Real Estate Landing Page Best Practices: Examples and Tips

published on 15 June 2023

As a real estate professional, you know that in today’s digital world, your online presence is everything. An effective real estate landing page is essential to converting website visitors into leads and clients. When designed well, a landing page can be the key to growing your business and boosting sales. This article provides tips and examples to help you create a high-converting real estate landing page.

What is Real Estate Landing Page?

A real estate landing page is the first page a potential buyer will see for a specific property listing on your website. It should provide all the key details about the listing to capture the buyer’s interest. An effective real estate landing page typically includes:

  • Property photos - High quality images showing the interior and exterior of the home. Include photos of any notable features or recent upgrades.
  • Property description - A summary of the key attributes, specifications, and highlights of the home. Mention the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, lot size, year built, and any other important characteristics.
  • Price - The current asking price for the property should be prominently displayed.
  • Contact information - Provide your name, phone number, email address, and any social media profiles so interested buyers can easily get in touch with you.
  • Lead capture form - Include a form where visitors can enter their contact information to get more details about the listing. This allows you to build your buyer lead list and follow up appropriately.
  • Property map - Embed an interactive map showing the exact location of the property. This gives buyers an idea of the surrounding neighborhood and proximity to schools, shops, highways, and other points of interest.
  • Property video (optional) - If available, include a video walkthrough of the home. This can be an impactful way to showcase all the property has to offer to remote buyers or those unable to view the home in person.

An effective real estate landing page provides buyers with a comprehensive overview of the listing and an easy way to contact you to learn more. Be sure to keep all information up to date to properly represent this property to potential buyers. With high quality photos, an enticing property description, and a lead capture form, you’ll be converting more landing page visitors into serious buyer leads.

Choose a Clear Layout

To effectively convey your message, choose a clean and simple layout for your real estate landing page. A cluttered or confusing design will only distract visitors and prevent them from understanding your offering.

Focus on a minimalistic style with plenty of white space. Use a single column layout with clear headings and subheadings to logically guide readers through the content. For each section, include:

  • A headline with a compelling title using an H2 tag for SEO
  • A brief introductory paragraph with an overview of the topic
  • Bulleted or numbered lists when appropriate for steps or examples
  • Visual elements like high-quality images, graphics, or video to demonstrate your points

Select a simple yet professional font, and use it consistently throughout the page. For easier readability, utilize a larger size for headings and a slightly smaller size for body text.

When determining the placement of elements, think about the flow and how visitors will interact with the page. The most crucial details should be prominently featured at the top, with additional information and examples following in a logical progression down the page.

For calls to action, place eye-catching buttons in multiple locations, including at the top, in the middle, and at the bottom of the page. This will prompt visitors to take the next step at any point during their time on the landing page.

By focusing on clarity, visual appeal, and a step-by-step flow, you can craft a real estate landing page that effectively introduces your solution and compels visitors to become valuable leads. Carefully designed landing pages are essential for converting traffic into new opportunities.

Optimize for Mobile

Optimize Your Content for Mobile Devices

With more and more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, it is crucial that your real estate landing pages are optimized for smaller screens. According to studies, nearly 70% of web traffic now comes from mobile phones and tablets. If your landing pages are not mobile-friendly, you risk losing a huge portion of potential leads and customers.

To optimize your landing page for mobile, focus on the following:

  1. Use a responsive design. A responsive design automatically adjusts the layout to fit the screen size. Images, videos, and text will resize smoothly based on the device. This provides an optimal viewing experience for visitors on any device.
  2. Keep it simple. On smaller screens, avoid cluttering the page with too many images, videos, ads or other elements. Keep the design clean and minimal, with plenty of negative space. Only include the most important information.
  3. Use large buttons and text. Make call-to-action buttons, links, and text easily tappable by using a large font size, typically 16 pixels or more. This makes it easier for visitors to navigate and take action on mobile.
  4. Place important information above the fold. The area of a web page that is visible without scrolling is known as “above the fold.” Place your headline, value proposition, and call-to-action in this area so visitors immediately understand your offering.
  5. Include social sharing buttons. Many people share content on social media via mobile, so including prominent social sharing buttons makes it easy for visitors to spread the word about your landing page.

By following these best practices, you can create real estate landing pages that provide an excellent experience for visitors on any device. Optimizing for mobile is essential to reaching the widest possible audience and generating more high-quality leads. Focusing on responsive design, simplicity, readable text, above-the-fold content placement, and social sharing options will help you build landing pages ideal for the modern, mobile-centric world.

Include High-Quality Images
Include High-Quality Images

Include High-Quality Images

To create an effective real estate landing page, high-quality images are essential. ###Photos of the Property

Include multiple photos of the property from different angles, both inside and out. Aim for 10-15 photos for a comprehensive overview. These should be professionally shot if possible, in high resolution and without clutter or mess in the frame.

Floor Plans

Incorporate detailed floor plans, especially for larger properties. This gives potential buyers a sense of the layout and flow of the rooms. Floor plans are also helpful for those searching for properties that meet certain spatial needs.

Neighborhood and Surrounding Area

Add images of the surrounding neighborhood, community amenities like parks or recreation centers, and nearby points of interest. This helps to showcase the location and what the area has to offer. Pictures of schools, restaurants, entertainment venues, public transit stops or anything else within walking distance will be appealing to many buyers.

Infographics (Optional)

Infographics are an optional but impactful way to visually represent key details like square footage, number of rooms, lot size, and so on. Simple yet stylish infographics make facts and figures easy to digest at a glance. However, for a real estate landing page, high-quality photos should remain the top priority.


Include brief captions for each image to provide context. For photos of the property, specify the room or area shown. For neighborhood images, note the location and any points of interest. Captions allow visitors to quickly understand what they are viewing and determine what is most relevant to their needs.

With eye-catching, high-quality visuals and concise captions, you can create an engaging landing page that gives potential buyers a comprehensive sense of the property and surrounding area. This is essential for capturing interest and converting leads in the competitive real estate market.

Write an Attention-Grabbing Headline
Write an Attention-Grabbing Headline

Write an Attention-Grabbing Headline

To capture the attention of visitors and entice them to explore your real estate landing page, an eye-catching headline is essential. An effective headline should:

Be Benefit-Focused

Highlight the key benefits and solutions you offer to your target audience. For example, “Find Your Dream Home in the Perfect Neighborhood” or “We Make Selling Your House Fast and Simple.”

Create Curiosity

Pique interest without giving away too much detail. For instance, “The Real Estate Secret Most Agents Don’t Want You to Know” or “How to Add $50,000 to Your Asking Price.”

Use Power Words

Incorporate words like “you,” “free,” “now,” “new,” “save,” “love,” “easy,” “fast,” or “best” to create a sense of urgency and excitement.

Keep it Short

Aim for 6 words or less. Brevity makes headlines more impactful and easier to read.

Place Prominently

Feature your headline prominently at the top of the page where visitors will see it immediately. Use a large, eye-catching font, and consider highlighting it to make it stand out.

  • Use a H1 header for your headline to signal to search engines that it’s the most important content on the page.
  • Repeat your headline in the body content and page URL for extra search engine optimization power.
  • Test multiple options to determine which resonates most with your target audience. You can then optimize based on click-through and conversion rates.

An attention-grabbing headline is the first step to enticing visitors and keeping them engaged on your real estate landing page. With an effective headline and strong supporting content, you'll capture more quality leads and close more deals. Continually optimizing your headline and page based on metrics like time on page, bounce rate, and conversions will help maximize your results over time.

Highlight the Benefits

To effectively highlight the benefits of your real estate solution on the landing page, focus on the key advantages and outcomes for your target audience.

Increased Exposure

  • Discuss how your service broadens the reach of listings to connect more potential buyers and sellers. Mention any partnerships or networks that expand your visibility.

Streamlined Process

  • Explain how your solution simplifies the real estate process through technology, automation, and expert support. Highlight any time or money saved, as well as reduced hassle or stress.

Access to Data and Insights

  • Detail how your service provides access to comprehensive market data, analytics, and trends to help inform better decisions. Note any customized reports or tools available to guide pricing, timing, and more.

Professional Guidance

  • Emphasize how your solution offers the support of experienced real estate agents, brokers, or other experts. Describe the level of service and personalization provided to meet each customer's unique needs.

Peace of Mind

  • Discuss how your solution gives customers confidence and assurance through industry expertise, legal compliance, security, and more. Reassure visitors that their real estate needs will be handled properly from start to finish.

In summary, focus your real estate landing page on the meaningful benefits and outcomes for customers. Explain how your solution solves their problems through exposure, efficiency, data, expertise, and trustworthiness. When visitors clearly see the advantages of your service, they will be motivated to contact you for their real estate needs.

Keep Your Copy Concise

To keep visitors engaged, your real estate landing page copy should be concise and scannable. Focus on being clear, compelling, and avoiding unnecessary words.

Keep sentences short

Aim for sentences that are 15 to 20 words or less. Short sentences are easier to read and help reinforce your key points. For example, instead of writing “The beautiful, spacious, and modern kitchen features high-end stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and plenty of natural light from the large windows,” write “The modern kitchen has high-end stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. Large windows provide plenty of natural light.”

Use simple language

Write in a straightforward style using simple words and phrases. Aim for an 8th to 12th grade reading level. Avoid overly complex words and industry jargon. For example, say “buy” instead of “procure” and “home” instead of “residence.” Keep your language inclusive and avoid insensitive terms.

Highlight important details

Use formatting to draw attention to key details, statistics, and facts. For example, put important numbers, dates, and keywords in bold. Use bulleted or numbered lists for steps, features, and sequences. For example:

  1. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
  2. Built in 2018 with over 2,000 square feet
  3. Stainless steel appliances
  4. Granite countertops
  5. Hardwood floors throughout

Include a clear call-to-action

End your landing page copy with a clear call-to-action, such as "Contact us today to schedule a showing!" or "Click here to view available properties!" Place your CTA prominently on the page, such as at the beginning and end of your content. Use an active verb and keep your CTA concise, around 3 to 5 words.

Following these best practices will result in real estate landing page copy that is concise yet compelling, helping to capture leads and drive conversions. Keep your content focused, scannable, and actionable for the best results.

Include Social Proof

Social Proof Builds Trust

To build trust and credibility on your real estate landing page, include social proof like testimonials, reviews, media mentions, and case studies. Social proof shows potential clients that others have had a positive experience with your services.

  • Testimonials - Feature quotes from satisfied clients describing their experience working with you. Include a photo of the client, their name, location and company to add authenticity.
  • Reviews - If you have a Google My Business listing or profiles on sites like Zillow, Trulia or, display your top reviews on your landing page. Mention your overall star rating and number of reviews to demonstrate your reputation.
  • Media Mentions - Highlight any media coverage you or your agency has received. This could include features in industry publications, local media coverage, podcast or TV interviews, etc. Provide images and links to the media mentions when possible.
  • Case Studies - Develop in-depth case studies showcasing your successful work with past clients. Explain the client’s needs, the solutions and strategies you implemented, and the results achieved. Case studies are very persuasive and help build trust in your abilities.

In summary, social proof in multiple forms is key to establishing your credibility and convincing visitors to contact you. When potential clients see others have been satisfied with your services, they will feel more at ease moving forward. Be sure to update your social proof regularly to keep it current and impactful. An abundance of positive social proof can help motivate people to become your customers.

Offer a Strong Call to Action

To maximize the effectiveness of your real estate landing page, be sure to include a strong call to action (CTA). A CTA prompts visitors to take the next step in the conversion process, whether that is contacting an agent, signing up for a newsletter, or scheduling a showing.

Make the CTA Prominent

Place your CTA front and center on the page where visitors can easily see and access it. Use a button or link that stands out from the rest of the content. For example, a large red “Contact Us Now” button will capture attention. You want visitors to know exactly what to do next.

Offer Value and Urgency

Give visitors an incentive to take action. For example, “Schedule a Showing This Week to Receive $500 Off Your First Month's Rent.” Creating a sense of urgency or scarcity will motivate them to act quickly. You can also offer valuable lead magnets, like an informational guide on the home buying process.

Keep the CTA Simple and Clear

The CTA should be concise while clearly conveying what the visitor will receive or accomplish by clicking. For example, “Download the Home Buyer's Guide” or “Schedule a Private Showing.” Avoid being too clever or vague. Visitors should understand exactly what they are signing up for or the action they are taking.

Place Supporting Content Strategically

Surround the CTA with content that builds interest and intent to act. For example, place client testimonials, statistics on home values increasing over time, or details on new amenities nearby. This supporting content makes visitors more inclined to engage with your CTA. However, do not bury the CTA at the very bottom of the page where visitors may lose interest before seeing it.

An effective real estate landing page CTA is the linchpin to converting website visitors into leads and clients. By making the CTA a prominent, valuable, and clear call to action, supported by strategic content, you will optimize your landing page performance and drive more contacts and sales.

How to create Real Estate Landing Page using Unicorn Platform?

To create a real estate landing page using the Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Select a Template

The Unicorn Platform offers professionally-designed templates to choose from. Select one that aligns with your brand and the specific property or solution you want to feature. Some options include:

  • Property listing template: For showcasing details and photos of a home for sale or rent.
  • Neighborhood guide template: To provide an overview of the amenities, attractions, and lifestyle of a community.
  • New development template: Tailored for highlighting details on an upcoming residential or commercial project.

Add Your Content

Next, populate the template with details on your property or solution. This includes:

  1. Descriptive headings utilizing important keywords. For example, “Spacious 4-Bedroom Home in Desirable Neighborhood.”
  2. High-quality images that give visitors a sense of the space. Include photos of any notable features or amenities.
  3. A summary that highlights the key details, specifications, and selling points. Mention the number of rooms, square footage, year built, and location.
  4. Additional sections on nearby points of interest, floor plans, contact information, pricing, and incentives or promotions if applicable.

Review and Publish

Carefully review your landing page for any errors or omissions before publishing. Once published, you can begin promoting your page through social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization. Monitor how visitors interact with your page and make any necessary changes to optimize conversion rates.

The Unicorn Platform's AI-powered editing and content generation tools allow you to quickly and easily build an effective real estate landing page. By following these best practices, you can create a page that captures attention, provides the right information, and motivates visitors to take action.


In conclusion, creating an effective real estate landing page requires focus and effort. However, the rewards of increased lead generation and sales will make the work worthwhile. Keep your page clean and simple, choose visuals that match your brand, highlight benefits and solutions, and make a clear call-to-action. Test and optimize to improve your results over time. With the right landing page, you'll capture the interest of motivated buyers and turn more website visitors into valuable leads. The key is to provide the information and experience your audience needs to take the next step. Your real estate business and bottom line will thank you.

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