How to use AI to create Landing Pages

updated on 14 June 2024

Have you been struggling to create landing pages that actually convert visitors into customers? You're not alone. Designing an effective landing page is hard. It requires the perfect combination of copy, images, and a user experience that keeps people engaged. But what if there was an easy way to generate custom landing pages in just a few clicks? Now there is, thanks to Unicorn Platform.

Why Use AI to Design Landing Pages?

Using AI to design your landing pages is a no-brainer these days. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Speed. Our AI platform can generate customized landing pages in just a few minutes. Forget spending hours designing and building pages from scratch. AI does the heavy lifting so you can launch fast.
  • High conversion. AI analyzes thousands of high-performing landing pages to determine the elements that drive the most conversions. It then uses that data to create pages optimized for your goals. The end result? Landing pages with proven conversion rates.
  • A/B testing. Wondering whether a button color or headline works best? AI can generate multiple versions of your landing page for A/B testing so you can optimize based on real data. Then it incorporates the winning elements into your page design.
  • Dynamic content. AI generates landing pages with content tailored to your target audience. So if you want to reach both new and returning visitors, it will create customized content for each segment. Your landing pages feel highly relevant to each visitor.
  • No coding needed. If you don't have technical skills, designing an effective landing page can be frustrating. AI handles all the coding for you. You just provide some basic info about your business and goals, and it does the rest.
  • Always improving. AI platforms get smarter over time by analyzing new data and patterns. So as trends change and new best practices emerge, your landing pages will too. Your pages stay up-to-date and high-performing without any extra work on your end.

Using AI to build landing pages is the smart way to get more leads and grow your business. The future is here - are you ready to take advantage of it?

How Unicorn Platform Uses AI for Landing Pages

Unicorn Platform uses the latest AI technology to instantly generate customized landing pages for your business. Our smart builder lets you create stunning pages in minutes without any coding required.

  • AI-Powered Designs: Unicorn's innovative AI designs professional landing pages tailored to your needs. Choose from sleek templates or start from scratch - our AI will guide you through the design process, providing style recommendations based on your preferences.
  • AI-Generated Content: Struggling with what to say? Our AI will generate persuasive content for your landing page including headlines, subheadings, and benefit statements. Just provide some details about your product or service and our AI will handle the rest.
  • Grammar Correction and Translation: Want your landing page to reach more customers? Unicorn's AI can instantly translate your entire page into over 100 languages. It will also double check for any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors to ensure your page is flawless.
  • Easy CTAs and Forms: Drive more conversions by adding eye-catching CTAs and contact forms to your landing page. Unicorn's AI builder makes this a breeze, suggesting the best CTAs and forms for your needs and allowing you to customize them as needed.

With Unicorn Platform, creating a high-converting landing page is faster and easier than ever before. Our innovative AI does the heavy lifting so you can build stunning, customized pages in a matter of minutes. Why spend hours coding a landing page when you can use AI to do it for you? Give your business an edge and start creating with Unicorn today!

Unicorn Platform uses artificial intelligence to create customized landing pages for your business. ur unicorn platform landing page builder makes it easy to generate high-converting landing pages in minutes.
Unicorn Platform uses artificial intelligence to create customized landing pages for your business. ur unicorn platform landing page builder makes it easy to generate high-converting landing pages in minutes.

Select a Customized Theme

Once you’ve signed up for Unicorn Platform, it’s time to choose a theme for your landing page. We offer a variety of stylish themes tailored to different businesses and goals. Selecting a customized theme is an important step, as it establishes the overall look and feel for your page.

Business Themes

For corporate or professional businesses, we recommend a clean, minimalist theme like “Executive” or “Entrepreneur.” These themes feature simple fonts, muted colors, and an organized layout ideal for conveying your brand’s competence and authority.

Ecommerce Themes

If you’re promoting a product or service to sell, an ecommerce theme is a great choice. Options like “Storefront” or “Marketplace” provide eye-catching headers, vibrant colors, and prominent call-to-action buttons that drive conversions. They're designed to highlight your offerings in an attractive way.

Blog or Portfolio Themes

For creative businesses, choose a theme suited to displaying visual content like photos, videos, or blog posts. Themes such as “Influencer” or “Creator” include image galleries, social media integration, and bold fonts to showcase your work in an engaging fashion.

Once you select a theme, you can further customize the layout, colors, images, and text to match your brand. Our intuitive page builder makes it simple to tweak the theme to your liking without any coding required. With a professional theme and custom styling, you'll have a high-quality landing page ready to start converting visitors into customers in no time.

The theme you choose is the foundation for an effective landing page. Take your time exploring the options to find one that resonates with your target audience and complements your brand identity. With Unicorn Platform’s tailored themes and easy customization, you can create a landing page that establishes credibility, highlights your products, and motivates readers to take action.

If you're looking for an AI-powered website builder, check out Unicorn Platform's article on AI Landing Page Generators Changing the Game.

Add Your Content and Images

Once you’ve selected a template, it’s time to add your own content and images to customize the page. This is where the AI really shows its power by instantly generating suggestions tailored to your business and industry.

Add Your Headline

The headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it attention-grabbing. The AI will suggest options based on your business goals and target audience. Choose one that speaks to your customers and conveys your key message.

Include Benefits and Features

Tell visitors exactly what they’ll gain by opting in or making a purchase. The AI identifies your product or service’s top benefits and features and provides bullet points you can use. Rearrange or reword these as needed to best resonate with your audience.

Add Images

Visuals are key for engagement and conveying emotions. The AI scours stock photo libraries for relevant, high-quality images you can use. Simply select the images you want to include and the builder will add them to your page, sized and placed for maximum impact. You can also upload your own photos if desired.

Call Them to Action

End your page with a strong CTA like “Sign Up Now” or “Buy Today.” The AI will suggest options tailored to your goals, e.g. newsletter signups, product purchases, contact form submissions. Choose a CTA that matches your audience's intent and place it prominently on the page.

Review and Launch

Once you’ve added content and images, review your landing page. Check that the overall message and flow make sense, the CTA is clear, and the design is visually balanced. Make any final tweaks needed, then launch your high-converting landing page and start driving traffic to it!

If you want to learn more about how to use AI to create landing pages, check out Unicorn Platform's article on Generate Landing Pages Instantly With AI. Unicorn Platform has also published an article on The AI Landing Page Generator That Builds Pages for You which may be of interest.

Launch Your High-Converting Landing Page!

Preview and Test Your Landing Page

Once your landing page is built, it’s time to preview how it looks on multiple devices and make any final tweaks. Check that:

  • The page layout, images and text are displaying properly on both desktop and mobile
  • All links and CTAs (calls-to-action) are working
  • The page speed and load time are fast

Test the page with some sample traffic to catch any issues before launching. Make any necessary changes and you’re ready to go live!

Promote Your Landing Page

Now comes the fun part—driving targeted traffic to your new landing page! Some ways to promote your page include:

  • Email marketing to your list
  • Social media advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
  • Pay-per-click ads through Google Ads to rank higher in search and display on the Google Display Network
  • Content marketing by writing blog posts or creating videos that link back to your landing page
  • Partnerships and guest blogging on industry websites
  • SEO by optimizing your page for important keywords so you rank higher in organic search

The key is to reach your ideal customers where they’re already spending time. Track how traffic sources are converting to see what’s working and double down on the most effective channels.

Analyze and Optimize

Once your landing page is live and promoting, analyze how it’s performing to make ongoing optimizations. Look at metrics like:

  • Page views and unique visitors
  • Bounce rate and time on page
  • Conversion rate
  • Click-through rate on CTAs

See how visitors are interacting with your page and where they may be dropping off. Make changes to improve page flow and readability. Swap out different CTAs, images or content to raise conversion rates. Even small tweaks can lead to big improvements over time.

Keep optimizing and promoting your landing page to turn more visitors into customers. With the right combination, you’ll be generating more high-quality leads in no time!


So there you have it, a quick and easy way to create landing pages that actually work. With Unicorn Platform, you've got an AI-powered tool that can design pages for you in minutes. No more struggling with code or fiddling with templates. Just input some basic info about your offer or product and our smart builder will instantly generate a custom landing page tailored to your needs. What are you waiting for? Give Unicorn Platform a spin and start converting more visitors into customers today. Creating high-performing landing pages has never been easier thanks to the power of artificial intelligence. The future is here, so take advantage of it!

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