Build Your Luxury Real Estate Website Without Code

published on 30 June 2023

As a real estate professional, having an attractive and effective online presence is essential to your business success. Your website serves as a digital storefront, highlighting your offerings, expertise, and unique value proposition. However, building a high-quality website requires significant resources, time, and technical skills that you may lack.

Fortunately, there are now intuitive website builders that make it easy to create a professional, customized site without needing to code. With an easy-to-use platform, you can build a stunning website for your luxury real estate business in a matter of hours. An esthetically pleasing, mobile-friendly website will allow you to showcase your listings, share your brand story, and convert more high-end clients.

Why You Need a Modern Real Estate Website

As a luxury real estate agent, your online presence is essential to attracting high-end clients. An outdated or poorly designed website will turn away tech-savvy, discerning buyers. Investing in a modern, professional website is key to establishing your credibility and expertise.

A customized website allows you to highlight specific properties as well as your unique brand and value proposition. You can feature high-resolution photos of lavish homes, emphasize concierge-level service, and build a gallery of sold listings to demonstrate your success in the luxury market. An "About Me" page lets you share your credentials, accomplishments, and passion for the industry.

With a contemporary website, you gain greater control over your online reputation. You can publish an engaging blog with market insights, neighborhood guides, and home design trends to position yourself as an authority. Optimize content for search engines like Google to rank higher in results for terms like "luxury real estate" and "high-end homes." Promote new listings and open houses through social media integration.

For the affluent, tech-savvy homebuyer, a modern website is the first impression of your business. With a user-friendly yet polished design, high-quality photos, and compelling content, you gain credibility as an expert in luxury real estate. Let your website do the work of attracting upscale clients so you can focus on providing five-star service. The investment in an attractive, optimized website will yield dividends through increased exposure, leads, and sales.

If you're looking to create a custom commercial real estate website without coding, check out this article on creating custom commercial real estate websites without coding by Unicorn Platform.

Essential Elements of a High-Converting Luxury Real Estate Website Design

To convert visitors into high-paying clients, your luxury real estate website design must exude sophistication and prestige. Essential elements include:

  • High-quality imagery. Feature professional photos of lavish properties, amenities, and locations. Drone footage and video also help bring listings to life for potential buyers.
  • A minimalist esthetic. A clean, uncluttered interface with plenty of white space conveys elegance. Use a simple yet refined color palette, avoiding bright colors. Remove any unnecessary elements that detract from listings.
  • A compelling value proposition. Clearly articulate your competitive advantage, expertise, and services targeting high-net-worth individuals. Describe how you meet the needs of affluent clients in a way that sparks interest.
  • Client testimonials and case studies. Build trust by highlighting success stories and testimonials from prestigious clients. Describe specific ways you were able to meet or exceed their expectations.
  • A highly visible contact method. Place contact information like phone numbers, emails, contact forms, and office addresses prominently on your site. Make it easy for interested visitors to get in touch.
  • Search engine optimization. Use SEO best practices to rank well for terms like “luxury real estate,” “high-end listings,” and location names. An SEO-optimized site will attract more of your target audience organically.
  • Maintain a professional brand. All aspects of your online and offline brand should exude luxury, from high-quality print materials to an active social media presence. Respond to all communications promptly and professionally.

Following these guidelines will result in an elite luxury real estate website that grabs attention and converts affluent visitors into loyal clients. Continuous optimization and keeping content up-to-date is key to long-term success.

Gallery Page: Showcase Listings With Stunning Photography
Gallery Page: Showcase Listings With Stunning Photography

Gallery Page: Showcase Listings With Stunning Photography

To showcase your luxury real estate listings, a gallery page featuring high-quality photography is essential.### Stunning Images

Include multiple photos of each listing from different angles to give potential buyers a comprehensive sense of the property. For luxury real estate, professional photography is a must. Work with a photographer who specializes in real estate and interior photography to capture vivid and bright images that highlight the finest details and features of the listings.

Descriptive Captions

For each photo, include a descriptive caption that provides key details about what is pictured, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, amenities, and location. Mention any notable architectural elements or recent renovations as well. These captions allow visitors to quickly gain an overview of the property's highlights without having to read through the entire listing description.

Virtual Tours

In addition to still images, embed virtual video tours for select listings. Virtual tours provide an immersive experience, allowing potential buyers to explore the home from their device. For luxury real estate, virtual tours are becoming increasingly expected and can set your website apart. Work with companies that specialize in creating cinematic, high-quality virtual tours for real estate.

Floor Plans

Upload detailed floor plans for each listing whenever possible. Floor plans provide buyers with a schematic layout of the property’s rooms, spaces and dimensions so they can visualize how they might use the space. For multilevel homes, include floor plans for each level. Highlight any versatile spaces that could serve multiple purposes.

  • Group listings by property type to make them easy to navigate. For example, have sections for estates, mansions, condos, townhomes, ranches, and ski lodges.
  • Within each section, sort listings by price from high to low to attract high-end buyers.
  • Ensure mobile-friendliness so the gallery page is easy to view from any device. This is important as many luxury real estate buyers will first explore listings on their smartphones or tablets.

With stunning visuals, detailed descriptions and an optimized layout, a well-designed gallery page will capture the essence of your luxury real estate listings and attract serious, interested buyers. Crafting a gallery page that provides an exceptional user experience is key to the success of your website.

Property Page: Highlight Features and Amenities

Focus on Highlighting Key Features

When building your luxury real estate website’s property pages, it is essential to prominently feature details on the home’s premier attributes and amenities. Buyers in this market segment have high expectations, so be certain to emphasize elements like spacious square footage, high-end finishes, custom millwork, luxury appliances, and premium outdoor living spaces.

Include Professional Photos

Include a generous selection of high-quality listing photos that provide comprehensive coverage of the home, giving visitors a sense of flow and space. For luxury properties, aerial drone footage and 3D virtual tours are impactful ways to showcase the grandeur of the home. Professional photography and videography are investments that will pay dividends in capturing interest from serious buyers.

Specify Custom Details

Call out custom details and upgrades throughout the listing description. Highlight features like imported stone countertops, handcrafted staircases, designer light fixtures, integrated smart home systems, custom cabinetry, heated floors, and commercial-grade appliances. For added visual interest, use font effects like bolding, underlining or italics when referencing these luxury elements.

Promote the Lifestyle

Emphasize the lavish lifestyle the property affords. Discuss aspects like a premier neighborhood, proximity to country clubs, scenic vistas, landscaped grounds, outdoor entertaining areas, private gyms and more. High net worth individuals are seeking not just a home but an extravagant way of life, so be sure to sell the sizzle along with the steak.

Include a Detailed Amenities List

Provide a comprehensive list of included amenities and conveniences. Everything from a six-car garage and generator backup to a theater room and wine cellar should be noted. Specifying amenities in a bulleted list makes them easy to read and reference. For the utmost clarity, separate amenities into categories like exterior features, interior features, home automation, recreational facilities and more.

By focusing on highlighting the most desirable and luxurious elements of the property through professional photos, specific details and by selling the lifestyle, you will craft property page content that resonates with luxury real estate buyers. Describe the grandeur and spare no details, as for high net worth clients, excellence is in the particulars.

Blog: Share Local Market Insights and Community News

Share Local Insights

To establish your real estate website as an authority in the local market and build trust with site visitors, publish blog posts discussing current events and trends in the area. Analyze recent sales data to identify patterns that may influence home values or buyer/seller behavior. Break down complex topics like zoning changes or new transit projects in an easy to understand manner.

Highlight Notable Properties

Feature exceptional listings from your agency to garner interest from potential clients. Include professional photos, a brief history and description of the home, as well as details on the surrounding neighborhood. Discuss the property’s architectural or design elements to appeal to luxury real estate website visitors. Mention any recent upgrades like smart home automation or green energy efficiency improvements.

Community Involvement

Demonstrate your agency’s commitment to the local community by covering events you sponsor or participate in. For example, write a post about a charity fundraiser your brokers organized or an open house you hosted at a historical property. Promote community groups you actively support to build goodwill. Readers will appreciate your civic-minded spirit.

Seasonal Content

Create content around annual real estate cycles and events. Discuss spring cleaning tips for homeowners preparing to list a property or strategies for buyers facing competitive summer markets. In the fall, cover how to prepare a home for winter or take advantage of slower markets as the holidays approach. Timely, relevant content will keep visitors engaged with your real estate website.

Engaging Media

Enhance your blog posts with visual media like photos, videos, infographics or slideshows. For example, create a video tour of a notable listing from your agency or an infographic demonstrating the timeline of the home selling process. Embed interactive content to bring extra value to your readers and improve time on site. Striking visuals combined with well-written copy are the hallmarks of a luxury real estate website.

Lead Capture: Generate and Nurture More Leads

To generate and nurture more leads for your luxury real estate website, an effective lead capture strategy is essential.

Optimize Your Contact Forms

The contact forms on your website are the primary means for visitors to get in touch and express interest in your properties or services. Make sure your contact forms are:

  • Easy to find on your site, ideally in the header and footer and on individual property pages.
  • Short, requiring only necessary information like name, email, phone number, and a message field.
  • Mobile-friendly, with large enough fields for visitors on smaller screens.
  • Integrated with your CRM or email marketing service so that you can automatically follow up with and nurture leads.

Provide Valuable Resources and Content

  • Offer resources like home buying guides, moving checklists, school rankings, and neighborhood guides that provide value to your visitors.
  • Publish blog posts about local real estate trends, tips for buyers and sellers, profiles of properties you have listed, and lifestyle articles related to your area.
  • Gate some of this content by requiring an email address to access it. This captures leads in a non-invasive way.

Run Lead Generation Campaigns

  • Set up lead capture forms and ads on platforms like Facebook to generate new leads. Offer content upgrades, coupons, or promotions in exchange for contact information.
  • Run contests and giveaways on social media that require participants to enter their email address. For example, you might give away a home staging or landscaping consultation.
  • Send email newsletters and nurturing campaigns to stay in touch with leads and encourage them to get in contact when they are ready to buy or sell a home.

Follow Up and Nurture Your Leads

Make sure you have a systematic process for following up with all leads as soon as possible after they express interest. Then, continue to nurture these leads through helpful content and resources. When leads are ready to make a move, you will be the first agent they contact. Consistent and valuable outreach is key to converting more leads into clients.

Mobile-Friendly Design: Give Prospects an Amazing Experience on Any Device
Mobile-Friendly Design: Give Prospects an Amazing Experience on Any Device

Mobile-Friendly Design: Give Prospects an Amazing Experience on Any Device

To provide an optimal experience for all visitors, your luxury real estate website should feature a mobile-friendly design. According to statistics, nearly 70% of web traffic now comes from mobile devices. If your site is not optimized for mobile viewing, you risk losing the vast majority of potential clients.

Responsive Design

A responsive design automatically adjusts the layout to suit the screen size of any device. Images, videos, and text will resize and reorganize to appear clearly on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop monitors. With a responsive template, you only have to build and maintain one website.

Mobile-First Approach

Some website builders take a “mobile-first” approach, meaning the design starts with a layout optimized for mobile devices, then adapts to larger screens. This helps ensure the most critical content and functionality work seamlessly on mobile. For a real estate site, this includes property photos, listings data, contact forms, and navigation.

Simple Navigation

On smaller screens, keep the navigation simple and clutter-free. Use large icons and text, minimize submenus, and remove any nonessential links. The contact information and search function should remain prominently visible above the fold.

Image Optimization

Compress all photos to load quickly on mobile data and Wi-Fi connections. Use a combination of thumbnail images and lightboxes to give visitors a preview of properties without sacrificing image quality. For slideshows, enable swipe gestures so users can flip through photos easily with a swipe of the finger.

Lead Capture

Include prominent calls-to-action and lead capture forms above the fold on the homepage and listing pages. Make these forms short, simple, and designed specifically for mobile input to encourage more conversions from mobile visitors.

By crafting a user experience tailored to the constraints of mobile devices, you will gain the interest and trust of a huge audience of on-the-go homebuyers. An amazing mobile experience is key to the success of any modern real estate website. Focusing on responsive design, a mobile-first approach, simple navigation, optimized images, and effective lead capture will transform your mobile traffic into qualified leads.

No-Code Website Builder: Create Your Site with Unicorn Platform

To build a luxury real estate website without code using Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Select a Template

Unicorn Platform offers beautiful, professional templates specifically designed for real estate websites. Browse the options to find one that matches your brand and style. With a simple drag and drop interface, it’s easy to customize fonts, colors, images, and more to create a unique look.

Add Your Content

With Unicorn Platform’s WYSIWYG editor, adding content to your site is a breeze. You can:

  • Write blog posts, property listings, and service pages using the built-in editor. Embed images, videos, maps, and custom forms.
  • Create an About page to tell your story and build trust. Share your experience, credentials, values, and what makes your service unique.
  • Add lead capture forms to your site to generate new client inquiries.
  • Include reviews and testimonials from happy clients to build social proof.

Highlight Your Listings

Unicorn Platform has powerful property listing features made for real estate websites. You can:

  • Create custom fields for details like number of rooms/bathrooms, square footage, amenities, and price.
  • Add professional photos, video walkthroughs, and floorplans.
  • Set search filters so visitors can easily find properties that match their needs.
  • Promote featured listings on your homepage to make a great first impression.

Go Mobile-Friendly

Over half of web traffic now comes from mobile devices. With Unicorn Platform, your site is optimized to work beautifully on any screen size. Your content will resize and reconfigure automatically based on the device, so visitors will have an exceptional experience no matter how they access your site.

Additional Features

Unicorn Platform also provides:

  • Integrations with Google Analytics, social networks, email marketing services, and more.
  • Built-in SEO tools to improve your search ranking.
  • 24/7 support to help you with any questions.
  • No hosting or maintenance fees. Unicorn Platform handles it all.

With an easy to use no-code website builder like Unicorn Platform, you can create a stunning luxury real estate website in just a few hours without technical skills. Your site will attract new clients and reinforce your brand as a leader in high-end properties.

Real Estate Website Design FAQs: Common Questions From Agents and Brokers

As a real estate agent or broker, you likely have many questions about designing an effective website to promote your services. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding real estate website design and options for solutions.

What are my design options?

You have several choices for the design and build of your real estate website:

  • Custom design: Hire a web designer to create a custom website tailored to your brand. This option provides the most flexibility but is often the most expensive.
  • Template design: Start with a pre-made real estate website template and customize it to suit your needs. Templates offer an affordable, easy solution but may lack originality.
  • Website builder: Use an intuitive drag-and-drop website builder with designer templates to easily build and edit your own real estate website. Builders like Unicorn Platform require no coding skills and provide professional designs at a low cost.
  • WordPress: For those with basic technical skills, WordPress paired with a real estate theme is a popular, open-source option to build a custom website. However, setup and maintenance requires time and expertise.

How much will it cost?

Costs can vary greatly depending on the options you choose. A custom website design may start around $5,000 while a template or website builder can be under $100 per year. WordPress is free but may require additional costs for a premium theme, plugins, and a hosting account.

How long will it take to build?

The timeline for your real estate website design depends on the complexity and options selected. Expect:

  • Custom website: 3 to 6 months
  • Template or builder: 1 to 2 weeks
  • WordPress: 2 to 4 weeks to design and launch, requires ongoing updates

Do I need a blog?

Including a blog on your real estate website is highly recommended. A blog:

  • Establishes you as an industry expert by sharing knowledge and expertise
  • Improves your search engine optimization (SEO) through fresh content and keywords
  • Engages site visitors and encourages them to return to your website
  • Provides an opportunity to highlight your listed properties and share community news

Using a website builder tool with an integrated blogging feature makes it easy to build and maintain a professional real estate blog without technical skills. Focus on posting 2-3 blogs per month to keep your content fresh and search engines engaged.


You now have the tools and knowledge to build an attractive, professional luxury real estate website without needing to know how to code. Using a simple yet powerful website builder like Unicorn Platform, you can showcase your high-end properties through stunning visuals and an intuitive user experience. With beautiful templates, a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor, and integrated features like property listings, contact forms, and blogs, you'll have a complete digital presence for your luxury real estate business in no time. Stop waiting and start building - your stylish new website is just a few clicks away. Launch it today and open your business up to more leads and higher-value clients. The opportunities are endless when you build your luxury real estate website without code.

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