Build a Finance Landing Page in Minutes With Unicorn Platform

published on 06 July 2023

As an entrepreneur in the finance industry, you know how important it is to have a professional online presence. A high-converting landing page is essential to capturing leads and driving growth for your business. However, building an attractive landing page from scratch requires technical skills and time that you likely don’t have.

Unicorn Platform provides an easy solution. Their drag and drop website builder allows you to create a custom finance landing page in minutes without any coding required. With a library of stylish templates, you can choose a design tailored for the finance niche and customize it to match your brand. Then add images, text, videos, forms, and more by simply dragging elements onto the page.

Before you know it, you’ll have a stunning landing page optimized to generate more leads for your financial business or service. Unicorn Platform makes it possible to build a professional website quickly so you can get back to focusing on what really matters: growing your company. If you're interested in creating a landing page for the stock market or financial news, check out Unicorn Platform's article on creating a stock market landing page for more information.

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder created specifically for startups, SaaS companies, and mobile apps. It requires no coding knowledge or technical skills to create a professional finance landing page in minutes.

Unicorn Platform offers:

  • A drag and drop builder with 100+ templates to choose from. Select a template, customize the colors and fonts, add your content, and publish. It's that simple.
  • Professionally designed elements like buttons, icons, images, spacers, columns, and more that you can drag and drop onto your page.
  • Integrations with marketing, payment, and CRM tools like Mailchimp, Stripe, and HubSpot. This allows you to capture leads, accept payments, and manage customers without leaving Unicorn Platform.
  • 24/7 customer support to help you with any questions you may have. The support team is available via live chat, email, and phone.
  • A 14-day free trial to test the platform. Plans start at $29/month after the trial period ends.
  • A mobile-responsive design so your finance landing page looks great on any device.

With an easy to use drag and drop builder, 100+ templates to choose from, pre-built elements, third-party integrations, and affordable pricing, Unicorn Platform has everything you need to create a high-converting finance landing page to grow your business. Sign up for your free 14-day trial today and see how easy it is to build a finance website without any coding required.

Why Use Unicorn Platform for Your Finance Landing Page?

When building a finance-focused landing page, using a dedicated platform like Unicorn Platform is key to success. Here are a few reasons why Unicorn Platform should be your go-to for creating a high-converting finance landing page:

  • Unicorn Platform offers an intuitive drag and drop builder that requires zero coding skills to use. You can easily add elements like images, videos, call-to-action buttons, contact forms, and more by simply dragging and dropping. This makes it possible to build a professional landing page in just a few minutes without needing a web developer.
  • Unicorn Platform provides high-quality templates specifically designed for the finance industry. Choose from options for wealth management, accounting, banking, insurance, and investing. The templates are fully customizable, so you can tweak colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand. But the pre-built templates give you a head start.
  • Unicorn Platform’s landing pages are optimized for lead generation and conversion. Features like prominent call-to-action buttons, lead capture forms, and analytics integration are built-in. You’ll be able to capture visitor information and gain insight into how people are interacting with your page.
  • Unicorn Platform is very affordable. Plans start at just $12 per month, and you can upgrade or downgrade at any time as your needs change. For small finance businesses and startups, the low cost makes Unicorn Platform very accessible.
  • Unicorn Platform integrates with over 1,500 applications that finance companies rely on like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zapier, and more. Sync your landing page with the other tools you use to market your business for the best results.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an easy, affordable, and smart choice for building a high-quality finance landing page. With the right template and features, you'll be converting visitors into leads in no time.

Create Eye-Catching Financial Website Designs

To create an eye-catching finance website, focus on clean layouts, engaging visuals, and useful tools. ###Keep the Design Simple and Intuitive

A clean, minimalist design helps your audience focus on your content and calls-to-action. Use plenty of white space, a simple sans-serif font, and a limited color palette of 2-3 complementary colors.

###Use Visuals to Engage Users

Relevant images, infographics, charts, and video help bring your content to life and keep users engaged. For a finance site, consider:

  • Images of people using financial products or services
  • Infographics explaining financial concepts or statistics
  • Charts showing market trends, company growth, etc.
  • Explainer or tutorial videos walking through how to use your tools

Offer Useful Financial Tools and Calculators

Providing interactive tools and calculators is a great way to demonstrate your product's value and keep visitors on your site longer. Some options include:

  1. Investment portfolio or net worth calculators
  2. Mortgage calculators to estimate payments
  3. Retirement planning calculators
  4. Tax refund estimators
  5. Budgeting spreadsheets or worksheets

Keep Content Concise yet Comprehensive

On a landing page, less is more. Break content into short paragraphs focusing on one main idea. Use bullet points and numbered lists when possible. However, still aim to address important questions and provide a sense of your brand's key offerings and benefits. The content should be concise yet compelling enough to convert visitors into leads or customers.

Following these best practices will allow you to quickly build an attractive finance website that engages your target audience and inspires action. With a simple yet compelling design, interactive tools, visual elements, and concise content, you'll turn more visitors into valuable leads.

Pre-Built Blocks for Finance Websites

Customizable Blocks

Unicorn Platform comes with pre-built content blocks specifically designed for finance websites. You can simply drag and drop these blocks onto your page and customize the content to fit your needs. Some of the available blocks include:

  • Service Cards: Highlight your financial services by adding eye-catching cards with icons. Customize the card color, icon, title, description and call-to-action button.
  • Pricing Tables: Choose from multiple table layouts to display your financial product or service pricing in a clear and concise way for visitors. Adjust colors, features and pricing as needed.
  • Testimonials: Build trust and social proof by adding glowing reviews from your happy clients. Select testimonial cards with photos, names, company names and custom testimonial text.
  • Stats Counters: Use impressive stats counters to highlight key achievements and milestones to establish your credibility and experience. For example, "20 years in business", "$10M funds under management" or "500 clients served".
  • CTA Buttons: Drive more leads and conversions by using eye-catching call-to-action buttons. Place them strategically throughout your page to prompt visitors to sign up, request a quote, book a call or download content.
  • FAQ Schema: Answer common questions from visitors in an SEO-friendly FAQ schema. This can help improve search rankings and provide quick answers to potential clients.
  • Newsletter Signup: Grow your mailing list and stay in touch with visitors by adding an email signup form. Offer a lead magnet like a guide, checklist or free consultation to increase signups.

Using these pre-built blocks allows you to quickly build a professional finance website without any coding required. You have full control over the content and design, and can rearrange or remove any elements to best achieve your business goals. The drag and drop editor makes it easy to create a custom finance landing page in just a few minutes.

Integrate With Your Favorite Tools
Integrate With Your Favorite Tools

Integrate With Your Favorite Tools

Once you’ve built your landing page, it’s time to connect it to the tools you use to run your business. Integrating with your existing systems and software will make your landing page even more powerful.

Connect to Your Email Marketing Service

Connect your landing page to your email service provider (ESP) like MailChimp, Drip or ActiveCampaign. This allows you to automatically add new subscribers from your landing page to your email lists. Set up the integration so that when someone submits the form on your landing page, they are instantly subscribed to your email newsletter or autoresponder drip campaign. This helps you continue to nurture them and build the relationship.

Track Conversions with Analytics

Linking Google Analytics to your landing page allows you to see how many visitors are coming to your page and how many are converting into leads by filling out the form. You can view traffic sources to see which marketing channels are most effective at driving conversions. Use this data to optimize your landing page content and layout to boost conversions over time.

Capture Leads with Forms

The most important element on your landing page is the lead capture form. Connect your form to a form processing service like FormKeep, Zapier or Integromat. They will automatically capture form submissions and send the lead data to your CRM, email service, spreadsheet or wherever else you want to store your leads. They also offer spam filtering and GDPR compliance for your forms.

Connect to Your CRM

If you use a customer relationship management (CRM) system like Salesforce, HubSpot or Pipedrive, connect it to your landing page. Have the lead data from your form submissions automatically pushed into your CRM to create new contacts. Then you can begin to nurture those new leads through email campaigns and sales outreach. Syncing your landing page and CRM eliminates manual data entry and ensures no leads slip through the cracks.

With these integrations in place, your landing page becomes a powerful lead generation tool. You can then focus on promotion and traffic to start converting visitors into high-quality leads for your business. Constant optimization will help increase your lead capture rates over time.

100% Mobile Responsive
100% Mobile Responsive

100% Mobile Responsive

Unicorn Platform’s landing page builder is fully responsive, ensuring your finance landing page looks great on any device.

Fluid Layouts

The drag and drop editor uses a fluid grid layout system that automatically adjusts for different screen sizes. Columns will rearrange and stack on top of each other as needed for the best viewing experience. Images and text blocks can also be made full width to maximize space.

Responsive Components

All of the elements in the builder including buttons, icons, images, text, etc. are responsive by default. They will resize proportionally based on the viewport width. You won’t need to create separate versions of components for mobile vs desktop.

Mobile Previews

See exactly how your landing page will look on various mobile devices right in the editor. Easily toggle between desktop, tablet and multiple phone size previews. Make any necessary adjustments to the content or layout to optimize the experience for smaller screens.

No Coding Required

You don’t need any web development skills to build a finance landing page that looks great across devices. The intuitive drag and drop interface makes it easy to:

  1. Add and style text, images, buttons, icons, etc.
  2. Choose from professionally designed landing page templates to get started.
  3. Select column layouts and make content full width with the click of a button.
  4. Preview and test the responsive design across multiple devices in real-time.
  5. Publish your landing page with 100% confidence that visitors will have an optimal experience regardless of how they access your site.

In summary, Unicorn Platform handles all the technical aspects of building a responsive finance landing page so you can focus on creating an amazing user experience. Your mobile visitors will appreciate how fast and easy your landing page is to navigate from any smartphone or tablet.

A/B Testing to Optimize Conversions

To maximize conversions on your finance landing page, ongoing A/B testing is essential. By making small changes to elements on your page and comparing the performance of the variants, you can optimize the page over time.

Test Headline and Subhead Variations

The headline and subheadline are the first things visitors see, so test different wording and layouts. Maybe a question headline will pique interest better than a statement. Try reordering or simplifying the subheads. See which combination gets the most clicks.

Vary the Page Layout

Test different layouts of page sections and the elements within them. For example, switch the order or number of customer logos, testimonials, or features shown. Try highlighting a selected feature at the top. See if a benefits-focused layout converts better than a features-focused one. Minor layout changes can lead to major improvements.

Change the Primary Call-to-Action (CTA)

The CTA is the visitor's path to conversion, so testing different CTAs is key. Try different button colors, sizes, wording, and locations. See if "Start your free trial" gets more clicks than "Sign up now." Find the right CTA for your audience and page goals.

  • Button color: Try green, red, blue - what's most eye-catching?
  • Wording: Test "Sign up," "Start free trial," "Join now"
  • Placement: Top right vs center vs bottom of page

Run Multivariate Tests

For maximum optimization, run tests that change multiple elements at once. You might test both the headline and CTA, or the page layout along with the featured customer logos. Multivariate testing can uncover the best combination of factors to improve your conversions.

Continuous testing and optimizing of your finance landing page will help ensure the best possible customer experience and conversion rates over time. Making data-driven changes based on the results of carefully controlled experiments is the key to success. Keep testing and you'll keep improving!

24/7 Customer Support

24/7 Live Chat Support

Unicorn Platform provides round-the-clock support for all users through our live chat feature. Our dedicated support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide prompt assistance with:

  • Account setup and configuration
  • Billing and payments
  • Technical issues or bugs
  • Questions about features, integrations or workflows
  • Feedback or suggestions

To access live chat support, simply click the chat bubble icon at the bottom right of your Unicorn Platform dashboard. A support agent will respond right away and provide hands-on help or troubleshooting.

Help Center Resources

In addition to live chat, the Unicorn Platform help center contains an extensive library of support articles and video tutorials. You can search for instructions on how to accomplish specific tasks within the platform or get answers to common questions. Some of the topics covered include:

  1. Getting started - Everything you need to know to build your first finance landing page or website.
  2. Integrations - How to connect your finance landing page or website to marketing, sales, and payment platforms.
  3. Customization - Ways to tailor the content, design, and functionality of your finance landing page or website.
  4. Billing - Details about Unicorn Platform subscription plans and payments.
  5. Tips and tricks - Recommendations for optimizing your finance landing page or website and improving your workflow.

We are continually adding to and updating our help center content based on user feedback and the latest features released in the platform. Check back regularly for the most up-to-date information and assistance.

Priority Support

For Finance Plan subscribers, Unicorn Platform offers priority live chat and email support. Your questions and issues will be addressed first by our team, ensuring the fastest possible resolution and minimum downtime for your finance landing page or website. Upgrade to a Finance Plan to receive gold standard service and support.

FAQs: Can I Use Unicorn Platform if I Have Zero Coding Skills?

Using the Unicorn Platform requires no coding skills or technical expertise. The intuitive drag and drop builder allows you to create a professional finance landing page in minutes.

Easy to Use Interface

The Unicorn Platform features an intuitive drag and drop interface, so you can build your page by simply dragging elements onto the canvas and dropping them into place. Pre-designed sections, blocks and widgets make it easy to add things like:

  • Hero banners
  • Services grids
  • Testimonial carousels
  • Pricing tables
  • Contact forms

With just a few clicks, you can change colors, upload your logo, customize fonts, and rearrange or delete sections. No HTML or CSS required.

Mobile-Friendly and Optimized

Unicorn Platform creates fully responsive pages that automatically adapt to mobile devices. Your finance landing page will look great on smartphones, tablets, and desktops alike. The platform also optimizes your page for search engines by generating semantic HTML markup and meta tags.

Integrations and Plugins

Unicorn Platform offers many useful integrations and plugins to enhance your landing page. You can connect your email marketing service, live chat, social share buttons, and more. For finance sites, useful plugins include:

  1. Payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal) to accept customer payments
  2. Contact form builders (Formidable Forms) for lead capture
  3. Analytics (Google Analytics) to track page views and conversions


While Unicorn Platform handles the technical aspects, you have full control over the design and content of your page. You can:

  • Upload your own images, fonts, color palettes
  • Add custom CSS or HTML
  • Translate to any language
  • Remove the Unicorn Platform branding

For DIY entrepreneurs and small businesses, Unicorn Platform is an easy and affordable way to create an effective finance landing page without a web designer. Give it a try today and launch your page in minutes!


As you can see, Unicorn Platform provides an easy way to create a professional finance landing page in just a few minutes. Their simple drag and drop builder is ideal for startups and SaaS companies looking to quickly launch a finance-focused website or capture leads. With a library of pre-built templates, custom fonts, and design elements all optimized for conversions, you have everything you need to build an impactful landing page. Best of all, no coding or design skills are required. So stop wasting time and money on unnecessary website development and start growing your business today with Unicorn Platform.

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Built on Unicorn Platform