5 Best Practices for Creating Medical Landing Pages

updated on 14 May 2024

As a medical practice, your online presence is critical to reaching new patients and growing your business. Creating a dedicated landing page for your website and mobile platforms is key to making a good first impression and converting visitors into leads. When done well, an optimized landing page can set you apart from competitors and drive more appointments and consultations. In this article, we will explore five best practices for developing medical landing pages that resonate with your target audience and achieve your key performance indicators. By following these recommendations, you can craft a landing page experience that is impactful, user-friendly, and designed to drive real results.

Choose a Responsive Design

To create an effective medical landing page, it is essential to choose a responsive design. A responsive design adjusts automatically based on the device used to view the page. With more and more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, a responsive design is critical.

  • Optimize your landing page for mobile devices. Ensure buttons and links are large enough to tap, keep forms short, and minimize scrolling.
  • Use a mobile-first approach. Design your landing page for mobile devices first, then adapt it for larger screens. This will ensure the most critical information and calls-to-action are visible on mobile.
  • Include meta tags that target mobile users. Meta tags are HTML tags that provide information about your web page. Include tags like “viewport” that are optimized for mobile.
  • Test the landing page on multiple devices. View your landing page on devices with different screen sizes like smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers to ensure all elements are responsive and the page is easy to navigate.

An effective medical landing page should load quickly, have a simple and clean layout, and convey a sense of professionalism. By choosing a responsive design and optimizing for mobile, you can create a landing page that will resonate with patients and generate more leads for your practice. Focusing on responsive design and a great user experience is one of the best ways to stand out in today's competitive digital landscape.

Include Relevant and Informative Content

To create an effective medical landing page, you must include relevant and informative content that educates your audience. Some best practices for content include:

  • Focus on a specific medical service, treatment, or area of expertise. Provide details about the options, processes, and expected outcomes to build credibility and trust. For example, if the page is for a weight loss clinic, discuss the programs, options, and what patients can expect in terms of results.
  • Highlight your experience, credentials, and patient satisfaction. Share information about your physicians, staff, accreditations, awards, testimonials, and patient reviews. Patients want to know they are in capable, caring hands.
  • Discuss how you can meet the needs of patients. Explain your approach to care, availability, insurance acceptance, and patient experience. Be transparent about costs, procedures, recovery, risks, and benefits. Patients appreciate providers who openly share information to help them make informed decisions.
  • Use visuals to strengthen your key points. Include high-quality images of your facility, staff, equipment, and more. Infographics, charts, and graphs are also useful for explaining complex topics in an easy to understand manner. However, be mindful of visuals and only include those that strengthen your message.
  • Provide a clear call-to-action. Tell visitors exactly what you want them to do next, such as schedule an appointment, request more information, or sign up for your newsletter. Make the call-to-action buttons highly visible and compelling to improve conversion rates.

With relevant, informative content and an effective call-to-action, your medical landing page can be a valuable tool for lead generation and building patient trust. Be authentic and focus on addressing patient needs, concerns, and questions to make a great first impression.

Highlight Your Expertise and Services

To build trust and credibility with your patients, you must highlight your expertise and services. This allows potential patients to understand your experience, skills, and how you can help them.

Emphasize Your Qualifications and Experience

List your education, certifications, and years of experience. For example:

  • Board Certified in Family Medicine with over 15 years of experience
  • Graduated from Harvard Medical School in 2005
  • Completed residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital

Patients want to know they are in capable hands, so prominently feature these qualifications on your landing page.

Showcase the Services You Offer

Clearly outline the services you provide so patients know exactly how you can help them. For example:

  • Annual physical exams and wellness visits
  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute illnesses like flu, strep throat, bronchitis
  • Management of chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
  • Minor surgical procedures like mole or cyst removal
  • Referrals to trusted specialists when needed

Use visuals like icons to make these services scannable and easy to understand. Group related services together under subheadings on your page.

Highlight Patient Testimonials and Reviews

Include authentic patient stories and reviews discussing their experience with your practice. For example:

“Dr. Smith is a caring and attentive physician. She takes the time to listen and develop a customized treatment plan. The staff is friendly and helpful. I highly recommend this practice.” – John D., Patient since 2015

Testimonials and reviews build social proof that you provide high quality care. Ask happy patients if you can feature their feedback on your landing page.

Highlighting your expertise, services and social proof helps establish you as a trusted healthcare provider in your community. Be sure to keep all information on your landing page up-to-date so you can continue to attract and better serve your patients.

Use Visuals to Engage Visitors
Use Visuals to Engage Visitors

Use Visuals to Engage Visitors

To effectively engage visitors on your medical landing page, visuals are essential. Images and videos are highly compelling and help to quickly convey important information and the benefits of your services.

Use High-Quality Images

Include professional images of your facility, staff, equipment, and services. Images should be high resolution, well-lit, and capture people and spaces in an authentic way. For the best results, hire a professional medical photographer. Images of real patients and staff help to humanize your practice and build trust.

Include Explainer Videos

Short videos, around 60 to 90 seconds, are an excellent way to give visitors an overview of your practice, services, and patient experience. Videos bring your landing page to life and cater to different learning styles. Keep videos upbeat and focus on the benefits to patients. Embed videos prominently on your page.

Spotlight Patient Testimonials

Patient testimonials and reviews build social proof that your practice provides high quality care. Include pictures of real patients along with their stories and reviews. Keep testimonials authentic but positive. Ask happy patients if you can feature their testimonial on your website.

Use Infographics to Educate

Infographics are an easy to digest way to visually communicate information about health conditions, treatments, and procedures. Infographics should have an attractive and consistent design, with a good balance of images and text. Keep the information simple and focus on one topic or message per infographic. Infographics are highly shareable on social media.

  • Bulleted lists
  • Numbered lists
  • Bold important terms
  • Use headings and subheadings

By incorporating high-quality and compelling visuals into your medical landing page, you make the information more accessible and memorable for visitors. Visuals help to capture attention, build trust, and motivate visitors to take action. An image-rich landing page, along with strong calls-to-action, will drive more leads and conversions for your practice.

Optimize for Mobile

To optimize your medical landing page for mobile devices, follow these best practices:

Design a Responsive Layout

A responsive design adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring your page looks professional on any device. Use a mobile-first approach by designing for smaller screens first, then scaling up components as needed for larger displays. Employ a grid-based layout with flexible images, text, and navigation that resize smoothly.

Include Tap Targets

On mobile, users interact by tapping the screen rather than clicking with a mouse. Ensure all interactive elements like buttons, links and form fields are large enough to tap easily without frustration. According to Google, the recommended minimum tap target size is 48px x 48px.

Simplify the Navigation

On smaller screens, minimize clutter and simplify the navigation. Use a “hamburger menu” to hide secondary navigation options off-screen, revealing them only when tapped. Only display the most important calls-to-action and links on the main page. Remove any unnecessary elements that take up space.

Load Quickly

With mobile data speeds and limited connectivity, fast load times are critical. Compress images to reduce file sizes. Minimize HTTP requests by combining CSS and JavaScript files. Use a content delivery network to serve static assets from the closest server. Aim for your page to load in under 3 seconds for the best user experience.

Test on Actual Devices

Emulators and simulators are not enough. Test your medical landing page on a variety of actual mobile devices to identify any issues. Check that all content displays properly, links and buttons work, and the overall user experience is optimized. Make any necessary tweaks to the design and development based on your testing.

Continuously optimizing for mobile is key to providing the best experience for your patients and generating more leads. By following these best practices, you can create a medical landing page that engages visitors on any device.

Include Clear Calls-to-Action
Include Clear Calls-to-Action

Include Clear Calls-to-Action

To maximize the effectiveness of your medical landing page, be sure to include clear calls-to-action (CTAs). CTAs prompt visitors to take the next step in their journey, whether it’s booking an appointment, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an e-book.

Make CTAs Prominent

Place your main CTA prominently on the page, such as at the top or centered. Use a bold color and large font size to make it stand out. For mobile sites, the CTA should be visible immediately when the page loads without scrolling.

Offer Value

The CTA should offer value to visitors, such as the opportunity to schedule a consultation or access useful health resources. For example, “Book Your Appointment Today” or “Download Our Guide to Managing Chronic Conditions.”

Keep CTAs Simple

CTAs should be simple and straightforward. Avoid overly clever or vague phrases that may confuse visitors or make them hesitant to click. For example, “Learn More” is not as effective as “Download E-Book.”

Use Action-Oriented Language

Use action-oriented language for your CTAs, such as:

  • Book now
  • Get started
  • Apply today
  • Schedule your appointment

This language is more compelling than passive phrases like “Click here” or “Find out more.”

Place CTAs Strategically

Place CTAs at natural stopping points where visitors may exit the page, such as:

  • At the end of an introductory paragraph.
  • Beneath an informative section or video.
  • At the bottom of the page in addition to the top.

Repeating your main CTA in multiple locations increases the chance visitors will click through before leaving the page.

Following these best practices will make the CTAs on your medical landing page highly visible and effective at converting visitors into patients and leads. Be sure to also A/B test different CTAs to determine which options resonate most with your target audience.

Keep Your Landing Page Simple

To maximize the effectiveness of your medical landing page, keep the design clean and clutter-free. A simple, easy-to-navigate page will make a good first impression on visitors and keep them engaged.

Focus on a Single Call-to-Action

Have one primary call-to-action, such as scheduling an appointment or downloading an eBook. Place this CTA prominently on the page, using a button or link that stands out. Keep secondary CTAs to a minimum so visitors are not distracted or confused about the next step.

Use a Simple Layout

Employ a minimal design with plenty of white space. Include only essential information and keep sections concise. Use headings and bullet points to break up paragraphs and make the content easy to scan. For example:

  • Office hours and location
  • Insurance plans accepted
  • Meet our physicians
  • Services offered

Optimize for Mobile

With more people accessing the web via smartphones and tablets, your landing page must be mobile-friendly. Use a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. Make buttons and links large enough to tap, and ensure images and text are clear and legible on smaller displays.

Include Relevant Visuals

Professional photos of physicians and staff, as well as images of your office and equipment, help bring your landing page to life. Infographics explaining medical procedures or conditions are also useful for patient education. However, do not overload the page with too many visuals, as this can make it cluttered and slow to load.

Provide Clear Next Steps

Tell visitors exactly what they need to do next to become a patient or learn more about your services. For example, invite them to call your office to schedule a consultation, fill out a contact form to request an appointment, or click a link to view your location and hours. Clear next steps will keep visitors moving through your conversion funnel.

Following these best practices will result in a medical landing page that is simple yet compelling, guiding visitors to take action and become patients. An optimized landing page is one of the most effective strategies for attracting and converting high-quality leads.

A/B Test Your Landing Page

To optimize your medical landing page, it is essential to test different versions to determine which one resonates most with your target audience. A/B testing allows you to compare two versions of the same page to see which one has a higher conversion rate. You can test different elements like page layouts, CTAs, images, copy, etc.

Set Up Your A/B Test

First, you will need to create two versions of your landing page that differ in only one element. For example, you can have two versions with different headline copy or CTA button colors. Make sure the rest of the page remains the same.

Choose Your Metrics

Determine what metrics you want to measure to assess the performance of each page variation. The most common metrics for landing pages are conversion rate, bounce rate, and click-through rate. Conversion rate measures the percentage of visitors who take a desired action like filling out a contact form. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. Click-through rate measures the number of clicks on elements like CTAs and links.

Run the Test and Analyze the Results

Once your A/B test is live, you need to direct an equal amount of traffic to each landing page variation. Let the test run for at least one week to get a good sample size. Then, analyze the metrics for each page to determine a winner. The variation with the higher conversion rate and lower bounce rate is typically the better performing page.

Implement the Winning Page

Replace your existing landing page with the better performing variation from the A/B test. Continue optimizing your page by running additional A/B tests to improve conversion rates over time. Even small changes can lead to significant improvements.

A/B testing your medical landing page is a data-driven way to enhance the user experience and increase lead generation. By methodically testing different page elements, you can craft a landing page that resonates most with your target patients and drives the outcomes that matter for your practice. Continuous optimization and improvement will ensure you have the most effective landing page to achieve your business goals.

How to create Landing Important for Medical Practices using Unicorn Platform?

To create effective medical landing pages, healthcare organizations should follow best practices that optimize the user experience. By implementing the recommendations below, you can develop landing pages that achieve your key objectives.

Focus on Mobile-Friendliness

With the majority of web traffic now coming from mobile devices, your landing pages must be fully responsive and optimized for smaller screens. Use a mobile-first design approach, large buttons and fonts, and minimal clutter.

Highlight Your Value Proposition

Clearly convey your key value proposition to visitors within the first few seconds of them arriving on your page. Use an attention-grabbing headline and visuals to communicate how you can meet their needs. Briefly list your main services, areas of expertise, and credentials to build credibility.

Streamline the User Journey

Make it easy for visitors to take the next step, whether booking an appointment, downloading educational content, or providing their contact information. Use prominent call-to-action buttons, minimize the number of clicks required to complete a conversion, and avoid distracting links that lead away from the page.

Focus on Relevance and Personalization

Tailor content to your target audiences and their interests. For example, emphasize services for families on a pediatrics landing page. Use dynamic content to display reviews, FAQs, and other information relevant to the visitor. Personalize the experience by detecting the visitor’s location to show doctors and facilities nearby.

Continuously Optimize

Use analytics tools to monitor how visitors interact with your landing pages and look for opportunities to improve performance. Track metrics like bounce rates, time on page, and conversion rates. Make incremental changes to content, layout, images, and calls-to-action based on the data to optimize the page over time. Regularly update content to keep information current and fresh.

By following these best practices, you can develop landing pages that resonate with visitors, meet their needs, and motivate them to take action. Continually optimizing your landing pages based on user behavior and feedback will help maximize their effectiveness and support your key business goals.


In summary, creating a medical landing page for your website or mobile is essential to attract patients and generate leads. By following the 5 best practices outlined here - having a clear call-to-action, optimizing for mobile, showcasing your expertise, building trust through social proof, and keeping your content concise yet compelling - you can develop an effective landing page that resonates with your target audience. A well-designed landing page is one of the best ways to stand out from competitors and increase your conversion rates. Implement these best practices and watch as more visitors become patients and your practice grows.

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