Build Your Dream Tour and Travel Website Design With Unicorn Platform

published on 21 July 2023

As an entrepreneur in the competitive tour and travel industry, building an engaging yet professional website is critical to attracting customers and growing your business. However, designing and developing a custom website from scratch requires a major time commitment and financial investment that many small business owners simply cannot afford.

Fortunately, powerful yet easy-to-use website builders like Unicorn Platform now make it possible for anyone to create a beautiful, high-converting website in a matter of hours without any coding required. With Unicorn’s drag and drop editor, you can choose from professionally designed templates and customize the layout, add your business information and photos, set up an online booking system, and have your dream tour and travel website live in no time.

If you want to build a stunning travel website design, Unicorn Platform can help you with that too! Check out our article on how to build a stunning travel website design in minutes with Unicorn Platform for more information. Stop waiting and start building your online presence today with Unicorn Platform. In just a few clicks, you’ll be well on your way to launching the stunning website you’ve always envisioned for your tour and travel company.

Why You Need a Custom Tour and Travel Website Design

As a tour and travel company, your website is your digital storefront and a critical tool for attracting new customers. A custom design tailored to your specific business needs and brand image is essential. Here are a few reasons why you need a professional tour and travel website:

  • Build credibility and trust. A polished, user-friendly website design establishes you as a reputable, professional company in the eyes of visitors. This perception of legitimacy and competence inspires confidence in your services.
  • Improve visibility. An optimized website with strong SEO helps you rank higher in search engine results for industry keywords and phrases. This increased visibility exposes you to more potential customers searching for tours and travel experiences like yours.
  • Showcase your offerings. A custom website gives you space to highlight details on your most popular or unique tours, destinations, travel packages and more through engaging copy, eye-catching images, and multimedia content. Visitors get a sense of your business’s personality and the amazing experiences you provide.
  • Streamline booking and payments. An integrated booking system and secure payment gateway make it easy for customers to purchase tours, schedule travel, and pay for services directly through your website. This convenient, straightforward process encourages more bookings.
  • Gather insights. Analytics and tracking tools on your website provide data on visitor behavior, interests and conversions. You gain valuable insights into your target audience and how to optimize your website and tour offerings to better meet their needs.

In summary, investing in a professionally-designed tour and travel website has significant benefits that translate into more customers, increased revenue, and business growth. Partnering with a web design agency that specializes in the tourism industry can help bring your vision to life.

How Unicorn Platform Makes Website Building Easy

To build an eye-catching yet functional travel website, you need a platform that makes the process simple and intuitive. Unicorn Platform is a drag and drop website builder with features tailored for the tourism and hospitality industry.

With Unicorn Platform, designing a professional tour and travel website is easy. You don’t need any coding experience. Simply choose from the collection of stylish templates, drag and drop the elements you want, and then customize everything to your liking.

  • Image galleries to showcase destinations and accommodations
  • Pricing tables and booking forms to sell tours, activities and lodging
  • Blogs and content sections to share travel guides and updates
  • And more...

Unicorn Platform provides you with all the building blocks you need. With just a few clicks, you can:

  1. Pick a theme - Select a template that matches your brand. Change colors, fonts, and layout as needed.
  2. Add pages - Create as many pages as you want for destinations, tours, about us, contact, and so on.
  3. Include galleries - Showcase photos of locations, hotels, and experiences. Visitors can browse at their leisure.
  4. Embed maps - Pinpoint exactly where your tours and activities take place so customers know what to expect.
  5. Sell products - Use the booking engine to sell tours, tickets, lodging, and any other offers you have.
  6. Share a blog - Post articles, travel guides, news, and updates to engage your audience.
  7. Get found - Take advantage of built-in SEO tools to help your site rank higher in search results.

With the versatility and functionality of Unicorn Platform, you'll have a professional tour and travel website up and running in no time. Your dream website is just a few clicks away!

Choose From 100+ Mobile-Friendly Templates of Tour and Travel Website Design

Choose a Template That Suits Your Needs

When building your tour and travel website, selecting an appropriate template is crucial. Unicorn Platform offers over 100 mobile-friendly templates designed specifically for travel and tour companies. These templates provide a professional appearance and intuitive user experience for your customers.

Consider your business’s focus and brand identity when choosing a template. Adventure tour companies may prefer templates featuring nature imagery and an energetic design. Luxury tour operators may choose an elegant template with polished fonts and a minimalist style. Cultural tour companies can select a template incorporating geographic patterns and landmarks.

Customize the Template to Reflect Your Brand

Once you have selected a template, customize it to reflect your unique brand. You can easily change:

  • Color scheme: Select colors that match your brand guidelines or evoke the desired tone. For example, bright colors for an exciting brand or muted, natural tones for an eco-friendly company.
  • Fonts: Swap the default fonts for ones that match your brand personality. Serif fonts convey tradition while sans-serif fonts appear more modern.
  • Images: Add photos that showcase your tour locations and experiences. Engaging images are essential for capturing interest.
  • Logo: Upload your company logo to strengthen brand recognition. Place the logo prominently at the top of the page and in the footer.
  • Content: Modify or replace the sample content with details about your tour company and offerings. Share your mission, team, destinations, and types of tours.
  • Layout: Rearrange page sections and elements to optimize the user flow and experience. For example, move the contact form higher on the page so it is more visible.

Unicorn Platform’s simple yet powerful editor makes updating the template seamless. With a few clicks, you can create a fully customized design that brings your unique brand to life. Your tour and travel website will be ready to inspire and capture new customers in no time!

Add Engaging Visuals With Our Image Library

To make your tour and travel website design visually compelling, Unicorn Platform provides an image library with over 1 million high-quality stock photos you can use for free.

Add Images to Pages and Posts

Adding images to your pages and posts is easy. Simply click the “Add Image” button in the content editor and either:

  • Upload an image from your computer
  • Choose one from the Unicorn image library
  • Enter a URL to an image hosted elsewhere

Once you’ve selected an image, you can:

  1. Resize and reposition it using the drag handles
  2. Add alt text for SEO and accessibility
  3. Link to the full-size image or an external URL
  4. Align it left, center or right

Enhance Images With Effects

Unicorn Platform offers various effects to make your images more visually striking. You can apply:

  • Borders - Add a border around the image in a color of your choice.
  • Shadows - Apply a drop shadow to give the image a 3D effect. Adjust the color, blur, offset, and opacity of the shadow.
  • Rounded corners - Smooth the edges of an image by rounding its corners to a radius of your choice.
  • Lightbox - Make an image open in a full-screen lightbox view when clicked. Customize the lightbox navigation and appearance.

Use Our Stock Photo Library

Unicorn Platform provides a collection of over 1 million high-quality stock photos you can use for free on your website. All photos are commercially licensed and ready to be used for commercial and personal projects.

To find an image:

  1. Click the “Stock Photos” tab in the media popup.
  2. Search for images by keyword or browse categories.
  3. Filter by orientation, color, number of people, etc.
  4. Hover over images to preview them, then click to select.
  5. The image will be automatically added to your page. Download it or link to the original photo on our servers.

Using engaging visuals on your tour and travel website design is key to capturing visitors’ interest. Unicorn Platform makes it simple to add images from your computer or our stock photo library and enhance them for maximum visual impact. Your website visitors will appreciate eye-catching images that bring your content to life.

Create Unique Pages for Tours, Destinations and More
Create Unique Pages for Tours, Destinations and More

Create Unique Pages for Tours, Destinations and More

To create a truly unique tour and travel website with Unicorn Platform, you’ll want to design custom pages beyond the standard blog and basic contact page. Unicorn’s page builder tool gives you the flexibility to craft pages for any purpose.

Tour Pages

Promote your tour offerings with dedicated pages for each tour. Include captivating photos, an enticing description, tour itinerary, pricing, and booking details. Having separate pages allows you to optimize each one for search engines by using targeted keywords and related terms like excursion, getaway, adventure, etc.

Destination Pages

Showcase destinations with pages featuring stunning imagery, descriptions, and suggestions for the top things to see and do. Provide recommendations for tours, hotels, restaurants and hidden gems. Destination pages should cover details like the location, climate, culture, history, and natural landscape. Include terms such as location, place, area, region, surroundings.

About Us Page

Share your story and passion for travel on an About Us page. Introduce yourself or your team and explain what inspired you to start the business. Discuss your values, mission and commitment to customers. An authentic About Us page helps to build trust and connection with visitors. Use words like founders, team, vision, and philosophy.

FAQ Page

An FAQ page addresses common questions from customers and clarifies important policies and procedures. This page provides information in an easy to find format. Group questions into sections for tours, destinations, booking, payments, etc. You can also link to relevant pages on your site for more details. Keywords to include are questions, answers, policies, terms, conditions, payments, booking.

Contact Page

A well-designed Contact page makes it easy for visitors to get in touch with questions or bookings. Provide all relevant contact information including phone number, email address, physical address, and social media links. Consider offering an online contact form. Essential keywords are: contact, get in touch, call, message, email, address, location.

With versatile page options, you can craft a tour and travel website that inspires and informs visitors. Each custom page allows you to highlight what makes your business unique while optimizing for search and providing a great user experience.

Share Your Story and Connect With Travelers

To build a successful tour and travel website, you need to connect with your target audience and share authentic stories about the experiences you offer.

Share Photos and Videos

Include high-quality photos and videos of your tour locations and activities. Help travelers visualize what they can experience by using your services. Photos should capture the essence and atmosphere of the places and adventures you feature. Videos can bring locations and activities to life, allowing people to immerse themselves in what you offer.

Blog About Your Experiences

Write blog posts describing your experiences scouting locations and leading tours. Share details about the hidden gems you’ve uncovered, interactions with local cultures, challenges you’ve overcome, and lessons you’ve learned. Travelers will appreciate your transparency and gain valuable insight into what they can expect from your tours.

Highlight Testimonials and Reviews

Feature testimonials and reviews from happy customers on your website. Their stories and feedback build credibility for your business and reassure people that you provide high-quality, memorable experiences. Ask customers for reviews on platforms like Facebook, Google, and TripAdvisor as well to increase visibility and social proof.

Be Active on Social Media

Engage with your audience on social media by posting photos, stories, behind-the-scenes footage, and re-sharing customer posts. Like and comment on your followers' posts. Answer their questions and join in on conversations. Building personal connections and fostering a sense of community will make people more inclined to book your tours.

Offer a Newsletter

Start an email newsletter to share travel stories, tips, deals, and updates with your subscribers. Newsletters keep you connected with your audience and give people a reason to frequently check your website. Offer an incentive for people to subscribe, such as a discount on their first tour booking.

Using various media and outreach strategies to share your experiences, connect with customers, and spread your passion for the locations you offer tours in will help in building your dream tour and travel website design. Authentic storytelling and community engagement are key to success.

Build Your Email List and Stay in Touch
Build Your Email List and Stay in Touch

Build Your Email List and Stay in Touch

To build a successful tour and travel website, you need to connect with your audience and keep them engaged. An email list allows you to stay in touch with your visitors and market to them repeatedly.

Capture Emails

Offer an incentive for visitors to join your email list, such as a free travel guide, checklist or newsletter. Place an email signup form prominently on your site with a compelling call-to-action. Keep the fields simple by only asking for a name and email address.

Send a Welcome Email

Once someone signs up, send an automated welcome email. Thank them for subscribing, reiterate the free incentive or content they'll receive, and encourage them to interact with your brand on social media.

Share Valuable Content

Your emails should provide useful information, not just promotional messages. Share travel tips, destination guides, packing lists, reviews, and blog updates. Educate your subscribers and establish your expertise. Keep content varied to maintain interest.

  • Offer planning advice for popular destinations.
  • Highlight seasonal travel opportunities.
  • Share photos from your travels to inspire wanderlust.
  • Promote new blog posts or videos.
  • Announce sales, deals or contests.

Track and Optimize Performance

Use an email service provider to design professional emails, automate sends and analyze performance. See what content and subject lines resonate most with your audience. Make adjustments to improve open and click-through rates over time. Stay on top of the latest email marketing best practices regarding frequency, mobile-friendliness and more.

Building an email list and keeping subscribers engaged takes time and effort but is essential for any successful travel website. With valuable content and a strategic approach, you can gain a loyal following and new customers. Stay in touch and keep them coming back to your site.

Take Bookings and Sell Tours Online

To enable booking and selling tours on your website, you'll want to integrate a booking system. Here are some recommendations:

Choose a Booking Plugin

Select a plugin like Bookit, WPBooklist or Booking Calendar to handle bookings on your WordPress site. These plugins allow visitors to check availability, book and pay for tours directly through your site. They connect to payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe to process payments.

Enable Online Payments

To sell tours online, you'll need to set up a payment gateway to accept credit cards and other digital payments. PayPal and Stripe are popular choices for tour companies. They charge a small percentage fee for each transaction processed through your site. Once set up, your booking plugin will integrate with the payment gateway to collect payments at the time of booking.

Build Engaging Tour Listings

Create dedicated pages for each tour you offer. Include eye-catching photos, an enticing description, tour highlights, pricing, availability and a call-to-action to book. Mention points of interest, activities, experiences and what's included to highlight the value. Use keywords related to your location and tour types to improve search visibility.

Offer Discounts and Special Offers

Run promotions like early bird specials, last minute deals and seasonal discounts to increase bookings. Limited time offers create a sense of urgency and give visitors an incentive to book right away. You can set up discount codes in your booking plugin to apply automatically at checkout.

Improve the Booking Experience

A smooth booking experience is essential to converting visitors into customers. Only ask for necessary information to avoid frustration. Offer a streamlined checkout and clearly display terms and conditions before payment. Send an automatic confirmation email with details, instructions and a reminder of the cancelation policy as soon as the booking is complete.

Optimize for Mobile

With more people booking travel on smartphones and tablets, your site needs to display properly on all devices. Choose a responsive theme and booking plugin to ensure your tours, availability calendar and checkout process work seamlessly on mobile. This convenience will lead to higher bookings and a better overall user experience.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Unicorn Platform

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder that allows you to create beautiful, fully customized websites without any coding experience required. With Unicorn, you can build anything from personal blogs to professional business websites.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform offers affordable monthly subscriptions starting at $8/month. We also have annual plans with bigger discounts. All plans include free domain name, SSL certificate, and 24/7 support.

What features does Unicorn Platform offer?

Unicorn Platform comes with all the features you need to build a great website:

  • Drag and drop website builder
  • 100+ mobile-friendly templates
  • Blog builder
  • Ecommerce (coming soon)
  • Membership areas (coming soon)
  • Email marketing
  • SEO tools
  • Analytics
  • 24/7 support

How easy is it to use Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is extremely easy to use. You don't need any technical skills to get started. Here are a few reasons why Unicorn Platform is so easy to use:

  1. Intuitive drag and drop interface. Just drag and drop sections to build your page.
  2. 100+ Done-for-you templates. Choose a template and customize it to match your needs.
  3. Pre-made sections. Use pre-made sections like headers, features, team, testimonials, etc. to quickly build your page.
  4. Mobile-friendly. Your site will look great on any device. No extra work required.
  5. 24/7 support. If you get stuck, our friendly support team is here to help you anytime.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an affordable, easy to use website builder packed with powerful features. Give it a try today and start building your dream website!


Building a tour and travel website design that stands out from the crowd is challenging but essential in today's competitive market. With Unicorn Platform, you have an easy-to-use solution to create an eye-catching, engaging site that will attract more customers and boost your business. Their drag and drop builder allows you to customize a professional design without technical skills. You can integrate booking forms, social sharing buttons, galleries, and more to provide an optimal user experience. Stop waiting and start building your dream tour and travel website today with Unicorn Platform. Their simple yet powerful platform gives you everything you need to launch a stunning site in no time. Now is the time to take your business to the next level.

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Built on Unicorn Platform