Design Your Personal Site with Ease

published on 04 November 2023


For non-technical founders launching a startup or small business, building an attractive personal website to establish credibility can be an intimidating challenge. Without coding skills, creating a professional-looking site from scratch seems out of reach. However, the right tools can empower anyone to design a stunning personal website easily.

This guide will show startups and solopreneurs how they can leverage Unicorn Platform's customizable templates, drag-and-drop editor, and library of landing page-optimized components to create beautiful, optimized personal sites. We'll walk through choosing a template, adding and editing content, integrating forms and apps, optimizing for search engines, completing setup, and launching your polished website.

Compared to traditional website builders like Wix, Squarespace or WordPress, Unicorn Platform simplifies personal website creation for non-developers by providing pre-made templates, a visual editor, and components tailored to entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners. No coding expertise needed to build an impressive site that establishes credibility and drives conversions.

By the end of this article, you'll understand how Unicorn Platform can save startups time and money compared to hiring developers, allowing you to focus on your passion project while projecting a professional brand image online. Let's dive in!

Choosing the Right Template

With Unicorn Platform's template gallery, you can select from dozens of professionally designed website templates optimized for personal sites and branding. Categories include portfolios for designers, resume sites, pages for consultants, coaches, restaurants, stores, and more.

Compared to more limited site builders, Unicorn offers greater template flexibility for personal websites. Their templates come in a wide selection of color schemes and layouts while maintaining a consistent look. Easily customize fonts, colors, and even edit section layouts to match your brand.

All templates are fully responsive, ensuring your site looks great on all devices. No need to create separate mobile sites or work through complex responsive settings. Mobile optimization happens automatically.

Using the Intuitive Drag and Drop Editor

Unicorn Platform features an intuitive, drag-and-drop editor accessible right in your browser. No special software downloads required. Easily drag text, image, button, shape, and divider blocks onto the page to build your site.

Compared to writing HTML/CSS code, Unicorn's visual editor simplifies website creation for non-developers. Changes save automatically, so no manual file uploading needed. Helpful editor features include undo/redo, mobile views, guidelines, and spacing/padding controls.

Customizing Site Content

Customizing your site's text, images, media is straightforward with Unicorn's editor. Easily edit text, modify formatting like fonts/colors/styles, and embed videos or graphics.

The editor supports rich formatting options, ensuring you can achieve the desired look without coding expertise. Upload your logo, profile photo, and any other graphics. Compared to rigid WYSIWYG editors, Unicorn offers more content flexibility.

You can also add special components like testimonials, stats, portfolios, and more using simple drag-and-drop. The growing component library contains sections tailored to entrepreneurs, consultants, agencies, and small business owners.

Integrating Forms and Apps

To maximize conversions, Unicorn allows you to seamlessly integrate forms for email signups, contact forms, surveys, and more. Over 100+ third-party apps and widgets are supported for further customization, like Stripe for payments or MailChimp for email marketing.

Compared to basic form builders from other website platforms, Unicorn supports more advanced options like multi-page forms, conditional logic, and special field types. Embed useful apps and widgets without coding.

Optimizing for SEO and Speed

Unicorn Platform wants to ensure your new site ranks highly in Google and loads quickly for visitors. Built-in SEO features like metadata editing, ALT text generation, and SEO-friendly URLs help optimize pages for search engines and conversions.

Compared to other site builders, Unicorn makes SEO straightforward. Pages load faster thanks to built-in CDN and cache support. Further optimize with keyword-focused content, local SEO, structured data, and speed optimizations.

Completing Site Setup

Once your site design is complete, just a few simple steps remain before your live launch. Let's review domains, branding, security, and deployment options.

Compared to other platforms with complex workflows, Unicorn simplifies site completion. Launch a polished, secure site optimized for SEO and speed in just a few clicks without coding expertise.

Connecting Your Domain

To use a custom domain, first purchase from any registrar like GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc. Unicorn Platform offers streamlined domain connection to map your domain to your site.

Domain verification is easy by adjusting nameservers or DNS records. Unicorn smoothly handles domain mapping - no struggles like with Wix or Weebly. Support includes .com, .net, .org, and various country code top-level domains (ccTLDs).

Each connected custom domain comes with professional email accounts. Send/receive emails from your own domain to project a credible brand image.

Removing Branding

For a 100% brandable site, optional white labeling removes Unicorn Platform branding and footer links. Paid plans enable this capability unlike competitors that force branding.

Footer can be customized with your own branding, social links, and navigation. Support links to Unicorn can be retained for easy access. No visible branding required.

Configuring Security

Secure your site with Unicorn's free SSL, forced HTTPS, IP blocking, and two-factor authentication. Security capabilities surpass options from other website builders.

Added protections include anti-spam filters, bot attack prevention, malware scans, and regular backups. Your site stays locked down and online with Unicorn's security.

Launching Your Website

Launching your finished site takes just one click. Unicorn automatically provisions free SSL certificates for HTTPS security. All sites are deployed on a global CDN for fast load times worldwide.

Compared to other site builders, Unicorn simplifies launch. No need to manually piece together hosting, domains, SSL certificates, caching, and content delivery. You get a fast, secure, SEO-optimized personal website out of the box.

Promoting Your Personal Brand

With your new website live, focus on driving traffic through social media, email lists, unique content, guest blogging, and SEO.

Use built-in analytics to gather visitor insights. Unicorn Platform's integrations and optimization features support promotion. A polished personal website designed with Unicorn establishes you as an industry leader.


In summary, Unicorn Platform streamlines personal website creation for non-technical users. Leverage customizable templates, an intuitive editor, built-in SEO, and easy launch to create a professional personal website, no coding required.

Compared to traditional website builders, Unicorn simplifies and enhances personal website design. Save time and money over hiring developers so you can focus on your startup or small business goals. Check out Unicorn Platform to design an amazing personal website with ease.

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