The Simplest Way to Build an Education Landing Page

published on 30 June 2023

As an educator, you understand the importance of an effective online presence to reach students and build your brand. However, creating a custom website requires technical skills and time that you likely don’t have. Fortunately, there’s an easy solution. With a simple landing page builder, you can design an attractive education website in minutes without any coding required.

Why You Need an Education Landing Page

As an educational organization, having an optimized landing page is crucial to effectively conveying your program offerings and driving conversions. Here are a few reasons why you need a dedicated education landing page:

  • Focus the visitor's attention. A landing page with a singular focus on your education programs helps orient the visitor immediately. By highlighting one specific offering or area of study, you can provide the details and benefits in a targeted way without distractions.
  • Simplify the user experience. With a simplified layout and clear call-to-action, an education landing page makes it easy for visitors to find what they need and convert. Remove unnecessary links and keep navigation minimal.
  • Build credibility and trust. A professional, well-designed landing page helps to establish your brand as a reputable education provider. Include compelling visuals, testimonials, achievements, and credentials to build credibility.
  • Generate more leads. The primary goal of any landing page is to capture lead information from visitors. Include an email signup form or contact form prominently on your education landing page to generate more leads for your programs.
  • Improve search engine optimization. By focusing the entire page on a single topic – your education offering – you can optimize the content for important keywords to rank higher in search results. Include your target keywords in the page title, headers, content, alt text, and meta description.
  • Retarget your visitors. With a dedicated landing page, you can add retargeting pixels to continue marketing to visitors even after they leave your website. Remind them about your programs and encourage them to come back to your site to apply or enroll.

An education-focused landing page is a must to effectively promote your programs, build your brand, generate leads, and drive more conversions. Implement these best practices and you'll be recruiting more students in no time.

Elements of an Effective Education Landing Page

To create an effective education landing page, there are several key elements you should include:

An eye-catching headline that conveys your program or course offering. For example, “Learn Data Science at Your Own Pace” or “Coding Bootcamp: Become a Web Developer in 6 Months”. Keep your headline benefit-focused and under 65 characters.

Bulleted program highlights and key features. For example:

  • Self-paced online courses you can complete anytime, anywhere.
  • Expert instructors provide guidance and support.
  • Real-world projects to build your portfolio.
  • 1-on-1 mentorship and career coaching.
  • Flexible payment plans and financing options available.

Images that reinforce your brand and offering. Show actual students, instructors, or examples of course projects. Images should take up about 50-60% of the page’s real estate.

Social proof like reviews, testimonials, star ratings or video reviews from real students and graduates. This builds trust and credibility.

A strong call-to-action like “Enroll Now” or “Start Your Free Trial” that links to your signup or checkout page. Place this above the fold for maximum visibility.

Additional details on curriculum, instructors, career support services, and pricing. Use section headers for easy navigation and keep paragraphs under 3 sentences.

A contact form or live chat for capturing leads and answering questions. Respond to all inquiries and contacts promptly and professionally.

If you're looking for a free online course landing page template to get you started quickly, check out Unicorn Platform's free education landing page template. Following these best practices and using a template like this will result in an education landing page that grabs attention, builds trust, and motivates visitors to become students. Continuously test and optimize your page for the best conversion rates. With time and effort, you'll have an effective funnel for attracting and enrolling students.

Choose a Template to Get Started Fast

To build an education landing page efficiently, choosing a template is a helpful way to get started. Templates provide a pre-designed structure and layout so you can focus on customizing the content.

Select a Template Based on Your Needs

Consider what features and functionality you need for your education landing page to determine the best template option. Some questions to ask yourself include:

  • Do you need a simple one-page layout or a multi-page website? One-page templates are good for a program or course overview while multi-page templates work well for a full school or university site.
  • Will your page include a blog or portfolio section to feature student work or school news? Choose a template with dedicated sections for these types of content.
  • Do you need ecommerce functionality to accept payments or donations? Look for a template with shopping cart capability.

Customize the Template

Once you've selected a template, it's time to customize it to match your brand and needs. Some areas you'll want to adapt include:

  • Color scheme: Change the default colors to your school or program colors. Make sure to update links, buttons, and highlight colors as well for a cohesive look.
  • Fonts: Swap out the standard fonts for a font pair that complements your brand style. Easy-to-read serif and sans-serif fonts work well for education sites.
  • Page content: Add your school or program logo, name, description, mission statement, and any other details about your education organization. Include engaging images and multimedia where possible.
  • Navigation: Revise the main menu links and add or remove items as needed. Ensure all pages and sections in your template are linked to the navigation.
  • Contact information: Provide a phone number, email address, physical address, and any social media profiles so visitors can easily get in touch.

Using a pre-designed template helps avoid building an education landing page from scratch. With some custom styling and content updates, you can have a professional, on-brand page ready to start attracting students and promoting your school or program. For inspiration, check out these stunning landing page templates for education. Let your template do the heavy lifting so you can focus on what really matters - the learning experience you provide.

Eye-Catching Educational Website Design
Eye-Catching Educational Website Design

Eye-Catching Educational Website Design

To build an effective education landing page, an eye-catching yet professional design is key. Applying proven techniques used by leading education companies and institutions can help establish credibility and trust with visitors.

Simple, Minimalistic Layout

A clean, minimalistic layout free of clutter and distraction focuses the visitor's attention on your key messages and call to action. Stick to a maximum of 2 or 3 fonts, avoiding overly flashy elements. Bold colors should be used sparingly to highlight important content. Whitespace is useful for visually separating sections.

High-Quality Visuals

Include high-quality images and graphics to bring your page to life in an authentic way. Photos of students, classrooms, graduation ceremonies or campus life help visitors visualize what your program or school is really like. Infographics are useful for conveying statistics or data in an easy to understand format. Ensure all visuals load quickly and are optimized for web.

Strong Headlines and Short, Scannable Copy

Visitors will likely scan your page quickly, so strong headlines and short paragraphs of 3 to 4 sentences are most effective. Use keywords in your headlines and repeat them throughout the copy. Bulleted or numbered lists also facilitate fast reading and comprehension. Aim for a reading level suitable for your target audience.

Social Proof and Testimonials

Build trust by incorporating social proof like student reviews, testimonials, media mentions or awards and rankings. Video testimonials are especially compelling. Be sure to feature photos and names of those providing the reviews whenever possible.

Clear Call to Action

Your landing page should have a singular, clear call to action, such as "Apply Now" or "Enroll Today." Place this prominently on your page, using a contrasting color. Make it as easy as possible for visitors to take the next step, whether it's filling out a contact form, downloading materials or following a link to your application.

An education landing page designed with these key elements establishes your program or school as a reputable, student-focused institution and compels visitors to engage further. By optimizing both visual and written content for your target audience, you'll achieve an effective yet simple landing page.

Best education landing pages
Best education landing pages

Best education landing pages

To build an effective education landing page, focus on a few best practices. An excellent landing page is clean, compelling, and converts visitors into leads or customers.

Clear Headline and Subheadline

The headline should capture the key benefit of your offering in a few compelling words. The subheadline expands on the headline with a brief, persuasive phrase. For example, “Learn to Code in 12 Weeks. An intensive bootcamp to launch your new career.”

Benefit-Focused Copy

Explain how your course or program will help students in a few short paragraphs. Focus on the key benefits and outcomes. For example, “This 12-week immersive program teaches you the skills to become a full-stack web developer. You’ll build real-world projects for your portfolio to show employers and learn in-demand technologies like JavaScript, React, and Node.js.”

Strong Visuals

Include images of students, the learning experience, or key course outcomes. For online courses, incorporate screenshots. These visuals help bring your program to life and build credibility. Ensure high-quality, relevant images with alt text for accessibility.

Social Proof

Feature ratings, reviews, testimonials, or media mentions from past students. This social proof builds trust in your offering and credibility. For a new program, you may need to offer incentives for students to provide a review or testimonial after completing the course.

Clear Call-to-Action

The primary call-to-action (CTA) should be prominently featured, such as “Apply Now” or “Get Started.” This CTA should link directly to an application or enrollment page. Secondary CTAs may include “Learn More” links to details on curriculum, schedules, tuition, etc.

To summarize, an effective education landing page employs a persuasive headline and subheadline, benefit-focused copy, strong visuals, social proof from past students, and a clear call-to-action. Following these best practices will help you make a great first impression and convert more visitors into applicants or enrolled students.

Share Reviews on Education Landing Page

To build trust and social proof on your education landing page, include reviews and testimonials from current or former students. Their perspectives and experiences can help convince prospective students that your program, course or school is high-quality and impactful.

Gather Reviews from Various Sources

Seek out reviews from:

  • Current or recent students. Ask if they would be willing to provide a short testimonial about their experience. Offer an incentive like a discount on future courses.
  • Alumni networks. Contact former students and ask if they would share feedback on how your education has benefited them.
  • Online review sites. Check sites like Facebook Reviews, Google Reviews, Yelp and Course Report for existing reviews of your program. Reach out and ask permission to republish positive reviews on your landing page. Be transparent that you may edit reviews for length or clarity.
  • Video testimonials. For a dynamic element, film short video reviews where students share their experiences. Keep videos under 30 seconds for the best impact.
  • Written testimonials. Gather 2-3 sentence written reviews from students highlighting the key benefits and impacts of your program.

Curate and Present Reviews for Maximum Effect

Carefully curate reviews to find those that best represent the strengths and outcomes of your education. Present them prominently on your landing page, such as:

  1. At the top of the page near your value proposition. Place 2-3 of your strongest video or written testimonials here to build credibility right away.
  2. In a dedicated “Student Reviews” or “Success Stories” section. Feature 8-10 written reviews, with an image of the student and their program or year of graduation. Start with your best reviews on top.
  3. Embed video testimonials in the relevant section. For example, place reviews focused on career outcomes in a “Career Success” section, or learning experience reviews in a “Program Experience” section.
  4. Use pull quotes to highlight particularly compelling phrases or sentences from longer written reviews. Pull quotes make the key messages easy to read at a glance.
  5. Include the student’s full name, photo, program name and year of graduation when possible to build authenticity. Reviews from real, verifiable students are the most credible.

By showcasing a collection of authentic student reviews, you can build trust in your education programs and reassure prospective students that others have found success and value through your school. Their stories and experiences are a powerful way to demonstrate your real-world impacts.

The Key Features of Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder

Simple Drag and Drop Builder

The Unicorn Platform landing page builder allows you to create customized landing pages through an intuitive drag and drop interface. No coding skills are required to:

  • Add sections like headers, images, buttons and forms
  • Choose from stylish templates
  • Edit text, change fonts, add color palettes
  • Include interactive elements like sliders, galleries and countdown timers
  • Connect to your CRM or email marketing service

Mobile-Friendly Designs

All landing pages built with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive, meaning they will display perfectly on any device. You can rest assured your message will be delivered and your calls-to-action will be highly visible regardless of whether visitors are on a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone.

Integrations to Streamline Your Workflow

Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular third-party services to enhance your landing page and make your job easier. Some of the available integrations include:

  1. Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Aweber and Drip to capture leads
  2. CRMs such as Salesforce, HubSpot and Zoho to automatically add contacts
  3. Analytics tools like Google Analytics to gain insight into page visitors and conversions
  4. Payment processors such as Stripe and PayPal for ecommerce landing pages

Advanced Analytics

Unicorn Platform provides built-in analytics and reports to help you optimize your landing pages. View key metrics like page views, conversion rates, traffic sources, and more. See how your landing page is performing on desktop vs mobile. Identify which content and offers are resonating most with your audience. Make data-driven decisions to improve your results over time.

Dedicated Support

As an Unicorn Platform customer, you have access to a support team available 24/7 via live chat. Get help with any questions you have about building your landing page, using the platform's features or integrating with third-party services. Let the Unicorn Platform support team help you create high-converting landing pages and drive more leads for your business.

Education Landing Page FAQs: Common Questions From Educators

What is an education landing page?

An education landing page is a website focused on a single offer or campaign for an educational product or service. It serves as a first point of contact between your program and potential students or customers. An effective education landing page should capture attention, convey key information about your offering, and motivate visitors to take action by signing up, enrolling, or purchasing.

How do I create an education landing page?

There are a few key steps to building an education landing page:

  1. Choose a visually engaging design. Select images, colors, and fonts that match your brand and appeal to your target audience. Include photos of students, teachers, or your school facilities.
  2. Write an attention-grabbing headline. Your headline should capture the main benefit of your program or course. Use power words like “Discover,” “Unlock,” or “Master.”
  3. Describe your program or course. Explain the key features, topics covered, outcomes, and results students can expect. Focus on the primary benefits and solutions. Use bullet points to make the information easy to read.
  4. Add social proof. Include testimonials, reviews, or ratings from current or former students demonstrating the success and impact of your program.
  5. Issue a strong call-to-action. Add buttons for visitors to enroll, sign up for a free trial, request more information, or purchase your course. The CTA should stand out and encourage immediate action.
  6. Keep your page clean and concise. Only include essential information. Remove any distractions so visitors focus on your offer or program.
  7. Optimize for search engines and conversions. Use keywords in your page title, headers, and content. Make sure your page loads quickly and all interactive elements are functioning properly.

How much does an education landing page cost?

The cost to build an education landing page can vary depending on the level of complexity and whether you hire a professional to design it. Using a drag and drop website builder or landing page creator is an affordable DIY option, with prices ranging from free to $99 per month. Custom design by a web developer or marketing agency typically starts around $1,000 to $5,000 or more, depending on specific features and integrations.


You now have all the tools and knowledge to create an attractive education landing page using Unicorn Platform’s simple drag and drop builder. By choosing an elegant template, adding engaging images and videos, writing persuasive copy, and including a strong call-to-action, you can build a high-converting landing page in a matter of hours. With your new landing page published, you’ll start generating more leads and connecting with interested students and parents. Building an effective education landing page has never been simpler thanks to the intuitive interface and powerful features of Unicorn Platform. Start creating your landing page today and watch the impact it has on your education business.

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