The Best Web Design Companies for Tour Operators

published on 25 July 2023

As a tour operator, your website is the first impression many potential customers will have of your business. To attract and engage visitors, your site needs to showcase stunning visuals, convey your brand personality, and make the booking process seamless. However, building an effective tour operator website requires specialized knowledge and technical skills that you may lack in-house. If you're looking to build a stunning safari lodge website design, check out our article on how to do it in minutes with Unicorn Platform.

Why Your Tour Operator Website Matters

Your tour operator website is the first impression many potential customers will have of your company. It is crucial that your website conveys a professional image, provides an easy booking experience, and highlights what makes your tours unique. If you're interested in creating custom commercial real estate websites without the need for coding, our article provides valuable insights on this topic. Check out Create Custom Commercial Real Estate Websites Without Coding.

An attractive yet simple design is key. Avoid cluttered or distracting elements. Focus on high-quality photos of your destinations and a clean layout with plenty of white space. This creates an air of competence and allows the important information to shine through.

Your booking process must be seamless and secure. Potential clients want to easily see tour options, check availability, and make a purchase. Integrate a booking engine that accepts multiple payment methods and provides confirmation emails. This convenience and security will put customers at ease.

Showcase what sets you apart. Do you offer boutique tours for small groups? Special access to sites? Eco-friendly travel? Local guides? Prominently feature these unique selling points on your homepage and tour pages. This differentiation will attract your ideal clients.

An informative yet persuasive mission statement, FAQ section, and customer reviews also help establish your expertise and credibility. Be sure to prominently link to your social media profiles as well, as many people now discover tour companies via platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

With the right design, easy booking, unique offerings prominently displayed, and social proof of your professionalism, your website can be a powerful tool for attracting and retaining tour clients. An effective digital presence is essential for operators in today’s competitive market. Your website is the key to showcasing why travelers should choose your company.  

Key Features Your Tour Operator Website Should Have

To be successful, a tour operator website needs to have certain key features that provide a great user experience and help convert visitors into customers.

First, an easy booking process. The simpler it is for visitors to book a tour, the more likely they are to complete the purchase. Have a simple booking form on your landing page that allows customers to check availability and book in just a few clicks. Also, ensure your booking engine is mobile-friendly since many visitors will be browsing on their phones.

Second, compelling visuals. High-quality photos and videos help bring your tours to life and give visitors a sense of what to expect. Include images of destinations, activities, accommodations, and past tour groups. Video testimonials from happy customers can be very persuasive. These visuals should capture the essence of an authentic experience.

Third, detailed tour information. Provide specifics on what is included in each tour such as transportation, meals, gear, and entrance fees. List daily itineraries so visitors know exactly what they’ll be doing each day. Mention group sizes and skill levels. The more transparent you are, the more confident visitors will feel booking with you.

Finally, positive reviews and social proof. Customer reviews and ratings reassure visitors that you provide high-quality tours. Display reviews prominently on your site, especially on tour pages. Also, be active on sites like TripAdvisor and Facebook to build social proof. When past tour participants share their experiences, it shows the kind of experience others can expect.

By focusing on an easy booking process, stunning visuals, comprehensive tour details, and social proof, your tour operator website will have the key features needed to attract and convert visitors into lifelong customers. Success comes from delivering on the promise of an amazing experience.

How to Choose Web Design Companies For Tour Operators

When choosing a web design company to create or revamp your tour operator website, several factors should be considered.

First, look for experience in the travel and tourism industry. Web design firms that specialize in working with tour operators, travel agencies and destination marketing organizations will have a better understanding of the needs and pain points of businesses in your sector. They will also be up to date with the latest trends, technologies and best practices for tour operator websites.

Next, examine their portfolio of past work. Look for tour operator websites they have designed that have a modern, clean layout with engaging visuals, logical information architecture, and a user experience optimized for conversions. Check that the sites are also optimized for mobile devices, as more and more travelers are booking tours on their smartphones.

In addition, consider the specific services they offer. Look for a web design company that provides end-to-end solutions including UX/UI design, custom WordPress development, e-commerce functionality, content creation services, and search engine optimization. They should also offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your new website continues to meet key business objectives long after the initial launch.

Finally, compare the overall value and costs. Look at the projected return on investment for their web design and development services. While price is a factor, the cheapest option is not always the best choice. An experienced firm that charges a reasonable price for a high-quality, results-driven website may provide the best value.

In summary, choosing a web design company with relevant experience, an impressive portfolio of work, a full range of useful services and a solid overall value proposition will help ensure the success of your new or revamped tour operator website. With the right partner, you can gain a competitive advantage and take your business to the next level.

Top Tour Operator Web Designers
Top Tour Operator Web Designers

Top Tour Operator Web Designers

When choosing a web design company to build your tour operator website, it’s important to consider their experience, skills, and services offered. Some of the top tour operator web designers include:

Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform is a website and blog builder tailored for startups, mobile apps, and SaaS companies. They offer simple drag and drop tools to create landing pages, product pages, and blogs. Their templates are mobile-responsive and SEO-optimized. Unicorn Platform also provides 24/7 customer support to help you with any issues in building your site.


Wix is a popular DIY website builder with designer-made templates for tour operators and travel companies. They provide an easy to use drag and drop editor to create and customize pages. With Wix, you can add booking forms, embed maps, share trip itineraries, and start a travel blog. They also have SEO and marketing tools to help drive traffic to your site. Wix offers affordable monthly plans that include free hosting and a custom domain.


Squarespace is an all-in-one platform for building beautiful tour operator websites. They offer minimal templates, an intuitive interface, and powerful e-commerce and blogging features. The drag and drop editor makes it easy to add maps, galleries, trip details, and booking forms without any coding required. Squarespace also provides 24/7 customer support and free custom domains. They charge monthly fees depending on the plan and features.


Webflow is a popular web design tool for building responsive tour operator websites without code. They offer designer-made templates, an easy to use visual editor, and powerful CMS, e-commerce, and hosting features. With Webflow, you can create custom layouts, add interactive maps, share travel itineraries, start a blog, and setup online bookings. Pricing starts at $15/month which includes hosting, SSL, and a free domain for 1 year.

In summary, these web design companies provide simple yet powerful website builders and designer templates to create a professional online presence for your tour operator business. With an easy to use interface and range of useful features like e-commerce, blogging, and booking forms, you'll have a fully functioning website to help you reach new customers in no time.

What to Look for in a Web Design Companies For Tour Operators

When evaluating web design companies for tour operators, there are several factors to consider. Look for a company with experience creating visually engaging and user-friendly websites for travel and tourism businesses.

Expertise in the Travel Industry

The ideal company will have extensive experience designing websites for tour operators, travel agencies, and destination marketing organizations. They should understand the needs and goals of businesses in the travel industry and be able to translate that into an effective web presence. Look for examples of their work for other clients in the tour operator space.

Strong Visual Design

As a tour operator, stunning visuals are key to capturing interest and conveying the experience you offer. The web design company should have graphic designers on staff with skills in photography, videography, and creating impactful designs. Examine their portfolio to ensure the visual quality meets your standards.

Optimized for Conversions

An optimized website with strategic calls-to-action is essential for generating leads and sales. The company should use proven techniques like simplifying forms, including compelling offers, and streamlining the buying process. Their web designs should make it extremely easy for visitors to find the information they need and complete a desired action like booking a tour.

Solid Technical Expertise

The company should be highly knowledgeable in areas like responsive design, search engine optimization (SEO), secure payment processing, and website analytics. Their web designs should work seamlessly across devices, rank well in search results, keep customer data safe, and provide insights into key metrics. They should stay up-to-date with the latest web standards and best practices.

Great Customer Service

Look for a web design company that provides high-quality, ongoing customer service. They should be available to quickly answer questions, provide website updates, troubleshoot any issues, and offer continued SEO and marketing support. Good customer service will help ensure your website consistently meets your needs and provides value to your business.

In summary, partnering with a web design company experienced in the travel industry and skilled in creating visually stunning, optimized websites with solid technical and customer service expertise will give your tour operator business the sophisticated online presence it deserves. Conducting thorough research and checking client references can help find the right company for your needs.

Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder for Tour Operators
Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder for Tour Operators

Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder for Tour Operators

Unicorn Platform offers an intuitive drag and drop landing page builder perfect for tour operators. With simple customization options and integrated functionality, you can create a stylish landing page to capture leads and drive conversions.

Easy Customization

Unicorn Platform’s landing page builder makes it simple to create an eye-catching landing page for your tour operator business. You have access to professionally-designed templates to get started, which you can then customize with your own images, fonts, colors, and content. Easily add your logo, featured images, call to action buttons, and any text content you need. You have full control over the layout and design.


The landing page builder is optimized to generate more leads and sales for your tour operator company. You can include email opt-in forms, booking forms, and other conversion elements on your page. The builder also has A/B testing capabilities so you can refine and improve your landing page over time to maximize conversions.

Integrated Functionality

In addition to an easy-to-use page builder, Unicorn Platform offers other useful features for tour operators like an email marketing service, CRM, and booking management software. Your landing page seamlessly integrates with these tools, making it easy to capture leads, nurture them with email campaigns, store customer data, and manage bookings and reservations.

Affordable and Scalable

Unicorn Platform’s landing page builder is an affordable, scalable solution for tour operators. Pricing starts at only $29/month, and you have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your plan as needed to suit your business requirements. The platform can also scale to support thousands of landing pages, making it a good fit for tour operators of any size.

In summary, Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive yet powerful landing page builder with the integrated tools tour operators need to attract and convert more customers. With simple customization, conversion optimization, and affordable scalability, it’s an ideal solution for tour operator websites and landing pages.

Costs of a New Tour Operator Website

The costs to develop a new website for a tour operator can vary significantly depending on the complexity and features. As a general rule of thumb, you can expect to pay between $5,000 to $30,000 for a basic but professionally designed tour operator website.

Design and Development

The initial design and development of the website itself comprises a large portion of the total cost. Complex, custom designs with advanced functionality like online booking systems, customer accounts, and payment processing can cost $10,000-$30,000 or more. Simple, templated designs using a drag and drop builder service may only cost $3,000-$8,000.

Hosting and Maintenance

Ongoing hosting and maintenance fees are also necessary to account for. Web hosting for a tour operator site typically costs between $10 to $50 per month. Maintenance and support contracts to help keep your site up to date, secure and running optimally usually cost $500 to $3,000 per year.

Additional Services

You may require additional services to create content and optimize your new website. Professional copywriting and photography can cost $500-$5,000 depending on the scope. Search engine optimization (SEO) to help improve your search rankings and increase traffic may cost $1,000-$5,000 per year. Email marketing services to help promote your tours and engage visitors may cost $50-$500 per month.

The total cost of a new tour operator website can vary quite a bit based on the specific needs and functionality required. However, with some careful planning, you can develop an attractive and effective site for $10,000 to $20,000 in initial costs, then budget around $500-$1,500 per month for hosting, maintenance, SEO and other ongoing optimization. Comparing quotes from multiple web design companies that specialize in the tourism industry is recommended to find a balance of quality and affordability for your new tour operator website.

Launching Your New Tour Operator Website

Once your new tour operator website is built, it’s time to launch it. This critical step will determine how successful your site will be. Carefully planning and executing your launch will help ensure you make a good first impression on visitors and start gaining new customers.

To have a successful launch of your tour operator website, follow these key steps:


Choose a launch date and stick to it. Build anticipation in the weeks leading up to the big reveal. Start promoting your new site ahead of time on your social media channels and in your email newsletters. This will drive interest and traffic to your site as soon as it goes live.


Conduct thorough testing of all areas of your new site before launching to identify any issues. Check that all pages are loading properly, images are displaying correctly, and forms are functioning as intended. Double check that your booking engine and payment gateway are working flawlessly. Fix any problems to avoid a poor user experience.


Develop a marketing campaign to spread the news about your new tour operator website. Send dedicated email blasts announcing the launch. Post announcements on your social media profiles. Consider offering special promotions and deals for a limited time to encourage visitors to check out the new site. Place ads on search engines and social media to increase visibility.

Search Engine Optimization

Make sure your new site is optimized for search engines like Google. Add relevant page titles, meta descriptions, alt image text, and internal links between pages. Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console so Google can easily crawl your new site. These best practices will help improve your rankings in search results.


Install website analytics tools like Google Analytics before launching your new tour operator site. Analytics provide key insights into how people are using your website. Monitor metrics like pageviews, bounce rate, and conversion rate to see what’s working and make improvements. Study how people navigate your site and where they spend the most time. Use these findings to optimize the user experience and increase bookings.

Launching a new tour operator website is challenging but rewarding work. Following the steps outlined above will set you up for success and ensure your new site achieves your business goals. With time and continuous optimization, your new website will become a vital marketing channel for your tour company.

FAQs: What Tour Operators Need to Know About Web Design

As a tour operator, your website is your virtual storefront and a crucial tool for attracting new customers and growing your business. When designing or redesigning your site, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

A Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Design

With more people accessing the web via mobile devices, a responsive design that displays properly on any screen size is essential. Your site should be easy to navigate and read on both desktop and mobile. Consider a mobile-first approach, optimizing your site for mobile users first.

Clear Navigation and Calls to Action

Make it easy for visitors to find what they need on your site. Include obvious navigation links to important pages like “Tours,” “About Us,” and “Contact.” Place prominent calls to action like “Book Now” or “Learn More” buttons to encourage visitors to take the next step.

Engaging Visuals

High-quality images and videos help bring your tours to life and capture interest. Include photos of destinations, activities, accommodations, and happy customers. Videos, especially virtual tours, can be very compelling.

Valuable, Shareable Content

Blog posts, guides, and resources demonstrating your expertise in the destinations you serve establish you as a trusted source of information. This content also gives visitors a reason to return to your site and share links on social media.

Optimized for Search

Use important keywords related to your business and locations in your page titles, URLs, headings, and content. This helps search engines understand your site's topic and rank you higher in results. Provide alt text for all images.

A Streamlined Booking Process

Make it simple for visitors to book a tour right from your site. Have an easily accessible booking form or integrate with a tour booking system or payment gateway to handle reservations seamlessly.

Optimizing your tour operator website for mobile, crafting a smooth user experience, sharing valuable content, and facilitating direct bookings are key to success. Keeping these best practices in mind will ensure your site attracts more visitors and converts them into happy customers.


You have many options to consider when choosing a web design partner for your tour operator business. But with a competitive industry and high demand for visually stunning, highly functional websites, you can't afford to make the wrong choice. Do thorough research, check references, and make sure any company you're considering has extensive experience working with tour operators and activity providers. Your website is your digital storefront and often the first impression potential customers will have of your brand. So choose wisely, be willing to invest, and find a creative partner as passionate about your success as you are. With the right web design team behind you, the possibilities for growing your business and achieving your goals are endless.

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