Say Goodbye to Coding: Unicorn Platform Makes Lead Page Software Easy

published on 18 July 2023

As an entrepreneur, you have a vision and passion for building a successful business. However, learning how to code a website or create customized landing pages requires a huge investment of time and resources. The good news is you no longer need technical skills to craft a professional online presence and generate leads. Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop interface to design landing pages, websites and blogs in minutes without writing a single line of code. Their simple yet powerful editor allows you to choose from stylish templates, upload your content, and publish with the click of a button.

If you're looking to build beautiful and responsive app landing pages, Unicorn Platform has got you covered there too. Check out their article on how to build beautiful responsive app landing pages in minutes with Unicorn Platform to see how easy it can be to create a stunning online presence for your app. Now you can focus on your business and leave the website design to the experts at Unicorn Platform. Say goodbye to coding and hello to higher conversions.

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an innovative no-code website and landing page builder that allows anyone to create professional web pages without technical skills.

  • What is a “no-code” platform? No-code platforms provide a visual interface with drag and drop features to design and build web applications, removing the need to write code. Unicorn Platform has an intuitive drag and drop editor, so you can quickly build custom landing pages, product pages, and blogs without coding.
  • Who can use Unicorn Platform? Whether you have a startup, want to launch an online course, build a blog, or create mobile apps, Unicorn Platform is for you. No design or development experience is required. Unicorn Platform’s simple interface and ready-made templates make it easy for beginners to get started.
  • What can you build with Unicorn Platform? You can create:

› Landing pages to capture leads

› Product pages to showcase your offerings

› Blogs to share knowledge and engage your audience

› Full websites for your business

› Mobile apps for iOS and Android

  • Key features include:

› Drag and drop editor - Simply drag and drop to add images, text, buttons, and more.

› 100+ designer templates - Choose from beautiful templates to get started quickly.

› Integrations - Connect your favorite tools like MailChimp, Zapier, and Google Analytics.

› Custom domain - Use your own domain or get one for free.

› Mobile-friendly - Pages automatically adapt to mobile devices.

› 24/7 support - Live chat support to help anytime you get stuck.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an easy to use no-code solution for building custom web pages, landing pages, blogs, websites, and mobile apps. Give it a try today!

How Unicorn Platform Makes Building Landing Pages Easy

Unicorn Platform makes building optimized landing pages simple with an intuitive drag and drop interface. No coding skills are required to create high-converting lead capture pages.

  • Unicorn Platform provides professionally designed landing page templates to choose from. Select a template that matches your brand and customize it as needed. Change colors, fonts, images and add your logo and company information.
  • Easily add and arrange page sections like headers, images, buttons and forms. Just drag and drop the elements you want onto your page. Resize and reposition them with a click.
  • Create mobile-responsive landing pages that look great on any device. Your pages will automatically resize and reformat to fit smaller screens. No extra work required.
  • Connect your landing page to your marketing and sales funnels. Choose from several integration options to capture leads and customer information to fuel your sales pipeline. Integrate with email services, CRMs and more.
  • A/B test different versions of your landing pages to optimize conversions. Make small changes to elements like headlines, images or call-to-action buttons and see which one performs better. Select the winner with a click.
  • Detailed analytics and reports provide insight into how your landing pages are performing. See conversion rates, sources of traffic and lead information to improve your marketing campaigns.

With a simple yet powerful design interface and valuable features like A/B testing and analytics, Unicorn Platform makes creating high-converting landing pages almost effortless. Say goodbye to complicated coding and design skills. Unicorn Platform does the work for you so you can focus on growing your business.

Lead Page Software Templates to Get You Started Fast

Unicorn Platform comes with professionally designed lead page templates to help you get started fast. Choose from a variety of options for different types of businesses and campaigns.

Launchpad Template

The Launchpad template is ideal for new product launches or startup funding campaigns. It features:

  • A large hero image at the top to showcase your product or service
  • Bold text to highlight key selling points and benefits
  • Social proof sections to build trust using logos, reviews and testimonials
  • A prominent call-to-action (CTA) button for visitors to sign up, donate or purchase

Webinar Template

If you're hosting a webinar, the Webinar template will help you promote it and gain registrations. It includes:

  • A countdown timer to create urgency and encourage signups before the webinar starts
  • A video or image of the webinar host(s) to make a personal connection with visitors
  • Details on the webinar topic, content and what attendees will learn
  • Spots for testimonials from past attendees speaking to the value of your webinars
  • A registration form directly on the page so people can sign up right away

Coming Soon Template

For new products or services launching in the near future, the Coming Soon template helps start building buzz and an email list. It features:

  1. An email signup form front and center so you can capture leads
  2. A large product image or video with details on what you're launching
  3. Social proof from media mentions, partners or influencers (if available)
  4. A countdown timer to the launch date to create anticipation
  5. Links to your social media profiles so people can follow you for updates

Using these lead page templates in the Unicorn Platform will allow you to quickly launch attractive landing pages, start converting visitors into leads and customers, and grow your business faster than ever before with no coding required. The drag and drop editor makes customizing the templates an effortless process for users of any technical skill level.

Drag and Drop Editor: Simply Click and Publish
Drag and Drop Editor: Simply Click and Publish

Drag and Drop Editor: Simply Click and Publish

Intuitive Interface

The Unicorn Platform features an intuitive drag and drop editor, allowing you to easily create and customize landing pages without any coding experience. The simple yet powerful editor gives you full creative control over the content and layout of your pages.

Pre-Made Templates

To get started, select one of the pre-made landing page templates. These templates are designed by professionals and optimized for high conversion rates. You can then fully customize the template by adding your own text, images, buttons, and more. Change the colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand and vision.

Embed Forms and Media

Easily embed contact forms, social media feeds, video, and other multimedia directly into your landing pages. Drive visitor engagement by incorporating interactive and dynamic elements into your page. Forms and media can be added by dragging the element onto your page.

Mobile-Friendly Pages

All landing pages created with the Unicorn Platform are fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Your pages will automatically adjust to fit the screen of any phone, tablet, or desktop, providing an optimal viewing experience for all visitors regardless of device.

One-Click Publishing

When your landing page is ready to go live, simply click the "Publish" button. Your page will be immediately available online for visitors and indexed by search engines. The Unicorn Platform takes care of all the technical details, allowing you to focus solely on creating high-quality content and optimizing your conversion rates.

In summary, the drag and drop editor and pre-made templates of the Unicorn Platform make it remarkably easy for anyone to build professional landing pages. The simple yet robust interface gives you full control to customize your pages as needed while handling all the complex backend tasks. Publish your landing pages with the click of a button and start converting more visitors into customers.

100+ Lead Page Sections to Choose From

An Extensive Selection of Customizable Lead Page Templates

With over 100 lead page sections to choose from, you have the flexibility to create landing pages for any use case. Whether you need a simple sign-up page, product page, or full website, Unicorn Platform provides professionally designed templates to get you started.

Drag and Drop Editor for Effortless Customization

Our drag and drop lead page builder makes customizing templates straightforward with no technical skills required. Simply select the elements you want to change like images, text, buttons and drag them into place. You can also adjust padding, margins, font, color and more using the sidebar options. For those looking for pixel-perfect customization, you have full access to the HTML and CSS.

Mobile-Optimized and High Converting

All lead pages are optimized for mobile devices to ensure your messaging and calls-to-action are clear across all screen sizes. They also include proven high-converting elements like:

  • Prominent headline and subheadline
  • Bulleted list of key benefits
  • Social proof with logos and testimonials
  • Clear call-to-action buttons
  • Minimal distractions and only one goal per page

Connect a Custom Domain (Optional)

While your lead pages are hosted on the Unicorn Platform domain to start, you have the option to connect a custom domain for a seamless brand experience. This is a great option if you want to match an existing website domain or simply appear more professional. The process is straightforward in your account settings.

Built-in Analytics and A/B Testing

View key metrics like page views, conversion rates, and sales numbers right within the Unicorn Platform dashboard. You can also set up A/B tests to optimize your lead pages for the best results. Simply choose two versions of the same page and we’ll automatically split traffic between them, collecting data to determine a winner.

With a robust set of lead page templates, an easy to use editor, and powerful analytics, Unicorn Platform gives you everything you need to build high-converting landing pages and drive more leads. Say goodbye to complicated code and designing separate mobile pages. Build once, and we’ll handle the rest.

Connect Your Landing Page to Email Marketing and Analytics

Once you have created your landing page, the next step is to connect it to email marketing and analytics tools to track its performance and convert leads into customers.

Integrate with Email Marketing (311 words)

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to stay in touch with your leads and move them through the sales funnel. Integrate your landing page with an email service provider (ESP) like MailChimp, Drip or ActiveCampaign.

  • Add an email signup form to your landing page to capture leads. You'll want to ask for essential information only - name and email address. Keep the form short and simple.
  • Create an email nurturing campaign to engage new subscribers. Send a welcome email immediately, then follow up with helpful content and offers on a consistent schedule. The key is to build a relationship and provide value over time before promoting your products or services.
  • Segment your list based on lead attributes and behavior to send targeted, relevant messages. For example, separate leads who signed up for a free trial from those who requested a product demo. Tailor your emails to match their level of interest.

Connect Analytics to Track Key Metrics

Analytics software is essential for monitoring how your landing page is performing and optimizing it for better results. Some recommended options include:

  1. Google Analytics - Free, easy to set up and provides an overview of key metrics like pageviews, bounce rate, conversion rate and traffic sources.
  2. Hotjar - See how visitors navigate your landing page through heatmaps, recordings and conversion funnels. Identify gaps and make improvements to the user experience.
  3. A/B testing tools - Try different versions of your landing page to see which one converts the most leads. Options like Optimizely and VWO make it easy to create A/B tests and analyze the results.
  4. Track key metrics such as impressions (pageviews), bounce rate, time on page and conversion rate (e.g. email signups). Set benchmarks and goals to work towards.
  5. See which traffic sources are driving the most leads to your landing page so you can focus your efforts there.
  6. Find friction points in the user experience that are preventing more conversions. Make iterative changes to your landing page based on data-driven insights.
  7. Run A/B tests on elements like your headline, hero image, call-to-action buttons and form placement. Let data determine the optimal version.

By integrating your landing page with email marketing and analytics, you'll gain valuable customer insights and create an optimized conversion process. Provide value, build trust and stay data-driven - that's the key to making the most of your lead generation efforts.

A/B Testing to Optimize Your Lead Page Conversions

To optimize your lead page and increase conversion rates, A/B testing different elements is key. By testing variations of your page and analyzing the results, you can determine what resonates most with your visitors and make data-driven decisions to improve your funnel.

Choose What to Test

Focus your tests on elements that directly impact conversions like:

  • Headlines: Test different headlines, wording, lengths, etc. A compelling headline can grab attention and motivate action.
  • Offer: Try different ways of framing your offer or product features and benefits. Emphasize the most valuable points to your audience.
  • CTA (Call-to-Action): Test the wording, color, size, and placement of your CTAs. A clear CTA that stands out on the page will prompt more clicks.
  • Images: Swap out images or test the same image in different sizes and positions. Images can attract attention, set the right mood, and visually represent your offer.
  • Form fields: Reduce or re-order form fields to make your form as short as possible while still capturing necessary information. Fewer fields mean fewer opportunities for visitors to abandon the page.

Set Up Your Test

Once you determine what you want to test, set up your A/B test:

  1. Create 2-3 variations of your page with only one element different between versions. Keep all other aspects the same.
  2. Ensure all pages have the same URL so your test is accurate.
  3. Split your traffic evenly between the different page variations. Most website builders and landing page tools offer built-in A/B testing that will automatically split traffic and analyze results.
  4. Run the test for at least one week to get a statistically significant sample of data. The more traffic, the faster you'll get results.
  5. Review which variation received the most conversions and had the lowest bounce rate. The winner is your new optimized page!
  6. Continue testing and optimizing to keep improving your funnel over time. Even small tweaks can lead to big improvements.

A/B testing your lead page and CTA will allow you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your funnel, increase quality lead generation, and ultimately boost revenue and ROI. With regular testing and refinement, you'll have a high-converting lead page in no time.

The Cloud Landing Page Integration With 1,000+ Apps
The Cloud Landing Page Integration With 1,000+ Apps

The Cloud Landing Page Integration With 1,000+ Apps

Seamless Integrations

The Unicorn Platform integrates with over 1,000 of the most popular business software and services to provide a seamless experience for your customers and team. Connect your landing page to your CRM, email marketing, payment processing, and more with just a few clicks. No coding required.

Robust API

For developers and engineers, the Unicorn API allows you to build custom integrations and automations to suit your unique needs. Access user data, trigger emails, update contacts, and fully customize your customer experience through the API.

Popular Integrations

Some of the most popular integrations include:

  • Stripe - Accept credit card payments directly on your landing page.
  • Mailchimp - Add contacts to your email lists and trigger automations.
  • Salesforce - Pass lead data to your CRM and sales teams.
  • Slack - Receive notifications about form submissions, payments, and more.
  • Zapier - Connect Unicorn to thousands of other apps through Zapier's integration platform.

Advanced Features

For savvy marketers and growth teams, Unicorn offers advanced features like:

  • Webhooks - Build custom integrations and workflows.
  • Zapier Orbit - Visually build multi-step Zaps with our dedicated Zapier integration.
  • Intelligent Routing - Dynamically route leads to the appropriate sales rep or team based on lead attributes.
  • Custom Fields - Map data from your landing page to any field in your connected services.
  • Conditional Logic - Show or hide form fields and take different actions based on user input.

By centralizing all of your marketing and sales tools in one place, Unicorn's robust integrations and automation capabilities provide a seamless experience for both you and your customers. Focus on what matters most - driving traffic and converting more leads. Unicorn handles the rest.

Lead Page Software FAQs: Unicorn Platform Answers Your Questions

As an entrepreneur, you likely have many questions about Unicorn Platform’s lead page software and how it can benefit your business. This FAQ section will provide you with answers to some of the most common questions about our landing page builder.

What is a lead page?

A lead page, also known as a landing page, is a web page designed specifically to convert site visitors into leads. It achieves this by capturing contact information from visitors in exchange for something of value, such as an ebook, coupon, or newsletter. Lead pages allow you to build your email list and nurture leads into customers.

Do I need coding skills to use Unicorn Platform?

No, Unicorn Platform is 100% no-code. Our drag and drop website builder is intuitive and easy to use, requiring zero technical skills. You can quickly create custom landing pages by dragging, dropping and rearranging elements.

What integrations does Unicorn Platform offer?

Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular third-party services to enhance your landing pages:

  • Email marketing services like Mailchimp, Aweber and ActiveCampaign to capture leads
  • Payment gateways such as PayPal and Stripe for selling products/services
  • Chat services such as Intercom and Drift for engaging with visitors
  • Analytics tools like Google Analytics to track page views, conversions and more

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform offers simple and affordable pricing. Plans start at $29/month and include everything you need to create high-converting landing pages:

  • Drag and drop page builder
  • 100+ designer templates
  • Unlimited landing pages, traffic and contacts
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Integrations with email marketing, payment and chat services
  • A/B testing to optimize your pages

We offer monthly and annual pricing, as well as custom enterprise plans. Sign up for a free 14-day trial today to experience the power of Unicorn Platform.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, we offer a 14-day free trial so you can test out the Unicorn Platform landing page builder at no cost. The trial includes full access to our designer templates, page builder, integrations and more. At the end of 14 days, you can sign up for one of our affordable monthly plans or cancel anytime. There is no credit card required to start your free trial.


With the Unicorn Platform, you can now say goodbye to coding and create stunning landing pages in minutes. Their intuitive drag and drop builder puts you in full control of your lead generation campaigns without needing any technical skills. For founders and marketers looking to quickly launch and test new ideas, this could be a game changer. If you're ready to stop messing around with HTML and CSS and focus on what really matters - getting more traffic and converting more leads - the Unicorn Platform is for you. Their simple yet powerful page builder lets you create custom landing pages tailored to your needs so you can start turning your vision into reality today. Stop making excuses and start building - your new landing page is just a few clicks away.

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Built on Unicorn Platform