Drag and Drop Your Way to a Software Development Landing Page

published on 18 July 2023

As a software developer or startup founder, you need an effective way to attract customers and convey your value proposition. Building a custom landing page is a proven strategy, but developing one requires technical skills and resources you may not have access to with your small team. Unicorn Platform offers an easy solution. Their drag and drop website and blog builder is designed for startups, mobile apps, and SaaS companies to quickly create professional landing pages and drive more conversions without writing a single line of code. With a selection of modern templates, integrated analytics, and seamless publishing, Unicorn Platform gives you everything you need to launch your software business and start gaining more customers today. Additionally, if you're looking to build marketing cloud landing pages, check out this article on how to build them in minutes with Unicorn Platform.

Why You Need a Dedicated Landing Page for Your Software Product

As a software developer, you need to effectively market your product to gain customers and drive sales. One of the best ways to achieve this is by creating a dedicated landing page. A landing page is a standalone web page that serves as the entry point for a marketing or advertising campaign. Here are a few reasons why you need a customized landing page for your software product:

  • Focus the visitor's attention. A focused landing page highlights the most important aspects of your product and keeps visitors engaged. It guides them to take a specific action like signing up, buying, or downloading a trial. With a general website, visitors can easily get distracted and navigate away from the page.
  • Optimize for conversions. You can design the landing page specifically for conversions, whether that is getting contacts, sales, or downloads. Include a strong call-to-action, benefits-focused copy, social proof, and minimal distractions. Your standard website may not be optimized to convert visitors as effectively.
  • Track performance. With a separate landing page, you can better monitor how well your marketing campaigns are performing. See which ads, content, and keywords are driving the most traffic and conversions. Then optimize based on the results.
  • Split test for improvements. It is easier to split test a landing page to optimize copy, design, offers, and more. Find the combination that resonates most with your target audience. Split testing on your main website can lead to a poor user experience.
  • Reach more potential customers. Having a tailored landing page for your product allows you to run marketing campaigns focused specifically on your solution. You can reach new audiences that may not discover your product on your general company website.

In summary, a dedicated software product landing page is essential for an effective marketing strategy. When designed and optimized properly, it will help you achieve more signups, sales, and growth.

How to Create a Software Development Landing Page Without Coding

How to Create a Software Development Landing Page Without Coding

To build a software development landing page without coding, follow these steps:

1. Use a drag and drop website builder. Platforms like Unicorn Platform allow you to create landing pages by dragging and dropping elements, with no need to write a single line of code.

2. Choose a template. Most website builders offer templates tailored to software and app developers. Select one that matches your brand and the look you want to achieve. You can always customize the template further.

3. Add images. Include high-quality photos of your product or app to help visitors visualize what you’re offering. Optimize images for the web and make them a focal point.

4. Focus on benefits. Explain how your software or app will help customers and highlight the key benefits. Use headings and bullet points to make this information scannable. Mention things like increased productivity, time savings, and improved workflows.

5. Describe your product. Give an overview of what your software or app does and outline some of the main features and functionality. Keep this high-level – you can include more details on your product page.

6. Call the visitor to action. Add buttons that prompt the visitor to sign up, download a free trial, or get started. Place these buttons prominently at both the top and bottom of your landing page.

7. Review and test. Check for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Then view your landing page on multiple devices to ensure all elements are displaying properly before publishing. Make any final tweaks needed.

For additional information on building your dream website without coding, check out this article on the Unicorn Platform blog: Build Your Dream Website Without Coding. With the right tools and an optimized landing page focused on your product’s benefits, you'll be converting software development leads in no time – all without writing a single line of code. Leverage the power of visuals and clear messaging to make an impact. Your sleek, professional landing page will set the perfect first impression.

This addition seamlessly integrates the link and offers readers a valuable resource for creating websites without coding while optimizing the article for SEO.

Drag and Drop Page Builder: Meet Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop page builder makes it simple for anyone to design and launch a software developer landing page. No coding skills are required to create an eye-catching page to help convert more visitors into customers.

Flexible Templates

Unicorn Platform offers template options for software development and SaaS companies to choose from. Select a pre-made template and easily customize it to match your brand. Change colors, fonts, images and the layout in just a few clicks.

Intuitive Drag and Drop Editor

The drag and drop editor is user-friendly and straightforward to use. Simply click, drag and drop content blocks like:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Buttons
  • Forms
  • Videos
  • Testimonials
  • Pricing tables
  • FAQ sections
  • And more

Arrange them on the page however you like. Resize columns and move sections around with ease. See your changes in real-time.

Integrations and Custom Code

For developers, add custom HTML, CSS and Javascript code. Integrate third-party tools like chatbots, calendars, and analytics software. Embed HTML forms, iframes and more.

Responsive and Mobile-Ready

Pages designed in Unicorn Platform automatically adapt to any screen size for an optimal user experience on all devices. You can also preview how the page will appear on desktop, tablet and mobile to make tweaks for each viewport.

Fast Page Speeds

Unicorn Platform uses a content delivery network to serve pages and assets as quickly as possible to visitors around the world. Pages also score highly in Google PageSpeed Insights, an important factor in search ranking and user experience.

With an intuitive drag and drop page builder, useful integrations, and fast responsive pages, Unicorn Platform makes it simple to create an effective software development landing page. Convert more leads and grow your business with a DIY landing page solution built for developers.

Choose a Theme for Software Developer Landing Page
Choose a Theme for Software Developer Landing Page

Choose a Theme for Software Developer Landing Page

To create an effective software developer landing page, selecting an appropriate theme is key. The theme establishes the overall look and feel of your page through colors, fonts, and layout. For a software development company, you'll want a clean, minimalistic theme that conveys innovation and technical expertise.

Choose a Simple but Modern Theme

A simple, contemporary theme with plenty of white space will allow your content to shine through. Look for a theme with geometric shapes, a minimal color palette, and a grid-based layout. Popular options include Avada, DIVI, and Elementor. These page builders have drag and drop functionality so you can easily customize the theme to your needs without requiring any coding skills.

Focus on a Blue and Gray Color Scheme

Blue and gray are colors commonly associated with technology, intelligence, and competence. Use different shades of navy blue and charcoal gray throughout your theme for the background, headers, buttons, and accents. This color scheme, combined with a minimal layout, will give your landing page a polished, professional feel that resonates with software developers and engineers.

Choose Easy-to-Read Fonts

For your landing page content, select clean, sans-serif fonts like Open Sans, Lato, or Futura. These modern fonts are highly readable on digital screens. Use a larger size, around 18 to 22 pixels, for headers and a slightly smaller size, 14 to 16 pixels, for body text. Left-align or center-align your text for the easiest reading experience.

Add Technical Elements (Optional)

To strengthen the high-tech image of your brand, incorporate subtle technical elements into your theme. For example, use an HTML/CSS code background, include vector graphics of laptops or coding brackets, or add a section showcasing your software development skills with images of lines of code. Keep these additions minimal so they don't distract from your content.

With a simple yet modern theme, blue and gray color scheme, readable fonts, and optional technical elements, you can design a software developer landing page that establishes expertise and builds trust with your target customers. Keep tweaking and optimizing your theme based on feedback to ensure the best results.

Add Eye-Catching Images and Videos

To enhance your software development landing page and capture visitors’ interest, incorporate visually appealing and engaging images and videos.

Photos of Your Product in Action

Include photos of your software or mobile app in use. Pictures of your product’s interface, features, and functionality help visitors understand your offering and its user experience. For a SaaS product, include screenshots of your web app. For a mobile app, use screen captures of the app on devices.

Customer Testimonial Videos

Share authentic customer stories and experiences with your product in short video testimonials. Video is an influential medium that allows potential customers to see and hear from those already benefiting from your solution. Keep customer testimonial videos under 2 minutes in length for maximum impact.

Product Demo/Overview Video

Create a video that demonstrates how your software or app works. A product demo or overview video is an opportunity to highlight key features and the main value propositions of your offering in a visual, engaging way. Aim for an video between 2 to 3 minutes that is concise yet comprehensive.

Media Coverage

For additional third-party credibility, include images or videos of any media coverage your product has received. Logos, screenshots or embeds of news articles, podcasts, broadcasts, etc. featuring your company lend credibility and social proof.

Founder/Team Photos

Pictures of your company’s founders, executives or team help to humanize your brand and put faces to the names behind your software or app. Team photos build trust as visitors can see the real people responsible for building your product.

The images and videos on your landing page should all aim to visually demonstrate the key benefits and features of your software solution. By showing rather than just telling visitors about your product, you have a greater chance of capturing their interest and moving them further into your conversion funnel. The multimedia on your page gives life to your product and company story.

Focus on Your Product's Key Features and Benefits

When creating your software development landing page, focus on prominently featuring the key features and benefits of your product. This helps communicate the value proposition to visitors and moves them further down the sales funnel.

Highlight Your Product's Core Capabilities

  • List the 3-5 most important functions and capabilities of your software. For example, if you offer a project management tool, emphasize features like task lists, time tracking, and team collaboration.
  • Use descriptive headings and bulleted lists to make these features easy to scan. Include visuals like screenshots or short video clips to demonstrate the features in action.

Emphasize the Problems You Solve

  • Explain the key issues and pain points your product alleviates for customers. For example, “Stop wasted time and miscommunication. Our software provides a single source of truth for all your project details.”
  • Use statistics and data to quantify the impact. For example, “On average, customers reduce project completion times by over 25% and decrease budget overruns by 50% or more.”

Highlight Benefits and Outcomes

  • Focus on the tangible results and outcomes customers can achieve by using your product, not just the features themselves. For example, “Streamline your workflow, accelerate growth, and delight your customers.”
  • List 3-5 of the most significant benefits. Explain how your software enables these benefits and the value this provides to customers.

Include Customer Testimonials and Case Studies

  • Social proof from happy customers is highly persuasive. Include 2-3 customer testimonials describing their experience using your software and the benefits they achieved.
  • Develop 1-2 in-depth case studies showcasing how a customer solved a problem or overcame a challenge with your product. Describe the issues, solution, and results in a compelling story format.

An effective software landing page highlights the features, capabilities, and benefits of your product that solve key problems for customers. Focusing on the value provided and including social proof from happy clients helps build trust and moves visitors further down the path to conversion.

Include Testimonials and Case Studies From Happy Customers

Include Testimonials and Social Proof

To build trust and credibility with your visitors, incorporate testimonials and case studies from satisfied customers. These help to validate your product or service and reassure potential new customers.

  • Request written reviews and testimonials from your happiest clients which discuss specific benefits and results. Publish these prominently on your landing page.
  • Develop video testimonials where possible. Hearing directly from a customer on camera is very compelling. Keep videos under 2 minutes for maximum impact.
  • Highlight key customer wins and case studies on your landing page. Discuss the challenges the customer faced, the solutions you provided, and the measurable outcomes and ROI. Use visuals like graphs, stats, and images to reinforce points.
  • Prominently display well-known company logos of clients you work with. This “social proof” signals to visitors that reputable organizations trust your product or service.
  • Share reviews and ratings from third-party sites like G2 Crowd, Capterra, and Trustpilot on your landing page. Independent validation builds credibility.
  • Discuss how many customers or active users you have, e.g. “Trusted by over 5,000 businesses worldwide.” Impressive numbers indicate you have a proven track record of success.

Build Credibility and Authority

Establishing your expertise and authority in your industry or niche is key to building trust.

  • Highlight any media mentions, partnerships, or awards your company has received. Logos and links back to original media sources add legitimacy.
  • Feature a “Meet the Team” section with photos and bios of key team members, especially your leadership. Help visitors put a face to your brand and understand your team’s experience and qualifications.
  • Publish resources like blog posts, guides, webinars, and podcasts which provide value to your target audience. Link to these resources on your landing page to demonstrate your knowledge and position your company as a trusted resource.
  • Discuss any key company milestones, achievements, or announcements to convey your growth and success. For example, “Celebrating 10 years of providing world-class customer service.” Longevity and accomplishments inspire confidence.
Offer a Free Trial or Demo to Encourage Signups
Offer a Free Trial or Demo to Encourage Signups

Offer a Free Trial or Demo to Encourage Signups

Offering a free trial or demo of your software is one of the most effective ways to encourage signups and conversions on your landing page. A free trial allows potential customers to experience your product firsthand to determine if it meets their needs before committing to a paid subscription.

Highlight Key Features and Benefits

Use your free trial or demo to highlight the key features and benefits of your software. Walk potential customers through the most useful and innovative aspects of your product so they can see the value it provides. Focus on how it will make their jobs easier or save them time.

Choose an Appropriate Trial Length

For software, a 7 to 14-day free trial is typical. This gives potential customers enough time to fully explore your product but still incentivizes them to sign up before the trial period ends. You want the trial to be long enough for them to experience the benefits but not so long that they lose urgency.

Require a Credit Card

Requiring a credit card for a free trial, even if you don’t charge anything upfront, significantly increases the likelihood of conversions to paid subscriptions. Customers tend to engage more deeply with the trial when a credit card is on file, and it also allows you to seamlessly begin billing them when the trial period ends. Be transparent about when charges will begin in your terms of service.

Follow Up and Provide Support

During and after the free trial period, follow up with potential customers to see if they have any questions or need help getting started with your software. Provide the same level of support you would for paying subscribers. Strong customer support during a trial shows the value you provide and builds goodwill, even if they don’t convert immediately. Many who don’t initially sign up may come back again in the future if they had a good experience.

Offering free trials and demos, highlighting your key features, choosing an optimal trial length, requiring a credit card, and providing dedicated support are proven techniques for transforming potential customers into long-term clients. An effective free trial program can be instrumental in the success and growth of your business.

FAQs for Building a Software Development Landing Page with Unicorn Platform

To build an effective software development landing page with Unicorn Platform, keep the following FAQs in mind:

What information should I include?

Be sure to feature details about your software product, development services, and company. Include an explanatory paragraph about what your company does, your mission and vision, as well as descriptions of your product or service offerings. You'll also want to highlight any key features, benefits, and differentiators. Share customer reviews and testimonials if available.

How should I lay out the page?

A simple yet compelling layout is best for a software landing page. Use a clean design with minimal distractions. Arrange sections in a logical flow that tells your story. You might start with a hero banner, followed by a product or service description, customer stories, contact information, and a call-to-action like a free trial or demo request.

What visuals should I incorporate?

Visuals are key to an engaging landing page. Use high-quality images that reinforce your brand and product, such as:

  • Screenshots of your software interface
  • Photos of your product
  • Images of customers using your product
  • Photos of your team

You'll also want to include your company logo prominently. Minimal animations or video clips can also help bring your page to life.

How can I optimize for conversions?

A good call-to-action is essential for conversions. Offer visitors an opportunity to sign up for a free trial, book a product demo, or contact your sales team. Place your CTA prominently on the page, using an eye-catching button. You should also include strong, benefit-focused headlines and copy that speaks to your target customer. Share social proof like customer reviews and testimonials.

What metrics should I track?

Monitor key metrics to see how your software landing page is performing:

  • Page views and unique visitors
  • Time on page
  • Bounce rate
  • Leads generated (from CTAs)
  • Customer reviews and ratings

Make improvements to your page based on the data to maximize its effectiveness. With these tips in mind, you'll be building an optimized software development landing page in no time using Unicorn Platform.


As a software developer, your time is valuable. Focus on what you do best - building innovative solutions and technology - rather than spending hours designing an effective landing page. With Unicorn Platform, you have an easy-to-use drag and drop website builder tailored specifically for software development companies and startups. In just a few minutes, you can create a sleek, high-converting landing page to help you gain more customers and increase your sales. The simple interface and pre-made templates mean no coding experience is necessary. Simply choose elements, drop them onto your page, and customize as needed. For an affordable monthly fee, Unicorn Platform provides everything you need to build your brand and share your software solutions with the world. Start your free 14-day trial today and see how much time you can save while still achieving stunning results. The future of no-code web design is here.

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