Best website maker - the startup's secret weapon

published on 22 October 2023

Introduction - Why the Best Website Maker is a Startup's Secret Weapon

Creating a website can be one of the most important yet challenging tasks for a new startup. The right DIY website builder can make the process infinitely easier while providing the features and functionality needed to launch and grow your business online. Top website creators like Unicorn Platform provide startups with essential benefits like extensive customization options to craft a professional brand image, built-in tools and automation to accelerate website creation and streamline tasks, and robust integrations to connect other platforms and unlock powerful capabilities.

For resource-strapped and time-crunched startups, choosing the right website builder is a make-or-break decision. The best solutions allow you to create exactly the website you envision, optimize and automate critical processes, and unlock growth features without the need for an army of developers and designers. With the multitude of website builder options available today, it can be challenging to determine which solution best fits your startup's specific needs. This article will dive into the key advantages of using top website makers like Unicorn Platform to understand why they can be an invaluable asset for taking your startup to the next level.

Customization Options Galore

One of the most important aspects of any website builder is the level of customization and flexibility it provides. The best website makers empower you to fine-tune every element of your site design to craft a professional brand image from scratch.

Tailor-Made Templates

The best builders provide professionally designed templates to use as a starting point that can be fully customized to match your vision. For example, Unicorn Platform offers beautiful templates optimized specifically for different industries like SaaS, ecommerce, healthcare, legal services, real estate and more. You can then easily tweak the templates by changing colors, fonts, layouts, images, and components to create a uniquely branded site. Expertly crafted templates help startups build a polished brand presence in minutes while still allowing full control over the final design.

Drag and Drop Editor

An intuitive drag and drop editor makes it easy for anyone to design sleek, responsive website pages. Simply drag website elements like text blocks, images, videos, navigation menus, widgets, and other components to the page. Easily resize elements by dragging the edges and rearrange sections by dragging them to new positions. With real-time previews, you can see changes instantly before hitting publish. For startups without deep coding skills, a visual editor is invaluable for DIYing a custom site. Unicorn Platform provides a user-friendly editor to create multi-page sites, landing pages, and blogs in minutes.

Custom Code Support

For advanced users, the best website builders like Unicorn Platform allow adding custom CSS, HTML, and JavaScript code for maximum control. You can integrate advanced functionality beyond the platform's out-of-the-box features, like smooth scrolling effects and interactive animations with JavaScript. Connect custom databases and scripts, build custom components, and more. The ability to add custom code unlocks nearly endless possibilities for experienced developers to craft truly one-of-a-kind experiences.

With the best website makers, startups are no longer limited by cookie-cutter templates and can build a site tailored exactly to their brand and vision without expensive web developers.

Built-in Efficiency and Automation

Creating a website involves much more than just designing the pages. The best website builders provide tools that streamline and automate critical processes to help startups launch their sites faster.

Forms and Lead Generation

Converting website visitors into leads and customers is crucial for startups. The best website builders like Unicorn Platform make it easy to create forms for capturing leads, including contact forms, surveys, RSVPs, and more. Leads can be collected, managed, and downloaded automatically for follow-up. Forms can also integrate with email services and CRMs to send targeted drip campaigns nurturing leads with automated emails and custom content. Accelerating lead generation helps startups grow faster.

SEO Tools

Ranking higher in search engines is vital for driving organic traffic. Top website builders like Unicorn Platform incorporate SEO best practices and tools to optimize your site. Features include auto-generated meta descriptions, rich snippets using schema markup, integrations with SEO apps, speed and mobile optimization tools, and more. Built-in SEO maximizes reach and minimizes the need for external tools.

Built-in Blog

Blogs boost engagement and search traffic but can be time-consuming to implement separately. The best website builders like Unicorn Platform allow you to easily create a blog and write posts directly from the editor interface. New blog content should be published regularly to build subject authority. Posts are optimized for SEO automatically as they are published. You can also share blog posts instantly on social media to multiply readership. An integrated blog removes friction from the content creation process.

Automation and built-in efficiency gains let startups focus their limited time and resources on high-value business goals instead of complex website development tasks.

Robust Integrations and Connectivity

The best website builders don't exist in a vacuum. They provide robust integrations with other platforms and tools to expand what you can accomplish.

Payment and Commerce

For startups with a product or service to sell, the best website builders make it easy to add ecommerce capabilities. You can accept payments right on your site by integrating Stripe, PayPal, Square and other payment gateways. Offering multiple payment options improves conversion rates. Drag-and-drop checkout builders, shopping carts, order management, taxes, and more enable startups to quickly monetize their ideas with minimal setup.

Email Marketing and Newsletters

Email marketing helps nurture leads and drive repeat business. Top website builders like Unicorn Platform allow connecting your email lists to send drip campaigns and design professional-looking email templates. You can track engagement metrics and automate workflows to convert more subscribers into customers. Popup forms help further build your email list by offering lead magnets like discounts or content in exchange for emails.

Appointment Scheduling

Allowing website visitors to easily schedule appointments, phone/video calls, meetings, and other booking types can lead to more conversions. The best website builders integrate with scheduling apps like Calendly to add booking functionality to your site quickly. Visitors can schedule appointments without the hassle of back-and-forth emails.

Seamless integrations help startups assemble powerful website capabilities without piecing together dozens of disjointed apps and platforms.

Startup-Specific Features

While the above capabilities make website builders invaluable to any business, some solutions like Unicorn Platform cater specifically to startups by providing exclusive tools optimized for launching and growing a new business.

MVP Website Builder

Startups need to quickly build and iterate on MVPs to validate their idea. Unicorn Platform makes it easy to create a "good enough" site to start soliciting feedback. You can build multiple variations to test which resonates most with users. Tools like A/B testing landing pages help optimize conversion rates. Rapid experimentation and adaptation is crucial for finding product-market fit.

Collect Preorders and Offer Early Access

Preorders allow validating demand before you sink costs into production and inventory. Unicorn Platform lets you easily accept preorders right on your website to start generating cash flow. Early access programs also build buzz and engage potential power users.

Growth Marketing Built-in

Unicorn Platform bakes in lead gen, email marketing, SEO, exit-intent popups, scarcity tactics, and other growth features so startups can attract and convert customers without external tools. Conversion rate optimization tools and AI copywriting assistance help create high-converting web pages out of the box. Automations segment and nurture leads automatically.

Purpose-built for the unique needs of startups, Unicorn Platform provides an all-in-one solution so you can hit the ground running instead of cobbling together disparate systems.

Conclusion - Unleash Your Startup's Potential with the Best Website Maker

Choosing the right website creation platform can have an immense impact on a startup's trajectory. The best DIY website makers like Unicorn Platform provide an invaluable set of advantages: extensive customization options to craft a professional brand presence, built-in automation and efficiency to accelerate development, seamless integrations to expand capabilities, and startup-specific features to facilitate idea validation and rapid growth.

Without needing to hire expensive developers and designers, startups can create stunning, customized sites uniquely tailored to their vision and needs. Automation handles tedious backend tasks like SEO optimization, email campaigns, and lead nurturing so startups can focus on high-value priorities. Integrations with other top platforms unlock powerful functionality while keeping your technology stack simple. And purpose-built startup features facilitate rapid iteration to find product-market fit faster.

The best website makers can provide an all-in-one platform to streamline your online presence and growth. If you're a startup looking to create a professional site exactly matching your vision without major coding skills, explore user-friendly solutions like Unicorn Platform to unlock your business's potential online. Their unique combination of customization flexibility, built-in automation, robust integrations, and startup-focused features make it the ideal website builder for taking your business to the next level.

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