Working With Online Courses? Use Course Selling Webpage Template by Unicorn Platform

published on 30 June 2023

Are you an educator looking to create an effective landing page to sell your online course? As an instructor, you know that a high-quality, professional landing page is key to converting visitors into students. However, building an attractive landing page from scratch requires technical skills and time that you likely don’t have.

Fortunately, tools exist to help you easily build a custom course selling webpage without needing to code. Unicorn Platform offers a drag and drop website and blog builder specifically tailored for startups, mobile apps, and SaaS businesses. Their course selling webpage template provides a simple yet elegant solution to create a landing page to sell your online course.

What Is a Landing Page and Why Do You Need One?

As an online course creator, having an effective landing page is essential to converting visitors into customers. A landing page is a standalone web page that is focused on one goal, which in this case is selling your online course.

Why do you need a landing page? A landing page allows you to:

  • Focus the visitor's attention on one action: purchasing your course. By removing navigation links and keeping content concise, you guide the visitor to take that desired action.
  • Tailor your message to your audience. You can optimize the copy, images, and calls-to-action (CTAs) based on your target students. This customization leads to higher conversion rates.
  • Generate leads. With an email opt-in, you can collect visitor emails to build your mailing list. You can then market to these leads with follow-up emails, promotions, and content.
  • Improve analytics. By directing all traffic to your landing page, you get clear data on how visitors are engaging with your content and CTAs. You can then optimize to improve conversions.

When creating your landing page, focus on a few key elements:

  • A headline and subheadline that capture interest and convey the course benefits. For example, “Learn Data Analysis in Just 10 Hours” or “Become a Python Pro and Advance Your Career.”
  • Bullet points highlighting key course features and outcomes. For example:

›10 hours of on-demand video content

›Learn data cleaning, visualization, and modeling with Python

›Build a portfolio-ready data analysis project

›Lifetime access to course materials

  • Images that match your brand and complement the headline and bullet points.
  • A lead capture form. Offer an incentive like a coupon code or free module in exchange for their email address.
  • Prominent CTAs like “Enroll Now” or “Get Started Today.”
  • Social proof from student reviews and ratings to build trust.

With the right landing page, you'll attract more students and increase your course sales. By speaking directly to your target audience and highlighting the benefits of your course, you'll capture leads and boost conversions.

Choose a Course Selling Webpage Template on Unicorn Platform

When choosing a course selling webpage template, you have several options to consider on Unicorn Platform. Selecting the right template can have a significant impact on your course launch and sales.

First, evaluate your course topic and audience. For technical or professional courses, a clean, minimalist template with plenty of white space is a great choice. For creative or hobby courses, consider a template with visual flair that matches your brand. Make sure the overall impression conveyed by the template aligns with your course subject matter and target customers.

Next, determine if you want a template focused on selling a single course or one that accommodates an entire course catalog. If launching one course, a dedicated landing page is ideal. For multiple courses, select a template with featured course sections that allow visitors to browse your full range of offerings. These catalog-style templates often include course categories, ratings, reviews and bestseller badges to help visitors discover relevant courses.

Also, consider how much customization you need. Some templates provide basic sections to fill in course and pricing details. Others offer more advanced features like video backgrounds, countdown timers, testimonial sliders and email opt-in forms. Choose a template with the functionality to achieve your specific conversion goals.

Finally, think about mobile-responsiveness. With many students accessing courses on the go, a template optimized for mobile devices is essential. Look for one with a minimal, uncluttered design and large text and buttons that are easy to see and tap on a small screen.

If you're looking to create an art classes landing page, check out our article on creating an art classes landing page in minutes to get started.

By evaluating your needs and options thoroughly, you can choose a high-performing course selling template and create an impactful webpage that turns visitors into enrolled students. Success is just a few clicks away with the right template on Unicorn Platform.

Customize Your Landing Page Without Code
Customize Your Landing Page Without Code

Customize Your Landing Page Without Code

To customize your landing page without any coding experience, Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop builder. You can easily modify and personalize your course selling landing page template to match your brand and attract potential customers.

Select a Template

Unicorn Platform offers professionally-designed templates for landing pages, websites, and blogs across various niches. For a course selling page, choose a template with suitable layouts, eye-catching images, and sales copy to highlight your online course offerings. Preview different templates to find one that you want to customize.

Modify the Layout

Once you select a template, you can drag and drop sections to rearrange the layout. Add or remove image galleries, video sections, countdown timers, contact forms, and more. Resize columns and sections by dragging their edges. Move elements up, down, left or right. Rearrange the layout for the most logical and impactful user experience flow to encourage course signups.

Update Colors and Fonts

Choose from an extensive collection of fonts, colors, and color palettes to match your brand. Select different colors and fonts for headings, subheadings, body text, buttons, and other elements. Change the background color or add an image. Unicorn Platform gives you full control over the look and feel of your landing page.

Add Custom Content

Input your own text, images, and videos to personalize the content. Describe your online courses, highlight key benefits and features, share student testimonials, and convey your brand message. You can also link to your social media profiles and online course pages. Provide strong calls-to-action like "Enroll Now" or "Start Learning" buttons to prompt visitors to sign up for your courses.

Review and Launch

Once you have customized the template, review your landing page and preview how it will appear on desktop and mobile. Make any final changes before launching your page. You can then start driving traffic to your new course selling landing page through social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, and other strategies.

With the Unicorn Platform landing page builder, you have everything you need to create a high-converting course selling webpage without coding. Customize a template, update the content, modify the layout and branding, and launch your landing page to start promoting your online courses.

Collect Emails and Build Your List
Collect Emails and Build Your List

Collect Emails and Build Your List

To build your email list and stay in contact with your course customers, you’ll want to add an email signup form to your course selling webpage. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your online course, engage with students, and drive more sales.

Add an Email Signup Form

Include a signup form on your course landing page so visitors can enter their email to receive updates about your course. You might offer a lead magnet like a free cheat sheet or video in exchange for their email. Use a service like Mailchimp, Aweber or ActiveCampaign to create the signup form and house your email list.

Offer an Incentive

Giving away a valuable resource in exchange for an email, known as a lead magnet, is an effective way to grow your list. It could be a cheat sheet, checklist, video tutorial or other useful resource related to your course topic. For example, if you’re selling a course on productivity, offer a printable weekly schedule template.

Send an Autoresponder

Once someone signs up, send an autoresponder email with the promised lead magnet, a welcome message and additional details about your course. The autoresponder should go out instantly so your new subscribers receive value right away. Be sure to include a strong call-to-action in the email to encourage them to purchase your course.

Send Regular Updates

Build a relationship with your list by sending regular updates with helpful content related to your course topic. Share lessons from your course, behind-the-scenes videos, announcements about course updates, success stories and more. Aim for at least 1 email per week to stay consistently in contact.

Offer Discounts and Promotions

Use your email list to promote discounts and special offers for your online course. For example, you might offer a 20% off coupon for new students or run a flash sale with 50% off for the first 10 people who purchase. Discounts and promotions are highly effective for driving quick sales and revenue.

Building your email list and staying in regular contact with subscribers is key to establishing yourself as an authority, promoting your course, and making more sales. Focus on providing value, building trust and nurturing relationships with your followers. An engaged email list can be one of your most significant assets as a course creator.

Increase Conversions With Social Proof

To increase conversions on your course selling landing page, implement social proof. Social proof refers to the influence that the actions and opinions of others have on an individual's behavior. When potential customers see that others have purchased and benefited from your course, they are more inclined to buy it themselves.


Include authentic testimonials from satisfied students prominently on your page. Potential customers want to hear from real people like themselves who have taken your course. Keep testimonials concise yet compelling, highlighting the key benefits and transformations experienced. Accompany each testimonial with the student’s full name, photo, and location to build credibility.

Student Showcase

Feature a “Student Showcase” section highlighting the work and achievements of top students in your program. This demonstrates the knowledge and skills students can gain from your course. Ask students for permission to share examples of their course projects, papers, or other work. Explain how your course enabled them to produce such results.

Ratings and Reviews

If your course is offered on a platform that allows ratings and reviews, prominently display your high average rating and number of reviews. This social proof indicates to visitors that many others have found value in your course. Respond to both positive and critical reviews to show you care about student feedback and are committed to constant improvement.

Case Studies

Develop two or three in-depth case studies showcasing students who achieved meaningful results from your course. Describe their challenges before taking the course, what they learned, key actions they took, and the outcomes they experienced. Case studies allow potential students to connect with relatable success stories, visualizing the transformation your course offers.


Does your course allow students to earn a certification or credential? Feature badges, seals, or other certification images on your page. The opportunity to achieve certification persuades some students by signaling a higher level of knowledge or expertise. Certification also gives students an additional incentive to complete your full course.

Using a variety of social proof elements on your landing page, such as authentic testimonials, a student showcase, prominent ratings and reviews, case studies, and certifications, will significantly boost conversions and sales of your online course. Build trust in your course by showing how others have benefited, and more visitors will eagerly enroll.

A/B Test Your Landing Page

To optimize your course selling landing page, A/B testing different versions is key. A/B testing involves creating alternate versions of your page and running experiments to determine which one converts visitors into customers most effectively.

Set A/B Testing Goals

First, establish concrete goals for your A/B tests. Some options include:

  • Increasing signup rates
  • Growing email list subscriptions
  • Boosting course sales

Choose one primary goal to focus on for each round of testing.

Create A/B Test Variations

Develop a few different versions of your landing page that vary in:

  • Page copy (wording, messaging, headlines, etc.)
  • Layout (placement of elements, images, videos, etc.)
  • Visuals (different images, color schemes, fonts, etc.)
  • Call-to-action (CTA) buttons (size, color, text, etc.)

Keep all other page elements the same between versions so you can accurately determine what changes impact your goals.

Run the Experiment

Once you have your alternate landing pages developed, run an A/B test experiment:

  1. Randomly split your website traffic evenly between the different page versions.
  2. Monitor key metrics like signup rates, email list subscriptions and course sales to see which variation performs best.
  3. Let the test run for at least 2 weeks to gather enough data to draw conclusions.

Analyze the Results and Optimize

After completing your A/B test, analyze the results to determine which landing page variation achieved your goals most effectively. Then, make that version your primary landing page. You can now further optimize that page through additional A/B testing.

Continually optimizing your course selling landing page through A/B testing different versions will help maximize your key metrics and get the best results from your marketing efforts. Adjusting even small elements on your page can lead to significant improvements, so keep testing and optimizing over time.

Integrate With Your Email Marketing Service

To maximize the reach of your online course, you should integrate it with your email marketing service. This allows you to promote your course to your mailing list and stay in regular contact with students.

Connect to an Email Service

Most website builders like Unicorn Platform offer native integrations with major email marketing services such as Mailchimp, Drip, and ActiveCampaign. You simply connect your account to automatically sync your mailing lists and send emails to course students.

Send an Enrollment Email

Once a student enrolls in your course, trigger an automated welcome email from your email service. This first email should contain:

  • A welcome message thanking them for enrolling
  • Details about when the course starts and what topics will be covered
  • Instructions for accessing the course materials on your website
  • An invitation to introduce themselves to you and other students

Share Updates and Announcements

Use your email list to share important updates about the course such as:

  • When new lessons or materials have been added
  • Q&A or discussion call invitations
  • Deadline reminders
  • Additional resources like blog posts or video tutorials
  • Celebrate milestones and student wins! Send a quick email congratulating students for completing a module or assignment. This positive reinforcement will keep them engaged.

Promote Related Products and Services

Once students have completed your course, promote other related offers to them via email such as:

  • Advanced follow-up courses
  • One-on-one coaching programs
  • Paid memberships or online communities
  • Physical products that complement the course material

Staying in regular contact with your students through email marketing is one of the best ways to keep them engaged, provide support, and continue the customer relationship. With an email integration on your course website, this process can be highly automated for efficiency. Students will appreciate your ongoing communication and be more inclined to enroll in your future courses or other offers.

Course Selling Landing Page Certification FAQs

What certifications or credentials do I need to sell online courses?

To sell online courses, you do not necessarily need any official certifications or credentials. However, certain credentials may help establish your authority and expertise in your course topic. Some options to consider include:

  • Relevant degrees or professional certifications in your field of study. For example, if you are teaching language courses, a certification to teach that language may be helpful.
  • Certification in instructional design. Courses like the Instructional Design Certification from the Association for Talent Development can teach you effective course development methodologies.
  • Certification as an online instructor. Programs like the Online Teaching Certificate from the Online Learning Consortium can provide guidance on best practices for online teaching.

Do I need any special software or tools to sell online courses?

To sell and deliver online courses, you will need certain essential tools:

  • A website to promote your courses and handle enrollment. You can use a simple website builder to create landing pages that describe your courses.
  • An ecommerce platform to accept payments. Services like PayPal, Stripe, and Square allow you to securely accept credit card payments for your courses.
  • A learning management system (LMS) to actually host your course content. Popular LMS options include Thinkific, Teachable, and Podia. These systems make it easy to upload course videos, documents, assignments, and quizzes.
  • Optional tools include video conferencing software like Zoom for live lectures or Q&A, email marketing services to promote your courses, and collaboration tools for engaging with students.
  • You may also want to invest in high-quality recording equipment to create professional course videos. A good microphone, webcam, and video editing software are recommended.

Selling online courses does require certain technology investments and skills. However, many of the tools have intuitive user interfaces and active support communities to help you get started. With some time and practice, you can master the technical components needed to build and sell a successful online course.


In today's fast-paced digital world, creating an effective online course landing page has never been more important. Using a tool like Unicorn Platform can save you valuable time and ensure you have an optimized page to capture leads and sell your course. Their course selling webpage template provides a simple yet elegant design with all the necessary elements to showcase your course, build credibility, and inspire signups. For anyone looking to build an online course business, investing in a tool to streamline the process is a smart decision that can pay dividends through increased enrollments and revenue.

One great option is using Unicorn Platform's best online course landing page builder. With their drag and drop builder and pre-designed templates, you can create a professional landing page to sell your course in no time. Give it a try with their free trial and see the results for yourself. The time is now - take your online course to the next level with a high-converting course selling webpage.

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