A Step-by-Step Guide to a High Converting Landing Page Structure

updated on 02 September 2024

As a business owner, you know how important it is to optimize your marketing efforts to attract new customers and grow your company. Creating a high-converting landing page is one of the most effective ways to achieve this, allowing you to capture leads and turn website visitors into paying customers. However, designing an effective landing page structure and layout requires an understanding of key elements that drive conversions. This guide, such as the one found in The Beginner's Guide to Creating Lead Generation Landing Page, will walk you through the essential components of a high-converting landing page and provide you a step-by-step process for building your own using a simple drag and drop builder. By the end, you will have the knowledge and tools to create a stellar landing page that generates more leads and sales for your business.

High Converting Landing Page Structure

To achieve a high converting landing page, you must have an effective page structure. An optimized landing page layout will guide your visitors through your sales funnel and encourage them to convert.

Clear Headline

Your headline should capture attention and communicate your key benefit or offer. Keep it concise, compelling, and consistent with your overall message.

Relevant Hero Image

Select an eye-catching image that visually represents your product or service. For best results, use an actual photo of your offering or a related stock image.

Strong Value Proposition

Clearly state how you will solve your visitors’ problems or needs. Explain your key benefits and features using simple, engaging copy. Use headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs for easy reading.

Social Proof

Include reviews, testimonials, media mentions, or case studies from satisfied customers. Social proof builds trust and credibility. Place this section prominently on your page.

Clear Call-to-Action

Your CTA should encourage visitors to sign up, subscribe, purchase or download. Make it highly visible, using contrasting colors. Offer an incentive if possible. Multiple CTAs can increase conversions.

Minimal Navigation

Remove all unnecessary links and keep your visitors focused on converting. Only include essential links to your privacy policy, terms of service, etc.


With more people accessing the web via mobile, your landing page must be responsive. Use large text, buttons and spacing. Simplify your page for small screens.

By following these key elements, you will have a high-converting landing page structure primed to turn your visitors into customers and meet your business goals. Continually test variations of your page to further optimize performance over time.

Choose High Converting Landing Page Layout on Unicorn Platform

To create a high-converting landing page on Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Choose a Template

Select a template from the variety of options that are optimized for conversion. Some recommended templates include:

  • “Call to Action” - Centered content with an eye-catching CTA button. Great for lead generation.
  • “Minimal” - Clean, simple design to clearly communicate your message. Perfect for SaaS and mobile apps.
  • “Comparison” - Showcase features and benefits in an easy-to-digest comparison table. Useful for product pages.

Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see. Make it catchy and highlight the key benefit or result. For example, “Build Better Websites in Minutes” or “The Only App You Need to Crush Your Goals.”

Share the Value Proposition

Explain how your product or service solves a problem or improves your customers’ lives. Focus on benefits, not features. Use stats, testimonials, images, and videos to demonstrate the value.

Include Social Proof

Build trust by showing logos of companies you’ve worked with or testimonials from happy customers. Mention notable achievements, partnerships, media coverage or other signs of credibility and success.

Add a Call-to-Action

Your CTA should encourage visitors to sign up, buy now, contact you or take another conversion-focused action. Place the CTA prominently on the page, using a high-contrast button or link. Offer an incentive like a free trial, coupon or limited-time deal.

Optimize for Mobile

With more people accessing the web via smartphones, your landing page must display well on mobile devices. Choose a responsive template and large, finger-friendly CTA buttons. Keep content concise and avoid complicated navigation.

Following these best practices will help you create a high-converting landing page that turns your web visitors into customers and clients. Let your creative skills shine through while keeping the user experience straightforward and focused. Your perfect landing page is within reach!

Include an Attention-Grabbing and Benefit-Focused Subheading

To capture your visitors’ attention and convey the key benefits of your offer or content, include an attention-grabbing and benefit-focused subheading. This subheading should be:

  • Written in sentence case, not title case. For example, “Discover how to skyrocket your sales in 30 days” rather than “DISCOVER HOW TO SKYROCKET YOUR SALES IN 30 DAYS”.
  • Placed above the first paragraph in the section.
  • Clear and concise while highlighting the main benefit or transformation. Mention the benefits and outcomes, not the features and specs.
  • Written in an active, second-person voice to engage the reader. For example, “You’ll attract more customers in less time” rather than “Attracting more customers in less time”.
  • Free of clickbait and exaggerated language. While attention-grabbing, the subheading should be authentic and deliverable.
  • SEO-optimized by including important keywords for the page and related terms. For example, “Generate 500+ leads per month with this proven sales funnel” could include “leads”, “sales funnel”, “proven funnel”, “lead generation”, etc.

Double Your Sales in 30 Days

To maximize the impact, follow these best practices:

  • Place the subheading on its own line, in a slightly larger font size than the body text. This helps it stand out.
  • Leave ample white space above and below the subheading. Two blank lines before and one after is a good rule of thumb.
  • Use heading tags like to properly structure the subheading for both on-page SEO and accessibility.
  • Repeat or rephrase keywords from the subheading in the first paragraph below it. This reinforces your key message and main benefit right from the start.
  • Consider using a contrasting font or color to make the subheading even more eye-catching. But don’t go overboard – it still needs to look cohesive with your brand and page design.
  • Test different subheadings to see which resonates most with your audience. You can then optimize based on click-through rates and other metrics.
  • Keep your subheading concise, ideally under 65 characters including spaces. This makes it easy to read and helps it have more impact.

Following these best practices will help you create an attention-grabbing subheading that highlights your main benefit, engages your readers, and optimizes your on-page SEO. Your visitors will be compelled to keep reading to learn more.

Use an Image That Evokes Emotion
Use an Image That Evokes Emotion

Use an Image That Evokes Emotion

A compelling image that evokes an emotional reaction is key to a high-converting landing page. Pictures that showcase people using your product or service in a relatable situation resonate most with viewers.

Select an Image That Tells a Story

Choose an image, such as a with a relatable story. For example, if your product helps businesses streamline their accounting processes, show two people reviewing financial reports and smiling, clearly relieved at how much easier the task has become thanks to your solution.

Ensure High Quality and Appropriate Styling

The image should be high quality, showing people in appropriate business attire for your industry and target audience. For a B2B SaaS company, polished, professional photos are most effective. Casual images may work for a B2C mobile app targeting millennials.

Place the Image Prominently

Your emotional image should be one of the first things visitors see when they land on your page. Studies show people respond most strongly to images they view within the first 2 seconds of visiting a website. Place the photo front and center, above the page's main headline and copy.

Reinforce the Message in the Copy

Reference the story or emotion highlighted in the image within the first paragraph of copy on your landing page. For example, "No more late nights poring over spreadsheets. With [Your Product Name], businesses like yours are simplifying their accounting in just a few clicks." This reinforces the solution you provide, as depicted visually in your image.

Test Different Options

As with all elements of your landing page, testing different images is key. You may find an image you expected to resonate strongly with your audience does not actually move the needle on conversions. Try 2-3 different images and analyze the performance of each variation to determine a clear winner. The highest-converting image is the one you should use on your page.

Continually optimizing the imagery and copy on your landing pages based on real user interactions and conversions data is the key to creating a high-performing landing page that drives business growth. Selecting an emotional, story-telling image is an important first step in that process.

Share Specific Benefits and Solutions

To create a high-converting landing page, you must clearly articulate the specific benefits and solutions your product or service offers to your target audience. Help your visitors understand exactly what they will gain by opting in or making a purchase.

Highlight 3 to 5 Key Benefits

Focus on the top benefits that set you apart and will resonate most with your audience. For example, if faster shipping or 24/7 customer support are two of your biggest advantages, highlight them prominently on your landing page. Use headings for each key benefit to draw attention.

Explain How You Solve Pain Points

Discuss the common problems or pain points your target audience faces and how your product or service solves them. For example, “Tired of wasting time managing social media profiles across platforms? Our tool allows you to post to all major networks in one place, saving you up to 5 hours a week.” Outline 2-3 major problems you solve.

Share Specific Examples and Case Studies

Don’t just make generic claims about what you offer. Provide concrete examples, statistics, and case studies to build credibility. For instance, “Our enterprise software has helped Fortune 500 companies reduce costs by an average of 27% annually.” Back up your key benefits and solutions with hard evidence.

Highlight What Makes You Different

Discuss what sets you apart from competitors and alternatives. Focus on your unique features, proprietary technology or special innovations. Explain your competitive advantage in simple terms that clearly convey your differentiation. Your visitors need to understand why they should choose you over other options.

An effective landing page highlights the most compelling benefits, solutions and differentiators that will motivate your target audience. Be specific by providing concrete examples, statistics and stories to build trust in what you’re offering. With a clear articulation of what you can do for them, visitors will be more inclined to take the next step.

Use Social Proof to Build Trust
Use Social Proof to Build Trust

Use Social Proof to Build Trust

To build trust and credibility on your landing page, incorporate social proof. This shows potential customers that others have found value in your product or service. Some effective ways to demonstrate social proof include:


Feature authentic testimonials from current happy customers highlighting the benefits and results they achieved from using your product. Include a photo of the customer, their full name and title, a quote from them, and a link to their LinkedIn profile or company website.

Case Studies

Publish in-depth case studies detailing how a customer implemented your solution and the measurable impact it had on their business. Case studies are very persuasive and help build trust in your brand.

Media Mentions

If your company or product has been featured in reputable media publications, display their logos prominently on your landing page. This lends credibility through the implied endorsement of a third-party. You can also include a quote from the media coverage alongside the publication's logo.

Social Media Following

Prominently display the number of followers or connections you have on major social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. While social media following can potentially be faked, for most visitors a large, engaged following acts as a signal of a legitimate, trustworthy brand.

Customer Logos

Showcase well-known customer logos on your landing page to build instant credibility through association. The more recognizable and respected the brands, the more effective this technique will be. Even featuring a combination of both large enterprise logos and smaller logos can be impactful.

Implementing these social proof elements on your landing page, in combination with a professional design and persuasive copy, will help convince visitors your product is worth their time, money, and trust. The key is to make these social proofs prominent but avoid making your page look cluttered. With a balanced, strategic use of social proof, you can boost your landing page's credibility and increase conversions.

Include a Clear Call-to-Action

To maximize conversions, your landing page should contain a clear call-to-action (CTA). This is an invitation for visitors to take the next step, whether it’s signing up for your mailing list, purchasing a product, or booking an appointment.

Make the CTA Prominent

Place your CTA front and center on the page where visitors can easily see and access it. Use a bold color and larger font size to make it stand out. For example, a bright orange button with the text “Sign Up Now” in size 18 font. The CTA should be one of the first things visitors notice when the page loads.

Be Direct and Concise

State exactly what you want visitors to do in 1-3 words, such as “Buy Now” or “Learn More.” Avoid vague or misleading phrases like “Click Here.” Let people know what they will receive or accomplish by clicking, such as “Get Instant Access” or “Download the Free Guide.”

Highlight the Benefits

Explain how people will benefit or what problem will be solved by clicking the CTA. For example, “Sign up to get 10% off your first purchase” or “Join our mailing list to receive weekly tips on productivity and time management.” Keep your promise and deliver value after people take action.

Place Strategically

The CTA should be located in a spot that requires minimal scrolling to reach and access. Studies show that CTAs located in the center or at the bottom of the page typically generate the most clicks. Place additional CTAs or links to the same action at the top of the page for those who scroll quickly. Multiple CTAs increase the chances of people taking your desired action.


With increasing mobile traffic, your CTA must be easy to see and click on a smaller screen. Use a CTA button or link rather than an image. Increase font sizes and the size of any buttons. Make sure any text or images around the CTA do not overlap or hide it on a mobile device. Test how your landing page and CTA appear on multiple mobile devices to ensure an optimal experience for all visitors.

Following these best practices for your call-to-action will help create a landing page that motivates visitors to convert into customers and clients. Place your CTA prominently, be direct in your wording, highlight the benefits, situate it strategically on the page, and make sure it is fully optimized for mobile. With an effective CTA, you'll turn landing page views into action and see your conversion rates rise.

Keep the Page Layout Simple and Focused

To achieve a high converting landing page, keep the layout simple and focused. A cluttered page confuses visitors and reduces conversions.

Minimize Distractions

Remove anything unnecessary that diverts attention from your call-to-action (CTA). This includes:

  • Excessive navigation links
  • Too many images
  • Overly long page copy
  • Multiple CTAs competing for attention

Focus on a single CTA that visitors should take to convert. Remove secondary links and place your CTA prominently above the fold.

Clear Headline and Subheading

Craft a compelling headline and subheading that capture interest and communicate your key benefit and CTA quickly. Use a large, bold font for maximum impact. The headline should arouse curiosity while the subhead gives a solution.

For example:

Headline: Struggling to Write High-Converting Copy?

Subhead: Our AI Copywriter Generates Optimized Copy in Seconds

Relevant Hero Image

Select an eye-catching hero image that visually represents your solution or evokes the desired emotion in visitors. Images help to quickly convey concepts and make an emotional connection. For B2B offers, an image of your product or examples of use cases are effective.

Succinct Page Copy

Keep page copy minimal, around 2 short paragraphs. Use a friendly, benefits-focused tone. Explain how you solve the customer’s problem and the key features and advantages of your offer or product. Use bullet points to highlight main benefits. Keep sentences short for easy reading.

Lead Capture Form

Place a lead capture form prominently on the page to convert visitors. Ask for essential information only like name and email. Offer an incentive like a coupon, demo or free trial to encourage conversions.

Keeping your landing page simple, focused and optimized will significantly impact your ability to capture leads and close sales. Remove clutter and distractions, craft a compelling headline, use visuals strategically and keep page copy succinct for the best results. Focus on a single, clear CTA and offer an incentive for visitors to convert.

How to Optimize Your High Converting Landing Page

To optimize your high-converting landing page, follow these key steps:

Focus on a single goal or conversion. Keep your page focused on getting visitors to take one specific action, whether it's buying a product, filling out a contact form, or signing up for a free trial. Remove any links or CTAs that could distract from that primary goal.

Choose an appealing design. Select a simple but attractive template that is easy to navigate. Use high-quality images and minimal text to communicate your key message. Studies show visitors form an opinion about a website's credibility and appeal within just a few seconds.

Craft a compelling headline. Your headline is the first thing visitors see and it determines whether they read on or click away. Make it captivating and highlight your primary benefit or value proposition. Some proven formulas include "How to [benefit]" or "[Number] [Benefit] You'll Get from [Product]".

Write benefit-focused copy. For each section, focus on how your product or service benefits the customer. Use simple language and short paragraphs to describe key features and advantages. Share specific examples and statistics when possible to build credibility. Repeat your primary benefit and CTA throughout the page.

Place your CTA prominently. Your call-to-action should be the most prominent item on your page. Use a bright color and large font to make it stand out. Place it at both the top and bottom of the page so visitors see it as soon as they land on the page and again before they leave.

Test and optimize. Use a tool like Google Analytics or Heatmap to see how visitors interact with your page. Look for any areas where visitors seem confused or quickly click away. Make changes to improve clarity and user experience. Even small tweaks can significantly impact your conversion rates over time.

Continuously improve your high-converting landing page by optimizing its content and layout. Keep your messaging focused, make the page visually appealing, use a compelling headline and benefit-focused copy, prominently display your CTA, and test different versions to maximize conversion. With regular testing and refinement, you can achieve landing page conversion rates well above industry averages.


With these key elements in place, you have the foundation for a high-converting landing page. Of course, there are many other factors that contribute to conversion rates, including your page content, copy, images, call-to-action, and overall design. However, without the proper page structure and layout, even the most compelling copy and stunning visuals won't achieve their full potential. Follow these guidelines to ensure your landing page has a solid framework in place and you'll be well on your way to optimizing your conversion rates and achieving your business goals. The time you invest upfront in planning your landing page will pay off through higher lead generation and increased customer acquisition. Build your page, review how it aligns with best practices, make any necessary tweaks, and then start driving traffic - you'll gain valuable insights into what resonates with your audience. With testing and optimization, you can continue refining your landing page over time to maximize its performance.

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