Build a Food Website Landing Page in Minutes

published on 28 August 2023

As an entrepreneur in the food industry, you know how important an eye-catching yet simple website is to engage customers and drive sales. However, designing and building a custom website requires technical skills and resources you may not have access too. With Unicorn Platform, a user-friendly drag and drop website builder, you can create a professional food website landing page in minutes without any coding required.

Choose a Template for Your Food Website Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

To build an effective landing page for your food website on Unicorn Platform, choose a template that aligns with your brand and goals. Unicorn Platform offers dozens of customizable templates in a variety of styles - from minimal to bold, modern to retro.

Select a template featuring imagery that complements your cuisine. For example, choose a template with photos of appetizing dishes, ingredients or a stylish dining table. You want visitors to visualize what you offer as soon as they land on your page.

Next, customize the template by adding your logo, brand colors and fonts. Ensure your branding is prominently displayed at the top of the page. You can also rearrange or delete template sections that do not fit your needs.

Write an attention-grabbing headline that conveys your brand promise. Mention your location or delivery options to set the right expectations. Briefly describe your menu offerings or highlight popular dishes. Use descriptive yet concise copy to draw people in.

Include high-quality photos of your food, drinks or ambiance. Visuals are key for showcasing your style and quality. You can also add Instagram photos to your landing page using Unicorn Platform's social media integration tool.

Finally, add clear calls-to-action like "Order Online Now", "Book a Table" or "View Our Menu". Place CTA buttons prominently on your landing page so visitors can easily take the next step.

With an enticing template, customized content, visuals, and calls-to-action, you'll turn visitors into customers and have an optimized landing page for your food website in no time using Unicorn Platform. Success is just a few clicks away!

Add Stunning Images of Your Food

To make your food website landing page appealing and convert visitors into customers, stunning imagery is key. High-quality photos of your delicious food will make mouths water and stomachs grumble.

Carefully curate a collection of photos that highlight your best and most popular menu items. Get close-up shots that capture all the textures, colors and garnish in vivid detail. For the best results, consider hiring a professional food photographer who has experience shooting in a style suited to your particular cuisine. They will have the skills and equipment to make your food look as appetizing as possible.

Once you have a set of mouthwatering photos, feature them prominently on your landing page. You have a few options for displaying the images:

  • A large hero image at the top of the page. Select one of your most stunning photos and have it span the full width of the page to make an instant impact.
  • A gallery of thumbnails down the side of the page. This allows visitors to browse through many photos and click on any that catch their interest to view a larger version.
  • A slideshow or carousel. Having your photos rotate automatically is an engaging way to show off many menu items without crowding the page.
  • Pairing photos with short descriptions. Place photos of your dishes alongside a quick blurb highlighting the ingredients and flavors. This helps visitors understand what they’re seeing and appeals to multiple senses.

Using high-quality food photography is one of the most effective ways to make your landing page sizzle. Combined with a mouthwatering description, stunning images of your delectable dishes are sure to captivate visitors and have them imagining the tastes and aromas of your culinary creations. Their appetites will be whetted, and they’ll be ready to order or book a table at your establishment.

Include a Hero Section to Make a Strong First Impression
Include a Hero Section to Make a Strong First Impression

Include a Hero Section to Make a Strong First Impression

A hero section is one of the most important elements on any landing page. It is the first thing visitors see when they arrive on your page, so it needs to make a strong first impression. An effective hero section should:

Grab the visitor's attention

Use an eye-catching image, video or animation and a powerful headline. For a food website, show a high-quality, mouthwatering photo of your featured dish or ingredient. A headline like “Authentic recipes and culinary adventures” or “Discover your new favorite meal” will capture interest.

Communicate your key message

Explain your business, product or service quickly and clearly. For example, “We make it easy to cook gourmet meals at home with chef-inspired recipes and premium ingredients delivered to your door.” Keep this message to 1 or 2 short sentences.

Issue a strong call-to-action

Prompt the visitor to take the next step, whether it's signing up for a free trial, downloading an ebook or simply exploring your site. A CTA like “Get started today” or “See our recipe collection” works well for a food website.

Use minimal text

In a hero section, less is more. Use a brief headline and message, and allow the visual components to do most of the talking. Limit the hero section to 2 short paragraphs at most.

Consider using video

Video is an engaging medium that brings your message to life. Even a short 5 to 10 second video clip can be highly effective in a hero section. Show close-ups of ingredients being chopped and sauteed or a quick montage of delicious food.

An impactful hero section will capture visitors' interest and encourage them to delve deeper into your website. With the right combination of visuals and messaging, you can create a hero section in just a few minutes that makes a stellar first impression. Keep your content concise, focus on your key benefits, and issue a clear call to action to convert visitors into customers.

Focus on Your USP in a Simple Value Proposition

To attract customers and convince them to sign up for your food website or service, focus on highlighting your unique selling proposition (USP) in a simple yet compelling value proposition. Your USP is what makes your business stand out from competitors. It could be freshly sourced ingredients, customizable meal plans, or speedy delivery.

Whatever your USP is, convey it clearly in your landing page. State how you are different and the specific benefits customers will receive. For example:

“We source organic, locally-grown ingredients to provide the freshest, most nutritious meals.”

“Customize your meal plan based on your dietary needs and preferences.”

“Get meals delivered in under 30 minutes so you can enjoy more time with family.”

A simple yet persuasive value proposition will convince visitors why they should choose your food website over others. Keep your language concise but compelling. Some examples include:

  • “Healthy, organic meals delivered daily.”
  • “Meal plans tailored to your tastes and needs.”
  • “Fast, fresh food at your fingertips.”

Optimize Your Value Proposition

Place your value proposition prominently on your landing page, such as at the top or in a highlighted box. Use an attention-grabbing headline in a large, bold font. The body text should be scannable, using bullet points if possible.

Test different versions of your value proposition to see which one resonates most with your target audience. You can test elements such as:

  • Headline - Compare “Healthy meals delivered daily” vs. “Get nutritious, locally-sourced food now”
  • Benefits mentioned - Compare focusing on freshness vs. customization vs. convenience
  • Language and tone - Compare a casual, friendly tone vs. an authoritative tone

Keep refining and improving your value proposition. An impactful yet straightforward value proposition is key to converting visitors into customers and driving the success of your food website. Offering a strong, unique value will help you stand out in a competitive market.

List the Key Features and Benefits of Your Product
List the Key Features and Benefits of Your Product

List the Key Features and Benefits of Your Product

The Unicorn Platform landing page builder has several key features and benefits for creating an effective food website landing page.

Drag and Drop Editor

The drag and drop editor makes it easy to add and arrange elements on your landing page. Simply drag text boxes, images, buttons and more onto your page and drop them where you want. Resize and reposition elements with a click and drag. No coding required.

Mobile-Friendly Templates

Choose from professionally designed templates optimized for mobile devices. Your landing page will look great on any screen size. You can also start from scratch and build your own mobile-friendly design.


Connect your landing page to your mailing list, social media, payment processor and more. Integrate with services like MailChimp, PayPal, Facebook and others with just a click. Capture new subscribers and sell products directly on your landing page.

Real-Time Collaboration

Invite your team to collaborate on your landing page in real-time. Multiple people can edit the page at once with their changes appearing instantly for everyone. Discuss ideas, get feedback and build consensus efficiently without having to pass the page back and forth.


View key metrics for your landing page like page views, bounce rate, conversions and more. See how visitors interact with your page and which elements capture their interest. Make data-driven optimizations to improve performance over time.

Custom Domain

Use your own custom domain name for a professional brand experience. Map your domain to point to your landing page in just a few clicks.

24/7 Support

Friendly support specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help with any questions you may have about building your landing page.

In summary, the Unicorn Platform provides an easy to use landing page builder with powerful features to help you create an effective food website landing page in minutes. Promote your business, build your mailing list and drive more sales with a landing page tailored to your needs.

Include Testimonials and Social Proof

To build trust and social proof on your landing page, include testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers. According to research, nearly 90% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase decision.

Testimonials from Customers

Feature verbatim quotes from customers describing their experience with your product or service. Keep testimonials concise, around 2 to 3 sentences. You can include the customer’s name, title and company for credibility, but get their permission first. Space out 3 to 5 customer testimonials down the page, ideally with a photo of the customer. This helps to establish trust and a personal connection.

Reviews and Ratings

If you have a Google Business Profile or profiles on review sites like Yelp, include a snippet showcasing your top reviews and overall rating. You can also add a simple 5-star rating system on your own site and ask customers to leave an honest review. Aim for at least 10 to 15 reviews to start. Be sure to respond thoughtfully to both positive and critical reviews to demonstrate your commitment to customer service.

Media Mentions and Press

Has your business been featured in any media publications or received press coverage? Add logos and snippets from news articles mentioning your company. Journalistic integrity lends third-party credibility to your brand. However, only include reputable publications that your target audience trusts and recognizes.

Social Followers

If you have a sizable following on popular social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, feature metrics about your followers and engagement. For example, you might say “Trusted by over 10,000 foodies on Instagram.” But only include statistics that you can back up, in case visitors check for themselves. Authenticity and transparency are key.

Testimonials, reviews and social proof help to establish authority and build trust in your brand. By including these elements on your landing page, visitors will feel more confident in what your food website has to offer. And when customers trust you, they become loyal advocates and help grow your business through word-of-mouth.

Add a Clear Call-to-Action

To convert visitors into customers, your food website landing page needs a clear call-to-action (CTA). A CTA is an instruction to your visitors, telling them what to do next, such as “Learn More”, “Sign Up Now” or “Start Your Free Trial”.

Place your main CTA prominently on your landing page, such as center page or in the top right. This makes it easy for visitors to see what the next step is to engage with your business. For a food website, an effective CTA could be:

  • “View Our Menu”
  • “Book a Table”
  • “Order Online Now”

Design an Attention-Grabbing CTA

Design your CTA button to stand out from the rest of your page. Use a bright color, like red, orange or green. A bigger button, around 150 to 200 pixels, also attracts more attention. For best results, use a contrasting text color for easy readability.

Keep your CTA message concise and action-focused. Say exactly what the visitor will get or do by clicking, such as “See Our Weekly Specials” or “Find Out Delivery Options”. This clarity motivates visitors to convert by removing any uncertainty.

Place Supporting CTAs Strategically

While your primary CTA is the most prominent, you can include additional, supporting CTAs in strategic places:

  • Above the fold (the top part of the page visible without scrolling) to capture attention quickly.
  • Next to a lead capture form so visitors can easily take the next step after signing up.
  • Below key content sections or at the end of your page. For example, after describing your menu options or sharing customer reviews.
  • Use exit intent popups to offer one last CTA as the visitor tries to leave. For example, offer a coupon or limited-time offer.

By designing an eye-catching primary CTA and placing strategic supporting CTAs throughout your landing page, you make it easy for visitors to convert and engage further with your food business. Keep testing different CTAs to see which ones resonate most with your audience. The more you optimize your CTAs, the more you'll turn casual visitors into customers.

Include FAQs to Address Any Questions

Including frequently asked questions (FAQs) on your food website landing page is an easy way to address any questions your visitors may have and provide helpful information upfront.

Common Questions

Some FAQs you may want to consider including on your food website landing page are:

  • How can I contact you? Provide your business's contact information, including phone number, email, social media handles, and physical address.
  • What types of cuisine do you offer? Briefly describe the types of food and cuisine your business focuses on, e.g. Italian, farm-to-table, vegan, etc.
  • Do you offer catering or delivery? Specify whether your restaurant offers catering, delivery, takeout, or dining-in options. Provide details on how to place an order for each service.
  • What are your hours of operation? List your business's hours of operation, including days and times open for dining in, takeout, delivery, and catering. Mention if hours change seasonally.
  • Do you have a menu? Include a link to your restaurant's menu on your website or mention that customers can view a menu on-site. Note any options like daily specials, happy hour deals or seasonal menus.
  • Are reservations accepted? Specify whether customers should make reservations, especially for larger parties. Mention how far in advance reservations can be made and any reservation policies.

Benefits of Adding FAQs

Including a FAQ section on your food website landing page has several benefits:

  • It anticipates questions your visitors may have and provides answers upfront. This can help reduce the number of general inquiries you receive and allows you to focus on more specific customer questions.
  • It highlights important details about your business like contact info, hours, location, and menus. Visitors can easily find this information without having to search your website.
  • It improves user experience by giving visitors the information they need quickly and efficiently. This can make a good first impression and encourage visitors to dine with your establishment.
  • It boosts your search engine optimization (SEO) by including keywords and topics that are important to your business and industry. The FAQ content is also easy for search engines to read and rank.
  • It allows you to be transparent and build trust with visitors by being upfront in addressing common questions and concerns. This can help convert more visitors into customers.

Food Website Landing Page: How to Build With Unicorn Platform

To build a food website landing page with Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Choose a template. Select from dozens of pre-made templates for food and beverage businesses. Templates are mobile-responsive and optimized for lead generation and conversions.

Add your logo and color scheme. Upload your logo and set your brand colors to match your company's style guide. This establishes your brand and identity right away.

Set your header image. Select an appetizing photo to use as your header image. This is the first visual impression for visitors and should represent your business.

Craft your headline and subheadline. Your headline should capture the attention of visitors immediately. The subheadline elaborates on your key message and offerings. Keep both concise and compelling.

Describe what you offer. Use 2-3 short paragraphs to highlight your products, services, or experiences. Share what makes you unique to entice visitors to learn more.

Add eye-catching food images. Strategically place high-quality photos of your food, drinks, or ambiance throughout the page. Images are highly engaging and help convey your brand.

List your offerings. Create a list of your products, meals, experiences or services using bullets or icons. This allows visitors to get an overview of what you offer at a glance.

Share your story. In 1-2 short paragraphs, share your business's mission or story. Help visitors connect with your brand on a personal level. But keep this section fairly concise.

Add social proof. Include reviews, testimonials, blog posts, or media coverage to build credibility. Star ratings, review counts, and happy customer quotes are very compelling.

Include call-to-action buttons. Place 2-3 prominent call-to-action buttons, like "Book now", "Order online" or "Learn more" in strategic areas of the page to prompt visitors to take further action.

Review and publish. Review how the page looks on both desktop and mobile devices. Make any final tweaks and then publish your page. Start promoting your new landing page and driving traffic to it!

With some time and patience using Unicorn Platform's intuitive editor, you can build a mouth-watering food website landing page to highlight your business in no time at all. Let visitors get a taste of what you offer and keep them hungry for more.


You now have all the tools you need to quickly build an eye-catching food website landing page. Unicorn Platform makes the process simple by providing pre-built templates, blocks, and elements that you can customize to match your brand. Add images of your delicious dishes, share your restaurant’s story, highlight your menu, and start converting visitors into customers. With Unicorn Platform, you'll have a professional food website landing page up and running in no time so you can get back to focusing on what really matters - creating amazing culinary experiences for your guests. Build your landing page today and take your food business to the next level.

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Built on Unicorn Platform