Unicorn Platform: Lawyer Landing Page Templates Free

published on 11 July 2023

As an attorney focused on growing your practice, you need a professional digital presence to attract new clients and build your brand. A visually stunning yet simple website is key. With Unicorn Platform, you have an easy way to create beautiful landing pages and an entire website for your firm without technical skills. Their drag and drop builder and designer-made templates provide an effortless solution to establish your online identity. In just a few clicks, you can have a polished landing page highlighting your services, experience, and unique value to potential clients. For attorneys seeking an affordable, no-code way to boost their marketing, Unicorn Platform offers lawyer landing page templates free to use. With a library of options to choose from, you'll find a responsive design to match your firm's style and voice.

Why You Need a Landing Page for Your Law Firm

As an attorney, having an effective landing page for your law firm's website is essential. A landing page is a standalone web page that serves a singular purpose, such as capturing leads or converting visitors into clients. For law firms, a landing page should convey your expertise, experience, and value proposition to site visitors in order to convert them into leads or clients.

There are several reasons why every law firm needs a customized landing page:

  • Focus the visitor's attention. A targeted landing page focuses the visitor's attention on one specific offering, service area or location. This focused approach is more effective for achieving your key goal, whether that is generating more leads, increasing consultations or building your email list.
  • Improve search engine optimization. Well-optimized landing pages that target specific areas of your legal practice can help improve your website's search engine rankings. The relevant keywords and content provide signals to search engines about your expertise.
  • Capture leads. An effective landing page makes it easy for visitors to take the next step, such as requesting a consultation, calling your office or signing up for your newsletter. With a compelling headline and clear call to action, you can capture more leads and convert visitors into potential new clients.
  • Convey expertise and experience. A landing page allows you to go into more detail about your credentials, accolades, case results and experience in a particular practice area. This helps to build trust and credibility with visitors and establish your authority.
  • Track conversions and optimize. Using call tracking, forms and other tools, you can see how many visitors convert into leads or clients from each landing page. Then make changes to copy, images or calls to action to improve conversion rates over time.

In summary, customized landing pages are essential for any law firm website. They help you achieve key goals like generating more leads, building trust and credibility, and optimizing your online marketing results. With the right design and content, your landing pages can be very persuasive.

Choose From Lawyer Landing Page Templates Free

When building your lawyer landing page, choosing from pre-made templates is an easy way to get started. Unicorn Platform offers free, professionally designed templates to suit different practice areas.

  • For personal injury lawyers, select a template focusing on empathy, trustworthiness and results. Include client testimonials discussing your ability to get maximum compensation. Highlight your experience, credentials and track record of success.
  • If you have a family law practice, choose a template emphasizing your ability to navigate sensitive situations with care and discretion. Discuss your mediation skills, collaborative approach and dedication to finding solutions in the best interests of families. Share details about your background and certifications in family law.
  • For criminal defense attorneys, pick a bold template that conveys your strong, determined advocacy for clients in serious legal matters. Spotlight your in-depth knowledge of criminal law and procedure. Provide examples of charges you have successfully defended and mention any awards or top rankings you have received.
  • Estate planning lawyers should select a polished, professional template highlighting your ability to help clients protect assets and gain peace of mind. Discuss your credentials, experience developing tailored estate plans and commitment to ongoing client service. Share details about your approach to wills, trusts, tax and business planning.

Using a pre-made template from the library allows you to create an effective landing page faster. Choose options geared to your specific practice area and modify as needed to reflect your unique experience, skills, and services. With the right template, you'll be converting visitors into new clients in no time.

Build Your Landing Page in Minutes With Unicorn Platform
Build Your Landing Page in Minutes With Unicorn Platform

Build Your Landing Page in Minutes With Unicorn Platform

Sign Up and Create Your Account

To get started with Unicorn Platform, you first need to create an account. Go to unicornplatform.com and click the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner. Enter your email address and password to create your free account. You'll then be prompted to choose a plan - select the free “Starter” plan to access all the features you need to build a basic landing page.

Choose a Template

Once your account is set up, you'll land on the template library page. Here you'll find dozens of pre-made landing page templates to choose from. Templates are organized by category, so browse the “Services” or “Lead Generation” sections to find options suited for a law firm. Preview templates to find one you like, then click “Select Template” to use it as the base for your own landing page.

Customize the Content

The selected template will open in the page builder. This drag and drop interface makes it easy to customize the content on your page. You can:

  • Add your law firm's logo and branding colors
  • Change the header and page title
  • Edit or reorganize sections
  • Add or remove text, images, buttons, and more
  • Change the styling of any element with just a few clicks

Use the left-hand sidebar to drag and drop new sections onto your page. The "Text", "Image", and "Call to Action" sections will likely be the most useful for a lawyer landing page. Arrange sections in a logical flow to capture visitors' interest and convince them to contact your firm.

Connect Your Domain (Optional)

For a small monthly fee, you can connect your own domain name to your Unicorn Platform landing page. This will allow visitors to access your page at a URL like yourfirmname.com instead of a unicornplatform.com subdomain. Connecting a custom domain gives your page a more professional appearance and helps with search engine optimization. If you're looking to create a high-converting landing page for your law firm, take a look at our article on how to create a high-converting law firm landing page. In just a few minutes, you can have a customized landing page for your law firm using Unicorn Platform. The simple drag and drop interface empowers you to make changes anytime without needing any technical skills. Start building your landing page today to attract new clients and grow your practice!

Create a Best Lawyer Landing Pages
Create a Best Lawyer Landing Pages

Create a Best Lawyer Landing Pages

Focus on Your Target Audience

When creating the best lawyer landing pages, it is critical to keep your target audience in mind. For most law firms, your audience will typically be local individuals or businesses in need of legal counsel and services. Focus on addressing their key concerns, questions, and priorities. Center your content and messaging around solutions to their problems.

Convey Your Expertise and Experience

Your landing page should instill confidence in visitors that you have the skills and experience to meet their legal needs. Provide details about your credentials, qualifications, awards, memberships in professional organizations, years in practice, notable cases, and client testimonials. Discuss your areas of expertise and the services you offer. The overall impression should be one of competence, professionalism and success.

Have a Clear Call-to-Action

The goal of your lawyer landing page is to compel visitors to take action, whether that is calling your office, filling out a contact form, or booking an initial consultation. Place eye-catching call-to-action buttons in multiple locations, such as at the top, middle and bottom of the page. The buttons should use strong, action-oriented phrasing such as “Book Now,” “Call Us 24/7,” or “Get Help Today.”

Optimize for Conversions

Several best practices will help maximize the number of visitors who take action on your lawyer landing page. These include:

  • A simple, uncluttered design with minimal distractions
  • A clear page title, headings and content written for both search engines and humans
  • Prominent contact information like phone number, email and business address
  • Client testimonials discussing your firm’s helpfulness, expertise and results
  • High-quality professional photos of yourself, your team and your office space
  • A lead capture form to get visitor contact information for follow-up

By focusing on your target clients, conveying your expertise, providing clear calls-to-action and optimizing for conversions, you can create lawyer landing pages that effectively attract new business and clients. With some A/B testing, you can determine an approach that works best for your unique firm and audience.

Include Relevant Images and Videos to Build Trust

To build trust and establish credibility with your visitors, including visual media on your lawyer landing pages is essential. Relevant images and videos help to strengthen your message and connect with potential clients on an emotional level.

Include Photos of Your Team and Office

Include professional headshots of your lawyers and staff. This allows visitors to see the real people behind your firm and builds familiarity. Photos of your office space, library, and work areas also give insight into your practice and working environment. These visuals help to convey competence, professionalism, and experience.

Share Client Success Stories and Testimonials

Client testimonials and success stories are extremely persuasive on landing pages. Videos, in particular, allow former clients to share their experiences in their own words. Include photos of happy clients along with quotes from written testimonials. These social proofs establish your track record of success and expertise.

Use Infographics to Explain Complex Topics

Infographics are useful tools for distilling complicated legal issues or procedures into easy to understand visuals. Interactive images, charts, icons, and graphics engage visitors and make information more accessible. Infographics also have high shareability on social media which can extend your reach.

Incorporate Videos to Bring Your Message to Life

Videos are dynamic media that should be featured prominently on your landing pages. An introductory video of you or your partners introducing your firm, practice areas, and the value you provide is incredibly impactful. Explainer or demonstration videos are also useful for walking through legal processes step-by-step. Embed videos directly into your landing pages or link to videos on your YouTube channel.

Using a mix of media including photos, testimonials, infographics, and video helps to establish your expertise, build connection, increase time on page, and motivate visitors to take the desired action. Keep all visuals professional, high quality, and consistent with your brand image to maximize effectiveness. A strategic and well-designed combination of visual content is key to landing page success and lead generation.

Share Glowing Testimonials From Satisfied Clients

To build trust and credibility with potential clients, share glowing testimonials from satisfied current or former clients on your landing page. Their reviews and recommendations will help persuade visitors your services are worth their investment.

Gather High-Quality Reviews

  • Reach out to clients who have expressed appreciation for your work and ask if they would be willing to provide a testimonial for your website. Offer to draft something for them to revise and approve or ask open-ended questions about their experience to compose a testimonial yourself.
  • Request reviews that highlight specific benefits and results. For example, ask how you were able to save them time, reduce costs, achieve a favorable outcome, gain peace of mind, etc. Provide context around the challenges they were facing to show how you solved their problems.
  • Aim for reviews from a diverse range of clients to demonstrate your experience across various situations. Include the client’s name, title and company along with a headshot if possible to lend credibility.

Present Reviews Prominently

  • Feature 3 to 5 testimonials prominently on your landing page, spacing them evenly apart. Use a large font size and consider placing portions of the reviews in bold to draw attention.
  • Precede each review with a headline introducing the client like "Reduced Legal Fees by 50%." Follow with the client's full name, title and company. This helps visitors quickly grasp the benefits and results achieved.
  • For a visually compelling effect, you may want to display the reviews on your page using a slider, carousel or tile format with headshots. This allows you to share more reviews without cluttering the page. Visitors can easily navigate through them.
  • End your landing page with a call-to-action to schedule a consultation. The social proof provided by your client testimonials will motivate visitors to take the next step to becoming your clients.

Displaying authentic reviews from satisfied clients is an effective way to build credibility and trust in your services. Their powerful stories and recommendations are the best form of social proof to convince visitors you can achieve results for them too. Curating and prominently featuring high-quality testimonials on your landing page is worth the effort.

Highlight Your Services and Areas of Expertise

To highlight your services and areas of expertise as a lawyer on your landing page, do the following:

Focus on Your Specialties

Prominently feature the practice areas and legal services you focus on. Some examples include:

  • Family law
  • Personal injury
  • Criminal defense
  • Estate planning
  • Business law

For each specialty, include a brief description of your experience, credentials, and approach. Use keywords related to each area of law to improve search visibility.

Share Your Background and Qualifications

Provide details on your education, certifications, awards, and memberships in legal organizations. For example:

  • Juris Doctor degree from an accredited law school
  • Member of the American Bar Association
  • AV Preeminent rating from Martindale-Hubbell, indicating the highest level of legal ability and ethical standards
  • Board certification in family law, immigration law, etc. (if applicable)

Build credibility by highlighting your years of experience, notable cases, and successful verdicts or settlements. Use phrases like “expertise in” or “concentrating in” for the areas you focus on.

List the Services You Offer

In bullet points or short paragraphs, specify the actual services you provide within each area of law. For instance, under family law you might include:

  • Divorce
  • Child custody
  • Alimony and child support
  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Adoption
  • Domestic violence protection

Under each service, you can note if you represent individuals, businesses, or both. Share a few sentences on your approach for each service to give visitors a sense of what to expect.

Provide Client Testimonials and Reviews

Include quotes from satisfied clients speaking to your expertise, professionalism, and the outcomes you achieved for them. You can also embed reviews from third-party sites like Yelp, Avvo, Lawyers.com, etc. Positive social proof from real clients and independent reviewers builds trust and credibility.

In summary, an effective lawyer landing page will clearly convey your areas of expertise, qualifications, services offered, and value to potential clients seeking legal counsel. Providing the right information and level of detail gives visitors confidence in your abilities and makes them more inclined to contact you to discuss their legal needs.

Offer a Free Consultation or Report to Capture Emails

To capture visitor emails and build your mailing list, offer something of value for free, such as a consultation or informational report. This gives potential clients a taste of your expertise and services at no cost, making them more inclined to contact you when they need legal help.

Free Initial Consultation

Offering a complimentary initial consultation is an excellent way to capture email addresses and generate leads. During the consultation, you can evaluate the client’s needs, determine if you can help them, and pitch your services. Be sure to collect their contact information for follow-up and future communications. Promote your free consultation on your landing page and in ads to drive signups.

Informational Reports or Guides

Creating a useful resource like an informational report, checklist, or guide is another strategy to capture emails. For example, you might offer a “Legal Rights Guide” or “10 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Attorney.” In exchange for the free resource, ask visitors to provide their email address. You now have permission to send them additional helpful information and promotional messages.

  • Promote your free offer prominently on your landing page, website, and ads.
  • Require an email address to access the free item.
  • Thank people for signing up and send the resource right away.
  • Follow up to build rapport and pitch your services.

Providing something of value at no cost is a proven way to convert website visitors into email subscribers and potential clients. With their contact information, you have the opportunity to stay in touch, nurture the relationship, and promote your services when the need arises. Offering a free initial consultation or informational resource is an easy way for lawyers and law firms to capture emails and generate new business.

FAQs About Lawyer Landing Pages and Unicorn Platform

What are lawyer landing pages?

Lawyer landing pages are focused web pages designed specifically for acquiring new legal clients. They provide information about your law firm’s services and expertise to attract prospective clients. An effective lawyer landing page will capture visitors’ interest and compel them to contact your firm.

Why do I need a lawyer landing page?

A dedicated landing page for your law firm is essential for lead generation and business growth. Some key benefits of lawyer landing pages include:

  • Generating high-quality leads. A well-designed landing page presents your services in a compelling way to motivate visitors to contact you.
  • Improving conversion rates. By focusing on one service or area of law, landing pages make it easy for visitors to find what they need and take action. This results in higher contact and consultation request rates.
  • Building trust and credibility. A professional landing page helps establish your firm as an authority in your practice areas. This builds confidence in potential clients.
  • Enabling targeted marketing campaigns. Landing pages allow you to create tailored ads and marketing content to drive qualified traffic to your site. You can then measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

How do I create a lawyer landing page?

Here are some steps to build an effective lawyer landing page:

  1. Choose a focus for your page like a specific legal service or area of expertise. Keep the page simple and avoid trying to promote too many things at once.
  2. Have a clear call-to-action like “Request a Free Consultation” or “Contact Us Now.” Place it prominently on your page to make it easy for visitors to take the next step.
  3. Include concise, compelling content highlighting your experience, accomplishments, and value to clients. Use bullet points and headings to make information easy to read.
  4. Add visual elements like photos of your attorneys, your office, infographics, etc. to reinforce your brand and connect with visitors. But don’t overcrowd the page.
  5. List the benefits of working with your firm. Focus on outcomes and solutions for clients.
  6. Provide social proof like testimonials, reviews, or case studies from happy clients.
  7. Ensure your contact information (phone, email, address) is clearly visible.
  8. Test and optimize your landing page. See what’s working and make improvements to increase your conversion rates.

With the right focus and optimized content, lawyer landing pages can be an extremely effective marketing tool for your law firm. Unicorn Platform makes it easy to build professional landing pages without any coding required. Give it a try today!


As you have seen, Unicorn Platform offers an easy way for you to create an impressive landing page for your legal practice without needing any technical skills. Their simple drag-and-drop interface, professional templates, and built-in elements allow you to craft an eye-catching page in just a few minutes. Whether you want to highlight your firm's expertise, build trust with potential clients, or simply share updates, Unicorn Platform gives you an effective solution. Best of all, their basic plan is free to use. If you're ready to take your law firm's online presence to the next level, sign up for Unicorn Platform today. Creating your new landing page has never been easier.

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