Create Eye-Catching Social Media Advertising Landing Page in Minutes

published on 25 July 2023

As a marketer looking to attract more leads and boost conversions, you know the importance of an eye-catching landing page. However, building an effective landing page that drives results can be time-consuming and require technical skills you may lack. Fortunately, tools have emerged to simplify the process so you can create high-converting landing pages in minutes without coding. Unicorn Platform provides an easy drag and drop builder to design social media advertising landing pages that capture attention and convert visitors into leads. With professionally designed templates, elements, and images at your fingertips, you'll have an optimized landing page ready to launch your next social media ad campaign in no time. Say goodbye to complicated coding and hello to high-performance landing pages that fuel your business growth.

You can also check out Unicorn Platform's article on website design and SEO company as a new partner, which showcases the benefits of partnering with a website design and SEO company to amplify your online presence and drive more traffic to your landing pages.

Why You Need a Dedicated Social Media Advertising Landing Page
Why You Need a Dedicated Social Media Advertising Landing Page

Why You Need a Dedicated Social Media Advertising Landing Page

As a business, your social media advertising efforts are key to reaching new potential customers and driving traffic to your website. However, without a dedicated landing page for your social media ads, you risk losing many of those valuable visitors. A custom landing page tailored to your social media ads allows you to effectively convert visitors into leads or customers.

Capture Contact Information

A social media advertising landing page should make it easy for visitors to provide their contact information in exchange for a content offer like an ebook, checklist or video. By offering something of value for free in exchange for an email address, you give visitors an incentive to convert while gaining a lead you can market to again in the future.

Match Your Ad Creative

Your landing page should match the ad creative and messaging that visitors clicked on to get there. For example, if your social media ad promoted a free guide on productivity tips for entrepreneurs, your landing page should prominently feature that same guide to download. Consistency builds trust and credibility, making visitors more likely to convert.

Keep It Simple

A cluttered or confusing landing page will only frustrate visitors and hurt your conversion rates. Focus on a single, clear call-to-action like entering an email to download a content offer or resource. Remove any links or buttons that lead away from the page. Use visuals and minimal copy to communicate your key message quickly and keep visitors engaged.

Optimize for Mobile

The majority of social media users access platforms via mobile devices. If your landing page is not optimized for mobile viewing, you will miss out on many potential conversions. Ensure buttons, forms, copy and any visual media display properly on smaller screens. Keep the design clean and minimize the need for pinching or zooming.

With a dedicated social media advertising landing page, you can turn more visitors into leads and customers. By capturing contact details, matching your ad creative, keeping the page simple and optimizing for mobile, your landing page will drive higher conversion rates and greater ROI from your social media ads.

How to Choose the Right Landing Page Builder for Your Needs

Choosing the right landing page builder for your needs depends on several factors. First, consider your technical skills and experience. If you have little experience creating websites, a drag and drop builder with pre-designed templates will allow you to quickly build professional landing pages without coding. However, if you have web design experience, a more flexible builder with customization options may suit you better.

You should also think about which features are most important for your landing page goals. Do you need an easy way to create eye-catching opt-in forms and capture leads? Look for a builder with a wide range of lead capture form options. Are beautiful images and multimedia critical to your page? Choose a builder with a large library of free stock photos, images, and video options. For social media advertising, focus on a builder that allows you to easily create mobile-responsive pages, since many users will view your ad on their phones.

Ease of use and flexibility are other key factors. An intuitive interface with drag and drop elements, pre-designed blocks and sections will allow you to create your page quickly without hassle. However, you also want a builder that provides customization for things like page layout, colors, fonts to achieve your desired look and feel. Some builders also have features like saved sections, templates and elements that you can reuse on other pages. This can save you a lot of time, especially if you need to create multiple landing pages.

Pricing and available integrations are also important considerations. Landing page builders range from free to several hundreds of dollars per month. Choose a plan that fits your budget and needs. Also, look for a builder that integrates easily with the other tools you use, such as your email marketing, CRM or ecommerce platform. With the right landing page builder that meets your key needs and priorities, you'll be creating high-converting landing pages for your social media ads in no time.

Unicorn Platform: An Easy Yet Powerful Landing Page Builder
Unicorn Platform: An Easy Yet Powerful Landing Page Builder

Unicorn Platform: An Easy Yet Powerful Landing Page Builder

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive yet powerful drag and drop landing page builder that allows you to create eye-catching landing pages for your social media ad campaigns in minutes.

Simple to Use

Unicorn Platform has an easy to use drag and drop interface, with no coding required. Simply select elements from the left pane like images, buttons, forms and text boxes and drop them onto your page. Resize and reposition as needed. With a minimal learning curve, you can build great looking landing pages fast.

Mobile Responsive

The landing pages you build with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive, meaning they adapt to any screen size. Your pages will look great on desktops, tablets and smartphones. This is crucial for social media ad campaigns as many people will view and interact with your ad from their mobile devices.

High Converting Templates

Start with one of Unicorn Platform’s professionally designed landing page templates to speed up the design process. The templates are optimized for high conversion rates so you can get the most out of your social media ads. Easily customize any template by rearranging and editing elements or swap in your own copy and images.


Unicorn Platform integrates with popular email marketing, CRM and analytics tools like MailChimp, HubSpot, and Google Analytics. You can add email opt-in forms, capture leads, track conversions and gain key insights into the performance of your landing pages and social media ads.

Affordable and Scalable

Unicorn Platform has affordable monthly plans starting at $12/month. As your needs grow, easily upgrade to a higher plan for access to more landing pages, templates and features. For social media marketers and small businesses, Unicorn Platform is a cost-effective landing page solution.

Unicorn Platform allows you to create high-converting social media advertising landing pages with ease. Give your ad campaigns the best chance of success with a dedicated landing page built in just a few minutes. Sign up for a free 14-day trial and start boosting your conversions today.

How to Build Email Marketing Landing Page with Unicorn Platform

To build an email marketing landing page with Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Choose a Template

Select a template from the “Landing Pages” template category that suits your needs. Some options include:

  • Email capture template: Simple with an email signup form.
  • Product launch template: Eye-catching with image galleries, video embed and countdown timer.
  • Webinar registration template: Includes registration form, webinar details and social proof sections.

Customize the Design

You can customize the template by changing:

  • Page colors: Select a color scheme or set custom colors that match your brand.
  • Fonts: Choose from Google Fonts library for headlines and body text.
  • Page sections: Add, remove or reorder sections like hero banner, features, pricing, testimonials, etc.
  • Media: Upload your own images, swap out icons, add YouTube or Vimeo videos.

Build Your Email Signup Form

Adding an email signup or newsletter subscription form is key. In the “Forms” tab, select “Email Signup Form”. You can then:

  • Choose a form style: Embedded, modal or slide-in
  • Select required fields: Email, first name, last name
  • Add an email marketing service: Connect to Mailchimp, Drip, Constant Contact or Campaign Monitor to collect emails
  • Customize the form button text, input placeholder text and success message

Preview and Publish

Preview your landing page to check how it looks on both desktop and mobile devices. Make any final edits needed before publishing your page.

  • To preview, click the “Preview” button. Review on multiple devices if possible.
  • When ready to go live, click “Publish”. Your page will be live on the web and you can start driving traffic to it from your email and social media marketing campaigns.
  • You can edit a published page at any time. Changes will go live instantly.

Using these techniques, you can create and publish an eye-catching email marketing landing page for your business in just a few minutes with Unicorn Platform. Promote your page on social media and in email newsletters to capture more leads and grow your mailing list.

Customize Your Landing Page

To create an eye-catching social media advertising landing page, you’ll want to customize the page to match your brand and the ad campaign. The landing page is the first thing people will see after clicking your ad, so make a good first impression.

Choose a Template

Select a template from the provided options that matches your brand style. You can change the colors, fonts, and layout later, but the template establishes the initial look and feel. For most advertisers, a simple yet modern template works well.

Set Your Brand Colors

Update the template by inputting your brand colors or choosing a complementary color palette. The colors should be consistent with your other marketing materials. Vibrant, attractive colors tend to capture attention. You can also add your brand logo to reinforce your visual identity.

Select Effective Images

Carefully choose 2-3 high-quality images to help convey your key message. Images of people using your product or service in an aspirational way often work well for social media ads. You can also include product images, lifestyle shots, or graphics. For the best results, use authentic images that showcase the real value of what you offer.

Write a Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first text people will read. Write a headline that is concise yet impactful, highlighting your value proposition or a key benefit. Use an active verb and speak directly to the needs and desires of your target audience. The headline and images should work together to instantly capture interest.

Refine and Review

Once you have the initial elements in place, review and refine as needed. Check that the content is concise, impactful, and matches your brand voice. Get feedback from colleagues to identify any areas for improvement. Double check that all links work properly and that the page displays well on both desktop and mobile devices. Make any final changes before launching your social media ad campaign.

With a customized landing page that is visually cohesive and effectively conveys your message, you'll drive high quality traffic and maximize conversion rates from your social media ads. The time spent optimizing your landing page will lead to the best results for your marketing efforts.

Add Your Value Proposition

Your value proposition is the primary reason why your target customers should buy from you. It states the benefits your product or service provides to customers. For a social media advertising landing page, your value proposition should clearly convey:

  • How your product solves key problems or frustrates your target customers are facing. For example, “Design eye-catching social media ads in minutes.”
  • The key benefits and outcomes your target customers will gain from using your product. For instance, “Create high-converting ads without design experience.”
  • What makes your product different and stand out from competitors. You might say, “The only do-it-yourself social media advertising tool with 1000+ customizable ad templates.”

Express a Strong Value Proposition

A strong value proposition has four key elements:

  1. Target Customer: Who are your target customers? For example, “For social media marketers and small business owners who want to boost conversions.”
  2. Problem: What problem does your product solve? You might state, “Tired of paying expensive designers and wasting time creating social media ads from scratch.”
  3. Solution: How does your product solve that problem? For example, “Unicorn Platform's drag and drop ad builder makes it easy to design high-performing social media ads in just a few clicks.”
  4. Benefits: What are the most significant benefits and outcomes for customers? You can say something like, “Create eye-catching social media ads, increase click-through rates by up to 400%, and get more sales and leads for your business.”

An effective value proposition brings all these elements together into a clear, compelling statement. A good example would be:

For social media marketers and small business owners, Unicorn Platform's do-it-yourself ad builder offers an easy way to design high-converting social media ads in minutes and boost sales without paying expensive designers.

Be sure to prominently display your value proposition at the top of your landing page so visitors immediately understand why your product is for them. Keep refining and optimizing your value proposition based on customer feedback and metrics to improve conversions. With a persuasive value proposition, you'll turn more visitors into customers and accelerate the growth of your business.

Include Strong Visuals and Videos

To create an eye-catching social media advertising landing page, include compelling visuals and video content. Strong imagery and multimedia help to quickly capture attention and convey your message.

Use High-Quality Images

Include professional photos that feature people using your product or service. Images of customers help visitors visualize themselves benefiting from what you offer. For a software product, show screenshots of the interface. Use large images, at least 600 x 400 pixels in size.

Include an Explainer Video

An explainer video briefly demonstrates how your product or service works. Even a short 30 to 90 second video can be highly effective for engaging visitors and conveying value. Place the video prominently on your page, with a thumbnail image to encourage clicks. You might say something like, “Watch this quick video to see how we can help your business.”

Spotlight Key Features

Call out important features and benefits using images, icons, or short video clips. For example, “Robust Reporting: Gain insights into key metrics and KPIs with customizable dashboards and reports.” The visuals should relate directly to the text to reinforce your messaging.

Use Testimonials

Add authentic reviews and testimonials from real customers. Include a photo of the customer, their full name, title, and company. Verbatim quotes about their experience using your product or service can be very persuasive. For example:

"Unicorn Platform allowed us to launch our mobile app in half the time. Their intuitive drag and drop builder is a game changer."

John Doe, CEO, ABC Tech Company

Include a Clear Call-to-Action

Your page should have a prominent call-to-action button, like “Start Your Free Trial” or “Learn More.” Place the CTA button above the fold for maximum visibility. The CTA should stand out using a high-contrast color and font size.

By incorporating compelling visuals and multimedia, you can create an advertising landing page in minutes that will capture attention and drive conversions. Strong imagery, video, testimonials, and clear calls-to-action are the keys to an eye-catching and persuasive page.

Add a Clear Call-to-Action

A clear call-to-action (CTA) is essential for converting visitors into leads and customers. Your CTA should be prominently displayed on the page to prompt the desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or demo.

To create an effective CTA for your landing page:

  • Choose an action-oriented button text like “Sign Up Now”, “Get Started”, or “Request a Demo”. These convey a sense of urgency and encourage the visitor to take the next step. Avoid weak phrases like “Learn More”.
  • Make the CTA button prominent by using a contrasting color. Red, green and orange are eye-catching options. The button should be one of the first things visitors see when the page loads.
  • Explain the benefits and value proposition clearly above the fold. Help the visitor understand what they will gain by clicking the CTA. Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight key benefits.
  • Build trust and social proof through testimonials, customer logos, reviews and ratings. The more credibility you can establish, the more likely visitors will be to convert.
  • Keep your page focused on one goal or CTA. Don’t distract visitors by giving them too many options or links to click. Guide them step by step to your desired call-to-action.
  • Make your CTA button large and easy to click. It should span the width of the content section for maximum visibility.
  • Consider offering an incentive like a free trial, discount, or demo to motivate visitors to take action. Limited-time offers in particular can create a fear of missing out.
  • Place your CTA at both the top and bottom of the page so visitors see it as soon as they land on the page and again before they leave. The more impressions, the higher the conversion rate.

An optimized call-to-action with a compelling offer or incentive is one of the most effective ways to turn your landing page visitors into qualified leads. Follow these best practices and you'll have an eye-catching CTA in minutes that converts visitors into customers.

FAQs: Using Unicorn Platform to Build Your Social Media Advertising Landing Page

To build an eye-catching social media advertising landing page in minutes with Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Select a Template

Unicorn Platform offers professionally-designed templates to choose from. Select a template that aligns with your brand and the goal of your landing page. For a social media advertising campaign, choose a template focused on lead generation, email signups or product promotion.

Customize the Design

Once you have selected a template, you can fully customize the design to match your brand. Change the color scheme, fonts, layout and add your logo and brand images. You have full control over the look and feel of your landing page.

Add Engaging Content

Create content for your landing page that will capture the attention of visitors and inspire them to take action. You may want to include an attention-grabbing headline, hero image, bullet points highlighting the key benefits and a strong call-to-action like "Sign Up Now" or "Learn More". Keep content concise while highlighting the value to the customer.

Connect Email Marketing Service

To capture leads from your landing page, connect your email marketing service like Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor. Visitors who provide their email will be automatically added to your list so you can follow up and nurture them.

Launch and Promote Your Landing Page

Once your landing page is ready, launch it and start driving traffic to it through social media advertising and campaigns. You can then analyze how visitors are interacting with your page and make improvements to increase conversion rates over time.

Additional Questions

Do I need coding experience to use Unicorn Platform? No, Unicorn Platform is a drag and drop website builder - no coding required.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost? Unicorn Platform has a free plan as well as paid plans starting at $12/month.

Can I create more than landing pages with Unicorn Platform? Yes, you can create entire websites, blogs, and online stores with Unicorn Platform.


You now have the tools and knowledge to create an eye-catching social media advertising landing page in minutes. Unicorn Platform's easy-to-use drag and drop builder allows anyone to design a custom landing page optimized for conversions without needing technical skills. By choosing one of their professionally-designed templates, adding in your brand's images and messaging, and connecting it to your email marketing or social media advertising campaign, you'll be generating more leads and sales in no time. Stop wasting time and money on complicated website builders or coding - with Unicorn Platform, you can have your social media advertising landing page live today and start reaching your growth goals.

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