Unicorn Platform: The Simplest Way to Build CRM and ERP Landing Pages

published on 18 July 2023

With Unicorn Platform, you have access to a simple yet powerful drag and drop landing page builder that allows you to create high-converting CRM and ERP landing pages in minutes. No coding skills required. As an entrepreneur focused on growth, you need to efficiently reach your target customers. Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive interface to design customized landing pages that match your brand and capture leads. Forget spending hours learning HTML or hiring expensive web developers. Unicorn Platform handles the complexity so you can launch your landing page today. With a library of proven templates, elements, and modules, you have the flexibility to choose a pre-made landing page or build from scratch. Either way, you are minutes away from publishing and optimizing a landing page to start generating more qualified leads and grow your business. If you're interested in building Squarespace app landing pages, Unicorn Platform also offers a comprehensive guide on the only Squarespace app landing page builder you'll ever need which can help you make informed decisions.

Unicorn Platform: A No-Code Website & Landing Page Builder

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive website and landing page builder designed for simplicity. Requiring no coding knowledge, this no-code platform enables you to create professional CRM and ERP landing pages in minutes.

With Unicorn Platform, building landing pages is as easy as drag and drop. Unicorn Platform provides pre-designed page templates to get you started. Select a template, customize the content, add your logo and brand colors, and you’ll have a polished landing page ready to publish. For those wanting full customization, Unicorn Platform offers an easy to use drag and drop page builder.

  • Add sections like headers, images, buttons, and video with a simple drag and drop
  • Choose from multiple column layouts to organize your content
  • Pick a theme or start from scratch and select your own fonts, colors, and styling
  • Integrate forms, chatbots, and analytics to capture lead info and understand your visitors

Unicorn Platform’s simple editor requires no HTML or CSS skills. Yet you have full control over the look and feel of your landing pages. With a library of icons, illustrations, and animations, you can make visually engaging pages that capture your audience’s attention.

Whether you need a landing page for a new product, service, or event, Unicorn Platform provides an easy solution. With no coding required, you can build and customize landing pages tailored to your needs. And when you’re ready to publish, Unicorn Platform seamlessly integrates with your CRM or website. The possibilities are endless with this simple, yet powerful, no-code website and landing page builder.

How to Build a CRM Landing Page in Minutes

To build a professional CRM landing page in just minutes, simply follow these steps:

  1. Select a template. Choose from dozens of mobile-optimized templates with CRM-specific designs. Options include contact forms, pricing tables, customer testimonials, and more.
  2. Add your brand elements. Include your company logo, brand colors, and fonts to match your website. Consistent branding builds trust and credibility.
  3. Customize the layout. Rearrange and resize sections with the drag and drop builder. Add, remove or duplicate sections as needed. For example, feature a contact form prominently at the top, followed by key features and customer stories.
  4. Input your content. Enter information about your product, company mission, and contact details. Explain the value proposition and main features using 2-3 short paragraphs for each. Mention available integrations and platforms supported.
  5. Include visuals. Add photos of your product interface or customers, graphics showing key features, pricing tables, etc. Visuals make content more engaging and scannable. For the CRM niche, screenshots are especially effective.
  6. Set up your form. Enable visitor contacts by adding a subscription form or contact form. Select required fields and customize the call-to-action button text. Forms should be clear, concise, and placed prominently.
  7. Preview and publish. View how your page looks on both desktop and mobile, then make any final tweaks before publishing. Your new CRM landing page will now start converting your visitors into new customers and clients.

With some simple clicks and customization, you've built a professional landing page to effectively promote your CRM solution. By following best practices for content, layout, and design, you'll achieve an optimized page that inspires action.

How to Build an ERP Landing Page in Minutes

Building an effective ERP landing page in minutes is possible with Unicorn Platform. By following these steps, you can have a professional page up and running to help convert more of your visitors into customers.

Choose an ERP Template

Unicorn Platform offers pre-made ERP landing page templates to get you started. Select one that matches your brand and the specific ERP solution you want to promote. Some options include:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning Template
  • Manufacturing ERP Template
  • Supply Chain Management ERP Template

Customize the Content

Once you choose a template, you can easily customize all of the content. This includes:

  • Adding your company logo and brand colors
  • Inputting header text, subheaders, and body copy that speaks to your target audience
  • Uploading images and graphics to help visually showcase your ERP solution
  • Providing details on key features, integrations, and customer benefits
  • Sharing pricing plans or requesting contact information for a custom quote

Set Up Forms and Integrations

Include lead capture forms on your page so visitors can request demos, sign up for free trials, or get pricing information. Unicorn Platform connects directly with many email marketing and CRM tools like Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Salesforce to automatically capture and organize lead data.

Preview and Publish

Preview how your page will appear on mobile and desktop devices. Make any final changes needed, then publish your ERP landing page with the click of a button. Your page can then start driving more qualified leads and customers to your business.

Track and Optimize

Use Unicorn Platform’s built-in analytics to see how people are interacting with your landing page. Find out which content is performing best so you can make data-driven optimizations to increase conversions and ROI over time. Continuously improving your ERP landing page can help take your business to the next level.

In summary, Unicorn Platform makes building a high-converting ERP landing page simple. Using their no-code tools and pre-made templates, you can design, launch, and optimize a professional landing page in just minutes. Focus on what really matters—growing your business.

Why You Need a Dedicated CRM Landing Page
Why You Need a Dedicated CRM Landing Page

Why You Need a Dedicated CRM Landing Page

Dedicated Landing Pages Drive Conversions

A dedicated landing page for your CRM software is essential for converting visitors into customers. Generic homepages fail to effectively communicate the value of your product to interested prospects. A landing page tailored to your CRM allows you to craft targeted messaging and a streamlined experience focused on compelling visitors to sign up for a trial or demo.

Focus the Visitor Experience

  • A dedicated landing page focuses the visitor experience on learning about and interacting with your CRM product. By removing site navigation and other content, you guide the visitor through an optimized flow aimed at conversion.
  • This focused experience is more likely to resonate with and convert visitors specifically interested in a CRM solution. Generic web pages with multiple products and links risk distracting the visitor and reducing the chance of a conversion.

Highlight Key Features and Benefits

  • A dedicated landing page gives you space to prominently highlight the key features and benefits of your CRM that will resonate most with your target audience.
  • Use visuals like icons or graphics along with bulleted lists to draw attention to essential capabilities like contact management, task automation, lead tracking, and analytics.
  • Explain how these features will help improve sales productivity, increase customer retention, and provide data-driven insights.

Drive Targeted Traffic

  • Promoting a dedicated landing page on social media platforms, paid advertising channels and content syndication sites allows you to drive targeted traffic primed for conversion.
  • Visitors from these sources will arrive with a specific interest in learning more about CRM software, unlike general website visitors. This targeted traffic is more inclined to sign up for a trial once they experience the value communicated through your landing page.

Simplify the Conversion Process

  • A dedicated landing page allows you to include a simple call-to-action like “Start Your Free Trial” or “Schedule a Demo” to convert visitors.
  • Remove any unnecessary links or buttons that could distract the visitor. Focus their attention on converting by making the CTA prominent on the page.
  • Keep your form fields to a minimum by only requesting essential information like name, email and company to get started. You can collect additional details once the visitor has signed up and is engaged with your product.

In summary, a dedicated CRM landing page is the most effective way to communicate your value proposition to interested visitors and turn them into customers. By providing a focused experience, highlighting key benefits, driving targeted traffic and simplifying the conversion process, you will optimize your ability to gain new users.

Why You Need a Dedicated ERP Landing Page

To effectively market your ERP software and gain new customers, you need a dedicated landing page. Here are five reasons why a specialized ERP landing page is essential:

Increased Conversion Rates

A tailored landing page focused on your ERP solution will convert visitors into leads at a higher rate than your general website. You can optimize the page specifically for ERP customers by highlighting key features and benefits that resonate with them. Include client testimonials and case studies to build trust.

Improved SEO

An ERP landing page gives you an opportunity to rank for ERP-related keywords and phrases. Fill the page with relevant terms, headings, page titles, and meta descriptions. An SEO-optimized landing page can drive organic traffic from search engines like Google.

Better Lead Generation

With a dedicated landing page, you can capture lead information from ERP prospects. Offer a demo sign-up, free trial, or content download in exchange for their contact details. Nurture these high-quality leads with targeted marketing campaigns.

Focused Messaging

On your main website, you have to appeal to all of your potential customers and markets. An ERP landing page allows you to tailor your messaging and value proposition specifically to ERP buyers. Discuss their pain points and emphasize how your solution can help.

Analytics Insights

By directing all your ERP traffic to one page, you can analyze how visitors are engaging with your content. See which sections and calls-to-action resonate most. Make data-driven optimizations to continually improve conversion rates over time.

In summary, a custom ERP landing page is a highly effective way to attract, engage, and convert software buyers in your niche market. For ERP companies, the investment in creating a dedicated landing experience pays off through increased sales, shorter sales cycles, and higher customer lifetime value. An ERP-focused landing page should be an essential part of your inbound marketing strategy.

Landing Page Best Practices for CRMs and ERPs

To build effective landing pages for CRM and ERP software, following best practices will optimize your page for capturing leads and converting visitors.

Focus on Benefits

Highlight the key benefits and solutions your software provides. Use compelling copy that focuses on how you can help prospects and what they will gain, rather than just listing features. Mention common pain points you solve and quantify the results. For example, “Increase sales by 25% year over year” or “Reduce manual data entry by 50%.”

Include Social Proof

Feature logos of well-known clients and customer testimonials discussing their experience and results with your platform. This builds credibility and trust in your solution. You can also include statistics on companies you work with, numbers of users, years in business, etc. For SaaS companies, display metrics like uptime, page load speeds, and security credentials.

Offer a Free Trial

Give visitors the opportunity to experience your software firsthand with a free trial. This allows them to explore the interface and see how it can benefit their business with no obligation. Many visitors will not be ready to commit to a paid subscription immediately, so a free trial is key to capturing their information and staying engaged.

Focus Call-to-Action on Conversion

Your primary CTA should be a form for visitors to sign up for a demo, free trial, or contact sales. Place this prominently at the top and bottom of your page. Secondary CTAs can include watching a product video, downloading an ebook, or following you on social media. However, the main goal of a landing page is to generate leads, so optimize for conversions above all else.

Mobile-Friendly and Simple Design

With many visitors accessing from mobile devices, your landing page must be fully responsive. Keep the design clean and minimal, with plenty of negative space. Use engaging visuals like images of your software interface or customers using your product. Prioritize scannability through headings, bulleted lists, and concise blocks of text. A simple yet compelling page will convert more leads.

Using Unicorn Platform's Drag and Drop Editor

To build your landing page, Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop editor. This WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor makes designing and customizing your page simple, with no coding skills required.

Adding Elements

To add elements like text boxes, buttons, images, and more, simply drag the element of your choice from the left sidebar onto your page. You can then customize the element by editing its content, changing the font or color, adding padding or margins, and so on.

Editing Sections

Sections allow you to structure your page content. Add a section by dragging the “Section” element onto your page. You can have up to two columns within a section. Add elements to each column, and edit each section's background color or image, padding, etc.

Saving and Publishing

As you build your page, be sure to save your progress regularly by clicking “Save” in the top menu bar. Once your page is complete, click “Publish” to make it live. Your page will then have its own unique URL to share.

Additional Features

Unicorn Platform offers many other useful features to help you create an effective landing page:

  • Responsive design: Pages automatically adapt to mobile devices and tablets. No extra work required.
  • Pre-designed templates: Choose from professionally designed templates to get started quickly.
  • Integrations: Connect your landing page to platforms like Mailchimp, Drip, HubSpot and more.
  • Analytics: Gain insights into how visitors are interacting with your page. See bounce rates, traffic sources, and more.
  • Custom domain: Use your own domain name for a more professional appearance.
  • Multilingual: Build your page in multiple languages to reach international audiences.

With Unicorn Platform’s simple yet robust editor, you have everything you need to create a high-converting landing page for your business or product. Give the platform a try today and start building your audience.

Unicorn Platform Integrations to Supercharge Your Landing Pages

To enhance your Unicorn Platform landing pages, integrations with various third-party services are available. These integrations can help automate processes, collect data, and provide a better overall experience for your visitors.

Email Marketing Integrations

Integrate your email marketing service to automatically add visitors to your mailing list. Options include:

  • Mailchimp - Easily add subscribers and send targeted campaigns.
  • Drip - Use smart automations to engage your audience.
  • ActiveCampaign - Sophisticated email marketing and sales automation.

Live Chat Integrations

Add live chat to instantly engage with visitors and answer questions. Choose from:

  • Intercom - Robust conversational relationships at scale.
  • Drift - Conversational marketing and sales platform.
  • Crisp - Simple, affordable live chat for businesses.

Analytics Integrations

Track how people interact with your landing pages to optimize conversions. Integrate:

  • Google Analytics - Powerful, free web analytics.
  • Mixpanel - Advanced product analytics.
  • Hotjar - All-in-one analytics and feedback tool.

Form Integrations

Collect data, payments, and more with form integrations such as:

  • Typeform - Beautiful, engaging forms and surveys.
  • Wufoo - Quickly build web forms, signup forms, and surveys.
  • Stripe - Accept payments on your landing page with a secure payment gateway.

Zapier Integrations

Connect hundreds of apps with Zapier, the automation tool. Build zaps that instantly transfer data between web apps when certain events happen. For example, you can set up a zap that adds new Typeform responses to your CRM automatically.

Unicorn Platform integrations empower you to build smarter landing pages by connecting the tools you already use. With a few clicks, you can enable powerful automations and gain valuable insights to boost conversions.

FAQs: Commonly Asked Questions About Unicorn Platform

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder that allows you to create customized landing pages for your business without any coding experience. It offers drag and drop functionality, pre-designed templates, and integrations with popular third-party services to help you build landing pages for your customer relationship management (CRM) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms efficiently.

Do I need technical skills to use Unicorn Platform?

No, Unicorn Platform is completely code-free. It utilizes an intuitive drag and drop interface, so you do not need any technical expertise with HTML, CSS or JavaScript to build landing pages. As long as you can click and drag elements, you will be able to create customized landing pages with Unicorn Platform.

What types of landing pages can I build with Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform offers templates and elements to help you build:

  • CRM landing pages to generate leads and onboard new customers
  • ERP landing pages to promote your business solutions
  • Coming soon pages to build excitement for a new product launch
  • About us and service pages to share details on your company and offerings
  • Pricing pages to display your product plans and costs
  • And more...

Do you offer any integrations?

Yes, Unicorn Platform seamlessly integrates with many popular third-party services to enhance your landing pages:

  • Email marketing tools like Mailchimp, Aweber and ConvertKit to capture leads
  • Live chat software such as Intercom and Drift to engage with visitors
  • Analytics platforms like Google Analytics to track pageviews, traffic sources and conversions
  • And various social media platforms to add follow/share buttons

We are continually adding new integrations and partnerships to provide you with the best tools to create high-converting landing pages. Please contact us if you would like to request an integration with another service.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform offers simple and affordable pricing plans to meet the needs of any business. We have monthly and annual options starting at $29/month when billed annually. All plans include unlimited pages, hosting, SSL security, 24/7 support and access to our growing library of templates, elements and integrations.


In summary, if you're looking for an easy way to create high-converting landing pages for your CRM, ERP, or SaaS, Unicorn Platform is the perfect solution. With its simple drag and drop builder, even non-technical marketers and founders can design custom landing pages in minutes without writing a single line of code. Stop wasting time and resources on expensive development and design resources. Unicorn Platform gives you an affordable, user-friendly platform to build landing pages that actually drive results. What are you waiting for? Sign up for your free Unicorn Platform trial today and start converting more of your website traffic into customers. The future of your business growth is just a few clicks away.

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