Beauty Website Design Made Easy

updated on 28 May 2024

You’ve worked hard to build your beauty brand and establish your products, but now it’s time to showcase it all with an eye-catching yet functional website. However, between sourcing ingredients, perfecting formulas, and managing daily operations, designing an effective website may feel overwhelming. The good news is, with the right tools, crafting a custom beauty website is simpler than you may think.

One such tool is Unicorn Platform, an intuitive website builder made for startups and small businesses. Their easy-to-use interface empowers you to create a tailored site to represent your brand without needing any technical skills. With Unicorn, you can choose from professionally-designed templates, drag and drop elements to customize the layout, add high-quality images to highlight your products, and integrate blogs, e-commerce, booking systems, and more. In fact, Unicorn Platform has published an article on how to create a beauty products website design using Unicorn Platform. Before you know it, you’ll have a fully-functional beauty website to help you connect with new customers and boost your business. While running a business certainly has its challenges, building your website doesn’t have to be one of them. Let Unicorn Platform do the heavy lifting so you can get back to doing what you do best.

Build a Stunning Beauty Website Design in Minutes

To build a stunning beauty website design, follow these simple steps:

As a beauty brand, your online presence is crucial. With Unicorn Platform, you can create a professional beauty website design in minutes that highlights your products and brand.

  • Select a template. Choose from dozens of mobile-optimized templates specifically tailored for beauty brands. Templates feature bold colors, clean lines, and ample whitespace to showcase visuals.
  • Add your logo and brand colors. Upload your logo and choose 2-3 brand colors to theme your site. The color palette you select will apply to buttons, links, and other accents for a cohesive look.
  • Include eye-catching visuals. A beauty website should prominently feature high-quality product images and lifestyle shots. Upload images of your products, ingredients, and customers to bring your brand to life.
  • Share your brand story. Describe what makes your beauty brand unique. Talk about your products, ingredients, and company values to build a personal connection with visitors. Keep sections concise, around 2 to 3 short paragraphs.
  • Promote your products. Include individual product pages featuring details, pricing, reviews, and the ability to purchase. Group products by category so visitors can easily find what they’re looking for. Offer promotions and discounts to drive sales.
  • Set up a blog. Having an active blog is key to SEO and building authority. Post 2-3 times per week about topics like product how-tos, industry trends, brand spotlights, and more. Embed social sharing buttons so visitors can spread the word.
  • Connect your social media. Sync your Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts so visitors can see your latest updates. Stay active on social platforms and promote new blog posts, products, sales, and more to increase traffic and engagement.

With these steps, you'll have a stunning beauty website design in no time. Focus on visuals, share your story, and utilize built-in marketing tools like blogging and social media to establish your brand as an authority in the beauty space.

Choose From 100+ Mobile-Friendly Templates

When building a website for your beauty brand or business, selecting an elegant template is key. With Unicorn Platform, you have over 100 mobile-friendly templates to choose from, all optimized for beauty and cosmetics companies.

To find the perfect template for your needs, first determine the overall look and feel you want to convey. Do you prefer a minimal, clean style or a more ornate, luxe design? Next, consider the specific types of pages you require, such as a homepage, about page, contact page, product pages, and blog. Unicorn Platform offers templates for all of these and more.

Once you have an idea of the esthetic and pages you need, browse the selection of beauty website templates. Some recommended options include:

  • The “Glamor” template with a sleek black and rose gold color scheme, ideal for skincare and makeup brands.
  • The “Luxe” template featuring an elegant gold and white design, perfect for premium cosmetic labels.
  • The “Boutique” template with a chic minimal style, great for small beauty shops and spas.

When you find a template you love, you can preview how it will appear on desktop and mobile. Then with just a few clicks, you can customize the template by uploading your brand logo and images, changing the color scheme, adjusting page layouts, and modifying the text.

With a professionally-designed template customized to your unique brand, building a beautiful website for your beauty business has never been simpler. Let your products and services shine through while providing an exceptional experience for your customers. Your ideal website template is waiting - start designing today!

Add Your Logo and Brand Colors for Brand Consistency

Add Your Logo

Adding your business logo to the website header or top navigation bar helps to build brand recognition and consistency across platforms. Upload your logo image file - it should be a transparent PNG or SVG file for the best quality. Position and size the logo within the header section. For most websites, a logo width of 50 to 200 pixels works well for display on all devices.

Choose Brand Colors

Select 2 to 3 main brand colors to use throughout your website. These colors should be consistent with your existing brand guidelines. If you have not yet defined brand colors, choose a color palette that evokes the right tone and style for your business. For a beauty website, consider colors like:

  • Light pinks, peaches and rose golds for a romantic, feminine feel
  • Rich burgundies, plums and violets for a dramatic, luxurious look
  • Airy blues and seafoams for a fresh, natural esthetic

Apply these brand colors to key elements like:

  1. Header and footer sections
  2. Buttons, links and hover effects
  3. Blog post or product category tags
  4. Newsletter signup forms

Use Typography to Reinforce Your Brand

Choose web fonts that align with your brand image. Elegant, flowing scripts pair well with luxury beauty brands while clean, modern sans-serifs suit minimalist skincare lines. Apply branded fonts to:

  • Your business name in the logo
  • Headings (use different sizes for H1, H2, H3, etc.)
  • Body text
  • Button and link text
  • Blog post titles and sidebar text

Maintaining consistency in fonts, colors, logo placement and overall styling across your website and other digital platforms helps to strengthen brand recognition and build trust with your customers. With the customization options in the page builder, you can design a beauty website that authentically reflects your unique brand vision.

Showcase Your Products With Best Beauty Website Design
Showcase Your Products With Best Beauty Website Design

Showcase Your Products With Best Beauty Website Design

To showcase your beauty products in an appealing yet professional manner on your website, an esthetically-pleasing and intuitive product display is essential.

High-Quality Product Images

Include high-quality images of each product from multiple angles. Close-up shots should clearly depict details and textures. For makeup and skincare, include images of the product packaging as well as the product itself.

Detailed Product Descriptions

Write descriptive yet concise product descriptions highlighting key features and benefits using an enthusiastic and inviting tone. Mention the product's purpose, ingredients, scent, formula, application, and results. Use power words and phrases like "nourishing", "brightening", "smoothing" and "luminous glow".

Product Categorization

Group similar products together under descriptive category headers on your product page. For example, categorize as "Face", "Eyes", "Lips", "Tools", "Fragrance", etc. This makes it easy for customers to find what they need. You can then further organize products under subcategories like "cleansers", "moisturizers" and "mascara".

Product Options and Pricing

Clearly display product options, sizes and pricing in an easy-to-read format. For example:

  • Essential Nourishing Cleanser (4 oz) - $28
  • Essential Nourishing Cleanser (8 oz) - $42

Also include any discount or bundle pricing to encourage customers to buy more.

Reviews and Ratings

Feature a sampling of customer reviews and ratings on each product page. This social proof builds trust and credibility, reassuring customers about the product's quality and performance.

An intuitive, well-designed product page is key to converting casual browsers into loyal customers. By following these best practices for showcasing your beauty products, you'll have an ecommerce website that keeps customers coming back to discover their new favorite product. Focusing on high-quality images, detailed descriptions, useful categorization, clear pricing, and social proof will result in an exceptional customer experience and increased sales.

Create an About Page That Connects With Your Audience

To connect with your audience, your beauty website’s About page should convey your brand’s mission and values. Carefully crafting this page will build trust and help visitors understand what makes your company unique.

Share Your Brand Story

Explain how and why you started your beauty business. Discuss your passion for the industry and the vision behind your brand. Share details about your team’s expertise and experience. Your story should capture visitors’ interest and help them connect with your brand on an emotional level.

State Your Mission and Values

Clearly define your mission statement and brand values. For example, you might state that your mission is to provide high-quality, natural skincare products and that your core values are sustainability, integrity, and customer care. Align all content on your site with these principles.

Highlight Your Key Differentiators

Discuss what sets you apart from competitors. This could include your ingredients, formulations, packaging, customer service, or company culture. Explain how you are innovating and pushing the industry forward. For example, you might highlight that your products use only sustainably-sourced, organic ingredients or that your company donates a portion of profits to environmental causes.

Share Visuals That Reinforce Your Brand

Include eye-catching yet authentic photos of your products, team, workspace, and community outreach. Infographics or charts summarizing your brand’s impact or growth are also effective. These visuals should capture the essence of your brand and further connect with visitors on an emotional level.

Offer a Clear Next Step

End your About page with a clear call-to-action, such as encouraging visitors to shop your products, read your blog, or follow you on social media. You have worked hard to make a connection, so guide visitors to take the next step to engage further with your brand.

An impactful yet genuine About page is key to building trust and loyalty with your audience. By following these steps, you can create a page that truly reflects your brand’s essence and inspires visitors. Focus on conveying your meaningful story and mission to forge an authentic connection with everyone who discovers your beauty brand.

Share the Latest Trends on Your Blog
Share the Latest Trends on Your Blog

Share the Latest Trends on Your Blog

Blog About Emerging Trends

To establish your website as an authority in the beauty industry, you need to blog about the latest tools, techniques, and trends. Analyze trends from runway shows, celebrity stylists, and influencers to determine what’s emerging and share that with your audience. For example, if neon makeup looks are popping up on social media, do a blog post on how to achieve an electric makeup look.

Tutorials and How-Tos

Provide useful, step-by-step content by creating makeup, hair, and skincare tutorials. Show how to do a smoky eye, braid hair, or give yourself an at-home facial. Use visuals like photos, graphics, and videos to supplement your written instructions. Tutorials are highly valuable to your readers and boost traffic and time on site.

Product Reviews and Recommendations

Review the latest beauty products and tools and provide recommendations to your readers. Get samples from brands or purchase products yourself to provide honest, in-depth reviews. Mention the product’s key features and benefits, your experience using it, and who you would recommend it for. Share both positive and negative reviews to build trust in your recommendations.

Interviews with Industry Experts

Using the blogging content above, you can guide your readers on their beauty journeys by providing useful information, recommendations, and tips from industry leaders. Expert interviews add credibility to your website and provide valuable insights for your audience. Blogging about trends, tutorials, reviews, and interviews establishes you as a source for the latest beauty news and advice. Provide consistent, high-quality content to build authority, increase traffic, and better serve your readers. Stay on the cutting edge of trends and tools to position yourself as an industry expert.

For example, you can interview a dental clinic owner to learn about their experience in the industry and their tips for running a successful clinic. Check out our article on building a dental clinic landing page in minutes with Unicorn Platform to learn more about how technology can help your business thrive. Using interviews and informative articles like this, your website will become a trusted resource for all things beauty and healthcare. Focus on trends, how-tos, reviews, and expert advice to give readers what they need to look and feel their best.  

Take Bookings and Sell Products With the Built-in Store

To fully utilize Unicorn Platform’s capabilities, enable the built-in store feature to sell products and take bookings. This expands your website into an ecommerce platform, allowing you to sell goods and services to generate revenue.

Connect a Payment Processor

To process payments, connect a payment processor like Stripe or PayPal. This securely handles customer transactions and deposits funds into your bank account.

Add Products

Add individual products or product categories to your store. For each product, enter details such as:

  • Name and description
  • Price and any variants (size, color, etc.)
  • Image(s)
  • SKU code (for inventory tracking)
  • Shipping information

You can also enable options like:

  1. Inventory tracking to monitor stock levels
  2. Coupons and discounts to increase sales
  3. Taxes and shipping rates to calculate accurate totals

Offer Bookings

If you provide bookable services like appointments, classes or events, use the bookings feature. Add bookable items by entering:

  • Name and description
  • Duration
  • Price
  • Availability schedule
  • Location (optional)

Customers can then book slots that you’ve made available on your calendar. Bookings are shown on your calendar so you have an at-a-glance view of your schedule.

Promote Your Store

Drive traffic and increase sales in your store by promoting it on social media, sending newsletters to your mailing list, optimizing for search engines, and providing great customer service. Offer promotions like limited-time sales or coupons to boost interest.

Unicorn Platform makes it simple to sell products and take bookings on your website. Tap into new revenue streams and better serve your customers by enabling the built-in store feature. Let us know if you have any other questions!

Get Found on Google With SEO-Optimized Content

To improve your beauty website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and increase organic traffic from Google, focus on creating content optimized for search engines and the people using them.

Keyword-Rich Content

Include your target keywords, such as “beauty website design” and “best beauty website design,” in page titles, headings, content, and image file names and alt text. Place keywords in the first 100 words of page content and in headings (H2 and H3 tags). Use synonyms and related terms, like cosmetic website design or makeup website design, as well.

Valuable and Helpful Content

Create content that provides value to your readers and answers their questions. For a beauty website, focus on topics like:

  • The latest beauty trends
  • Makeup application tips and techniques
  • Skincare ingredients and routines
  • Hair care advice
  • Nail care guidance
  • Product reviews and recommendations

Mobile-Friendly and Fast-Loading

With Google’s mobile-first indexing, your content must be easily consumable on mobile devices. Use a responsive website builder to ensure your content looks good and functions well on all devices. Optimize images and keep pages light to allow for fast loading times.

Internal Linking

Add links in your content to other relevant content on your site. Internal links pass authority from one page to another, improving the search rankings of both pages. For example, link to your product review pages from your trend content or link between related blog posts.

Update and Improve Content

Make sure content stays up to date with the current trends and user interests. Regularly update older evergreen content and republish or optimize as needed. Delete or replace any outdated content. Adding new content on a consistent schedule, such as blog posts 2-3 times a week, also helps to improve your SEO.

By optimizing your content and keeping it fresh, relevant and helpful, you'll give your beauty website the best chance of ranking well in Google search results. Focusing on the user experience through fast load times, mobile-friendly design and valuable content will lead to higher click-through and conversion rates as well.

FAQs: How Can Unicorn Platform Benefit My Beauty Business?

Unicorn Platform’s intuitive website builder can benefit your beauty business in several ways:

Increase Visibility

Unicorn Platform makes it easy to create an attractive, user-friendly website to establish an online presence for your beauty business. An active, well-designed website is essential for ranking higher in search engines like Google, allowing more potential customers to discover your services.

Appeal to Mobile Users

Unicorn Platform’s responsive themes automatically optimize your website for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Since many customers search for local businesses on the go, a mobile-friendly website is key to capturing their attention and earning their business.

Drag and Drop Simplicity

With Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop website builder, you don’t need any technical skills to create a professional, custom website. You can easily add, rearrange and customize:

  • Eye-catching images
  • Service descriptions and pricing
  • An online booking system
  • Blog posts to share beauty tips and promotions
  • And more!

Affordable Pricing

Unicorn Platform offers affordable monthly subscription plans to suit any budget. For a small monthly fee, you’ll have access to powerful features to build your ideal website, with no hidden fees or pricey add-ons.

Dedicated Support

Unicorn Platform provides helpful documentation and video tutorials to get you started. However, if you get stuck or have any other questions, our dedicated support team is here to assist you. You can contact us anytime via live chat, email or phone for guidance on using the platform and best practices for your beauty website.

In summary, Unicorn Platform makes creating an effective website for your beauty business simple, affordable and risk-free. Our easy-to-use tools and helpful support team empower you to build a website you’ll be proud of, without requiring any special technical skills. An attractive, optimized website can help boost your visibility, appeal to mobile users, save you money and provide an invaluable online presence for your beauty business.


As you've seen, creating a stunning website for your beauty brand doesn't have to be complicated or require advanced technical skills. With an intuitive platform like Unicorn, you have a powerful yet easy to use toolset at your fingertips to craft a professional, polished web presence. Focus on what you do best - providing exceptional products and services to your clients - and let Unicorn handle the website design. In just a few clicks, you can choose a template, add images, update text, and publish your beautiful, on-brand website. Your ideal customers are out there, and now you have an elegant online storefront ready to welcome them in and turn first-time visitors into lifelong clients. Build your beauty website today and start connecting with more people who will love what you do. The possibilities are endless!

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