Create Stunning Web Pages in Minutes with No Coding

published on 12 October 2023


Building a website can be daunting, especially for non-technical founders of startups and small businesses. You likely want to create a beautiful, professional web presence to attract and engage users, but lack the coding skills or budget to hire an agency.

The good news is tools like Unicorn Platform now make it possible to craft stunning web pages in minutes, without writing a single line of code. With an intuitive drag-and-drop editor and pre-made templates tailored to startups, Unicorn streamlines website creation for busy entrepreneurs.

In this post, we'll cover how to choose the best web page builder for your needs, walk through using Unicorn to build pages step-by-step, and explore advanced customization options. Follow along to create an eye-catching website that establishes credibility and drives conversions.

Choosing the Best Web Page Builder

With the proliferation of web page builders, the choices can seem endless. But not all solutions are created equal. Here are key factors to consider when selecting the right platform:

User Interface and Ease of Use

For non-technical users, an intuitive drag-and-drop editor is essential. Solutions like Unicorn with visual builders and minimal complex menus streamline website creation. You can easily customize images, text, colors, and more by dragging elements instead of coding.

Unicorn also offers responsive mobile-friendly design and multi-device previews. Competitors may have bloated interfaces or steep learning curves that slow you down.

Quality and Customizability of Templates

High-converting web page design requires more than just a generic template. Unicorn's templates are crafted specifically for startups and small businesses. Their large template library covers niches from consulting to ecommerce.

For example, Unicorn offers templates optimized for SaaS companies, online courses, digital downloads, and more. While competitors offer more cookie-cutter options, Unicorn makes customization easy. Tweak templates to match your brand with just a few clicks.

Integrations and Expansibility

Beyond an editor, your web page builder should offer seamless integrations and extensibility. Unicorn enables integrating forms, payments, email marketing, and more with top services like Mailchimp, Stripe, Calendly, and hundreds of others. Easily embed social media, calendars, and other elements right on your pages.

Unicorn also provides API access for advanced customization. Competitors often lock you into closed platforms. With its open ecosystem, Unicorn grows alongside your needs.

Ongoing Support and Updates

Nothing slows you down like inadequate support. Unicorn offers stellar customer service through live chat, email, and documentation. Their team continually rolls out improvements and new features based on user feedback.

Some competitors provide inferior support and let their platforms stagnate over time. Unicorn's active user community also helps you learn and share knowledge.

For most startups and SMBs, Unicorn strikes the ideal balance of easy yet powerful. Now let's walk through using Unicorn to build web pages from start to finish.

Building Your Web Page Step-by-Step

With its intuitive editor, Unicorn makes web page creation simple compared to traditional web design. Follow these steps to craft beautiful pages that drive conversions:

Choosing and Customizing a Template

First, browse Unicorn's large template library and select one that fits your niche and goals. For instance, choose a multi-page ecommerce template if selling products.

Tailor the template by tweaking colors, fonts, layouts, and more to match your brand. Upload your own images or use Unicorn's stock library. Easily drag and drop elements to rearrange the page structure.

Avoid over-customizing at first - templates offer proven layouts. Tweak once content is added.

Adding Your Branding and Content

Insert your logo, brand colors, and fonts for a cohesive brand experience. Draft succinct headlines and paragraphs to effectively communicate.

Optimize content for keywords to improve SEO. Leverage Unicorn's stock visuals if needed. Start with focused content in key sections vs. overloading the page.

Integrating Key Features

Integrate must-have features like opt-in forms, social sharing buttons, payment systems, and more with just a few clicks. Set up analytics to monitor engagement.

Consider email marketing, surveys, appointment scheduling, and other tools to boost conversions. Embed third-party apps like calendars that complement your offering.

For example, easily add a Stripe payment form, Mailchimp sign-up box, Calendly booking widget, and social media share buttons.

Previewing and Publishing Your Page

Use Unicorn's multi-device preview to spot issues with images, links, formatting across screens. Publish when ready and share the live page link.

Submit your page to search engines and add it to your XML sitemap. Easily duplicate and modify published pages for other uses.

With these steps, anyone can build effective web pages in Unicorn. But advanced users have more customization options...

Advanced Options for Customization

Beyond its core editor, Unicorn offers advanced ways to customize your website:

Editing HTML and CSS

For full design freedom, directly edit the underlying HTML and CSS code. Useful if you have existing dev skills, but can disrupt the editor.

Start small with tweaks like custom CSS animations. Test thoroughly first, as code changes can cause issues. Consider learning HTML/CSS online to unlock greater customization.

Adding Custom JavaScript

Embed JavaScript code snippets to add unique interactions or analytics. But use sparingly, as JavaScript can impact performance.

First test snippets in a staging environment to avoid problems. Start simple - seek help in Unicorn's community forums if needed.

Leveraging the API

Unicorn's API enables advanced automation like managing multiple sites from one dashboard. Also useful for complex integrations.

Robust documentation makes the API approachable. It's most valuable for experienced developers building custom functionality.

These advanced options are optional though - Unicorn's editor has you covered for most use cases out of the box.

Getting Your Site Live

Once your pages are ready, get them live with Unicorn's managed hosting or your own host. Point your custom domain to the pages.

Add free SSL encryption for security and SEO. Cross-link internal pages in the navigation menu for easy access.

Unicorn's support can help with any questions. Your startup website is now live to start attracting users!

Promoting Your New Web Pages

With your website now built, it's time to get the word out. Promote your new web pages through:

  • Social media posts showcasing your new site and driving traffic to key landing pages
  • Emails to your subscriber list highlighting new content or offerings
  • Outreach to relevant media outlets like startup/tech blogs that align with your audience
  • Submitting your site to startup directories and relevant industry lists
  • Optimizing on-page SEO so your important pages rank well organically over time
  • Running targeted ads on platforms like Facebook/Google to reach your ideal users
  • Leveraging partners and influencers to link to your new site from their own properties
  • Monitoring analytics to see which channels drive the most relevant traffic

Driving users to your polished web presence will maximize its impact and return on investment.

Maintaining Your Website Long-Term

Your website launch is just the beginning. Use Unicorn's editor to easily make ongoing updates:

  • Schedule regular content updates and page additions through the editor
  • Quickly update products, pricing, imagery, text as needed
  • Publish blog posts and news updates right from Unicorn
  • Reorganize site architecture by adding or removing pages
  • Monitor analytics and optimize pages to improve conversions
  • Integrate a CMS like WordPress for advanced content needs

By leveraging Unicorn's flexible platform, you can ensure your website remains current, impactful, and optimized over the long run.


Unicorn makes web page creation easy, fast, and affordable - no coding needed. With its intuitive drag-and-drop editor, mobile-friendly templates, robust integrations, and great support, Unicorn equips startups and small businesses to build high-converting web pages in minutes.

Stop compromising with underpowered or overcomplicated solutions. Explore Unicorn's visual web page builder today and create an impressive web presence that fuels your startup's growth!

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