Create Product Pages That Sell In Minutes

published on 14 October 2023


Launching a new product can be an exciting yet challenging time for startups and SaaS companies. Creating an effective product landing page is essential for driving conversions and sales of your new offering. These tailored pages allow you to promote and describe your product in detail, persuading visitors to become customers.

With a customized design that aligns to your brand identity and resonates with your audience, your landing page can instill confidence in your product and company. Attractive pages that clearly communicate your value proposition and customer benefits make a huge impact on how visitors perceive your new product.

Product landing pages need to quickly capture the interest of target customers and convince them your product can solve their pain points. Properly designed pages with compelling content and conversion elements are crucial for product launches to maximize sales.

Choosing the Right Landing Page Template

Selecting the right landing page template to start customizing for your product is an important first step. Browse Unicorn Platform's wide selection of beautifully designed, mobile-friendly templates across categories like:

  • SaaS & Software
  • Services
  • Physical Products
  • Mobile Apps
  • Courses & EBooks

Look for a template that aligns with your product type, brand style, industry, and target customer demographics. Preview 1-2 top contender templates on mobile to ensure they are fully responsive.

Aim for a clean, uncluttered template that puts the focus on your product while still having space for supporting elements. Avoid templates that seem cluttered or distracting.

Templates for Physical Products

For physical products like consumer packaged goods, electronics, apparel, beauty items, and more, choose templates that emphasize lifestyle imagery and visual appeal. Sections on FAQs, shipping, returns, and guarantees address buyer concerns. Strong product photos provide that tactile, product-focused look.

Templates for SaaS & Software

SaaS templates often highlight customer benefits and credibility elements like testimonials. Clean designs cater to modern software buyer expectations. Dashboard product shots and data visuals explain the product functionality.

Templates for Services

Service providers should select templates that instill trust by featuring logos, testimonials, team bios, and credentials. Sections on service packages, specialties, and past work establish expertise.

Customizing the Template for Your Brand

Once you select the perfect template, it's time to adapt it for your specific product and brand identity. Change up colors and fonts to match your brand style guide. Incorporate custom graphics and your logo in the header and footer.

Tweak template copy to reflect your unique value proposition, product benefits, and differentiators. Experiment with layouts and content flow to create the ideal user experience that persuades visitors to convert.

Crafting Your Headline

Your headline should instantly communicate your core value proposition. Test variations like:

  • "Effortless Inventory Management for Scaling eCommerce Brands"
  • "Real-Time Financial Insights for High-Growth Companies"
  • "24/7 Lead Generation for B2B Sales Teams"

Be clear, concise, and highlight your key differentiator or benefit.

Choosing Images and Graphics

Select strong lifestyle photographs and product screenshots that your audience will identify with. Use affordable graphic design tools like Canva to create custom illustrations and infographics that explain your product and value visually.

Experiment to determine what visual content best conveys your brand and resonates with your target customers.

Crafting Strong Value Proposition Messaging

Succinctly explain your product's value in a compelling headline and 1-2 sentence value proposition statement. For example:

"Our recruiting software helps fast-growing companies scale hiring efforts and build winning teams. It streamlines sourcing, screening, scheduling, and analytics to save recruiters 15+ hours each week."

Refine your messaging to directly address your target customers' needs and pains. Test variations to determine what value proposition copy converts best.

Optimizing Conversion Elements

Optimize your landing page for conversions by prominently featuring elements that encourage visitors to become buyers or leads. Experiment with layouts to direct attention to your calls-to-action (CTAs) and pricing.

Highlight credible social proof like testimonials and recognizable logos to build trust. Address buyer concerns upfront through FAQs, guarantees, or other persuasive messaging.


Your CTAs should clearly tie to your desired conversion goals. For lead gen, use CTAs like "Get Started Free" or "Request A Demo". For purchases, use "Buy Now" or "Get Your Copy".

Craft compelling, action-oriented button copy and place your primary CTA prominently. Use contrasting colors that make it stand out.

Pricing and Packages

Present your pricing in a clean, easy-to-scan format like a comparison table. Highlight your most popular plan. Offer a free or discounted introductory package if possible.

Analytics and Optimization

Leverage analytics to gain data-driven insights into your landing page's performance. Identify opportunities to A/B test and iterate on elements like headlines, value messaging, CTAs, pricing, and more.

Conclusion and Next Steps

An optimized product landing page is essential for startups and SaaS companies launching new offerings. Selecting the right template, customizing it for your brand, crafting compelling content, and including high-converting elements will lead to sales growth.

Experiment and continue optimizing it over time. Take the first step today by starting to build your tailored landing page using Unicorn Platform's user-friendly editor. Your product's success could hinge on having a polished landing page that sells.

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