Unicorn Platform:The Simplest Way to Build Your Mental Health Landing Page Management System

published on 06 July 2023

As a mental health professional, you know that an effective website is critical for connecting with new clients and growing your practice. However, building a custom website requires technical skills and time that you likely don’t have. Unicorn Platform offers an easy solution. Their drag and drop website builder is designed specifically for practitioners like you, enabling you to create a professional site in minutes without needing to code.

Unicorn Platform provides designer templates tailored for therapists, life coaches, and counselors. You simply select a template, add your content and images, and publish your new site. Their built-in blog, email signup, and appointment booking features allow you to engage visitors and seamlessly convert them into clients. Best of all, Unicorn Platform is completely free to use.

If you're a doctor looking for a simple website builder to establish your online presence, check out Unicorn Platform's article on why it's the best choice for healthcare website development. Stop struggling with complicated website builders and get back to focusing on what really matters - helping your patients. Create your Unicorn Platform website today and discover how easy it can be.

Why You Need a Dedicated Mental Health Landing Page Management System

As a mental health professional, you need an effective way to attract new clients and allow existing ones to schedule appointments or access resources. A dedicated landing page management system provides the functionality to serve your clients well and grow your practice.

A customized landing page gives your practice a professional appearance and allows you to highlight your services, credentials, and experience. You can include information about your treatment approaches, insurance plans accepted, hours of operation, and more. An integrated booking system makes it simple for new and existing clients to schedule appointments, reducing phone calls and ensuring availability.

With a full-featured landing page management system, you gain additional benefits:

  • Automated email and SMS appointment reminders to cut down on no-shows.
  • Secure client portals for seamless sharing of documents and resources.
  • Integrated payment processing so clients can pay for services directly on your website.
  • Robust reporting and analytics to gain insights into your website traffic, most viewed services, busiest appointment times, and more.
  • Scalability to add practitioners, service offerings, and locations as your practice grows.

A dedicated mental health landing page management system provides the digital infrastructure to serve your clients, empower your practice, and enable sustainable growth. When you utilize a purpose-built solution, you can focus on what you do best – providing high quality mental healthcare to those who need it. The benefits to your clients and your bottom line make investing in the right technology a smart choice.

Key Features of a Good Mental Health Landing Page Management

As a healthcare provider, having an effective mental health landing page management system is crucial. A good system should have the following key features:

  • A simple, easy-to-use interface. The system should have an intuitive design that is easy to navigate. This allows staff to quickly find and access patient information and records.
  • Robust patient profiles. Comprehensive profiles for each patient that include their medical history, treatment plans, billing information, insurance details, and more. Profiles should be easily searchable and sortable.
  • Appointment scheduling. The ability to efficiently schedule patient appointments, send appointment reminders, and manage cancelations and rescheduling. An automated process for this can save time and ensure patients do not miss their appointments.
  • Reporting and analytics. The system should provide reports and data analysis tools to gain insights into metrics like patient volumes, most common diagnoses, busiest times of the day, and more. This data can be used to improve operations and resource allocation.
  • Customization options. The system should allow for customization based on your specific needs and workflows. It should support adding custom fields, forms, reports, and other elements. Flexibility is important for an effective solution.
  • Security and compliance. Robust security protocols and privacy controls need to be in place to protect patient data and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations. The system should have measures like user authentication, encryption, and activity logging.
  • Integrations. The ability to integrate with other critical systems like billing, electronic health records (EHR), and insurance eligibility verification. Integrations eliminate manual data entry and improve the flow of information.
  • Technical support. Readily available support from the system provider to help address any technical issues, questions, or other needs in a timely manner. Support may be offered via phone, email, knowledge bases, and other channels.
How Unicorn Platform Makes SaaS Hospital Management Landing Page Management Easy
How Unicorn Platform Makes SaaS Hospital Management Landing Page Management Easy

How Unicorn Platform Makes SaaS Hospital Management Landing Page Management Easy

Customizable Templates

Unicorn Platform provides fully customizable templates that you can modify to suit your specific needs. Choose from templates for service pages, about us pages, contact pages, and more. Easily add or remove sections and drag and drop elements to create the exact layout you want.

Intuitive Design

With a straightforward drag and drop interface, building your landing page is simple. Add columns, images, buttons, text, and other elements just by dragging them onto the page. Resize and reposition everything with ease. Unicorn Platform’s intuitive design means you don’t need any technical skills to create a professional landing page.


Unicorn Platform integrates with many of the tools and services you already use, like email services, payment processors, and marketing and analytics platforms. Connect your landing page to a contact form, integrate with a payment gateway to accept donations or sell products, or view insights into how visitors are interacting with your page. With many integrations to choose from, you can connect all the services your healthcare organization uses in one place.


Your landing page will look great on any device. Unicorn Platform designs fully responsive landing pages that adapt to mobile, tablet, and desktop displays. Your visitors will have an optimal viewing experience no matter how they access your site.


If you get stuck building your landing page or run into any issues, Unicorn Platform offers helpful support. Browse through the knowledge base of articles and video tutorials to find answers to common questions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact the support team for guidance. They can help troubleshoot any problems and make sure you have the best experience using the platform.

Unicorn Platform makes creating your hospital management SaaS landing page simple through an easy to use interface, customizable templates, useful integrations, mobile-friendly and responsive design, and dedicated support. Build your landing page with confidence using this all-in-one solution.

Build Hospital Management Software Landing Page in Minutes on Unicorn Platform
Build Hospital Management Software Landing Page in Minutes on Unicorn Platform

Build Hospital Management Software Landing Page in Minutes on Unicorn Platform

To build a hospital management software landing page on Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Choose a Template

Select a template from the “Software,” “Startup,” or “Agency” categories that suits your needs. These are professionally designed templates optimized for SaaS and technology companies.

Add Your Branding

Upload your company logo and add a tagline or headline that resonates with your target customers. Consistent branding across your website and marketing materials establishes credibility and trust in your company.

Highlight Your Product’s Key Features

In the hero section, list 3 to 5 of your hospital management software’s most significant capabilities or competitive advantages using bullet points. Keep descriptions high-level, around 2 to 3 sentences for each point.

Explain Your Product

In a section below the hero, provide an overview of your hospital management software in 2 to 3 short paragraphs. Discuss how it simplifies daily tasks for hospital administrators and staff to improve productivity, cut costs, enhance patient care, increase data security, etc. Mention the modules or components that comprise your solution.

Show Screenshots and Demo Video

Visuals are essential for SaaS and technology companies to showcase their products. Add 3 to 4 screenshots of your software interface to give visitors an idea of its functionality and design. You can also embed a short demo video. Keep visuals polished and optimized for mobile viewing.

List Pricing Plans

Display your pricing in a table with 3 to 4 options at different price points based on features. Be transparent about what’s included in each plan so customers can determine what’s right for their needs and budget. Offer free trials and discounts when possible to encourage signups.

Add Social Proof

Feature 3 to 4 testimonials from satisfied clients highlighting the key benefits and impact of using your hospital management software. Also, display logos of well-known companies that are current customers. This social proof builds credibility and reassures visitors that your solution is trusted and valued.

Call Visitors to Action

End your landing page with a strong CTA like “Start a Free Trial” or “Request a Demo” so visitors can easily get in touch and begin using your software. Make the CTA button prominent, placed in multiple locations on the page including the header, footer, and main content sections.

Integrated Forms: Capture Lead Information Without Any Code

To capture lead information and move potential customers through your sales funnel, the Unicorn Platform offers integrated forms. You can easily create customized forms to gather essential details from your visitors without any coding required.

Effortless Form Creation

The drag and drop form builder allows you to select from various field types like:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Message
  • Dropdown selectors
  • Checkboxes
  • Radio buttons

You can arrange the fields in a columnar or linear layout and customize the styling to match your brand. Forms can be embedded on any page or post.

Seamless Data Collection

Once your form is published, the information submitted by visitors is automatically organized into a clean data sheet. You'll receive real-time notifications whenever a new submission comes in so you can promptly follow up with leads.

Built-in Spam Protection

To prevent spam submissions and ensure high quality lead data, the Unicorn Platform has an integrated spam filter. It uses advanced heuristics to detect spammy form fills and block them before the data ever reaches your spreadsheet.

Customized Autoresponders

For an optimal lead nurturing experience, you can create customized autoresponder emails to send immediately after someone submits your form. For example, you may want to send a quick thank you note or discount code to provide value right away. You can design unique autoresponders for each form on your site.

Integrations for Further Lead Management

Once leads enter your funnel, their journey is just beginning. The Unicorn Platform integrates with popular CRM and email marketing services like Salesforce, HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, and Mailchimp. You can automatically pass form data to your choice of integrations for streamlined lead management and follow up.

Using the Unicorn Platform to create landing pages and forms, you'll be capturing high-quality leads in no time. The simple, code-free setup combined with powerful features like custom autoresponders and CRM integrations provide everything you need to build out your mental health lead generation in one place. Let us know if you have any other questions!

Landing Page Templates to Get You Started Fast

To get your mental health landing page up and running as quickly as possible, Unicorn Platform offers pre-built templates tailored for this purpose. These templates provide a solid foundation so you can launch your landing page and start collecting leads right away.

Basic Contact Form

This simple template includes a header image, page title, paragraph of text, and a contact form for visitors to submit their information. The contact form captures name, email, phone number, and message. This no-frills option is perfect if you just want to start gathering leads.

Appointment Booking

For therapists, counselors or support groups, this template incorporates an online appointment booking system where visitors can schedule consultations and meetings. In addition to a contact form, it contains a calendar that syncs with your Google or Outlook account to show your availability and allow booking slots.

Newsletter Signup

To build your email list, this template focuses on a newsletter signup. It includes eye-catching graphics, a compelling headline, bullet points highlighting the benefits of your newsletter, and an email signup form. Once a visitor enters their email, they are automatically subscribed to your newsletter.

Video Header

For a multimedia landing page, choose a template with a video header. This template incorporates a background video loop to capture attention, followed by a strong value proposition, services listing, and signup form. The video can help demonstrate your personality and the experience clients will have working with you.

Pricing Table

For a productized service, a pricing table template allows you to showcase different packages and the features/benefits of each. Visitors can easily compare options and choose a plan that suits their needs. This template works well for online course offers, membership sites, and other programs with tiered pricing.

Using these pre-built templates, you can set up a high-converting landing page for your mental health practice in a matter of minutes. Select a template, customize the content, add your logo and brand colors, and you'll be ready to start promoting your landing page and driving more leads. The simple yet elegant designs were created specifically for services like counseling, therapy, life coaching, and support groups.

A/B Testing and Conversion Optimization

To optimize your landing page and increase conversions, A/B testing different variations of your page is essential. ###A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of a landing page to determine which one performs better. You show the two different versions (A and B) to random groups of visitors at the same time. By analyzing the metrics for each version, you can see which variation has a higher conversion rate and make that your primary page.

Some elements you may want to A/B test on your landing page include:

  • Headline: Try different headlines to see which one resonates more with your audience. For example, test “The Simplest Way to Build Your Landing Page” vs. “Build High-Converting Landing Pages in Minutes”.
  • Copy: Test how different blocks of copy or descriptions impact conversions. For example, compare a short, benefit-focused description vs. a longer, more detailed one.
  • Images: Compare how different images (e.g. screenshots vs. customer photos) influence your metrics. Images can significantly impact how people engage with your page.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) button: Try different button colors (e.g. green vs. red), sizes (large vs. small), or text (e.g. “Start Your Free Trial” vs. “Sign Up Now”) to optimize clicks.
  • Page layout: Make broad changes to your page layout or design and analyze how it impacts your key metrics like time on page, bounce rate, and conversions.

A/B testing does require adequate traffic to your landing page to generate meaningful results and insights. It may take weeks or months of testing to determine a clear winner. However, the rewards of higher conversions and a more optimized landing page are well worth the effort. Regular A/B testing should be an integral part of your landing page optimization strategy.

Managing Multiple Mental Health Landing Pages

Creating Multiple Landing Pages

To effectively reach different target audiences, you may want to create multiple landing pages for your mental health services or products. Unicorn Platform makes it simple to build and manage various landing pages from one place.

Choose a Template

Select a pre-designed template from the template library that suits your needs. You can then customize the template by changing images, text, fonts, colors, and more. For consistency, you may want to choose similar templates for your landing pages.

Name and Organize Your Pages

Give each landing page a unique name to easily identify it. You can then organize your landing pages into groups to keep them tidy. For example, group all pages targeting couples counseling under “Couples Counseling,” or group pages for different services like “Anxiety Treatment,” “Depression Treatment,” and “PTSD Treatment.”

Share Elements Between Pages

While you want each landing page to have unique content tailored to its audience, you can save time by sharing some elements between pages. For example, share:

  • Your company logo, tagline, and navigation
  • Testimonials or case studies
  • Contact information
  • Blog posts or resources

A/B Test Your Landing Pages

To optimize your landing pages, conduct A/B tests to determine which versions resonate most with your target audiences. Some elements you may want to test include:

  • Headline and subheadings
  • Amount and placement of text, images, videos
  • Color schemes
  • Call-to-action buttons

Make incremental changes to your landing pages and see how visitors respond. Over time, you can apply the most effective elements across all your landing pages.

With some upfront work, Unicorn Platform makes managing multiple landing pages an efficient process. By organizing your pages, sharing elements, and optimizing based on A/B test results, you can reach your diverse audiences with tailored messaging for the best outcomes.

SaaS Hospital Management FAQs: Using Unicorn Platform for Your Business

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website and blog builder with drag and drop functionality,

requiring no coding skills to create a professional online presence. The platform is ideal for startups, SaaS

companies, and mobile apps looking to build landing pages, blogs, and full websites.

How Does Unicorn Platform Work?

Unicorn Platform uses an intuitive drag and drop builder, so you can create pages by simply dragging pre-designed

blocks onto your page. With 100+ stylish templates and 1000+ fonts to choose from, you have full creative freedom to

design a site that matches your brand. Unicorn Platform is also integrated with various tools like email marketing, live chat, and ecommerce platforms so you can connect all your services in one place.

What Features Does Unicorn Platform Offer for SaaS Businesses?

  • Customizable templates for SaaS landing pages, pricing pages, case studies, and more
  • Blog builder to help boost your SEO and content marketing
  • Integrations with email services like Mailchimp, live chat tools, and ecommerce platforms
  • Analytics and conversion tracking to optimize your pages
  • Mobile-responsive themes so your site looks great on any device

How Much Does Unicorn Platform Cost?

Unicorn Platform offers simple and affordable pricing plans for small businesses. Plans start at $12/month and include:

  • Custom domain
  • Unlimited pages
  • 24/7 support
  • No transaction fees
  • Integrations included

For growing SaaS companies, Unicorn Platform also offers scalable Enterprise plans with additional features like advanced analytics, single sign-on, and premium integrations.

Why Should You Use Unicorn Platform?

If you want an easy way to create a professional landing page or website for your SaaS business without needing a developer,

Unicorn Platform is the perfect solution. You get an intuitive page builder, stylish templates, useful integrations, and affordable

pricing. Unicorn Platform gives you all the tools to launch and grow your SaaS site.


With Unicorn Platform, you have access to a powerful yet easy-to-use landing page and website builder perfect for promoting your mental health business or practice. Their simple drag-and-drop interface means you don't need any technical skills to create a beautiful, high-converting landing page in just a few minutes. Unicorn Platform handles all the coding for you.

Focus on what really matters - helping your clients. Let Unicorn Platform take care of building your online presence so you can spend less time struggling with web design and more time providing quality mental health services. Their affordable plans provide everything you need to establish your brand, share your message, and start attracting new clients right away.

If you're ready to take your mental health business to the next level, look no further than Unicorn Platform. Their simple yet powerful solution will give you the tools to build a professional website, create optimized landing pages, and manage all your marketing in one place. Take advantage of their free 14-day trial and see how easy it can be to promote your practice online. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Sign up today.

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Built on Unicorn Platform