Build Your Dream Cruise Landing Page in Minutes

published on 25 July 2023

As an entrepreneur in the travel industry, you know how important it is to have an effective landing page to capture leads and drive bookings. However, building a high-converting landing page can be time-consuming and require technical skills you may not have. With the Unicorn Platform drag and drop builder, you can now create a professional cruise landing page in minutes without any coding required. For more inspiration, check out Unicorn Platform's blog post on landing page designs for different kinds of websites.

Why You Need a Dedicated Cruise Landing Page

A dedicated cruise landing page is essential for promoting your cruise business and driving bookings. Here are a few reasons why you need one:

  • Focus your message. A landing page allows you to craft content and messaging specifically targeted at potential cruise customers. You can highlight the key benefits and experiences of cruising with your company.
  • Capture leads. The goal of a landing page is to capture visitor information through an opt-in form. You can then further market to and nurture leads through email marketing and retargeting campaigns.
  • Improve conversion rates. By optimizing your landing page for a single conversion goal, you make it easy for visitors to take action. This results in higher conversion rates compared to your general website.
  • Track performance. With a standalone landing page, you can closely monitor metrics like page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates. Then make changes to continuously improve performance over time.
  • Low maintenance. Once set up, landing pages are easy to maintain. You only need to make occasional updates to copy or images. They do not require the ongoing additions of new content like a blog.
  • Mobile-friendly. A landing page can be fully responsive to provide an optimal experience for mobile visitors. This is important as the majority of web traffic now comes from mobile devices.
  • Integrate with marketing campaigns. Easily drive traffic to your landing page through social media ads, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, and other campaigns. Then analyze the ROI of your efforts.

In summary, a dedicated cruise landing page is a highly effective tool for promoting your business and boosting bookings. By focusing your messaging, capturing leads, and optimizing for conversions, a landing page will take your marketing to the next level. Build your dream cruise landing page today!

Choose a Stunning Cruise Website Template on Unicorn Platform

To create a stunning cruise landing page in minutes, Unicorn Platform is the perfect solution. With over 100 customizable cruise website templates, you can choose a design that reflects your brand and appeals to your target customers.

Choose a Template

Browse the selection of templates to find one that matches your desired style. Options range from minimalistic to bold, with imagery focused on destinations, experiences, or ships. Select a template you want to customize.

Add Your Content

Personalize the template by adding your company logo, color scheme, images, and text. You can include details about cruise destinations, ships, cabins, dining, entertainment, and activities. Provide visitors with a sense of the experience they can expect with your cruise line.

Highlight Special Offers

Promote current specials, discounts, and promotions to capture the interest of customers. You might feature an offer for free upgrades, bundled packages, kids sail free, or other money-saving deals. Special offers are an incentive for visitors to book their next cruise.

Include Calls-to-Action

Add prominent call-to-action buttons, like “Book Now” or “Learn More”, to encourage visitors to take the next step. The goal of your landing page is to generate leads and drive conversions, so make it easy for people to contact you or make a reservation.

Preview and Publish

Review how your landing page looks on both desktop and mobile devices. Make any final tweaks to the content or design before publishing your page. Your elegant new cruise landing page will be live and ready to attract new customers in just a few minutes!

With a stunning template and your custom content, you can build an effective cruise landing page without any coding required. Unicorn Platform makes the process simple so you can focus on what really matters - growing your business.

Add Eye-Catching Cruise Travel Website Design
Add Eye-Catching Cruise Travel Website Design

Add Eye-Catching Cruise Travel Website Design

To create an eye-catching design for your cruise travel website, focus on high-quality photos and an intuitive user experience.

High-Resolution Photos

Include vibrant, high-resolution photos of cruise ships, destinations, cabins, and onboard activities. Stock photo libraries like Unsplash, Pexels and Pixabay offer free, professional travel images you can use. For unique photos of your specific cruise line and ships, consider hiring a photographer for a photo shoot.

Simple, Intuitive Interface

Keep your site easy to navigate with a minimalistic design. Use a simple, uncluttered page layout with plenty of white space. Include clearly labeled menu options like “Our Cruises,” “Destinations,” “Onboard Experience,” and “Book Now.” Within each page, use concise copy, bullet points and numbered lists when possible.

Bold Colors and Custom Graphics

Choose a color palette with bright, bold shades that evoke the feeling of an ocean cruise like navy blue, sky blue, sunshine yellow and seafoam green. You might also incorporate custom cruise ship graphics, compass roses or wave motifs. Subtle animations like a gently rolling wave or a cruise ship gliding across the screen can make for an engaging user experience. However, don’t overdo it with loud animations or pop-ups which can seem unprofessional.

Clear Call-to-Action Buttons

On each page, especially the homepage, include prominent call-to-action buttons like “Book Now” or “Check Availability” to encourage visitors to take the next step. Use a contrasting color for the buttons that stands out from the rest of your color palette. Place the buttons in an easy-to-spot area, like at the top and bottom of the page or centered in the middle.

Following these recommendations will result in an attractive, user-friendly cruise travel website design that keeps visitors engaged and motivated to book their next cruise adventure. If you are looking for help building your travel website, check out this article on the 5 best travel website developers to find the right fit for your business. Let your stunning visuals and simple yet elegant style convey the relaxing, upscale experience of your cruise line.  

Include Persuasive Cruise Copy to Convert Visitors

To convert visitors into customers, your cruise landing page needs persuasive copy that inspires them to book. Focus on the benefits and experience of your cruise to tap into emotions and drive conversions.

Highlight the Destinations

Prominently feature images of the exciting places your cruise will visit. Mention the specific destinations, activities, and excursions available at each port of call. Describe what visitors can experience in each location to spark their wanderlust.

Focus on Amenities and Activities

Discuss the amenities, dining, entertainment, and activities available on your cruise. Mention luxurious staterooms, gourmet cuisine, live shows, casinos, swimming pools, spas, and more. Outline the daily schedule to demonstrate how much there is to do for people of all interests.

Emphasize the Experience

Describe the overall experience and ambiance of your cruise. Discuss themes like luxury, adventure, culture, or family fun. Mention the courteous service, new friendships, and lifelong memories. Help readers visualize themselves relaxing, exploring, and enjoying every moment.

Share Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Add authentic customer reviews and testimonials praising their cruise experience. Quotes from real passengers will build trust and social proof to convince new visitors. Keep reviews positive and highlight similar qualities to what you want to emphasize about your own cruise.

Offer a Discount or Promotion

A special offer, like a discount or added value, gives visitors incentive to book now rather than later. Mention any current promotions you have available for a limited time to create urgency. The financial motivation, combined with persuasive copy and social proof, will motivate visitors to become customers.

Your cruise landing page copy should inspire emotion and action in visitors so they cannot wait to set sail with you. Focusing on destinations, amenities, experience, reviews, and promotions will give you the persuasive power to turn their dreams of an exciting cruise adventure into reality.

Highlight the Key Features and Benefits of Your Cruise
Highlight the Key Features and Benefits of Your Cruise

Highlight the Key Features and Benefits of Your Cruise

A compelling landing page is essential to converting visitors into customers. To build an effective cruise landing page in minutes, focus on highlighting the key features and benefits of your cruise to capture the interest of potential guests.

All-Inclusive Experience

Emphasize that your cruise includes accommodations, dining, entertainment, and activities so guests can relax knowing everything is already paid for. List specifics of what is included, e.g. elegant staterooms, gourmet meals, vibrant shows, swimming pools, casinos, gyms, etc.

Exotic Destinations

Share details about the exciting places the cruise will visit. Display enticing photos of each destination to inspire wanderlust in visitors. Mention unique excursions and shore tours available at each stopover. Highlight once-in-a-lifetime experiences guests can have exploring destinations most people only dream of visiting.

Luxurious Amenities

Discuss the lavish amenities available onboard like casinos, spas, gyms, pools, clubs, libraries, theaters, lounges, etc. Spotlight premium services such as butler service or 24-hour room service in higher class staterooms. Outline recreation and entertainment options for guests of all ages.

Service Excellence

Emphasize your commitment to providing five-star service and an exceptional guest experience. Explain your high staff to guest ratio and extensively trained crew. Mention awards or certifications you have received for outstanding service. Share testimonials praising your impeccable service, hospitality and attention to detail.

Unparalleled Value

Highlight the affordable rates and any current promotions or discounts you are offering. Compare your rates to the total cost of booking a similar land-based vacation. Explain all the additional extras guests receive at no additional charge. Frame your cruise as an all-encompassing holiday that provides the best overall value.

Following these key strategies will allow you to quickly build a persuasive landing page that converts more visitors into cruise guests eager to set sail for an unforgettable dream vacation. Highlighting the many features, benefits and value propositions of your cruise line will inspire people to book their next adventure with you.

If you're in the tour operator industry, check out our article on how to build your dream tour operator website design with Unicorn Platform for tips and tricks on creating a stunning website that will attract more customers to your business.  

Share Glowing Reviews and Testimonials From Happy Customers

To build trust and credibility for your cruise landing page, incorporate glowing reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. Their positive experiences will reassure potential customers and increase conversions.

Gather Reviews During and After the Cruise

Encourage clients to leave reviews during and after their cruise. Send a follow-up email within a week of disembarkation requesting their feedback and opinions. Offer an incentive like a discount on their next cruise for the best reviews. Collect reviews from multiple channels, including your website, social media platforms and third-party sites like TripAdvisor or Yelp.

Choose Impactful and Believable Testimonials

Select reviews that highlight the most appealing aspects of your cruise line like luxurious cabins, gourmet cuisine, exciting entertainment options or knowledgeable staff. Look for reviews that are detailed, specific and emotionally resonant. Avoid overly effusive praise that seems unrealistic. A mix of short and long form testimonials will keep visitors engaged.

Place Testimonials Prominently on Your Page

Feature a “What Our Customers Say” section prominently on your landing page with a rotating selection of reviews. Include photos of the reviewers and the dates they cruised to build credibility. For search engine optimization, ensure reviews contain keywords related to your cruise destinations, ship names, activities and amenities.

Respond to All Reviews in a Professional Manner

Reply to each review, whether positive or negative, in a courteous and helpful tone. Thank the reviewer for their feedback and address any concerns. For negative reviews, take responsibility for issues under your control and explain how you will make improvements to prevent similar experiences for future guests. Your professional responses demonstrate your commitment to providing exceptional customer service.

Using compelling reviews and testimonials, especially when combined with enticing photos of your cruise ships and destinations, creates social proof that inspires visitors to book their dream cruise. Devoting resources to gathering and leveraging customer reviews will yield both short and long term benefits for your business.

Offer an Irresistible Cruise Promotion or Discount

To incentivize booking cruises, offer an irresistible promotion or discount on your landing page. Studies show that coupons and deals are highly effective at driving conversions and sales.

Limited Time Offers

Create a sense of urgency by offering deals that are only available for a limited time, such as 50% off cruise fares for the first 100 bookings or $500 onboard credit if booked within the next 48 hours. Flash sales and countdown timers are useful for generating interest in short-term promotions.

Tiered Discounts

Offer percentage discounts that increase with the number of cruises booked, e.g. save 10% on your first cruise, 15% on your second cruise and 20% on your third cruise and beyond. This rewards your most loyal customers and encourages repeat bookings.

Bundle Packages

Bundle cruise fare discounts with additional perks like free Wi-Fi, prepaid gratuities, shore excursions credit or beverage packages. The more valuable inclusions you can offer, the more tempting your promotion will be. You may also bundle multiple cruise trips together at a lower overall price.

Referral Programs

Word-of-mouth marketing is highly effective in the cruise industry. Set up a referral program where existing customers can refer friends and family and receive rewards like onboard credit, discounts on their next cruise or cabin upgrades. The new referred customers will also receive a first-time booking incentive. This mutually beneficial program will drive more bookings and foster brand loyalty.

Seasonal Sales

Time your promotions and discounts around seasonal periods, holidays and events. Launch spring break cruise deals in January, Alaska cruise discounts in March, holiday and winter getaway specials in October, and Black Friday or Cyber Monday flash sales. Seasonal offers will attract more interest and have higher perceived value to customers.

By offering enticing cruise promotions and discounts on your landing page, you'll convert more visitors into customers and keep them coming back to book their next dream getaway with you. An irresistible deal can make all the difference in today's competitive travel market.

Make It Easy to Book Your Cruise Directly

To maximize bookings, make the booking process as seamless as possible for potential customers. Place a prominent “Book Now” call to action button on your landing page that links directly to your booking form.

Streamline the Form

Keep your booking form concise by only requesting necessary information. Ask for details like names, travel dates, cabin type, and payment information. Omit extraneous questions that may frustrate customers and cause them to abandon the form.

Offer Flexible Payment Options

Allow customers to pay for their cruise in the method most convenient for them. In addition to accepting major credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, consider offering payment plan options that allow customers to pay over time with no interest charges. You may also want to accept PayPal, Apple Pay, and wire transfers for added flexibility.

Highlight Incentives and Perks

Promote any special offers, discounts, or incentives you are running to encourage customers to book promptly. For example, advertise reduced deposits, complimentary upgrades, or free add-ons for customers who book within a certain timeframe. You can also offer loyalty programs and referral bonuses to provide extra motivation.

Reassure Customers

Address any concerns customers may have about booking through your website. Highlight security features like SSL encryption to reassure them their information and payments are protected. Also, prominently display your refund and cancelation policies so customers know their purchase is risk-free. Consider offering trip insurance as an optional add-on.

Streamline the Checkout Process

Once customers complete your booking form, immediately take them to a confirmation page. Display details of their purchase including travel dates, itinerary, total fare, and any incentives they qualified for. Provide an easy way for them to view and print their documentation from this page. An efficient checkout process will leave customers feeling confident in their booking decision and eager to set sail.

By prioritizing convenience and addressing common concerns, you can craft a cruise booking experience that turns casual website visitors into loyal cruise customers. Refining the booking process is key to maximizing direct sales and building your business.

FAQs: How to Design an Effective Cruise Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

To design an effective cruise landing page on Unicorn Platform, there are several key steps to keep in mind:

Select a template

Unicorn Platform offers both pre-designed templates as well as the option to build your own custom landing page from scratch. For a cruise company, select a template with an image of an ocean or beach in the header for an eye-catching look. You can then customize the template by adding your company's logo, brand colors, and fonts.

Focus on visuals

A cruise landing page should prominently feature high-quality images and videos showcasing destinations, ships, cabins and activities. Upload images that highlight the experiences and amenities that set your cruise apart. Videos are also impactful in bringing the cruise experience to life for visitors.

Emphasize value propositions

Clearly convey the key benefits and highlights of your cruise. For example, list destinations visited, number of days, dining and entertainment options included, and any special promotions being offered. Use headings and bulleted lists to make this information easy to read at a glance.

Include a lead capture form

The goal of your landing page is to generate leads, so include a prominent opt-in form for visitors to submit their email address and any other information you wish to collect. Offer an incentive like a coupon or promo code in exchange for their information.

Keep content concise

While images and videos are important for capturing interest, do not overload visitors with too much text. Keep paragraphs and sections short and concise, focusing on the most compelling details about your cruise experience. Use an active, engaging voice to draw the reader in.

Provide contact information

List your phone number, live chat feature, and any social media profiles prominently on the page so visitors can easily get in touch with questions or to book a cruise.

Test and optimize

Continuously test different versions of your landing page to see which design and content resonates most with visitors and generates the highest conversion rates. Make changes based on data to optimize the effectiveness of your page.

With the right combination of visuals, value propositions, and a clear call-to-action, you can design an cruise landing page that turns website visitors into loyal customers. Follow these best practices and don't be afraid to experiment - your ideal landing page is out there!


As you’ve seen, Unicorn Platform makes it remarkably easy to create a stunning landing page for your dream cruise in minutes. With a few simple clicks and drags, you’ve built an eye-catching page to capture leads and drive sales for your cruise business. The integrated form builder allows you to create professional signup forms to convert visitors into customers. And the built-in analytics give you insights into how people are engaging with your page so you can optimize the experience. Whether you’re launching a new cruise destination or promoting an existing one, Unicorn Platform gives you a powerful yet intuitive tool to spread the word and fill those cabins. Building your dream cruise landing page has never been faster or more fun. Start your free trial today and set sail for success.

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