)
  • Registration form prominently displayed above the fold
  • Testimonials or reviews from past attendees
  • Sponsor logos and branding (if applicable)
  • Clear call-to-action buttons (e.g. Register Now, Buy Tickets)

Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it count. Aim for a headline that is:

  1. Short (around 60 characters)
  2. Impactful by highlighting a key benefit or outcome
  3. Utilizes power words like “exclusive, cutting-edge, breakthrough, behind-the-scenes”
  4. Written in sentence case with a compelling verb

For example, “Get Exclusive Access to the Digital Marketing Breakthroughs that Will Shape Your Business.”

Outline the Agenda and Speakers

Visitors want to know the who, what, where, and when. Provide a high-level agenda with presentation titles and speakers for each session. Include short bios and headshots for key speakers to build credibility.

Highlight Benefits and Value

Explain the key takeaways, actionable insights, and value attendees will gain from participating in your event. Focus on solving attendee problems and addressing their needs. Use statistics, examples, and stories to bring your benefits to life.

Include a Clear Call-to-Action

End your page with a prominent call-to-action like "Register Now" or "Buy Tickets." Make it easy for visitors to sign up or purchase access to your event right from your landing page. Be sure to include security badges to build trust for any ecommerce transactions.

Following these steps will help you create an attractive, high-converting conference landing page and drive more registrations to your event. Best of luck and happy building!

Tips for Optimizing Your Conference Landing Page
Tips for Optimizing Your Conference Landing Page

Tips for Optimizing Your Conference Landing Page

To optimize your conference landing page and encourage more registrations, follow these tips:

Focus on Benefits

Clearly convey the key benefits of attending your conference. Use headings and bullet points to highlight things like:

  • Expert speakers and thought leaders in the field
  • Cutting-edge content and actionable insights
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded professionals
  • CEU credits or certifications (if applicable)

Keep it Simple

A simple, clean layout will allow the important information to shine through. Limit the number of fonts and use plenty of negative space. Focus on a clear headline, subheadings, bullet points, and a prominent call-to-action.

Strong Imagery

Include high-quality photos that show past conferences, speakers, attendees networking or in sessions. Imagery helps visitors visualize what they can expect and builds excitement. For online conferences, include screenshots of your streaming platform or attendee dashboard.

Early Bird Pricing

Offer a discount for registering by a certain date. This sense of urgency will prompt more people to sign up right away. You can also consider offering additional perks or bonuses for early registrants.


Share reviews and testimonials from past attendees. This social proof builds trust in your conference and gives potential attendees confidence that it will be worth their time and money.

Prominent CTA

Your call-to-action (CTA) button like “Register Now” should be prominently displayed at multiple locations on the page, especially at the top and bottom. Use a bold color and make the CTA stand out so visitors know exactly what to do next.

Following these best practices will help you create an effective conference landing page, build excitement for your event, and maximize registrations. Continually test different wording and layouts to find what resonates most with your target audience.

Best Practices for Conference Landing Page Design

Clean, Minimalist Design

A clean, minimalist design is ideal for a conference landing page. Keep the layout simple and uncluttered, with plenty of white space. Use a minimal color palette of 2-3 complementary colors to create visual cohesion. Limit the number of fonts to 1-2 professional, easy-to-read options. Include relevant, high-quality images to help convey the overall conference theme and topics.

Clear Headings and Subheadings

Use descriptive yet concise headings and subheadings to organize information and make it easy to navigate. Relevant section headings may include: About the Conference, Speakers, Agenda, Pricing, Location, FAQ, etc. Subheadings within sections further break up content into digestible chunks. For example, in the “Speakers” section, have a subheading for each speaker.

Compelling Copy

The copy on your landing page should be compelling yet concise. In 2-3 sentences, convey the key details and benefits of attending the conference to capture interest. Use an active voice and speak directly to your audience using “you”. Mention the valuable knowledge and insights attendees will gain, networking opportunities, takeaways, and anything else that makes your conference a must-attend event.

Prominent Call-to-Action

A prominent call-to-action, like “Register Now” or “Get Your Ticket”, should be featured prominently on the page, ideally at both the top and bottom. The CTA should link directly to the conference registration page. For the best results, use a contrasting color for the CTA button to make it stand out.

Trust Badges (optional)

Include trust badges or logos of well-known companies and media outlets that have endorsed or are sponsoring the conference. Quotes or reviews from past attendees also help to build credibility and trust in the event. However, only include these elements if you have secured permission to do so.

FAQ Section (optional)

An FAQ section helps address any questions or concerns potential attendees may have before registering. Keep questions and answers concise, with 2-3 sentences for each. FAQs provide another opportunity to highlight important conference details, build trust, and reassure readers.

Using Unicorn Platform Conference Landing Page Templates

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop website builder makes creating a landing page for your conference or seminar simple. You have access to professional templates specifically designed for events to help you quickly build an effective landing page.

Choosing a Template

Unicorn Platform offers a variety of templates for conference and seminar landing pages. Select a template that aligns with your event’s theme and branding. Some options include:

  • Clean and minimalistic templates for a sleek, modern feel
  • Colorful and eye-catching templates to generate excitement
  • Templates with a prominent image or video header to highlight a key aspect of your event

Once you choose a template, you can fully customize it to match your needs.

Adding Your Content

With your template selected, it’s time to add your conference or seminar details. Be sure to include:

  1. An attention-grabbing headline with the event name and date(s).
  2. A hero image or video to give visitors an idea of what to expect.
  3. A summary of the key details (schedule, location, speakers, etc.). Use bullet points to make this information easy to read.
  4. Short paragraphs highlighting specific talks, workshops or activities. Keep these around 2 to 3 sentences.
  5. A clear call-to-action like “Register Now” or “Get Tickets” with a link to your ticketing page.

Customizing the Design

Unicorn Platform gives you full control over colors, fonts, spacing, and more so you can tailor your landing page’s design. Some customizations to consider include:

  • Change the color scheme to match your brand palette.
  • Select complementary fonts that are easy to read.
  • Adjust padding and margin sizes to balance empty space.
  • Add image filters or frames to make visuals more cohesive.

With Unicorn Platform’s simple yet powerful customization features, you can build a high-quality landing page for your conference or seminar without any coding required. Focus on what matters most—planning and promoting your event!

How to Build an Effective Seminar Landing Page

To build an effective seminar landing page, follow these best practices:

Choose an Informative yet Engaging Headline

The headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it count. Use an attention-grabbing yet informative headline that communicates the topic and benefit of attending your seminar. For example, “Discover the Secrets to Doubling Your Productivity in Just One Day.”

Highlight the Key Details

Visitors want to know the critical details upfront. Provide the date, time, location, and cost prominently at the top of the page. You can also include a brief seminar description and list of covered topics. Keep this section concise but compelling.

Focus on the Benefits

Clearly articulate the benefits of attending to motivate visitors to register. For example, “You'll learn proven techniques to improve focus, optimize your time, and achieve more in less time. You'll walk away with a custom productivity plan tailored to your needs.” Discuss both tangible and intangible benefits.

Include Engaging Visuals

Visuals like photos of the venue, speaker images, infographics, charts, or illustrations help bring your page to life. They also make the content more scannable and memorable. Ensure any visuals load quickly and look professional.

Provide a Clear Call to Action

The primary goal of your page is to get visitors to register for the seminar. Place an attention-grabbing call to action like “Register Now” or “Save Your Seat” prominently on the page, ideally at both the top and bottom. Make it easy to click by including a link to your registration page.

Keep the Page Simple

To build a successful landing page for your seminar, it's important to follow best practices. Avoid cluttering the page with too much text or excess links and buttons. Use plenty of headers, lists, and spacing to keep information well organized and scannable. Your visitors should be able to quickly find all the details about your seminar and register with just a few clicks. Focus on quality over quantity to maximize conversions. A great option for building a landing page without coding is Unicorn Platform's drag and drop builder. Following these best practices and using a user-friendly landing page builder will help fill your seats and make your seminar a success. Be sure to optimize for mobile since many visitors will view on their phones or tablets.

Best Practices for Seminar Landing Page Design
Best Practices for Seminar Landing Page Design

Best Practices for Seminar Landing Page Design

To create an effective landing page for your seminar or conference, following some best practices will help attract attendees and encourage registration.

Clear Headline and Subheading

Your headline should capture the essence of your event in an exciting way. Mention the topic, date, and location. The subheading can provide more details on the content or speakers.


Use an eye-catching image that aligns with your event topic or theme. This helps visitors visually connect with your page and event. For conferences, an image of attendees networking or a speaker on stage works well.

Outline the Agenda

Give visitors an overview of what they can expect from your event. List the dates, times, breakout sessions, keynote speeches, Q&A panels and any other activities. Mention notable speakers and their backgrounds to build credibility.

Highlight the Benefits

Explain what attendees will gain by participating. This could include:

  • Learning from industry experts
  • Expanding professional networks
  • Developing new skills
  • Earning continuing education credits
  • Gaining insights and inspiration

Call the Audience to Action

The primary goal of your landing page is to get visitors to register for your event. Clearly state how they can register and include eye-catching buttons that link to your registration page. Offer an early bird or group discount to encourage prompt signup.

Trust Indicators

Build credibility by including trust indicators like partner or sponsor logos, testimonials from past attendees, media mentions, or awards and accolades. These signals help establish you as an authority in your industry or topic area.

Keep it Simple

Avoid cluttering your page with too much text, imagery or links. Use plenty of white space and align elements in a clean, symmetrical fashion. The most important details should be prominently featured at the top of the page where visitors first look. With a simple yet compelling design, your landing page will convert more visitors into registrants.

Conference & Seminar Landing Page Builder FAQs

What page builder features are included?

The Unicorn Platform landing page builder provides everything you need to create a professional conference or seminar landing page. Features include:

  • Drag and drop sections to easily add content blocks like text, images, buttons, countdown timers, and more.
  • Mobile-friendly responsive design ensures your landing page looks great on any device.
  • Customizable themes to match your brand with options to change colors, fonts, and layouts.
  • Integrations with email marketing and CRM software to capture leads and drive conversions.
  • A/B testing to optimize your landing page for the best results. Compare different versions to see which one performs better.
  • Analytics to track views, visitor behavior, conversions, and more. Gain insight into how people interact with your landing page.

How easy is the Unicorn Platform landing page builder to use?

The Unicorn Platform landing page builder is extremely intuitive and easy to use. No coding experience required. With a simple drag and drop interface, you can:

  • Add sections like headers, images, text, buttons, testimonials and more in just a few clicks.
  • Resize and rearrange sections as needed. Move them up, down, left or right with your mouse.
  • Style sections by changing the background, colors, fonts, and spacing. Select from preset options or choose your own.
  • Connect to your email service and payment provider to start capturing leads and taking registrations in minutes.

What integrations and customizations are available?

The Unicorn Platform landing page builder seamlessly integrates with:

  • Email marketing services like Mailchimp, Aweber, and ActiveCampaign to capture leads from your landing page.
  • Payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and Square to easily take conference or seminar registrations.
  • CRM software including HubSpot, Salesforce, and Zoho to automatically save leads and customer information.

You have full control to customize your landing page and match your brand:

  • Choose from multiple pre-designed themes or build your own from scratch.
  • Change colors, fonts, background images, and layouts.
  • Add custom CSS or HTML for advanced styling.
  • Remove Unicorn Platform branding from your landing page.
  • Connect a custom domain to use your own URL.

The Unicorn Platform landing page builder provides a simple yet powerful solution to create a customized conference or seminar landing page in minutes. Please let us know if you have any other questions!


In the end, the ability to create simple, engaging landing pages is key to effectively promoting and marketing your events. With Unicorn Platform, you have an easy-to-use solution that will allow you to build high-converting landing pages for your conferences, seminars, and other events without requiring any technical skills. By providing pre-made templates, drag and drop elements, and an intuitive interface, Unicorn Platform gives you the power to craft landing pages that match your brand and capture your audience. Stop wasting time struggling with complicated website builders and start promoting your events with customized landing pages that yield real results. Unicorn Platform is the simple, affordable choice for creating landing pages that work.

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