Must-Have Features for High-Converting Ecommerce Landing Pages

updated on 13 September 2024

As an ecommerce business owner, you understand the importance of high-converting landing pages. Your landing pages are the first impression for potential customers and determine whether they engage further with your brand or bounce. To maximize conversions, your landing pages must have certain essential elements. A compelling headline, strong imagery, social proof, clear calls-to-action, and an easy checkout process are must-haves for any landing page aiming to drive sales. With the right combination of these critical features, you can turn casual site visitors into loyal customers and boost your bottom line. If you want to take your landing page game to the next level, check out Unicorn Platform's AI-powered landing page builder for a step-by-step guide to creating a high-converting landing page structure.

Why High-Converting Landing Pages Matter

High-converting landing pages are essential for any ecommerce business. They are your first impression and opportunity to capture leads and customers. If done right, an effective landing page can significantly impact your sales and revenue. Here are some must-have features to include:

Clear Headline and Value Proposition

The headline and value proposition should immediately convey what you offer and why customers should care. Include concise yet compelling copy highlighting your key benefits and features. Use emotive language and speak to your customers’ needs and pain points.

Strong Visuals

Professional images, graphics, infographics or video help bring your message to life. Visuals also make your content more engaging and help to quickly communicate your product or service. For ecommerce, show high-quality product images or explainer videos.

Benefit-Driven Copy

Focus your copy on the benefits to customers, not just what your product does. Explain how you solve their problems and improve their lives. Use a friendly yet professional tone and avoid being too salesy.

Clear Next Steps

Tell visitors exactly what you want them to do next and make it easy for them to take action. Have a prominent call-to-action like “Buy Now” or “Start Your Free Trial.” Link to your product pages or checkout. Reduce friction and distractions.

Mobile-Friendly Design

With more and more people accessing the web via mobile, your landing page must be responsive. Optimize for smaller screens by using large buttons, minimal scrolling, and a clean layout. Cramming too much on one page will turn visitors away.

High-converting landing pages don’t happen by accident. By including the right features and optimizing for your audience, you'll turn more visitors into customers. Build it and conversions will come!

Keep It Simple: A Clean, Uncluttered Design

To convert visitors into customers, your ecommerce landing page needs to be clean, minimal, and easy to navigate. A cluttered or confusing page will only frustrate visitors and send them elsewhere.

Focus on a simple, uncluttered design. Use plenty of white space and align elements neatly in a grid structure. Only include essential information and CTAs. Remove any unnecessary elements, images, or copy that could distract visitors from your key messages and calls-to-action (CTAs).

If you're looking to build a landing page for an Android app, check out our article on the simple way to build an Android landing page.  

Prioritize Your Headline and Hero Image

Your headline and hero image are the first things visitors see, so make them count. Choose an eye-catching image that conveys a key benefit or emotion. Pair it with a compelling headline that speaks to your target audience. This combo should capture attention and draw visitors into your page.

Highlight Your USP

Visitors want to know what makes your product or service unique. Clearly convey your unique selling proposition (USP) - the key benefit or differentiator that sets you apart. This could be a proprietary feature, technology or process. Your USP should be prominent on the page, ideally just below the headline and hero image.

Include Social Proof

Social proof builds trust and credibility. Add customer reviews, testimonials, case studies or media mentions. But keep these authentic and concise. Only include 2-3 at most. More than that and you risk overwhelming visitors.

Prominent, Persuasive CTAs

Your call-to-action (CTA) buttons or links should be highly visible, ideally in the upper right area of content sections. Use persuasive, action-oriented copy like “Start Your Free Trial” or “Buy Now” to encourage visitors to convert. Match CTA styling to your brand for consistency.

With a clean, minimal design, compelling headline and USP, strategic use of social proof, and persuasive CTAs, your ecommerce landing page will be primed to convert curious visitors into customers. But always be willing to test and optimize to improve performance over time.

Compelling Headlines That Draw the Customer In
Compelling Headlines That Draw the Customer In

Compelling Headlines That Draw the Customer In

Compelling headlines are essential for capturing attention and encouraging readers to dive into the content on your landing page. An engaging headline should convey the key benefit or most compelling aspect of your offer to pique interest. Some elements of an effective headline include:

A Promise of Value

A headline should communicate the primary benefit or solution being offered to the reader. For an ecommerce site, focus on the key features, advantages or outcomes of using the product. For example, “Get Flawless Skin in Just 7 Days” or “The Comfiest pair of shoes you’ll ever own.” Express what the customer will gain by purchasing the item.


Vague headlines tend to get overlooked. Provide concrete details about the product, service or offer in your headline. For example, “A Revolutionary Skin Cream That Reduces Wrinkles by 50% in 2 Weeks” is more compelling than “Amazing New Skin Product Now Available.” Quantify the benefits and be as specific as possible.

Urgency or Scarcity

Creating a sense of urgency or limited availability encourages readers to take action quickly. For example, “Only 2 Tickets Remaining for This Weekend's Show” or “30% Off This Week Only.” Scarcity triggers the fear of missing out on a good opportunity.


An engaging question in the headline can capture interest by prompting the reader to seek an answer. For example, “Tired of Wasting Money on Ineffective Skin Care?” or “What If You Could Travel the World for Free?” Questions create curiosity that encourages people to read on.

Simple and Scannable

Keep your headline concise, around 5 to 7 words for the best results. Use a larger font size and consider highlighting or using a contrasting color to make it stand out. People tend to scan web pages quickly, so a simple, scannable headline has the best chance of being read.

Following these best practices for writing compelling headlines will significantly improve the performance and conversion rates of your ecommerce landing pages. Well-crafted headlines attract more readers and encourage them to become customers.

Eye-Catching Images and Graphics

Eye-catching images and graphics are essential for high-converting ecommerce landing pages. Visuals attract attention and draw users in, conveying your brand and products at a glance.

High-Quality Product Images

Feature professional photos of your products on the page. Close-up shots show details, while lifestyle images demonstrate how the product is used. For apparel, include photos of models wearing the clothes. Ensure all images are high resolution, at least 1000 pixels wide, and visually consistent in style and quality. If possible, add 3D renders of the product to your landing page (here is a great example).


Infographics take complex ideas and data and transform them into easy to understand visual representations. On an ecommerce landing page, infographics work well for:

  • Showcasing product benefits and features. For example, an infographic could highlight the key specifications of a tech product.
  • Educating customers. An infographic is an excellent way to walk people through how your product works or provide tips for getting the most out of it.
  • Comparing products. If you offer different models or versions of a product, an infographic can depict the differences in an engaging visual format.


Videos bring your landing page to life and are highly persuasive. Product overview and educational videos are ideal for ecommerce sites. Place the video prominently on the page and keep it to 60-90 seconds to hold viewers' attention. Ensure your video showcases the key selling points and features of your product.

Strong Call-to-Action

Every graphic and visual element on the page should ultimately motivate the user to take action, such as purchasing a product or signing up for a newsletter. Place clear call-to-action buttons, like “Shop Now” or “Buy Today,” near images of products and videos. The buttons should link directly to your product or checkout page.

Using a strategic combination of high-quality images, infographics, video, and strong calls-to-action, you can craft an ecommerce landing page that captivates users and compels them to convert. Visuals make your brand, products, and their benefits instantly accessible and help establish an emotional connection with visitors that spurs them to buy.

Clear Call-to-Action Buttons

Clear call-to-action (CTA) buttons are one of the most important features for high-converting ecommerce landing pages. CTAs should be prominently placed, visually compelling, and effectively convey a sense of urgency to motivate visitors to make a purchase.

Size and Color

CTA buttons should be large enough to easily click on mobile devices, typically at least 30 to 50 pixels in height. Use a bright color that contrasts well with your page background to make the buttons visually striking. Colors like red, orange or green often perform best for ecommerce CTAs.


Choose action-oriented text for your CTA buttons such as “Buy Now,” “Add to Cart” or “Checkout.” For time-sensitive promotions, use text like “Limited Time Offer” or include a countdown timer to create a sense of urgency. The text should be concise yet compelling.


Place your primary CTA button in an area of high visibility at or near the top of the page, in the center or aligned left. Secondary CTAs can be placed further down the page. Ensure the flow of information on the page leads visitors directly to the CTA buttons. There should be no ambiguity about the next step you want customers to take.

Trust Indicators

Include trust indicators next to your CTA buttons like security badges, guarantees, testimonials or a refund policy. This helps to reassure visitors and reduce anxiety over making a purchase, especially for a new customer. When visitors feel confident in the transaction, they are more likely to click the CTA.


With more and more people shopping on mobile devices, your CTA buttons must display well on smaller screens. Ensure the text is large enough to read and the buttons are equally prominent across desktop and mobile versions of the landing page. CTAs on mobile should take up a similar amount of screen space as on desktop for the best user experience.

Following these best practices for prominent, persuasive call-to-action buttons on your ecommerce landing pages will significantly impact your conversion rates and sales. Optimizing your CTAs is one of the most effective ways to turn more visitors into customers.

Strong Copy That Resonates With Your Audience

To maximize conversions, your landing page copy must resonate with your target audience. Well-written copy educates and persuades visitors, addressing their questions and concerns to build trust in your offering.

Speak to Your Audience’s Needs

Your headline and copy should focus on how your product or service solves your audience’s specific problems or needs. Rather than just listing features and benefits, explain how each one addresses the issues your customers struggle with. For example, if targeting small business owners, focus on time-saving, cost-efficient solutions. For millennials, emphasize experiences over material goods. Know your audience and speak to what motivates them.

Share Specific Examples and Stories

Bring your copy to life with concrete examples, customer stories, and case studies. For instance, instead of just claiming your tool increases productivity, share a story about how a customer gained back five hours per week. Back up bold claims with hard facts and data as well. Statistics, surveys, and reports from reputable third-party sources can help build credibility.

Use a Conversational Tone

While the content should be professional, the tone should be friendly and engaging. Write like you speak, in a natural, flowing manner. Use pronouns like “you” and “your” to speak directly to the reader. Ask rhetorical questions to engage them. An informal, conversational tone helps visitors feel like they’re discussing the product with a real person, rather than being sold to by a faceless company.

Highlight Unique Value

What makes your offering different or better than the competition's? Your landing page copy should prominently feature your unique selling proposition or competitive advantage. Whether it’s proprietary technology, a no-risk guarantee, innovative features, or superior customer service, give visitors a compelling reason why they should buy from you instead of anyone else. Your unique value is one of the most persuasive elements you can include on the page.

By optimizing your landing page copy for your target audience, including vivid examples and stories, using a friendly conversational tone, and highlighting your unique competitive advantages, you'll have an ecommerce landing page that converts visitors into customers. Keep testing and improving your copy over time based on analytics and feedback to maximize your results.


Social Proof Builds Trust

Social proof refers to evidence that others trust and value your business. On your landing page, social proof builds credibility and trust in your brand, product, or service. There are several types of social proof you can incorporate:

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Feature authentic customer reviews and testimonials on your landing page. Potential customers want to hear from real people who have used your product or service. Keep reviews and testimonials positive and relevant to what you're selling on that page.

Media Mentions

If your business or products have been featured in media publications, include mentions of those placements on your landing page. Images of magazine covers, quotes from articles, or snippets of videos help to legitimize your brand in the eyes of visitors.

Social Media Followers

Display the number of followers or likes your business has on major social media platforms. Large numbers, especially on platforms relevant to your target audience like Instagram or Facebook, demonstrate your popularity and authority.

Certifications and Awards

Tout any awards, certifications or other honors your business has received. For example, if you sell organic skincare products, feature your USDA Organic certification on your landing page. Awards from reputable organizations also build credibility.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Detailed case studies, client stories and examples of success others have achieved with your product or service can be very compelling. But keep them concise, focusing on key results and outcomes on your landing page. Visitors can find more details on your website if they are interested.

Implementing multiple forms of social proof on your landing page, with a balance of text, images, multimedia and interactive elements, will give visitors the confidence to convert. The truth is, people follow the crowd. So make sure the crowd on your landing page is enthusiastically following you.

A Responsive Mobile-Optimized Design

A responsive, mobile-optimized design is essential for any modern website, especially an ecommerce landing page. According to recent studies, over 60% of ecommerce transactions now take place on mobile devices. If your landing page is not optimized for mobile, you are missing out on a huge portion of potential customers and sales.

To ensure your landing page is mobile-friendly, there are a few key features you must include:

Responsive Design

A responsive design automatically adjusts the layout to fit the screen size of any device. As the screen shrinks on a mobile device, the content reorganizes itself to fit comfortably on the smaller screen. Images resize, columns stack, and menus collapse into dropdowns. A responsive design provides an optimal viewing experience for your visitors no matter what device they are using.

Large Fonts and Tap Targets

On mobile devices, fingers are often fat and less accurate than a mouse pointer on desktop. To account for this, make sure any text, links or buttons on your landing page are large enough and spaced far enough apart to be easily tapped. As a general rule of thumb, ensure tap targets are at least 44px by 44px in size.

Minimal Scrolling

On mobile, excessive scrolling is tedious and can frustrate visitors. Keep the number of scrolls required to view all your landing page content to a minimum. Use space efficiently and avoid overcrowding sections with too much text or too many images. Any important information like calls-to-action should be located above the fold so they are immediately visible without scrolling.

Loading Speed

According to research, 40% of visitors will abandon a mobile site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. To ensure maximum loading speed for your landing page, compress images, minify CSS and JavaScript, limit redirects, and enable browser caching. Fast page load times, especially on mobile, are critical for visitor engagement and conversion rates.

By including these essential features, you can create a landing page that provides an optimal user experience for both mobile and desktop visitors. Responsive design, optimized content, minimal scrolling and fast load times are must-haves for any high-converting ecommerce landing page.

Must-Have Features for High-Converting Ecommerce Landing Pages

To convert visitors into customers, your ecommerce landing page must have certain essential features. Some elements are necessary to capture attention, convey key information, and compel action.

Clear Headline and Hero Image

A strong headline and visually striking hero image are crucial for grabbing attention. The headline should convey your product or service's key benefit or differentiator. The hero image should emotionally resonate with your target audience and visually represent your brand.

Concise Copy

Keep your copy clear, scannable, and concise. Use simple language and short sentences and paragraphs. Highlight key points with bullet lists. Focus on how you can solve your visitors' needs and describe the most important features and benefits. Repeat your primary call-to-action multiple times.

Social Proof

Include social proof like customer reviews, testimonials, case studies, or media mentions to build trust and credibility. Positive social proof from real customers is highly persuasive.

Strong Call-to-Action

Your CTA should clearly direct visitors to take action, like "Buy Now," "Get Started," or "Subscribe." Make your CTA button highly visible by using a contrasting color. Repeat your CTA at multiple points on the page so visitors have several opportunities to convert.

Optimized for Mobile

With the majority of traffic coming from mobile devices, your landing page must be responsive and optimized for smaller screens. Use a simple, uncluttered layout with large text, buttons, and spacing. Ensure your CTA and other key content are visible above the fold on mobile.

Integrated Payment Processing

For ecommerce landing pages, integrated payment processing is essential. Offer popular payment methods like credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay. The easier and faster you can make the payment process, the more likely visitors will complete their purchase.

An effective ecommerce landing page incorporates these key features to capture attention, convey benefits, build trust and ultimately compel visitors to take action. By optimizing your page for both desktop and mobile and streamlining the buying process, you'll turn more visitors into customers.


You now have a solid understanding of the essential elements needed to create a high-converting ecommerce landing page. By focusing on a clear value proposition, visually appealing design, social proof, a prominent call-to-action, and an optimized mobile experience, you'll be well on your way to boosting conversions and sales. While the options for creating landing pages today are plentiful, choosing a simple yet powerful page builder tool can help you implement best practices quickly and effectively. With the right combination of these must-have features, you'll turn visitors into customers and accelerate the growth of your business. The key is to start building - your ideal landing page is out there, you just have to create it.

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