Build an Auto Repair Landing Page in Minutes

published on 27 July 2023

As a business owner in the automotive repair industry, you know how important it is to have an effective online presence to attract new customers. However, building a custom website requires time, money, and technical skills that you may not have. Unicorn Platform offers an easy solution. With its simple drag-and-drop interface, you can design an auto repair landing page in minutes that looks professional and is optimized to convert visitors into customers.

Unicorn Platform provides pre-made templates specifically tailored for auto shops, garages, and repair centers. You can choose a template that matches your brand and then easily customize the content and images to showcase your business. The landing page builder is intuitive enough for anyone to use yet produces high-quality results. With your new landing page, you'll start getting more calls, quotes, and bookings from customers in your area searching online for auto repair services.

If you're also looking to create dealer landing pages and websites, check out Unicorn Platform's article on the easiest way to create dealer landing pages and websites, which provides tips and tricks for creating effective and visually appealing dealer landing pages and websites.

Why You Need a Landing Page Builder for Your Auto Repair Website Design

As an auto repair shop owner, your website is your digital storefront and a landing page is like your virtual welcome mat. A good landing page helps convert visitors into customers by showcasing your services and expertise. Here are a few reasons why you need a dedicated landing page builder to create an effective website for your auto repair business:

Reach More Potential Customers

Over 70% of consumers research businesses online before making a purchase. An attractive, mobile-friendly landing page helps you rank higher in search engines like Google, allowing more people to discover your shop. By highlighting your experience, skills, and commitment to quality work, you build trust and credibility with visitors.

Focus Your Message

A landing page focuses on one goal, whether it’s scheduling a service appointment or promoting a new promotion. Keep your message clear and concise, emphasizing the key benefits of working with your shop. Use visuals like photos of your facility, staff, and past work to give visitors a sense of what you can do for them.

Capture Contact Information

The ultimate goal of any landing page is to capture customer information so you can continue to market to them. Offer an incentive like a free multi-point inspection or oil change coupon in exchange for their name, email, and phone number. Once you have their details, stay in touch with relevant content, promotions, and service reminders to keep your shop at the top of their mind.

Optimize for Conversions

A landing page builder gives you tools to guide visitors into taking action. Place attention-grabbing calls-to-action prominently on the page, like “Schedule Your Next Service Now” or “Click Here for Coupon”. Make it easy to contact you by including your phone number, email, and even a contact form. Track how people interact with your page and make improvements to optimize conversion rates over time.

With the right landing page, you'll transform more website visitors into loyal customers. A dedicated builder gives you the features and flexibility to create an effective digital experience for your auto repair business.

How to Design an Effective Auto Repair Landing Page
How to Design an Effective Auto Repair Landing Page

How to Design an Effective Auto Repair Landing Page

To design an effective auto repair landing page, focus on clarity, value, and a simple user experience. A good landing page should clearly convey what you offer, the benefits to customers, and make it easy for them to take the next step.

Keep the Layout Clean and Uncluttered

A simple, uncluttered page layout helps visitors easily find what they need. Use plenty of white space and align elements neatly in a grid. Include only necessary information and keep sections concise. A cluttered or disorganized page frustrates visitors and reduces conversion rates.

Highlight Your Services Prominently

List the services you offer early on your page, such as brake repair, tune-ups, oil changes, etc. You can showcase services in a bulleted list, a grid of icons, or both. Briefly describe each service in 1 or 2 sentences. Link each list item to a dedicated service page for more details.

Emphasize Your Value Proposition

Explain how you provide value to customers, e.g. certified technicians, warranty on parts and labor, 24-hour emergency services, free estimates or inspections, courtesy shuttle, etc. You can state this in 1 or 2 compelling sentences at the top of your page or list the benefits in bulleted points.

Include High-Quality Photos

Feature several high-quality photos of your shop, technicians, and equipment. Photos help build trust and give visitors a sense of your professionalism and capabilities. Alt text, captions, or short descriptions provide more context for the images.

Add a Clear Call-to-Action

End your landing page with a prominent call-to-action like “Schedule an Appointment Now” or “Get an Estimate.” Link the CTA to your appointment booking or contact form to make the next step easy. A strong CTA gives visitors a clear path to becoming a customer.

Choose a Simple but Memorable URL

Choosing a simple but memorable URL for your auto repair landing page is an important step. A good URL should be:

  • Easy to remember. Pick a URL that is short, simple and straightforward. Something like “” or “” is easy to recall.
  • Descriptive. Include key terms that describe your business and the services you offer, such as “” or “”. This helps visitors immediately understand what you do.
  • Unique. Check that your desired URL is available by entering it into a domain search tool. If it's taken, try alternate versions until you find one that is still memorable but unused.
  • Consistent. Use the same URL across all of your marketing materials and social media platforms. This helps build brand recognition and makes you easy to find.

Once you settle on a URL you like, you will need to register the domain name. You can register a .com domain for typically around $10 to $15 per year. When registering, also consider purchasing the .net and .org versions of your URL to prevent cybersquatting.

After registering your domain, set up website hosting so you have a place to build and publish your landing page. Many website builders offer integrated hosting services, or you can use a third-party host. Look for a hosting plan that offers unlimited bandwidth, storage, and email accounts for the best value.

With a memorable URL, descriptive domain, and reliable hosting service in place, you are ready to start building a custom landing page for your auto repair shop. An effective landing page, paired with a streamlined checkout process, can help turn more website visitors into paying customers seeking your mechanical expertise. Carefully choosing a URL that aligns with your brand is an essential first step to guide motorists straight to your digital door.

And if you're looking to build a CRM or ERP landing page, check out Unicorn Platform's guide on the simplest way to build CRM and ERP landing pages.  

Use High-Quality Images of Your Shop and Services for Repair Shop Website Design

To build an effective auto repair landing page, high-quality images of your shop, services, and staff are essential. Photos allow visitors to get a sense of your business’s professionalism, quality of work, and customer service before they even step through your doors.

Showcase Your Shop

Include images of your garage, work bays, lobby, and any specialized equipment. Photograph your shop during business hours when it’s clean and organized. Images should highlight a modern, well-equipped workspace. For extra appeal, capture mechanics servicing a vehicle or interacting with a customer.

Feature Photos of Completed Repair and Restoration Projects

Display before and after photos of brake jobs, tune ups, oil changes, dent repairs or full restorations you have completed. These help demonstrate your team’s skills and the high quality of work you produce. For each image, include a brief caption describing the service provided and parts replaced or repaired.

Include Headshots of Your Staff

Add profile photos of your owner, managers, and lead technicians or mechanics. Staff images, especially with friendly smiles, help to humanize your business and build trust in your capabilities. Briefly introduce each staff member by name and title. These details give the impression of an experienced, professional team.

Offer Virtual Tours

If possible, include virtual tours or walkthroughs of your shop. Short video clips or photo galleries allow visitors to view your facilities as if they were there in person. Highlight key areas like your showroom, waiting area, work bays, and any advanced tools or equipment. Virtual tours are especially useful for those searching online before traveling to your physical location.

Using compelling images and multimedia on your landing page helps to showcase the quality, professionalism, and value of your auto repair business. Visitors get a sense of what to expect before ever contacting or visiting you, allowing them to become customers with confidence in your services.

Focus on a Clear Call-to-Action

A clear call-to-action (CTA) is essential for any landing page, especially for an auto repair business. The CTA should prompt visitors to take the next step, whether booking an appointment, requesting a quote, or signing up for a newsletter.

When designing your auto repair landing page, focus on a single, prominent CTA. Place it prominently on the page, such as at the top or centered. Make the CTA button large, high-contrast, and visually compelling. For example, you might use a bright red button that says “Book Now” or “Get Quote.”

Keep the CTA concise and action-oriented.

Phrases like “Contact Us Today” or “Call to Schedule an Appointment” are clear and direct. Avoid vague phrases like “Learn More” or “Click Here.” You want visitors to know exactly what will happen when they click.

Match the CTA to your visitor’s intent.

If they are seeking emergency roadside assistance, the CTA should prompt them to call right away. If they are browsing services, offer a quote or booking form. Tailor the messaging to your specific audience and their likely needs.

Remove any barriers to clicking.

Ensure your phone number, contact form, or booking widget is prominently displayed on the page. You want to make it as easy as possible for visitors to take action. Any extra clicks or difficulty contacting you could cause them to abandon your site.

Consider secondary CTAs.

While focusing on one primary CTA, you might also include secondary CTAs, such as a phone number, chat widget, or link to contact page. Providing multiple ways for customers to reach you will increase the chance of them converting.

An effective CTA helps turn website visitors into real-world customers. By designing your auto repair landing page around a clear call-to-action, you make it easy for people to do business with your shop. Focus on a straightforward, eye-catching CTA, provide all necessary contact details, and ensure an excellent user experience overall. Doing so will drive more phone calls, bookings, and new customers for your auto repair business.

Keep Your Message Simple and Benefit-Focused
Keep Your Message Simple and Benefit-Focused

Keep Your Message Simple and Benefit-Focused

To attract and convert auto repair customers with your landing page, keep your messaging simple and focused on the benefits to them.

Highlight Your Services

Clearly list the specific repair and maintenance services you offer, such as:

  • Oil changes
  • Tire rotations
  • Brake pad replacements
  • Engine diagnostics

For each service, briefly explain the key benefits, e.g.:

Oil changes: “To keep your vehicle running smoothly, change your oil every 3,000-5,000 miles. Our certified technicians will replace your used oil with fresh motor oil and a new oil filter.”

Build Trust With Customer Reviews

Include authentic customer reviews and testimonials discussing your shop’s quality work, friendly service, fair prices, and overall 5-star experience. New visitors will see these social proofs that your business is reputable and capable.

Call Them to Action

Give visitors a clear call to action to contact your shop or book an appointment. For example:

“Call or book online today for an oil change coupon and a free multi-point inspection to ensure your vehicle is ready for the road ahead.”

A strong CTA will motivate readers to take the next step toward becoming a customer.

Share Your Expertise

Briefly discuss your shop’s experience, credentials, and commitment to excellence. For instance:

“Our ASE-certified technicians have over 30 years of combined experience servicing all makes and models. We use the latest diagnostic tools and equipment to efficiently identify and fix any issues with your vehicle.”

Establishing your team as industry experts will give visitors confidence in your abilities.

Keep Layout Clean and Content Concise

A simple, uncluttered layout with concise yet compelling content will ensure your message is received. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and headings to make information easy to digest. Keep your overall page copy to 3 short paragraphs or less.

An optimized auto repair landing page focused on benefits and solutions will convert more visitors into loyal customers. Keep messaging straightforward, highlight your services, build trust, issue a clear call to action, and establish your expertise, all while maintaining a clean, concise layout.

Include Trust-Building Elements Like Reviews and Certifications

To build trust and credibility for your auto repair landing page, include elements like customer reviews, testimonials, and any industry certifications or awards.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Feature reviews and testimonials from real customers on your landing page. These provide social proof that you offer high-quality service. You can source reviews from platforms like Google, Facebook, or Yelp, or ask happy customers to provide a review or testimonial for your website. Be sure to include a photo of the customer if possible, as well as the location they are from. Keep reviews and testimonials authentic and avoid overly glowing or exaggerated praise.

Industry Certifications and Awards

Any industry certifications, such as those from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), or local business awards demonstrate your credibility and expertise. List the certifications or awards along with the year received. For example:

  • ASE Certified Master Technician - Awarded in 2019
  • Voted “Best Auto Repair Shop in [Location]” by [Publication Name] - Awarded in 2018 & 2019

A Well-Designed Page

An attractive, modern landing page design also builds trust in your business. Use high-quality images of your shop and staff. Choose a simple but professional color palette and font combination. Ensure your content is well-written and laid out in a logical flow down the page. Double check for any spelling, grammar, or broken link errors.

A trustworthy landing page is key to converting visitors into customers for your auto repair shop. By showcasing your experience, expertise, and dedication to quality through social proof and professional design, you establish credibility and build a connection with each visitor. With a little time and effort, you can craft an impactful landing page that turns viewers into valued customers.

Optimize for Mobile - Most Customers Search on Their Phones

To optimize your auto repair landing page for mobile, focus on a few key elements.

Ensure your page loads quickly. Studies show most visitors will abandon a page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Compress images and minimize code to speed up load times.

Use a mobile-friendly responsive design. Over 60% of web traffic now comes from mobile devices. A responsive design automatically adjusts to fit any screen size. Choose a simple layout with large buttons and text for easy tapping.

Include a click-to-call button. Many mobile visitors will want to call you directly. Add a prominent call button that connects visitors to your business phone number with one tap.

Simplify your forms. Mobile keyboards can be tedious to use. Keep contact and appointment request forms short, only asking for essential information. Use dropdowns and checkboxes when possible over open text fields.

Prominently feature your location and hours. Mobile visitors often search for businesses that are conveniently located and open. Display your full business address, map location, and operating hours prominently at the top of your landing page.

Consider a mobile app. For the best experience, you can build and offer your own customized mobile app. An app allows customers to book appointments, get estimates, receive promotions, and more right from their phone. Promote your app on your landing page to encourage downloads.

Focusing on these mobile strategies will ensure your auto repair landing page is optimized to rank well in search results and provide the best experience for your customers on the go. Keep your page simple, fast, and designed for tapping and swiping to convert more mobile visitors into customers.

FAQs for Building an Auto Repair Landing Page with Unicorn Platform

When building an auto repair landing page with Unicorn Platform, there are a few frequently asked questions to keep in mind.

What template is best for an auto repair business?

Unicorn Platform offers responsive landing page templates specifically designed for auto repair shops and mechanic garages. The “Auto Services” template provides an eye-catching yet simple design with areas to highlight your services, staff, testimonials, and call-to-action buttons to book an appointment or request a quote. This template can be easily customized to match your brand colors and logo for a cohesive look.

How do I add images of my shop or staff?

You can upload images directly to your landing page gallery. Simply click the “Add Image” button, select your photo files, add alt text for search engines and screen readers, and click “Upload Images”. Your photos will now appear in the image gallery module. You can then drag and drop them onto your landing page and resize as needed. Be sure to choose high quality, professional photos of your shop, tools, staff, and past repair jobs.

What content should I include on my landing page?

Key content for an auto repair landing page includes:

  • Services offered (oil changes, brakes, transmission, etc.)
  • About Us section with shop history and staff bios
  • Testimonials or reviews from happy customers
  • Contact information ( phone, email, address, hours of operation)
  • Strong call-to-action buttons (e.g. “Book Now” or “Get Quote”)
  • High quality photos of your shop, tools, staff, and repair work
  • FAQs related to your services and business

How do I get my landing page ranked in search engines?

To improve your search engine optimization (SEO), include important keywords related to your business, location, and services in your page title, headers, content, image alt text, and meta description. Create a blog and publish regular content. Build high quality backlinks to your landing page. Keep your page mobile-friendly and load speed fast. Monitor how your page ranks for target keywords and make changes to continue climbing in the search results.

With a professional design, compelling content, great images, and solid SEO, an auto repair landing page built with Unicorn Platform will attract new customers and boost your business. Please let us know if you have any other questions!


So you have it, a simple way to create an attractive auto repair landing page in just minutes. With an easy to use drag and drop builder like Unicorn Platform, you can stop wasting time trying to figure out complicated website coding and design. Focus instead on what really matters - growing your business by converting more visitors into happy customers. A professional, modern website is no longer a nice to have, it's a must for any automotive repair shop looking to build trust, gain new clients, and boost revenue. Take your business to the next level today with an affordable, customizable solution that will have your new website up and running in no time. The road to success starts here.

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