How to Choose Real estate website designers

published on 30 June 2023

As a real estate agent, your website is one of the most critical tools for attracting new clients and growing your business. An eye-catching yet functional website can make a lasting first impression, build trust, and convert visitors into leads. However, creating an effective real estate website requires specialized knowledge and technical skills that you likely don’t have the time or ability to develop on your own. Hiring an experienced real estate website designer is often the best solution, but with so many options to choose from, how do you find the right partner for your needs? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key factors to consider when evaluating real estate website designers and choosing a service that will get you the results you want. With the right website and the right partner behind it, you can take your real estate business to the next level.

What to Look for in a Real Estate Website Builder

When choosing a real estate website builder, there are several factors to consider:

  • Ease of use. As a real estate agent, your time is valuable. Look for a builder that is intuitive and easy to use, even for those without technical skills. Drag and drop functionality, pre-designed templates, and built-in features like IDX integration, lead forms, and blog platforms will save you time.
  • Customization options. While ease of use is important, you also want flexibility. Choose a builder that allows you to customize the design, layout, typography, and branding to match your agency's style. Options for custom CSS/HTML, color schemes, and uploading your own graphics or logos are ideal.
  • Responsive design. In today's world, a mobile-friendly website is essential. Select a builder that creates responsive designs that automatically resize and reformat to suit any device - desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Your site needs to display well and be easy to navigate on all screen sizes.
  • Built-in features. Look for a solution that provides the features real estate agents need like an IDX-integrated property search, lead capture forms, blogging platform, and social media integration. The more functionality built-in, the less time you'll spend installing plugins and connecting third-party services.
  • Support and updates. Choose a reputable website builder that offers ongoing support to help you get the most out of their platform. They should also regularly release updates to improve features, add new options, and patch any security issues—helping ensure your site is optimized and protected.
  • Pricing. Consider your budget and how much you can invest in your website. Builders range from free to several hundred dollars per month. Look for a solution that fits your needs and offers a reasonable price for the features and level of support provided.

Why You Need a Simple Landing Page Builder

As a real estate agent, having an effective yet simple website is key to reaching potential clients and generating new business. A simple landing page builder allows you to easily create customized web pages to promote your properties and services without needing advanced technical skills.

There are several benefits to using a simple landing page builder:

  • Save time. Creating web pages from scratch requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, and web design. A landing page builder provides pre-designed templates and an easy drag-and-drop interface so you can build a great-looking page in minutes without coding.
  • Optimize for conversion. Landing page builders offer templates and tools designed specifically for lead generation and conversion. You can include eye-catching property photos, lead capture forms, calls-to-action, and social proof elements like testimonials to encourage visitors to contact you.
  • Improve SEO. A landing page builder will allow you to add page titles, meta descriptions, alt text for images, and content that includes important keywords to help improve your search engine optimization. This makes it more likely your pages will rank well in search results.
  • Mobile responsive. Today over half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices. A landing page builder will automatically create mobile-friendly pages that display properly on any device, which is essential for real estate websites.
  • Easy updates. Making changes to your website is simple with a landing page builder. You can quickly edit text, swap out images, change page layouts, and more without worrying about how it may impact the site’s code. This flexibility allows you to keep your site up to date and make improvements over time.

Using a simple yet robust landing page builder is one of the best investments a real estate agent can make. With the right tool, you can create a professional, conversion-optimized website and landing pages that help establish your online presence and win new clients.

Key Features of Real Estate Website Designers
Key Features of Real Estate Website Designers

Key Features of Real Estate Website Designers

Custom Design

When choosing a real estate website designer, look for one that offers custom design services. They should design a website tailored specifically for your agency and brand. A custom design will make your site look professional and help you stand out from competitors. Real estate websites should feature custom photography of local properties and neighborhoods. They should also have a color scheme and layout that matches your brand.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

In today's world, most people access websites through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Make sure any real estate website designer you consider offers responsive web design that dynamically adapts to different screen sizes. Websites should be easy to navigate and read on any device. If a website isn't mobile-friendly, you could be losing a major portion of web traffic and potential clients.

Lead Generation

One of the main goals of a real estate website is generating new client leads. Look for a designer who has experience optimizing websites for lead generation. They should include lead capturing tools like online contact forms, live chat features, and call tracking phone numbers. Your site should make it easy for visitors to get in touch with agents and inquire about properties. It should also feature a searchable property listings database to help generate leads from people interested in buying or selling homes.

Search Engine Optimization

For real estate agents and brokers, search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. Your website needs to rank highly in search engines like Google for terms like "homes for sale [your city name]" or "[your city name] real estate agents." Make sure any web designer you hire has experience optimizing real estate websites for local SEO. They should create keyword-rich content for your site, including location-specific page titles, meta descriptions, and content.

They should also build internal links between pages and earn high-quality backlinks to help improve your search rankings. For example, you could use a landing page builder like A Landing Page Builder Made for Real Estate Agents to create a custom site that is optimized to generate new leads and help your business boom. Carefully evaluate different designers and choose one that fits your unique needs.

How to Choose Estate Agency Web Designer
How to Choose Estate Agency Web Designer

How to Choose Estate Agency Web Designer

When choosing an estate agency web designer, several factors should be considered to find a suitable candidate.

Experience and Portfolio

An experienced designer will have a robust portfolio of past website projects to showcase their skills. Review their portfolio to evaluate the quality, style, and functionality of their designs. Look for examples of websites similar to what you want to achieve. An experienced designer will also be up to date with current web design standards and trends to create an attractive, user-friendly website.

Services Offered

Determine what services you require, such as design, development, content creation, or search engine optimization. Choose a designer that offers the specific services you need or works with partners that provide those services. A designer that handles the full website creation process, from design and development to content and SEO, can help ensure consistency across all areas of your site.

Customer Service and Communication

Look for a designer that prioritizes customer service and maintains open communication. They should address your questions and concerns promptly, meet agreed upon deadlines, and keep you updated on the progress of your website. Good communication is essential to the success of any web design project.

Reviews and References

Check online reviews from the designer’s previous clients to determine their level of satisfaction and the overall quality of service. Ask the designer for references from past clients that you can contact directly. Speaking with previous clients is one of the best ways to evaluate a potential designer.

Pricing and Contracts

Compare the pricing and contracts of different designers to find one that suits your budget. Look for a designer that is transparent in their pricing with no hidden fees. Their contract should clearly outline the details of your agreement, including pricing, timeline, and ownership of the final website design.

By evaluating experience, services, customer service, reviews, pricing, and contracts, you can find an estate agency web designer that meets your needs and will create an impactful website for your business. The ideal designer will become a trusted partner in promoting your brand and reaching new clients online.

Top 5 Myths About Real Estate Website Builders

Real Estate Website Builders Don’t Require Coding Knowledge

One common myth about real estate website builders is that you need to know how to code to use them. The truth is, many website builders today are completely code-free, drag and drop solutions. You don’t need any programming skills or web design experience to create a custom real estate website. Intuitive builders allow you to simply drag and drop elements like text boxes, images, videos, and more to design your site.

They Produce Low-Quality Websites

Some believe that real estate website builders generate cookie-cutter, low-quality sites. In reality, website builders offer hundreds of professional templates created by web design experts. You can customize the templates by changing colors, fonts, and adding your own content and media. With the right builder, you can create a high-quality, unique website that reflects your agency’s brand and style.

They Don’t Offer Advanced Features

Certain real estate website builders do lack advanced features for large brokerages. However, many providers offer scalable solutions with features like customer relationship management (CRM) integration, marketing automation, and lead tracking for teams of any size. The capabilities of website builders have expanded tremendously in recent years to serve the needs of small agencies up to nationwide franchises.

They’re Difficult to Manage and Update

One of the biggest benefits of real estate website builders is how easy they are to manage and keep up-to-date. Most platforms offer an intuitive dashboard that allows you to make updates to pages, posts, media, and settings quickly and easily without relying on a web designer. You have full control over your website and can make changes anytime to keep your content fresh and optimized for search engines and visitors. For example, with Unicorn Platform's drag-and-drop builder, you can even create a luxury real estate website without any coding knowledge, as explained in this article: Build Your Luxury Real Estate Website Without Code.

In summary, real estate website builders have evolved to offer user-friendly yet robust solutions for agencies and brokers of all sizes. When chosen wisely, a website builder can be an affordable and effective tool for establishing an online presence and driving more leads and business for your real estate agency. By avoiding common myths, you open yourself up to the opportunity of an easy-to-use platform to help you achieve your digital marketing goals.

How Unicorn Platform Stacks Up: The Simple Landing Page Builder

Easy to Use

Unicorn Platform is designed to be simple and intuitive. No coding or design skills are required to build a basic landing page. With its drag and drop builder, you can easily:

  • Add and customize page sections like headers, images, text, buttons, and more.
  • Choose from 100+ mobile-optimized templates to get started.
  • Save and reuse content blocks to speed up your workflow.
  • Preview your page on any device to ensure an optimal experience for your visitors.


Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular third-party services to enhance your landing pages:

  1. Connect your custom domain or subdomain in just a few clicks.
  2. Embed video, social media feeds, calendars, and more using iframes.
  3. Capture leads and build your email lists by integrating with email marketing services like Mailchimp, Klaviyo and others.
  4. Add live chat to engage with your visitors in real time using Intercom, Drift, and other chat tools.
  5. Enable single sign-on (SSO) with services like Google to create a seamless login experience.


With Unicorn Platform, you have flexible and affordable options to match your needs and budget:

  • The free plan includes 1 website, 2,000 pageviews/month and core features to get started.
  • Paid plans start at $8/month and provide unlimited websites, pageviews, storage, and access to all features as well as 24/7 support.
  • Discounts are available for annual billing and nonprofit organizations.
  • No long-term contracts - you can cancel at any time.

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website and blog builder for creating simple yet high-converting landing pages. With its intuitive interface, useful integrations, and budget-friendly pricing, Unicorn Platform has everything you need to build an effective online presence for your business.

Getting Started With Unicorn Platform

To get started with the Unicorn Platform, there are a few steps to take. Follow these to build your real estate website:

Sign Up for an Account

The first thing you'll need to do is create a free Unicorn Platform account. You can sign up with your email address or connect your Google account. Once you've verified your account, you'll be ready to start building.

Choose a Template

Unicorn Platform offers beautiful templates for real estate websites, property listings, and agent bio pages. Browse the options and select one that fits your brand and needs. You can always change the template later if you want.

Add Your Content

Now it's time to add your own content to the template. You can upload photos, add property listings, create blog posts, and customize pages like an About page.

  • Upload high-quality photos of properties, community amenities, your team, and more. Optimized photos will make your site look professional and help your properties stand out.
  • Create detailed property listings including a description, photos, maps, pricing, and contact information. Use keywords to help people find your listings in search results.
  • Start a blog to share neighborhood guides, real estate tips, and company updates. A blog will establish you as an industry expert and give people a reason to return to your site.
  • Build pages like About Us, Contact, and Services to tell visitors more about your agency or brokerage. Share details about your experience, team, and offerings.

Set Up Additional Features (Optional)

If desired, you can set up additional features on your Unicorn Platform site:

  1. Email capture forms and newsletters to stay in touch with clients and prospects.
  2. Social media feeds to showcase your social profiles.
  3. Google Analytics to track how people find and interact with your site.
  4. Chatbots and live chat to instantly communicate with visitors.

With a customized template, optimized content, and the right additional features enabled, your new Unicorn Platform real estate website will be ready to help you attract new clients and grow your business. Don't hesitate to explore all of the options - you can always change and improve your site over time. Happy building!

Real Client Examples and Case Studies

To determine if a real estate website designer is the right fit for your agency, reviewing examples of their live client work can be extremely insightful. Look for designers with experience building sites specifically for real estate agencies, brokers, and agents.

Portfolio and Case Studies

A robust portfolio featuring websites currently in use by other real estate clients is ideal. Look for sites with a modern, professional design that also reflect the agency’s unique brand and style. Pay attention to:

  • Visual elements: attractive property photos, engaging graphics, intuitive navigation
  • Content: descriptive property listings, agent bios, local market reports, community information
  • Functionality: search filters, lead capture forms, social sharing buttons, blog integration
  • Optimized for mobile: ensure sites display well on smartphones and tablets

Client References

Speaking with references from current or past clients is one of the best ways to evaluate a real estate web designer. Ask questions like:

  1. How long have they worked with the designer?
  2. Was the website delivered on time and within budget?
  3. How well does the designer communicate and respond to feedback?
  4. Has the website led to more leads and listings for their agency?
  5. Would they recommend the designer for another real estate client?

Google Rankings

Search for some of the live sites in the designer’s portfolio on Google. Websites that rank prominently in local search results for highly competitive terms like “homes for sale [location]” and “[location] real estate agents” demonstrate the designer’s ability to optimize content for search engines. High rankings indicate the sites were built using best practices for on-page optimization, content marketing, and link building.

Evaluating examples of a real estate website designer’s live client work, reading reviews from references, and assessing their ability to achieve high Google rankings will give you confidence in their skills and experience. An impressive portfolio of modern, functional real estate websites designed to attract leads and drive business results could indicate a great potential partner for your agency.

FAQs: Your Questions About Real Estate Website Designers Answered

When choosing real estate website designers, you likely have many questions about the process and what to expect. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers:

What services do real estate website designers offer?

Real estate website designers offer a range of services to help you build an effective online presence. These include:

  • Website design and development: Creating an attractive, user-friendly website to showcase your real estate agency and listings.
  • Content creation: Writing informative content for your website like agent bios, community descriptions, and blog posts.
  • Search engine optimization: Optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search engines like Google. This helps drive more organic traffic to your site.
  • Lead generation: Integrating lead capture forms and a CRM to generate and track new leads from your website.
  • Social media management: Creating and managing social media profiles and ad campaigns to increase your online visibility.

How much do real estate website design services cost?

The cost of real estate website design services varies depending on the specific services you need. You can expect to pay:

  • $3,000 to $10,000 for a basic 5 to 10 page website.
  • $500 to $2,000 per blog post or page of content.
  • $500 to $2,500 per month for comprehensive SEO and social media management.
  • Additional fees for a custom domain, hosting, email, and security.

Many designers offer bundled packages to save you money. Be sure to get multiple quotes from different companies to compare.

How long does it take to design a real estate website?

The timeline for designing a real estate website depends on the complexity of your needs. Most projects take between 4 to 12 weeks:

  • 4 to 6 weeks for a basic 5 to 10 page website with some custom content.
  • 6 to 12 weeks for a larger site with advanced functionality like custom lead forms, property search, and a blog.

The design process includes planning, content creation, development, testing, and launching your new website. Be sure to factor in extra time for providing feedback and making changes to the initial designs. With clear communication, most real estate website design projects can be completed smoothly within a reasonable timeframe.

Does this help answer some of your questions about working with real estate website designers? Let me know if you have any other questions.


As you’ve seen, selecting the right real estate website designer is critical to establishing an effective digital presence and attracting new clients. With many options to choose from, take the time to evaluate multiple candidates based on relevant experience, expertise, cost, and compatibility. Look for a designer that understands your specific business and target audience. Meet with top candidates in person if possible to get a sense of their communication style and see sample designs. Don’t hesitate to ask for references from past clients.

A well-designed real estate website can be a game changer for any agency. With the right website designer by your side, you’ll be well on your way to boosting your online visibility, engaging more visitors, and ultimately generating new leads and sales. The investment in web design services will prove worthwhile, allowing you to focus on what you do best - helping clients buy and sell properties.

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