Fitness Landing Page Inspiration: Examples You Can Recreate Yourself

published on 11 July 2023

As an entrepreneur in the fitness industry, you know that your business's online presence is critical to success. Your website and social media profiles are often the first impression potential customers get of your brand, so you want them to convey a sense of professionalism, value, and inspiration. A well-designed landing page is one of the most effective ways to make that stellar first impression and convert visitors into loyal clients or customers.

Why You Need a Fitness Landing Page

As a fitness professional, having an effective landing page is crucial for converting visitors into clients or customers. Here are a few reasons why you need a dedicated fitness landing page:

  • It allows you to target your audience. By designing a page focused specifically on your fitness services or products, you can include tailored copy, images, and calls-to-action that resonate with your target market. This helps potential clients immediately understand how you can meet their needs.
  • It captures leads. The primary goal of any landing page is to capture contact information from visitors through a signup form. Offering a lead magnet like a free cheat sheet, checklist or mini-course in exchange for an email address is an easy way to start building your list.
  • It conveys your brand. A thoughtfully designed landing page shares your brand story and conveys your unique value proposition. Using visuals that showcase your training facility, equipment, or available classes helps bring your brand to life for visitors.
  • It drives conversions. The landing page is where visitors take the next step, whether signing up for a newsletter, scheduling a free consultation or purchasing a product or service. Clear CTAs tell visitors exactly what they need to do to become a client or customer.
  • It improves SEO. Having a separate page focused on your core fitness offerings gives you an opportunity to optimize the content for important keyword phrases. This can help boost your rankings in search engines like Google.

In summary, a custom fitness landing page is essential for attracting your ideal clients, building your email list, conveying your brand message, driving conversions and improving your SEO. With the right design and copy, a landing page can be a powerful tool for growing your fitness business.

Choose a Fitness Landing Page Template

When building a fitness landing page, selecting an appropriate template is key. As a business owner, you want a template that will effectively convey your brand and the services you offer to visitors. Some options to consider include:

  • Studio template: For gyms, personal trainers, and fitness studios. This template features large hero images to showcase your space and trainers. You can highlight classes, amenities, and membership options. Include engaging copy and eye-catching calls-to-action (CTAs) to encourage visitors to sign up or book a free trial.
  • Program template: Ideal for promoting a specific fitness program, challenge, or event. This template puts the focus on details about your program, including images, descriptions, timelines, and CTAs so visitors can register or purchase. Testimonials from past participants also help build trust.
  • Instructor template: Perfect for personal trainers, yoga instructors, and other fitness professionals. An instructor template allows you to highlight your experience, credentials, training philosophy, and services. Include a booking calendar or contact form so clients can easily schedule an appointment.
  • Blog template: For those who want to position themselves as an expert in their field. A blog template features your latest fitness articles, advice, and tips. Use it to establish your authority, build your audience, and subtly promote your services. Include opt-in offers and CTAs so readers can stay up to date with your content.

Selecting the right template for your needs and tailoring it to match your brand will result in an effective landing page. With compelling copy, visuals, and clear calls-to-action, your page will capture the interest of visitors and convert them into leads and clients. The key is to make a great first impression and motivate them to take the next step.

Fitness Landing Page Examples
Fitness Landing Page Examples

Fitness Landing Page Examples

To create an effective fitness landing page, it helps to draw inspiration from successful examples. The following landing pages employ simple but compelling designs to highlight their offerings and convert visitors:

StrongLifts 5x5

The StrongLifts 5x5 program focuses on compound lifts and linear progression. Their landing page outlines the key details of the program in a simple infographic, with clear calls-to-action to sign up for a free workout or purchase the StrongLifts guide. The minimal design helps the content take center stage.


Peloton’s landing page greets visitors with a striking image of a spinning class in action. Dynamic photos of instructors and members help convey the energy and community of Peloton’s programs. Clear headlines highlight the key benefits of Peloton’s spin bikes and workout programs. The page gives just enough information to capture interest, with prominent buttons to learn more or start a free trial.


The Aaptiv landing page spotlights the app’s audio-based workout programs with a bold image of headphones and the headline “Fitness. Anywhere.” The subhead describes Aaptiv as “the world's largest audio fitness program” with options for running, strength training, yoga, and more. A prominent free trial CTA allows visitors to experience Aaptiv’s audio workouts firsthand. Testimonials from members help build credibility and excitement.

Daily Burn

Using visuals to demonstrate your programs in action, highlighting key benefits and offerings prominently, keeping your design clean and focused, and offering a free trial are all effective techniques you can draw from these examples. A compelling landing page is the first step to attracting and converting your target audience.

For example, if you're in the fitness industry, you can check out Unicorn Platform's article on Landing Pages for Gyms: How Unicorn Platform Makes It Simple for more insights and tips on creating a successful landing page for your gym or fitness business.

Write a Compelling Headline

To create an effective landing page for your fitness business, you must have an attention-grabbing headline. Your headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it compelling. Here are some tips for writing a compelling fitness landing page headline:

Keep it short and impactful

Aim for 6 words or less. Some examples: “Get Fit Now,” “Transform Your Body in 6 Weeks,” “Are You Ready to Change Your Life?”

Focus on benefits

Describe how your program or product will benefit the customer. For example, “Lose 15 Pounds in Just 3 Months” or “Learn the Secrets of Fat Loss Success.”

Use powerful language

Incorporate words like “fast,” “easy,” “proven,” “secrets,” or “system.” For example, “The Fastest Way to Get Six Pack Abs” or “The Proven Fat Loss System.”

Target your audience

Tailor your headline to your specific target market, such as “The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution for Busy Professionals” or “How to Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back.”

Highlight your unique selling proposition

Explain what makes your program different, such as “The Only Online Personal Training Program with Live Coaching” or “Fitness Made Simple – No Equipment Required.”

Ask a provocative question

Engage the reader by asking a question, such as “Are You Tired of Fad Diets That Don’t Deliver Results?” or “What If You Could Get Fit Without Going to the Gym?” Questions capture attention and make an implied promise.

Test multiple options

Craft 3-4 compelling headlines and test them on your target audience. See which option gets the most clicks or engagement. The most effective headline will draw the most interest.

An impactful headline is critical for any fitness landing page. By focusing on benefits, using powerful and provocative language, and highlighting your unique strengths, you’ll capture the attention of your target market and motivate them to take action. Experiment with different options and test to optimize your results.

Share Your Fitness Website Design

Once you have designed an effective fitness website, it is important to share your creation with the world. Promoting your new site will increase traffic, build brand awareness, and help you connect with potential clients. Here are some suggestions for sharing your fitness website design:

Social Media

Leverage your social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to spread the word about your new website launch. Post eye-catching images of your site along with a link to drive traffic. Engage with your followers by asking them questions and starting discussions centered around key messages on your site. Build hype leading up to the launch to increase excitement.

Email Marketing

If you have an email list, notify your subscribers about the launch of your redesigned fitness website. Send an email with screenshots of your new site along with details on any new features or content they can expect. Include a prominent call-to-action with a link for them to visit the site. Time the email to land in their inbox once your site goes live.

Influencer Outreach

Identify influencers in the health and fitness space with an engaged following on social media. Reach out to them and offer a free product or service in exchange for sharing details about your website launch with their audience. Influencers can spread awareness of your new site design to targeted, interested groups. Be sure to provide them with visual assets and a customized message for sharing.

Press Release

For an official launch, you may want to distribute a press release announcing the debut of your redesigned fitness website. Share details on new features, content, and your vision for the site. Pitch the launch to relevant media outlets, blogs, podcasts, and journalists who may be interested in covering the story. A press release helps to build authority and credibility for your brand.

Search Engine Optimization

Once live, your new website design also needs to be optimized for search engines like Google. Perform technical SEO audits to ensure your site meets best practices. Create keyword-rich content, internal links, meta descriptions, page titles, and more. Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to help index all of your new pages. SEO improves visibility and rankings in search results.

Highlight Your Fitness Programs and Services
Highlight Your Fitness Programs and Services

Highlight Your Fitness Programs and Services

To attract potential clients, your fitness landing page should prominently feature the programs and services you offer. Highlight what makes your training unique and the benefits customers can expect.

Personal Training

Offer one-on-one or small group personal training. List the types of training you provide, such as strength training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), kickboxing, yoga, etc. Mention your experience, qualifications, and coaching philosophy. For example, “I take a holistic approach to health and fitness, developing customized programs based on each client’s needs and goals.”

Group Classes

If you offer group fitness classes, provide the class schedule on your landing page. Give a brief description of each class, the level of intensity, and any equipment needed. For example, “Our yoga classes range from beginner Vinyasa flow to advanced Ashtanga. Mats and props provided.” List any membership options for unlimited access to classes.

Online Training

Do you offer virtual or online personal training and coaching? Promote your online services on the landing page. Explain how online training works and highlight any software, apps, or equipment customers will need. For example, “Our online training utilizes video conferencing software so I can provide live feedback and coaching. All you need is an internet connection and some basic home gym equipment like dumbbells, resistance bands, and a yoga mat.”

Additional Services

You may provide other services like nutrition consulting, physical therapy, sports massage, etc. Use your landing page to inform visitors about any additional services and how they complement your training programs. For example, "Our registered dieticians provide customized meal plans to fuel your fitness goals and accelerate results."

A well-designed landing page that comprehensively showcases your fitness programs and services is key to converting visitors into clients. Be sure to include persuasive copy, eye-catching images, client testimonials, and a clear call-to-action so visitors can easily sign up for your services or book an appointment.

Include Client Testimonials and Reviews

To build trust and social proof on your fitness landing page, include client testimonials and reviews. Feature authentic feedback from real members who have achieved results with your program or services.

Collect Glowing Reviews From Satisfied Clients

Reach out to members who have achieved success and ask if they would be willing to provide a testimonial for your website. Offer to feature their full name, photo, and details about their transformation to make the social proof as compelling as possible. Keep your requests concise but enthusiastic, highlighting why their story would be so inspiring to others.

Curate the Best Reviews

Select 3 to 5 of the most powerful and persuasive reviews to feature prominently on your landing page. Choose a mix that represents your ideal client avatar, including details about age, gender, location, and fitness goals. Arrange the reviews attractively with engaging headshots and optional “before” photos to bring the stories to life.

Keep Testimonials Current

Continue collecting new reviews and testimonials from members on an ongoing basis. Rotate in the latest additions to keep your landing page content fresh and build additional social proof over time. Aim for featuring reviews from the last 3 to 6 months to ensure all feedback reflects your current offerings and level of service.

Respond to Any Negative Reviews

If any negative reviews come in, respond professionally and take action to remedy issues. Address the specific concerns mentioned and be transparent about steps taken to improve. Turn the situation into an opportunity to build trust by showing how you listen to feedback and make corrections to better serve clients. With time and consistency, the impact of a single negative review will be diminished.

Using real testimonials and reviews from satisfied members is one of the most effective ways to build trust and credibility on your fitness landing page. Featuring authentic feedback and stories of success will give visitors confidence in your abilities to help them achieve results. Continuously collecting and updating reviews will ensure your social proof remains compelling into the future.

Add a Prominent Call-to-Action

To maximize conversions, a prominent call-to-action (CTA) button is essential on your fitness landing page. A CTA clearly tells visitors what action they should take next, such as signing up for a free trial or booking a consultation.

size and Place Your CTA Strategically

Make your CTA button large and place it in an area of high visibility, such as at the top of the page or just below the page's main header. This ensures visitors will see it instantly and can take the desired action right away if motivated to do so. For the button itself, choose a size that is easy to click on mobile devices, at least 44 to 66 pixels.

Choose a Compelling CTA Phrase

The CTA button should have an action-driven phrase like "Start Your Free Trial" or "Book Your Free Consultation Now." A sense of urgency can also be effective, e.g. "Start Your Free Trial Today" or "Limited Spots - Book Now." Keep the phrase concise but compelling.

Use a Bright, Contrasting Color

A bright color like red, green or orange is ideal for a CTA button. This helps it stand out on the page and signals to visitors that it is an interactive element. Ensure the CTA button also has a high contrast with the surrounding content for maximum visibility.

Explain the Benefits and Value Proposition

In the content surrounding the CTA, clearly articulate the benefits and value to the visitor. Explain exactly what they will receive by clicking the CTA button. For example, highlight key features of your fitness program or what is included in an initial consultation. This helps motivate visitors and reassures them that the desired action will be worth their time.

Make the CTA Button Hard to Miss

Additional techniques to make your CTA button highly visible include:

  • An arrow or other visual cue pointing to the CTA
  • A contrasting shape like a circle to make it stand out
  • Animation like a subtle bounce or highlight to grab attention

With a prominent, compelling call-to-action on your fitness landing page, you'll convert more visitors into leads and paying clients. Be sure to also test different CTA placements and phrases to determine what resonates most with your audience.

Fitness Landing Page FAQs: Using Unicorn Platform

As you build your fitness landing page with Unicorn Platform, some frequently asked questions may arise. Here are answers to common FAQs to help you through the process.

What page templates are available for fitness businesses?

Unicorn Platform offers several responsive page templates ideal for fitness companies, including:

  • Fitness Studio Template: For gyms, CrossFit boxes, yoga studios, etc. Includes hero section, services, about us, contact form.
  • Personal Trainer Template: Spotlight your services as a personal trainer or training team. Includes hero, about, services, testimonials, and contact.
  • Wellness Center Template: For businesses offering a range of fitness and wellness options. Includes hero, services, about, team, testimonials, and contact.

How do I add my own content to the templates?

Unicorn Platform has an intuitive drag and drop builder, requiring no coding experience. You can:

  • Add your business name, logo, colors, and fonts to brand the template.
  • Easily add, edit, and reorganize sections like hero banners, featured services, team members, testimonials, blogs, and more.
  • Add text, images, buttons, spacers, dividers, and embed videos, social feeds, and web apps.
  • Choose from hundreds of fonts, change text size, color, alignment, and add drop shadows.
  • Save and reuse content blocks to streamline your workflow.

How do I connect a custom domain and go live?

Once your landing page design is complete, here are the final steps:

  1. Purchase a custom domain that matches your business name. We recommend buying from Namecheap or Google Domains.
  2. Connect your domain to Unicorn Platform in Site Settings. This will point your domain to your landing page.
  3. Double check that your page looks and functions properly on mobile and desktop. Make any final edits needed.
  4. Click "Publish" to make your landing page live. Your custom domain will now display the page.
  5. Monitor your page analytics to see how visitors are engaging with your content. Make adjustments to optimize conversions.
  6. Promote your new landing page on social media and search engines to drive traffic. Update the content over time to keep visitors engaged.

With an attractive fitness landing page and custom domain in place, you'll be poised to build your online presence and convert more leads into clients. Let us know if you have any other questions!


With these fitness landing page examples and some inspiration from the pros, you're ready to build your own high-converting landing page. Using a simple drag and drop page builder like Unicorn Platform, you have all the tools at your fingertips to create an eye-catching page. Start with a clean, minimal design and focus on highlighting the key benefits of your offering. Include engaging visuals, an effective CTA, and persuasive copy to drive visitors to take action. Keep optimizing and improving your page over time based on analytics and feedback. Building a great landing page is a key step to growing your fitness business and reaching new clients. Now get out there and make it happen!

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