eCommerce Web Design Services: Tips From the Experts

updated on 24 June 2024

As an eCommerce business owner, you know that your website is the heart of your digital presence. It serves as a virtual storefront, a platform to showcase your brand, and a crucial tool for engaging customers and driving sales. However, creating an effective eCommerce website requires specialized knowledge and technical skills that you may lack. This is where eCommerce web design services come in. By partnering with experts who focus specifically on eCommerce web development, you can have a high-quality website built to suit your unique business needs. In this article, we’ll share tips from industry professionals on how to find and work with eCommerce web designers to develop a site that will take your business to the next level. With the right design and development team behind you, your eCommerce website can become a powerful driver of growth and a key competitive advantage. Here’s how to get started.

Why Invest in Custom eCommerce Web Design?

A custom eCommerce web design is essential for any online business. Here are a few reasons why investing in professional web design services for your store can pay off:

Increased Sales and Revenue

A polished, user-friendly website converts more visitors into customers. Studies show that 75% of users judge a company's credibility based on web design. Customers expect a seamless shopping experience, so a custom design tailored to your products and brand ensures maximum engagement and higher sales.

Improved Search Ranking

An optimized, mobile-friendly website with strong content and clear navigation ranks higher in search results. Higher rankings mean more organic traffic and visibility for your store. Professional web designers employ proven SEO and UX best practices to improve your search ranking and drive more potential buyers to your site.

Enhanced Branding

Your website is the digital face of your company and a key part of your brand identity. A memorable, visually compelling design reinforces your brand message and creates a cohesive experience across platforms. Custom web design also allows you to showcase high-quality product images and really bring your brand to life for online shoppers.

Reduced Maintenance

A well-designed website built on a robust eCommerce platform requires less time and money to manage. Web designers optimize site architecture and features to streamline product updates, blogging, and other common tasks. They also ensure your site is secure, stable, and scalable so you can focus on running your business rather than troubleshooting technical issues.

Investing in professional eCommerce web design is a smart business decision that will yield both short and long-term rewards. Partnering with experienced web designers allows you to create an online shopping experience that boosts sales, strengthens your brand, improves visibility, and reduces operational costs. For growing your business in today's digital marketplace, custom web design is a must.

How to Choose an eCommerce Web Design Services
How to Choose an eCommerce Web Design Services

How to Choose an eCommerce Web Design Services

When choosing an eCommerce web design service, consider these important factors:

Experience and Expertise

Look for a service with extensive experience creating custom eCommerce websites and web stores. They should have a proven track record of successful eCommerce website launches and a portfolio of live website examples to view. Ideally, they will have expertise in your specific industry or product niche.

Custom Solutions

Select a service that offers completely customized website design and development. Cookie-cutter, template-based websites will not effectively represent your brand or meet your business needs. Seek out a service that provides tailored eCommerce website solutions built from scratch to your exact specifications.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

Your eCommerce website must be fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Over half of all web traffic now comes from smartphones and tablets, so your web store needs to provide an excellent experience for visitors on any device. Choose a web design service with expertise in responsive and mobile-first web design.

Robust eCommerce Functionality

Look for a service that can build a custom web store with powerful eCommerce functionality. This includes an integrated shopping cart, multiple payment gateways, shipping integration, product reviews, coupon codes, and more. They should be able to configure a web store that suits your unique business model and requirements.

Ongoing Support

Select a web design service that provides ongoing support and maintenance for your new eCommerce website. This includes services like web hosting, security monitoring, software updates, bug fixes, and general support. They should also offer additional services such as email marketing, SEO, and social media integration to help promote and optimize your online store after the initial website launch.

Questions to Ask Before Hiring an eCommerce Web Designer

When hiring an eCommerce web designer, there are several important questions you should ask to determine if they are the right fit for your needs.

What is your experience designing eCommerce websites?

Look for a designer with extensive experience creating custom eCommerce websites, especially in your industry. Ask to see examples of their live eCommerce site designs. An experienced designer will be up to date with eCommerce best practices, familiar with eCommerce platforms, payment gateways, and shopping cart options.

What design process do you follow?

A reputable designer will have a proven design process that includes requirements gathering, wireframing, prototyping, visual design, development, testing, and launch. They should spend time understanding your business requirements, brand, and target audience before starting the visual design. A strategic design process leads to an intuitive user experience and higher conversion rates.

What tools and technologies do you work with?

For eCommerce sites, a designer should have expertise in technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento. They should also be skilled in design tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator or Sketch. Proficiency in conversion optimization and A/B testing tools is also beneficial.

What is your pricing structure?

Web design pricing varies significantly based on the complexity and scope of the project. Expect to pay between $5,000 to $30,000 or more for an eCommerce website. Discuss whether the designer charges hourly or by project and how revisions or ongoing updates are billed. Also, inquire about any additional costs for licensing images, fonts, plugins or eCommerce platform fees.

What support do you provide after launch?

Post-launch support is key to optimizing your new eCommerce site. Discuss options for support such as website maintenance, content updates, SEO optimization, security monitoring, and fixing any issues that arise. Ongoing design support will help ensure your site continues to meet the changing needs of your business.

Choosing the right eCommerce web designer is crucial to the success of your online store. Asking targeted questions about their experience, process, tools, pricing and support offerings will help you find a designer that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Latest eCommerce Web Design Trends to Follow
Latest eCommerce Web Design Trends to Follow

Latest eCommerce Web Design Trends to Follow

To keep up with the latest eCommerce web design trends, you must stay on the cutting edge of developments in the field. Keeping your website up-to-date with modern designs and features is key to staying competitive. Some of the top trends to integrate into your eCommerce web design services include:

Mobile-Friendly Design

With more people shopping on mobile devices than ever before, a mobile-friendly eCommerce website is essential. Your site should be fully responsive, with easy navigation and clear call-to-action buttons suitable for touchscreens. Optimize your product pages for mobile viewing and ensure your checkout process is simple to complete on a small screen.


Customers appreciate a personalized shopping experience. Use data about your customers and their browsing behavior to tailor product recommendations, special offers, and the overall shopping journey to their needs and interests. Personalized web design makes each visitor feel like a valued customer.

Social Media Integration

Integrate social media into your eCommerce website to help visitors discover and share your brand. Add social media buttons so customers can easily share product pages on networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. You can also embed curated social media feeds to increase social proof and build credibility.

Visual-First Design

With an emphasis on high-quality visuals, visual-first web design puts images front and center. Feature large, high-resolution product photos and minimal text on your product pages. Use an uncluttered layout with plenty of white space to let the photos shine through. A visual-first eCommerce website creates an engaging user experience that brings your products to life.

Seamless Checkout

An optimized checkout process is vital for eCommerce success. Your website should have a streamlined checkout with minimal distractions, clear form fields, and a progress indicator. Offer multiple payment methods, including popular options like Apple Pay and PayPal, and reassure customers with trust badges and security guarantees. A seamless checkout experience means higher conversion rates and more completed sales.

Following the latest eCommerce web design trends will ensure your services stay up-to-date and able to meet the needs of today's online shoppers. Keep a close watch on developments in the field and continuously optimize your website to provide an exceptional user experience.

Elements of a High-Converting eCommerce Website Design

To design an eCommerce website that converts visitors into customers, there are several elements you must include.

Product Images

High-quality product images are essential for any eCommerce site. Use large, detailed photos that show the product from multiple angles. For clothing and accessories, include photos of the item being worn. Product images allow customers to view details and help them make purchasing decisions.

Descriptive Product Copy

Write copy that highlights the key features and benefits of each product. Mention the materials, sizes, and any specifications. Use an enthusiastic and engaging tone to capture interest. Include keywords throughout the copy to improve searchability. Well-written product copy, along with high-quality images, helps turn casual browsers into motivated buyers.

Easy Navigation

Make it simple for customers to find what they need. Use a clean menu structure and category filters to help visitors narrow choices. Include search functionality and suggested or related products. Simple, intuitive navigation reduces confusion and frustration, keeping customers on your site.

Secure Checkout

A secure checkout process is essential for any eCommerce business. Use an SSL certificate and a reputable payment gateway to protect customer data. Offer multiple payment options like credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay. The checkout should be quick, simple, and reassuring. Customers will abandon their carts if they don't trust the security or find the checkout complicated.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews build trust and social proof. Allow customers to review products and share their experiences. Reviews help new customers determine the quality and fit of items. Address any negative reviews promptly and professionally. Reviews are one of the most influential factors in a customer's buying decision.

An expertly designed eCommerce site incorporates all these elements to provide an enjoyable shopping experience, build trust, and drive sales. Focusing on high-quality product presentation, simple navigation, a secure checkout, and authentic customer reviews will yield optimal results.

eCommerce UX Best Practices to Boost Sales

When designing an eCommerce website, certain user experience (UX) best practices should be followed to maximize sales and conversions.

Clear Navigation

A simple, intuitive navigation menu is key. Group categories in a logical manner and use descriptive category and page names. This makes it easy for customers to find what they need. Minimize the number of clicks needed to purchase an item.

High-Quality Product Images

Invest in professional product photography. High-resolution images allow customers to view details and help them make informed purchasing decisions. For clothing and accessories, use model images to demonstrate sizing and fit.

Detailed Product Descriptions

Thoroughly describe each product, including features, specifications, sizing, and available options. Answer common questions to build trust in your brand. Use an engaging and enthusiastic tone to highlight the benefits and value.

Trust Badges

Display trust badges, security seals, and customer reviews prominently. These social proofs establish credibility and help alleviate concerns, especially for first-time customers. Offer live chat or quick response times for customer questions.

Simplified Checkout

An optimized checkout process is critical. Only collect necessary billing, shipping, and payment information. Offer multiple payment options, including major credit cards. Save customer information for faster checkout on future orders. Provide an order summary and terms of service for review before final payment.

Post-Purchase Experience

The experience does not end after purchase. Send a customized receipt and shipping notification with tracking information. Thank the customer and provide an easy returns or exchange policy if needed. Consider offering a loyalty or rewards program for repeat customers.

By following these best practices, you can design an eCommerce website that engages customers, builds trust in your brand, and boosts sales and conversions. Optimizing the end-to-end experience from product discovery to post-purchase is key to success.

eCommerce Web Design Services: The Process Step by Step

The process of developing an eCommerce website design typically follows a multi-step approach to ensure a high-quality end result. By understanding the key steps involved, you can have reasonable expectations about the time and effort required to complete your eCommerce web design project.

1. Initial Consultation

The first step is an initial consultation with your web design agency. During this meeting, you will discuss your business goals, product details, target audience, and branding. The agency will assess your needs and provide recommendations for the eCommerce platform, features, and web design that will meet your key objectives. They can also provide estimates for the total project cost and timeline.

2. Sitemap and Wireframes

Next, the agency will develop a sitemap to determine the layout and hierarchy of pages for your site. They will then create wireframes, which are basic visual diagrams showing the placement of elements on each page. The sitemap and wireframes allow you to approve the overall structure and user experience before visual design begins.

3. Visual Design

With your feedback on the sitemap and wireframes incorporated, the agency will start crafting the visual design of your eCommerce website. This includes finalizing the layout, styling, graphics, images, and branding elements that will bring your wireframes to life. They will design templates for product pages, the home page, contact page, and other key sections of your site.

4. Development

The visual designs are now ready to be developed into a fully functioning eCommerce website. The agency will build your site using a platform like Shopify or BigCommerce and install any additional features you have requested like a blog, email capture tools or social media integration. They will populate your products, images, descriptions, and any other content provided by you.

5. Testing and Launch

Before launching your live eCommerce site, the agency will perform in-depth testing to ensure there are no broken links, errors, or other issues. Once approved, your new website will go live! The agency can also provide post-launch support to help optimize your site, provide updates, and assist with any other needs to keep your online business running smoothly.

Following these key steps with the guidance of a professional web design agency will help bring your vision for an eCommerce website to reality. By understanding what is involved in the full web design process, you can feel prepared for the journey ahead.

eCommerce Website Design Templates on Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform offers eCommerce website design templates to help you quickly launch an online store. These templates provide a pre-designed structure you can easily customize to reflect your brand. Using a template saves time and money versus building a custom site from scratch.

Responsive Design

The eCommerce templates feature responsive design optimized for mobile devices, tablets, and desktops. This ensures your site will display properly on any screen, providing an optimal experience for all visitors. Studies show over half of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices, so a responsive design is essential for any modern website.


While the templates provide a ready-made design, they are also highly customizable. You have full control to change colors, fonts, images, and layouts as needed. You can add or remove sections to best fit your needs. The drag and drop builder makes it easy to make changes without any coding required. This flexibility allows you to create a site that is uniquely your own.


The eCommerce templates include essential features for an online store like:

  • Product galleries to showcase your items
  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout process
  • Customer accounts
  • Payment processing
  • Shipping integrations

You also get standard web page features such as:

  • About us and Contact pages
  • Blog section
  • Call to action buttons
  • Social media icons

Using these templates allows you to quickly get an eCommerce site up and running, then continue optimizing and improving it over time. The platform makes it easy to make ongoing changes whenever you need to update products, run sales promotions, or rebrand your site.

In summary, the eCommerce website design templates on Unicorn Platform provide an easy way to launch your online store with a professional, responsive site. The templates can save you significant time and money, yet are also highly customizable to meet your specific needs. With essential eCommerce and web page features built-in, these templates have everything you need to start selling online.

eCommerce Web Design Services FAQ: Your Top Questions Answered

As an eCommerce business owner, you likely have many questions about web design services. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers:

What are the benefits of hiring an eCommerce web design service?

Hiring web design professionals provides several key benefits for eCommerce business owners:

  • Expertise. Web designers have the technical skills and experience to build an attractive, user-friendly website that converts visitors into customers.
  • Time savings. Web design services handle the entire process of planning, designing, developing, and launching your website so you can focus on running your business.
  • SEO optimization. Professional web designers incorporate search engine optimization best practices to help your site rank higher in search engines like Google.

How much do eCommerce web design services cost?

The cost of eCommerce web design services can range from $5,000 to $30,000 or more depending on the specifics of your project:

  • Website complexity. A basic 5-10 page site will cost less than an advanced site with custom features.
  • Design customization. A custom design created specifically for your brand will cost more than a template.
  • Integrated features. Additional functionality like an online store, blog, customer portal, etc. will increase the cost.
  • Location and experience. Rates vary in different areas and based on the designer’s level of experience.

How long does it take to build an eCommerce website?

The timeline for building an eCommerce website can take 3 to 6 months on average:

  • 1-2 months for planning, design, and development. This includes wireframing, creating visual designs, building the site architecture, and programming the frontend and backend.
  • 1 month for testing, revisions, and bug fixes. Thorough quality assurance and testing helps ensure an exceptional user experience.
  • 1-2 months for content development and migration. Photographing and writing product descriptions, blog posts, and other content and moving any existing data into the new site.
  • 2-4 weeks for final review, approval, and launch. Time for you to review and approve the final site before it goes live.

Does this help explain some of the most important details about eCommerce web design services? Let me know if you have any other questions. I'm happy to provide more information and recommendations.


In summary, building an effective ecommerce website requires focus, planning, and a user-centric design. By following the expert tips outlined here and leveraging a simple yet powerful web design platform, you'll be well on your way to an ecommerce site that drives sales and delights your customers. Keep your site clean and clutter-free, choose a balanced and complementary color scheme, optimize for mobile, include high-quality images of your products, and don't forget compelling calls-to-action. With the right ecommerce web design, you'll transform casual site visitors into loyal customers and brand advocates. Success is within your reach if you build it, and build it right.

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