Ecommerce Website Development With No Coding Experience

published on 28 August 2023

As an entrepreneur, you have an exciting new product or service to share with the world. However, building an attractive yet high-converting website to promote your offering requires technical skills that you may lack. Hiring a team of developers is expensive and time-consuming. With a user-friendly drag and drop website builder like Unicorn Platform, you can create a professional ecommerce website yourself without needing to code.

Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive interface where you can select from designer-made templates, move elements around with your mouse, and update text and images in a WYSIWYG editor. Their ecommerce functionality lets you easily add products, set up payment processing, and view key metrics to optimize sales. For startups and small businesses, using a landing page creator tool is an accessible way to establish an online presence and start generating revenue with minimum hassle and cost. With Unicorn Platform's guide on creating custom ecommerce landing pages without coding, you have the power to build the website you want.

Why You Need an Web Site Ecommerce

To succeed in ecommerce today, you need an online storefront. A website dedicated to selling your products or services allows you to reach customers anywhere and provides a customized experience for your business.

Even if you have no technical experience, you can easily set up an ecommerce website using intuitive drag and drop tools. Platforms like Unicorn offer simple yet powerful interfaces that let you quickly build a professional store from scratch without code.

Why Build An Ecommerce Website?

An ecommerce website provides many benefits for your business:

  • Reach more customers. A website expands your geographic reach and allows you to sell to customers anywhere.
  • Lower costs. An online store reduces operational costs like retail space and staffing. You can also automate parts of the sales process.
  • Higher revenue. Ecommerce sites typically generate higher conversion rates and larger order values. You can also upsell and cross-sell related products.
  • Data insights. Analyzing customer data from your store gives you valuable insights into shopping behaviors and helps you make better business decisions.
  • Enhanced brand experience. An ecommerce website gives you full control over the branding and design. You can create an immersive experience that aligns with your brand image.
  • Sell 24/7. With an online store, customers can shop and buy anytime, day or night. You never have to close for the day or miss a potential sale.
  • Keep up with competitors. If your competitors have an ecommerce presence and you don't, you risk losing customers and being left behind. An online store is essential to staying competitive.

In today's digital world, an ecommerce website is a must for any business. With simple and affordable website builders, you have no excuse not to get your products in front of more customers and boost your sales. Launch your online store today!

How to Choose an Ecommerce Platform

To build an ecommerce website, you'll need to choose an ecommerce platform that fits your needs and technical abilities. There are many options available, so consider the following factors to determine the best choice for your business:

Complexity and Coding Knowledge

If you have little to no coding experience, choose an intuitive drag and drop builder like Shopify, BigCommerce or Wix eCommerce. These make it easy to create a professional storefront without needing to know HTML or CSS. However, if you're technically inclined and want full customization capabilities, open source platforms like Magento may be a better option.

Features and Integrations

Think about what features you need, like payment processing, shipping, product options or marketing tools. Some platforms provide more built-in features than others. You'll also want to consider what third-party integrations are available to connect other business tools. Platforms with robust app stores or integration marketplaces will allow you to enhance functionality.

Cost and Transaction Fees

Ecommerce platforms offer different pricing models, including monthly subscriptions, transaction fees, and tiered pricing based on your store’s size and sales volume. Compare the total cost of different platforms based on the features you need. Also, check if there are additional payment gateway or transaction fees which can impact your profit margins.


Consider how the platform can scale as your business grows. If you anticipate rapid growth or high sales volume, choose a platform that can scale easily without interruption. Some platforms are better suited for large enterprise brands. Think about your future needs to choose a platform that will support you long-term.

With some research into the options, you can find an ecommerce platform that meets your current and future business requirements. The key is determining how much control and customization you need balanced with how much you're able to spend. With the right platform choice, you'll be on your way to building a successful online store.

Unicorn Platform: Ecommerce Website Development

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive drag and drop website builder that allows you to easily create an ecommerce store without any coding experience.


The Unicorn Platform interface is designed to be simple and easy to use. You can add pages, posts, images, videos, and products by dragging and dropping content blocks. Choose from stylish templates and themes to get started, then customize everything to match your brand. Unicorn Platform handles all the technical aspects so you can focus on your business.

Ecommerce Features

Unicorn Platform comes with powerful ecommerce features to help you sell products and services online. You can add an online store, shopping cart, and checkout pages with just a few clicks. Accept payments, manage orders, offer coupons and discounts to boost sales. Unicorn Platform integrates with major payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal. You have full control over your product catalog, shipping rates, taxes, and more.

Mobile Friendly

Websites built with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive, meaning they automatically adjust to fit any screen size. Your ecommerce store will look great and function flawlessly on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This is extremely important since many customers shop on the go. Unicorn Platform uses a mobile-first approach to ensure an optimal experience for all your site visitors regardless of device.

SEO Optimized

Unicorn Platform generates clean code and includes built-in SEO tools to help improve your search ranking. Add page titles, meta descriptions, alt text for images, internal linking between pages, and more. The platform is fully compatible with popular SEO plugins if you want additional functionality. An SEO-optimized online store means more organic traffic which leads to higher conversion and sales rates.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an easy to use website and ecommerce builder with powerful features and mobile optimization. Launch your online store and start making sales today, no coding required.

Ecommerce Website Development in 3 Easy Steps

Developing an ecommerce website is easier than ever with no-code website builders like Unicorn Platform. In just three simple steps, you can have a fully functioning ecommerce store up and running to sell your products or services.

1. Choose a Template

Start by selecting an ecommerce template that matches your brand. Unicorn Platform offers stylish templates for online stores selling everything from clothing and accessories to digital downloads and subscription services. Browse the options to find one that resonates with your target customers.

2. Add Your Products

Once you have a template selected, it’s time to add your products. Use the built-in product editor to input details like product names, descriptions, photos, and pricing. You can categorize products, run sales and promotions, and even set up a subscription or membership model if needed. The flexible options allow you to represent your products accurately.

3. Set Up Payments

The final step is establishing a payment method so customers can checkout and complete purchases. Unicorn Platform integrates with all major payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.Net. You simply sign up for an account with your chosen gateway, enter your credentials into the Unicorn Platform dashboard, and you’re set to start accepting payments.

Within a matter of hours, you’ll have a professional ecommerce website up and running using Unicorn Platform. You don’t need any coding experience to build a beautiful online store and start selling. The simple yet powerful drag and drop technology, combined with integrated ecommerce features, make developing an ecommerce website easier than you ever thought possible. Focus on what really matters to you—growing your business. Let Unicorn Platform handle the rest.

Select a Template to Get Started

To get started building your ecommerce website without coding experience, select a template that suits your needs. Templates provide a pre-designed structure and format so you can focus on customizing the content.

Choose a Template

There are many templates to choose from, depending on the type of ecommerce site you want to build. Select from options like:

  • Product catalog template to showcase items for sale with photos, descriptions and pricing. This works well for clothing, decor, gadgets, etc.
  • Service template for selling intangible offerings like consulting, coaching or online courses. Emphasize benefits and solutions.
  • Blog or magazine template to feature product reviews, tips and trends in your industry. Drive traffic and build authority. Integrate products for purchase within posts.
  • Portfolio template to display visual products like photography, artwork or handcrafted goods. Prioritize high quality images.
  • One-page template for a simple yet stylish site to briefly highlight your mission, products and call the visitor to action. Minimal but impactful.

Consider your brand, offerings and customers to determine the most suitable template. You can always customize the template by rearranging sections, changing fonts, colors and images or adding new elements to achieve your desired look and feel. Start with a template, then make it your own for the best results.

Once you select a template, it's time to start populating it with your business and product details. Add your logo, company name, contact information, product photos, descriptions and pricing. Be sure to include clear calls-to-action like "Shop Now" or "Learn More" buttons to lead customers to make a purchase or contact you.

With an ecommerce template and your custom content, you'll have a professional online store up and running in no time. Let your customers shop and enjoy growing your new business!

Add Your Products and Product Categories
Add Your Products and Product Categories

Add Your Products and Product Categories

To add products to your ecommerce website, you will first need to categorize them. Product categories organize your inventory in a logical way for customers to browse. Some common categories for ecommerce sites include:

  • Apparel: T-shirts, dresses, pants, shoes, accessories, etc.
  • Electronics: Laptops, phones, tablets, smart home devices, etc.
  • Home & Garden: Furniture, decor, tools, patio items, gardening supplies, etc.
  • Health & Beauty: Skincare, makeup, supplements, fitness equipment, etc.

Once you have determined your product categories, you can start adding individual products. For each product, include:

A Photo

Use a high-quality image that clearly shows the product. For clothing and other tangible goods, use photos of the actual item. For digital products, use professional stock photos or custom graphics.

A Title and Description

Give the product a short but descriptive title and write 1-2 paragraphs highlighting its features, specifications, and benefits. Mention the brand, model, size, color, or other options as needed. Use keywords throughout the description to improve searchability.

Pricing Information

Clearly state the price of the product, including any sales or discounts. For items with multiple options like sizes or colors, list the price for each variant.

Product Options

If applicable, allow customers to select from different product options like size, color, material, etc. Make sure to include photos and prices for each option.

Call-to-Action Button

Add a prominent "Add to Cart" or "Buy Now" button so customers can easily purchase the product.

Following these steps to thoughtfully create your product categories and listings will result in an ecommerce website that effectively showcases your products and makes the shopping experience seamless for your customers. Be sure to double check for any errors before launching your site.

Set Up Payment Gateways to Accept Payments

To accept payments on your ecommerce website, you will need to set up payment gateways. Payment gateways are services that authorize and process credit card payments on your website. The two most popular options for ecommerce stores are Stripe and PayPal.


Stripe is a popular payment gateway used by many ecommerce platforms and stores. To get started with Stripe, you will need to:

  1. Sign up for a Stripe account. This is free to do and only takes a few minutes.
  2. Add your business and banking information. Stripe will need to verify your business and bank account details to transfer funds to.
  3. Implement the Stripe API or use a plugin. The easiest way for non-developers to use Stripe is through an ecommerce platform that offers Stripe integration or by installing a Stripe plugin. These will handle the technical implementation of adding Stripe checkout to your site.
  4. Test and activate your account. Make a test transaction to ensure Stripe is functioning properly on your site before activating your account to accept live payments.

Stripe is a great all-in-one solution for ecommerce businesses. Their platform offers features beyond just payment processing, including fraud prevention, invoicing, and subscription management. Transaction fees for Stripe are 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.


PayPal is one of the most trusted payment methods for online shoppers and merchants. To accept PayPal payments on your site:

  1. Create a business PayPal account. This will allow you to accept payments through invoices, checkout pages, and more.
  2. Add PayPal as a payment method. Use PayPal’s APIs and SDKs to integrate PayPal checkout on your website, or use a plugin offered by your ecommerce platform.
  3. Set your transaction fees. PayPal’s standard transaction fees are 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. You can reduce the transaction fee through PayPal’s micropayment pricing for transactions under $10.
  4. Provide an express checkout experience. Optimize your checkout flow for returning customers by allowing them to pay quickly using PayPal. This can help reduce cart abandonment on your site.
  5. Enable additional features. PayPal offers many other services for ecommerce businesses like fraud protection, payment plans, and invoicing. Connecting your PayPal business account will provide access to these features.

PayPal and Stripe are excellent payment gateway options for ecommerce websites. Choosing a provider depends on the features you need and your technical abilities to implement the gateway on your website. For beginners, the easiest approach is often to use a platform that provides pre-built integrations with these payment services.

Optimize Your Ecommerce SEO
Optimize Your Ecommerce SEO

Optimize Your Ecommerce SEO

To optimize your ecommerce website for search engines like Google, several steps should be taken. By improving your search engine optimization (SEO), you can increase organic traffic to your site and improve conversions.

Content is King

The content on your site, including product descriptions, blog posts, and page copy, is one of the most important factors in SEO. Use your main keywords in page titles, URLs, headings, and content. Write high-quality content that is helpful for users. The more quality content you have, the more opportunities search engines have to index your site.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the behind-the-scenes elements that impact your search ranking. This includes site speed, mobile-friendliness, secure hosting, and more. Ensure your website loads quickly, is optimized for mobile devices, and uses HTTPS. Submit your XML sitemap to Google Search Console so search engines can easily crawl your site.

Internal Linking

Internal links pass authority from one page to another. Link to other relevant content on your site using anchor text with your target keywords. This also helps search engines discover your content.

External Link Building

Gain high-quality backlinks to your site from authoritative external websites. Submit guest posts to industry blogs, get featured in roundups, and reach out to websites in your niche to link to your content. High-authority backlinks signal to Google that your site is a trusted resource.

Analytics and Tracking

Use a tool like Google Analytics to track how people find and interact with your site. See which content and channels drive the most traffic so you can optimize further. Track conversions to see how SEO impacts your bottom line. Make data-driven decisions to improve your SEO and content strategy over time.

Optimizing for SEO and organic search takes continuous effort but can have a big impact on your ecommerce business. By focusing on content, technical elements, internal linking, backlinks, and analytics, you'll gain more visibility in search results and increase traffic and sales. Keep learning and making improvements to your SEO, and you'll reap the benefits.

Ecommerce Website Development With Unicorn Platform

To develop an ecommerce website with no coding experience, Unicorn Platform is an ideal solution. This simple yet powerful website builder allows you to create a fully functional ecommerce store in a matter of hours without writing a single line of code.

Drag and Drop Interface

Unicorn Platform features an intuitive drag and drop interface, allowing you to add elements like images, text, buttons and more with just a few clicks. You can then drag these elements to anywhere on the page and drop them into place. This makes designing your ecommerce website quick and easy, even for beginners with no technical skills.

Mobile-Responsive Themes

Unicorn Platform comes with a selection of mobile-responsive ecommerce themes to choose from. These themes are optimized to look great on any device, from smartphones to tablets to desktop computers. You can either select a pre-made theme or customize one to match your brand. Either way, your store will provide a great shopping experience for customers on the go.

Integrated Payment Gateway

To accept payments on your ecommerce store, Unicorn Platform integrates with multiple payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and Square. You can choose a payment gateway, enable it with a few clicks, and start accepting credit card payments from your customers right away. Transactions are securely processed so you can sell with confidence.

Other Useful Features

Unicorn Platform also offers many other useful features for ecommerce stores:

  • Product listings to showcase items for sale. Add images, descriptions, pricing, variants, and more.
  • Shopping cart for customers to store multiple products before checkout.
  • Checkout page to capture shipping, billing and payment info.
  • Order management to view and fulfill purchases.
  • Coupons and discounts to run promotions.
  • Shipping configuration to set up shipping rates.
  • Taxes to charge sales tax where required.
  • And more.

With its simple yet powerful features, Unicorn Platform makes ecommerce website development achievable for anyone. You can build a fully functioning online store without needing to code.


If you are looking to build an ecommerce website to start selling products or services online without knowing how to code, Unicorn Platform can help you achieve your goal. Their simple yet powerful drag and drop website builder allows anyone to create a professional ecommerce store in a matter of hours. With ready-made templates optimized for conversions, an intuitive interface, and powerful ecommerce features built-in, Unicorn Platform gives you all the tools you need to establish an online presence and start generating revenue. So if you have been hesitating to start your ecommerce journey due to a lack of technical skills, now is the time to take that first step. Unicorn Platform can provide you with an easy solution to build a stunning ecommerce website and unlock your entrepreneurial potential. The only thing left for you to do is choose a template, add your products, and open your virtual doors to customers. Your ecommerce success story starts today.

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