Create an Airbnb Landing Page in Minutes With Unicorn Platform

updated on 22 October 2024

As an entrepreneur, creating an effective yet straightforward landing page for your new business venture is crucial to capturing the interest of potential customers. However, designing an attractive landing page from scratch requires both technical skills and time that you likely do not have, especially when focused on building your company. Unicorn Platform provides an easy solution. Their simple drag and drop website builder allows you to create a custom landing page for your startup, mobile app, or SaaS business in just minutes without any coding required. With stylish templates tailored for companies like Airbnb and vacation rental websites, you can have a professional landing page up and running today to start promoting your new business and gain valuable customer leads. If you're in the travel industry, you may also want to check out Unicorn Platform's article on the 5 best travel website developers to help you create a stunning website for your business. Using Unicorn Platform, you'll have an eye-catching landing page in no time so you can get back to focusing on what really matters - growing your company.

Why You Need a Dedicated Vacation Rental Landing Page

As a vacation rental owner, having a dedicated landing page for your property is crucial to attracting guests and standing out from the competition. Here are a few reasons why you need your own Airbnb landing page:

  • Build your brand. A custom landing page allows you to showcase your unique rental property and the experience you provide to guests. You can highlight amenities, share photos of the space, and convey your home’s vibe and style. This helps you build recognition and loyalty with potential guests.
  • Improve conversion rates. Visitors who land on a generic listing page are less likely to book compared to those who view a tailored landing page. By crafting messaging and visuals that speak directly to your ideal guests, you make it easy for them to envision staying at your rental. This can significantly improve your conversion rates and bookings.
  • Capture contact information. With your own landing page, you have the opportunity to collect email addresses and other contact details from interested visitors. You can then market to them in the future and encourage them to book a stay.
  • Stand out from competitors. In a sea of Airbnb listings, your own stylish landing page helps you differentiate your rental from others. You can highlight what makes your property unique to capture guests’ attention right away. This is especially important if you have competition from similar rentals in your area.
  • Optimize for search engines. A dedicated landing page optimized with relevant keywords, page titles, and meta descriptions will rank higher in search results compared to a standard Airbnb listing page. This can drive more organic traffic and exposure for your vacation rental.

With some time and effort, you can create an Airbnb landing page that establishes your brand, improves conversions, builds your mailing list, stands out from competitors, and ranks well in search engines. The rewards of increased bookings and a loyal customer base make it worth the investment.

How to Design an Effective Airbnb Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

To create an effective Airbnb landing page on Unicorn Platform, follow these key steps:

First, select an eye-catching template. Choose from the curated templates in the Unicorn template library or start from scratch. For vacation rentals, a template with large, high-quality images is ideal. The template should convey a sense of home, comfort, and escape.

Next, focus on stunning visuals. Include enticing photos of the property, amenities, neighborhood, and surrounding area. Photos are the first thing visitors see, so make them count. For the main photo, select an exterior shot that highlights the home’s best features. Add a minimum of 3-5 additional photos.

Then, craft a compelling headline and listing description. The headline should capture the essence of the property and experience in a few words. In the listing description, describe the key details, amenities, and neighborhood highlights. Mention proximity to attractions and amenities. Keep the tone upbeat and focus on the benefits and experience for guests.

In addition, highlight the location and amenities. Call out important amenities, like WiFi, kitchen, pool, parking, and laundry. For location, note the property’s proximity to landmarks, public transit, and the city center. Location and amenities are two of the most important factors for guests.

Finally, include essential details like pricing, availability, and booking. State the nightly, weekly, and monthly rates clearly. Sync the calendar to show availability for the next 12-24 months. Make booking easy by allowing instant booking or enabling booking requests. Provide guest reviews when available to build trust.

By following these steps, you can create an Airbnb landing page on Unicorn Platform that converts visitors into bookings. With a combination of visuals, compelling copy, and essential details, your page will showcase the perfect vacation rental experience for guests.

For luxury real estate, check out our article on how to build your luxury real estate website without code to help you create the perfect website for your business.

Use Large, High-Quality Photos to Showcase Your Property

To create an attractive Airbnb landing page in minutes, use large, high-quality photos to showcase your property. Images are essential for giving potential guests a sense of your space.

Select Photos that Highlight the Best Features

Choose photos that highlight the best features of your property, such as:

  • Spacious living areas
  • Luxurious bedrooms
  • Modern kitchens
  • Outdoor patios or balconies with scenic views

Use a Variety of Wide-Angle and Close-Up Shots

Include a combination of wide-angle shots to show the overall space, as well as close-up shots of details like decorative accents. A mix of vertical and horizontal photos also provides visual interest. For the best quality, use a digital camera and avoid smartphone photos when possible.

Edit Photos to Enhance the Look and Feel

Edit your photos to adjust elements like brightness, color balance, and sharpness. You can use free tools like Photos on Mac, Photos on Windows 10, or smartphone apps to make basic edits. For more advanced editing, try affordable options like Adobe Lightroom.

Choose a Consistent Style for all Photos

Maintain a consistent style across all your photos for a cohesive look. Use the same filters and edits for brightness, color temperature, and other attributes. Frame shots similarly with balanced compositions. These small details will make your listing appear polished and professional.

Include Captions to Provide Context

Add captions below each photo to provide context about what is shown. Mention details like the room type, amenities, square footage or other highlights. Well-written captions, combined with great photos, allow potential guests to visualize staying at your property.

With stunning, high-quality photos and captions, you can create an Airbnb landing page that makes a memorable first impression and inspires guests to book a stay. Focusing on visuals is one of the best ways to showcase your space and convey its atmosphere.

Focus on Key Amenities and Location in Your Copy

To create an effective Airbnb landing page in minutes, focus on highlighting the key amenities and location in your copy. The details you include about what makes your listing unique and appealing can make the difference between a booking and a bounce.

Location, Location, Location

Emphasize your property’s desirable location and what makes the neighborhood attractive. Mention nearby points of interest like restaurants, shops, public transit, and natural areas. Include the approximate travel time to major attractions. Location is one of the top factors guests consider when choosing an Airbnb, so sell the benefits of your spot.

Amenities Galore

Call out the amenities and features that enhance the comfort and experience of your guests. Modern furnishings, luxury linens, kitchenware, entertainment systems, and extras like a patio or balcony are all worth noting. Mention the amenities in both your pictures and text to maximize impact. Little touches like a welcome basket or guide to the area also make a great impression.

Special Touches

Highlight anything that makes your listing unique to give guests an authentic sense of your place. Maybe you’ve renovated a historic property, have epic views of the city skyline or a secluded natural setting. Include details about the style, decor and extras that showcase your property’s character. Special touches help your listing stand out and connect with guests looking for an memorable experience.

An effective landing page focuses less on generic terms and more on specifics. Vividly convey what guests can expect by painting a picture with descriptive words and dynamic phrases. Keep your language positive and enthusiastic to match the tone guests seek when planning a getaway. With compelling copy centered around location, amenities and special touches, you’ll turn lookers into bookers in no time.

If you are looking to build a high-converting real estate landing page in minutes, Unicorn Platform has got you covered. Check out their article on how to build high-converting real estate landing pages in minutes to learn more.  

Include Social Proof and Reviews From Happy Guests
Include Social Proof and Reviews From Happy Guests

Include Social Proof and Reviews From Happy Guests

To build trust and social proof on your Airbnb landing page, include reviews and ratings from happy guests who have stayed at your rental property. Their positive experiences and recommendations will instill confidence in potential new guests visiting your page.

Testimonials From Previous Guests

Ask your previous guests if they would kindly provide a review of their stay at your rental. Explain that their feedback will help reassure new guests and gain their trust in booking with you. Offer to include their first names, photos and a star rating on your landing page in exchange for an honest review. Be sure to only post 4 and 5 star reviews on your page.

You can also pull reviews directly from the Airbnb website if you have a listing already set up. Look for thoughtful reviews that highlight what the guests enjoyed most about their stay, your hospitality, the amenities, location and overall experience. Ask follow up questions to get more details to include in their testimonial. The more specific and personal the review, the more persuasive and impactful it will be to readers.

A High Average Rating

In addition to written reviews, prominently display your overall star rating and number of reviews on your landing page. An average 4.5 stars or higher builds instant credibility. Mention your commitment to providing 5 star hospitality and an amazing guest experience with each stay.

  • Explain that you highly value each and every guest
  • Discuss your amenities, high standards of cleanliness and available support
  • Note your response time and dedication to quickly addressing any questions or concerns

A Large Number of Bookings

You can also note the total number of bookings, repeat guests, or years of experience as an Airbnb host on your landing page. For example, “Over 500 guests stayed and enjoyed our beachfront getaway!” or “We’ve been hosting on Airbnb since 2015.” High demand and extensive experience in the short-term rental market establishes you as a reputable host.

In summary, prominently featuring social proof like reviews, ratings, statistics and testimonials from happy guests who stayed at your rental property is the most effective way to build trust and credibility on your Airbnb landing page. Their positive experiences will reassure new visitors and motivate them to book with confidence.

Provide an Easy Booking Process Right on the Page

To convert visitors into customers, your Airbnb landing page should provide an easy booking process.

Include a Prominent Book Now Button

A large "Book Now" or "Reserve This Home" button should be prominently displayed at the top of your page, ideally with an image of your property. This allows interested visitors to quickly book a stay or save your listing to review later. You can link the button to your Airbnb listing or an external booking site.

List Available Dates and Pricing

Displaying your calendar and nightly rates gives visitors an immediate sense of whether your home is available for their desired travel dates and within their budget. You might say something like: "Rates from $125 per night. Check availability for your dates." Provide a link to your Airbnb calendar so visitors can view specific rates and book instantly.

Highlight Amenities and Room Details

Give visitors a good sense of what's included by listing details about your property's amenities, rooms, and features. You might include:

  • Number of bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Square footage or approximate size
  • High-speed Wi-Fi and entertainment options (TVs, gaming systems)
  • Kitchen facilities ( stove, oven, refrigerator, coffee maker, cookware)
  • Recreational facilities (pool, hot tub, playground)
  • Laundry (washer, dryer, iron)
  • Parking options
  • Pet policy

Share Reviews and Ratings

Posting positive reviews and high ratings from previous guests builds credibility and trust in your listing. You can embed recent reviews and your overall star rating directly on your landing page. Mention that you have dozens more reviews on your Airbnb listing page.

An effective landing page with an easy booking process will capture interested visitors and turn them into happy customers staying in your Airbnb property. Focusing on a simple yet compelling layout, highlighting the most important information about your home, and enabling visitors to check availability and book quickly are keys to optimizing your page for conversions.

Keep Your Airbnb Landing Page Clean and Simple
Keep Your Airbnb Landing Page Clean and Simple

Keep Your Airbnb Landing Page Clean and Simple

To create an effective Airbnb landing page, keep the design clean and simple. A cluttered page will overwhelm visitors and make it difficult for them to find what they need. Focus on highlighting only the most important elements of your vacation rental.

Emphasize High-Quality Photos

Include eye-catching photos that give visitors a sense of the space and amenities. Choose 5 to 7 high-resolution photos of the interior, exterior, and any notable features or views. For the featured photo, select an image that captures the essence of the property. Keep photo descriptions concise but mention any highlights.

Share Key Details

Provide the basics about your rental including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, and maximum occupancy. Also list any amenities like a full kitchen, laundry, parking, WiFi, or patio. Mention proximity to attractions like the beach or ski slopes. These facts help visitors determine if the space suits their needs.

Set an Appealing Price

Research comparable Airbnb listings in your area to determine a competitive price range. You’ll want to price on the lower end of the range to attract more interest, especially when you’re first getting started. You can always raise prices over time as you build up reviews. Be sure to list any additional fees for things like cleaning, pets or extra guests.

Highlight Reviews and Ratings

If you have existing reviews from another platform, include some of the best reviews on your landing page. Mention your overall star rating and number of reviews to establish credibility. For new listings without any reviews yet, you may want to offer a discount for first bookers in exchange for an honest review.

Provide Clear Calls-to-Action

Make it obvious how visitors can book your rental or contact you with any questions. Include prominent book now or contact host buttons that link directly to those actions. The easier you make it for people to take the next step, the more likely they are to become guests.

An uncluttered, visually compelling landing page with the right information and an inviting call-to-action will convert more Airbnb visitors into confirmed bookings. Keep optimizing and improving your page over time based on feedback and performance. The more you refine the page, the higher your rental occupancy and revenue will climb.

Track the Performance of Your Landing Page and Optimize

To effectively optimize your Airbnb landing page, you must track key performance indicators (KPIs) to determine what’s working and what could be improved.


The number of people who view your landing page. Aim for at least 100-200 pageviews per day to start. You can track pageviews using Google Analytics and your website analytics.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of people who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate (over 70%) means people aren’t engaged or finding what they need. Make your content more compelling and add calls-to-action (CTAs) to lower bounce rate.

Time on Page

The average time visitors spend on your landing page. Aim for at least 2 to 3 minutes. If time on page is low, strengthen your copy, use visual media, and highlight benefits to capture interest.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors who take a desired action (e.g. booking a stay). For vacation rentals, a good conversion rate is 5-15%. You can calculate conversion rate by dividing total conversions by total pageviews or leads in a period.

A/B Testing

Try different versions of your landing page to determine which one converts the best. You could test:

  1. Headline phrasing (e.g. “Book your dream beach getaway!” vs. “Find your perfect beachfront escape.”)
  2. Layout or design
  3. Call-to-action text (e.g. “Book Now” vs. “Reserve Your Dates”)
  4. Content placement

The version with the highest conversion rate wins! Make changes and continue optimizing based on results.

Tracking metrics, testing different page elements, and making data-driven decisions will help you create an Airbnb landing page that captures your target audience and drives more bookings. Monitor your key metrics weekly and make small tweaks to optimize the performance and conversion rates on your page. With regular testing and refinement, you'll achieve a successful landing page in no time.

FAQ: Can I Really Build an Airbnb Landing Page Myself with Unicorn Platform?

Yes, you absolutely can build an Airbnb landing page yourself using Unicorn Platform. Here’s how:

Select a Template

Unicorn Platform offers templates specifically designed for vacation rentals and Airbnb hosts. Choose from options like “Beach House,” “Cabin in the Woods,” or “Urban Oasis.” Each template is mobile-responsive and optimized to convert visitors into bookings.

Add Images

High-quality images are crucial for any Airbnb listing. Upload photos of your rental space, property, amenities, neighborhood, and local attractions. Include a featured hero image at the top of your page to capture attention.

Describe Your Space

Share details about your rental to give visitors a sense of what they can expect. Mention number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, and any notable features or recent renovations. Briefly describe the design and decor style. Highlight what makes your space unique.

List Amenities

Call out important amenities and conveniences to showcase what you offer guests. This may include things like:

  • Wi-Fi
  • Cable TV
  • Kitchen
  • Washer/dryer
  • Parking
  • Pool
  • Hot tub

Set Pricing

Enter your nightly, weekly and monthly rates so visitors know exactly how much it will cost to stay at your rental. You can also offer promotional codes and discounts on your page to increase bookings during less busy seasons.


Answer common questions about booking, check-in/out procedures, house rules, and more. An informative FAQ section builds trust in your rental and helps preempt any uncertainties guests may have.

Unicorn Platform simplifies the process of building an Airbnb landing page. In just minutes, you can have a professional page up and running to help market your vacation rental and start generating more bookings. Let visitors know what makes your space special and provide all the details they need to make it the perfect place to stay on their next trip.


In closing, Unicorn Platform offers an innovative solution for creating a high-quality Airbnb landing page in just minutes. Their simple yet powerful drag and drop builder makes designing and publishing a landing page accessible for people at any skill level. With beautiful templates, stock images, and powerful integrations, you have everything you need to convert visitors into customers and grow your business. If you're looking for an easy way to create a stunning landing page to promote your Airbnb or vacation rental, Unicorn Platform is the tool for you. Sign up for a free trial today and start reaping the benefits of a high-converting landing page.

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